This is the next phase in political fat acceptance. The days of justifying our fatness by lying and saying we have a mysterious genetic or metabolic disorder are over. We now freely admit to and embrace what the fat haters would call gluttony. We fatlings are no longer apologists for our size nor our greedy gluttony. We are fat because we eat huge amounts of food and we like it. If you don't like it get used to it because fat people are now the overwhelming majority.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Has MeMe Roth Gone Too Far?
MeMe Roth riding on her broom and sweeping out all the goodies as she terrorizes our young fatlings.
Everyone in the fat acceptance movement knows MeMe Roth MeMe who runs a group called National Action Against Obesity, and now she is crashing elementary school parties because they are serving kids delicious glutton fare. MeMe recently went to her daughter's school and had a conniption fit because of the yummy food being served. Roth exclaimed, “I thought I was sending my kid to P.S. 9, not Chuck E. Cheese,” Ms. Roth, a strident thinling and a hotling 40-year-old from Atlanta, said in an interview. “Is there or is there not an obesity and diabetes epidemic in this country?” Such a mother hen you are MeMe! Fat kids are cute as hell. Look at the Campbell Soup kids.
and look at these happy little chubblings....
MeMe Leave us kids alone!
MeMe Roth will not be satisfied until all children look like these two tykes.
Stop fretting about diabetes too MeMe because we have Liberty Medical who will deliver our diabetes supplies right to our door at no cost to us along with a free meter. We also have Wilford Brimley telling us to check our blood sugar and to check it often so that our diabetis won't get to out of control and if it does and we get a diabetic ulcer like one of these bad boys we can get a good old fashioned amputation if needed and then get one of these babies, a 36" Bariatric Bounder.
MeMe you need to consider the health care crisis in the country. Without the medical needs of us fatlings feeding the starving medical industry our economy would tank. Our gluttony is good! It creates jobs! Obesity helps fuel he medical industry. You just don't get it!
Other blogs have reacted with moral outrage to this out of control food cop.
MeMe Roth cruelly taunting fat girls with her movie star looks and smokin body
Real men like real women with real curves. Only a dog wants a bone and just because I don't/can't pork fat girls and Proud FA is no longer porking fat girls that does not mean we don't find fat girls hot. Fat girls are very very hot and that is why they dress like sluts and show so much skin. They need the ventilation for Christ's sake or else they'd overheat when they overeat! Ms Roth has no need to dress like a harlot!
MeMe The Terrorist
MeMe Roth is a one woman Taliban. Ms carrots and peas Roth wants to ban most foods. Her deep seated hatred for us fatlings has driven her agenda along with fellow fat hater first lady Michelle Obama to terrorize our fatling pups aka fat kids with fruits and vegetables. If Ms Roth and Mrs Obama get there way all we will be allowed to eat is lettuce and seaweed. People like Emeril, Paula Deen the Butter Queen will be rounded up and sen to Gitmo and reprogrammed to cook like Graham Kerr and Nathan Lyon.
You need to be eating some KFC and soul food sista!
We have shootings, bombings and rapes in our elementary schools everyday and you Ms Roth are concerned about cupcakes and a few million cases of diabetes that can easily be treated by the greatest medical system in the world? How dare you storm into a school and take away the tasty num nums from kids? That Ms Roth is child abuse! You are probably one of those parents that forces your kids to eat spinach and carrots. Somebody should report you you killjoy!
I could not leave BFB's readers seeing such an ugly image that the First Lady is using to terrorize our kids and create a country of anorexics so I, Fat Bastard, leave you with this comforting image and I give you this sage advice. EAT!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Pannus? Panny? Panniculus? Pannicula?
A hefty hunny with a hunny of a hanging pannus
JOLLY OLD PANICULUS sung to tune of Jolly Old St Nicholas
Jolly old Panniculus send your musk my way
You so disgust shallow men you could turn them gay
A hefty hunny with a hunny of a hanging pannus |
You hang down o'er genitals and down past my knees
You flip and flop when I walk and create a breeze
I am fat but it's not my fault so why all the fuss?
