If one were to define fat acceptance by the definition set out in Bigger Fatter Blog's mission statement and by our philosophy one has to reach the conclusion that most Americans are indeed fat acceptors. The only difference between us and them is that because we are organized we are active obesity promoters and gluttony promoters and they are passive obesity and gluttony promoters. On occasion a fatling will back slide and go on a diet but we know that never lasts all that long and soon they are back in the fold. We go a bit nervous with CG Brady's weight loss method but it will never reach the masses. We fatlings and our obesity is a massive economic force. There is no way the powers that be will want us to slim down. The only way that will happen is if we have some of sort of "come to Jesus moment" and and reject our hedonism and greedy gluttony for some silly altruistic selfless holier than thou paradigm. Like that is ever going to happen. The fact is, the fattest people on earth are fundamentalist holy rolling evangelical Christians.
Godly Gormandizer Rev Jerry Falwell
The late Jerry Falwell was a prime example of the power of the belly God. It would appear that our belly God trumped even Dr Falwell's punitive god of suffering and pain. Clearly Jerry Falwell ignored this Biblical proclamation PROVERBS 23:21 for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags. Obviously Falwell's greedy gluttony did not make him a pauper. Falwell was a millionaire. Falwell also ignored the following Biblical verses as well. Proverbs 23:2-3 And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite. Be not desirous of his dainties: for they are deceitful meat. Philippians 3:19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. Perhaps the fact that Jesus was a skinny runt caused the fundamentalist Falwell to rethink the Biblical admonitions regarding gluttony found in the scripture. Not only did the Reverend Falwell reject the biblical admonitions regarding gluttony so have most major Christian denomination with the exception of the Seventh Day Adventists who follow strict dietary laws.
It certainly would appear that our belly god has spanked that nasty Christian god but good. Unbridled food lust is spreading like wild fire. Bigger Fatter Blog is proud to announce that a whopping seventy three percent of Americans are either fat or obese and that number is growing. USA! USA!! USA!!!
Stop drooling Proud FA! Fatlings paying homage to the Belly God.
Gluttony and food lust has no political boundaries. Not only are right wingnuts fat so are left wingnuts. The Belly God in truly non partisan.
Michael Moore stuffing his meat face with meat.
When it comes to worship of the Belly God, far left nut job Michael Moore would put his differences aside with far right fat boy Rush Limbaugh.
Defacto leader of the GOP Rush Limbaugh.
If you were to put on a good feed Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore would happily put the differences aside as they'd make short work of a buffet. The political polarization within the fat acceptance movement is indeed a sad thing but the far left man hating feminazi nut jobs like Kate Harding represent a very loud and very ineffective and very small subculture within the fat acceptance movement. The majority of fat acceptors see the feminist take over of the fat acceptance movement as no real threat to them. We at Bigger Fatter Blog don't see it as a threat per se but a the same time we don't want anyone to believe that most fat people think they way they do. The fact is, most fat people are men. We men are the majority of fat people.
We have an agenda and the fat feminists have an agenda. Our agenda is the continued promotion, celebration and normalization of obesity and gluttony. Their agenda is to bitch and whine and blame. Our message in positive their message is negative and and ultimately self-defeating.
We don't wear this badge. This is not us nor is this the the face of the overwhelming majority of fat people. Fat people are well adjusted and happy. Studies have proven that time and time again. Fat people are friendly, positive and content. In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Caesar proclaims: "Let me have men about me that are fat, Sleek-headed men and such as sleep a-nights. Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look, He thinks too much; such men are dangerous." We all know what happened to Caesar and the Roman Empire because of a small group of agitators and angry zealots like Kate Harding.
Happy fatling.
Food makes us fatlings happy and we eat a lot and we eat often so it stands to reason we are happy most of the time. The growing obesity bloom is cause for celebration so the way to celebrate is to ramp up our eating even more. Obesity in this country is like a tide. It is unstoppable. This glorious flabbalanche is moving like a rocket powered freight train on steroids. It cannot be contained or even slowed. Enjoy the ride. PIG OUT!
Be proud of your piggish proportions and your gluttonous ways. Take a page from Marylin Wann's book Fatso. Your greedy gluttony and gormandizing is great and glorious. Guilt free gluttony is the final step in true fat liberation. We are the majority! The majority rules! The war is over. We have won! Now it is time to enjoy the spoils of our victory. EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT you big fat WINNER!
Embrace the FAT! Bon Appetite!
This is the next phase in political fat acceptance. The days of justifying our fatness by lying and saying we have a mysterious genetic or metabolic disorder are over. We now freely admit to and embrace what the fat haters would call gluttony. We fatlings are no longer apologists for our size nor our greedy gluttony. We are fat because we eat huge amounts of food and we like it. If you don't like it get used to it because fat people are now the overwhelming majority.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Men, Moobs and Mammograms
Just as sloth and gluttony has become fashionable so has the moob aka the man boob. Massive meaty male mammary glands are fast becoming fashionable. More and more men are flaunting macho melons. Unfortunately the fashion industry has been slow in recognizing the commercial potential of these hefty he man hooters.