If you loved me you'd accept me, my panny and the puss.
Help to my power chair. Take me for a ride.
I'm proud of my panny and that's why I won't hide.
My Panny it protects me from every sling and arrow
That is why I have it ride in a wheel barrow.
Oh I love my Panny it is something I adore
If I keep eating pretty soon my panny will hit the floor.
Panny you are more than just an average jelly belly
You look like a well cured ham you'd find at a deli.
You're my extra body part a blanket for my knees
And in the summertime you create a breeze.
A triple meat pannus on a stick!
I wrote the above song to celebrate the myriad of body shapes. I will leave the scientific stuff to our friend, and somatype expert and social commentator, artist, philosopher, gainer, bariatric nutritionist and fat studies professor "Dr" Gerald "Teddy" Bear. This song is for all the fat people that the NAAFA style fat acceptance rejects. Back in the days when I was porking fat girls, I figured the fatter the better. Sadly NAAFA never saw it that way. They kept up their fat and fit propaganda.
Gluttony is a choice and true fat acceptance will acknowledge that reality and encourage gaining, feederism and power eating while at the same time respecting a fatling's choice to go on a weight loss diet. NAAFA has been on a slippery slope due to its hypocrisy. While we at Bigger Fatter Blog are against most forms of weight loss surgery we would not shun anyone who was dumb enough to pay some greedy doctor to butcher them. People get conned sometimes. It goes with being human but the biggest con job was when NAAFA went from the National Association Aiding Fat Americans to the National Association Advancing Fat Acceptance. They turned founder Bill Fabrey's dream into a nightmare of an organization.
Fat people already accept being fat because if they didn't they would all look like me and my fiance Thinnette. Fat people are accepted and they are not looking for acceptance. They are looking for accommodation. If NAAFA would return to its roots and AID fat people instead of exploiting them and turning them into victims the FA movement would have taken hold but after 40 years it has fizzled and now it twists in the wind. The few NAAFans left are like the tea baggers. They are rebels with out a cause or a clue.
Editor's note: BFB has a disgruntled reader claiming we stole an image of her from a blog she claims to own. She has refused to provide us a link to her blog and has since claimed that the blog no longer exists. We found the image in question at this site. Click here Dee or the person claiming to be Dee is lying.
This we think is the image disputed image.
This image was also found here
And HERE!!
ATT: BFB READERS: We Need your help!
After further investigation we strongly suspect that Dee and actually super sized model and fat porn actress Deidra Babe. She is the same Deidra Babe who threatened Mexican comedian and teenager Miguel Royo with legal action for using her picture. We cannot tell if Dee and Deidra Babe are indeed the same person but we would like your opinion. So here are some pix of Diedra Babe. As our many readers know, fatlings often morph into indistinguishable shapes so unless we can enhance these pictures and do a pupil scan and comparative analysis all we can go on is your expert opinions.
Are Dee and porn model Diedra Babe the same person? We may have to ask the foremost expert on fat body types "Dr" Gerald "Teddy" Bear to ascertain if Dee and Deidra are indeed the same person
The Plaintiff: Deidra Babe, the unstoppable beast.
Deidra babe wants to be a super-size model, pleading "there needs to be a balance represented so that the world can be a better place to live for people of all sizes of large!" And Dee also claimed to be in he entertainment industry only Dee claims to be a singer.
With different lighting and hairstyles it a tough call.
Diedra Babe Dee Dillard the same person? You tell us.
In the above images the eyes and eyebrows appear to be IDENTICAL! Both are small chested for fat women. Both have pannys although one of the pannies is being supported with an undergarment of unknown strength. Both have ham arms and small lips. Coach Gains is a forensics expert and perhaps if he sees his he can offer an expert opinion along with "Dr" Bear's.