Sadly for America, Japan has taken the lead in the development of men's over the shoulder boulder holders. America will be importing men's bras from Japan. Leave it to the resourceful Japanese to recognize the next big thing and beat us to the punch.
Nippon Brassiere company.
Fat men have enjoyed wearing thong panties for many years so why has it taken so long for clothing manufacturers and designers to produce a man bra for the unique man boob?
Above: Fat man flaunting his flabby fanny WWE's Rikishi show his ample ass.
Chips ahoy! Jack Nicholson growing his man boobs (moobs)
This guy needs a bird dog bra to turn his setters into pointers.
Vinnie Barbarino or Vinnie Boobarino?
American Idol's boobastic Simon Cowell sporting a perky pair
Macho Macho Moobs!
Big bouncy boy boobs!
The Japanese are always copying us Yanks
OK ladies you have seen a whole bunch of greedy gluttons with gynecomastia but now it is time to stop drooling. Proud FA brought up a serious issue, breast cancer in men. I decided to consult a fat friendly doctor for the skinny on boy boob blubber. Here is part of the interview.
Doctor Sizemore on Moobs
Dr Sizemore checking for breast and testicular cancer.
Fat Bastard: Dr. Sizemore, do men get breast cancer
Dr. Sizemore: The answer to your question Fat Bastard is yes. Men make up about two percent of all breast cancer cases, but breast cancer in men is often fatal because the symptoms are ignored.
Men would be wise to do a self-exam when they take a shower. Some men's chests, being flat, will be easier to examine than a woman's chest is. Guys like you Fat Bastard have breasts that are not unlike women's breasts. Soaping your breasts makes them slippery and that helps you feel the details of the tissue better. This is true for women, too, of course.
Fat Bastard: That sounds like fun!
Doctor Sizemore: If you find a lump, you should get a mammogram. I don't think there is a recommendation for routine mammograms for men, but because sadly so few protocols exist, I suggest you do your own extensive literature search.
Fat Bastard: Have you treated many men with breast cancer?
Dr Sizemore: I have had several male patients with breast cancer. I would like to tell you about one in particular.
Fat Bastard: Please do.
Doctor Sizemore: His first symptom was that his left nipple was inverted - it was pulling in. That began to increase and then it became very painful. One night, it hurt so badly that it woke him up. That's when he called my office. I found a lump so I sent him on to a surgeon.
The surgeon said he didn't think he had breast cancer, but he tested him anyway and found out what I had suspected. Eventually he went to a breast specialist to have the tumor removed.
Since this experience, I have run into four or five more cases in Herkimer alone. I don't hear the media talk about male breast cancer though, so I'm hoping to raise awareness.
Fat Bastard: We will be presenting this on Bigger Fatter Blog doctor. We too want to raise awareness. If I told my doctor that I suspected I had breast cancer how would he respond?
Doctor Sizemore: I would expect that many general practitioners would brush you off, send you on your way with some antibiotics.
Since we can't count on the media for accuracy and balanced reporting, I appreciate guys like you Fat Bastard keeping the public informed.
Fat Bastard: Are men with moobs at greater risk for developing breast cancer.
Doctor Sizemore: I really cannot give you a definite yes because the problem has not been thoroughly studied but I can tell you from my own experience that all of the cases of male breast cancer I have observed in my patients obesity was also present. That makes sense for many reasons. For certain cancers like breast cancer there is a link to estrogen. Fat stores more estrogen. There is also evidence in the medical literature that testosterone can prevent breast cancer. Being that fat men tend to have lower testosterone levels and higher estrogen levels then it would follow that they would be more likely to develop breast cancer. Fat also tends to store more carcenogens and fat people tend to eat more processed foods that are low in anti-oxidants. That too can increase the risks for all sorts of cancers. Fat people do develop cancer at a higher rate than lean people so I would have to say that it is reasonable to conclude that fat men are more likely to develop breast cancer than lean men.
Fat Bastard: As the leading voice in the new fat acceptance it is our duty to keep fat guys informed about health issues. Doctor, should men with boobs get mammograms?
Dr Sizemore: Most doctors would say no but they would be wrong. I strongly recommend men with gynecomastia have regular mammograms.
Blog readers,
Breast cancer is another risk of gluttony and obesity. If you find the risk acceptable as we do then be fat and pig out like the glutton that you are. If you don't find that the risks outweigh the pleasures derived from gluttony then don't be fat greedy gormandizer like us. Because this blog is done in the interest of fat people we give you both sides of the story. I encourage our readers to examine their moobs regularly. Being that moobs are pretty much the same as boobs the examination protocols are the same. If you have moobs you should have a yearly mammogram. If your doctor does not schedule you for one find a doctor who will. In the meantime learn how to perform a proper moob self-examination.
At your service,
Fat Bastard and Proud FA, Leaders of the New Fat Acceptance movement.
PS I have asked Teddy Bear for his thoughts on moobs. For those of you who don't know, Teddy Bear is a the world's leading authority on obese anatomy and obese body types ie soma-forms. If you have not read his work on pear and apple shaped bodies please do. It is both highly entertaining and informative. If I may I would like to coin a term for the field of study Dr Gerald "Teddy" Bear has created. I will call it fatanatomy.
Fat Bastard