I think the similarities are uncanny so I think Dee and Diedra are the same person.
Click here for a gallery of gorgeous girl gainers,
Sunday, May 2, 2010
The New Fat Acceptance and The Failures of the Old Movement
The following is a little history of fat acceptance, why it has failed and why a new fat acceptance movement is needed. I did not write this article the author wishes to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals.
Before going into much detail about NAFAM and NIFAM and their role within the new inclusive movement I want you to read the following well penned article from a very high ranking leader in the old dying movement. If this article is met favorably I will post a link to the the first step in getting started in the new movement. You will meet our founders, spiritual leader and professor of fat studies.
Is there secrecy here? Yes! We want this launch to be successful. NAAFA, BFB and ISSA have failed fat people. The very people who need fat advocasy the most are the one that the old fat acceptance has failed. Our goal is to create an honest grass roots movement of fatlings that will make the tea party movement look like a blip on the radar screen. We need more people with varying skill sets to work to make this movement the success it should have been decades ago.
Before going into much detail about NAFAM and NIFAM and their role within the new inclusive movement I want you to read the following well penned article from a very high ranking leader in the old dying movement. If this article is met favorably I will post a link to the the first step in getting started in the new movement. You will meet our founders, spiritual leader and professor of fat studies.
Is there secrecy here? Yes! We want this launch to be successful. NAAFA, BFB and ISSA have failed fat people. The very people who need fat advocasy the most are the one that the old fat acceptance has failed. Our goal is to create an honest grass roots movement of fatlings that will make the tea party movement look like a blip on the radar screen. We need more people with varying skill sets to work to make this movement the success it should have been decades ago.
The following is an article I wrote about a year ago as I made the decision to exit totally out of size acceptance. I still support the ideal of respect for fat people and fighting discrimination. Present size acceptance has lost its way totally and is not working in the best interests of those it claims to serve. Many fat people facing health problems make the decision to leave size acceptance. This includes several of my fat friends. Many good people still are in Size Acceptance and I admit that, we just part ways on some philosophies. I know the article is controversial, however after much time and thought it is my honest appraisal. |
While some of size acceptance's ideals are sound, which include ending discrimination against fat people and advocating for their rights, the foundations of it are crumbling. Americans are getting fatter and corpulence is becoming more reviled. The love of and emphasis of the thin figure has only increased. The Size Acceptance movement as it stands now is failing. Today's premier size acceptance groups are NAAFA (National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance) and ISAA (International Size Acceptance Association.) NAAFA has 4,000 members as repeatedly mentioned online. However, recent scandals and change has lowered this "official membership" substantially. Some estimate their actual membership to be around 1000 people. ISAA is much smaller and numbers in the hundreds. There is little difference in the philosophies of these groups. Many groups focus on the social angle of size and others have sprung up from the NAAFA fountainhead. When I speak of Size Acceptance from now on, these groups and their associates are the target. The first reason that Size Acceptance has not grown is it promotes fat rather than dealing with it as simply a physical characteristic. Sometime around 1980, NAAFA changed its name from National Association to Aid Fat Americans to National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance.This was also a philosophical change not just a linguistical one. Fat is great according to all the size acceptance minions and while the ideals of the equality of fat people deserving right and proper treatment are commendable, this belief flies in the face of scientific logic. Having fat people be happy is a positive thing, however having them smile their way through the pain of gasping for air climbing some stairs and in denial about a life limiting condition is not. The big names in SA brush all health problems related to obesity right under the carpet. Anyone who surpasses the 400 lb. mark soon learns that the bikini parties with the "Padded Lilies" (an actual SA groupconsisting of fat, 300-400lb, synchronized swimmers), conventions and fat positive rhetoric soon rings hollow next to their scooter, sleep apnea machine and bottles of blood pressure pills. One is supposed to be healthy, happy, fat and fit. Marilyn Wann in her book Fatso points out how at 250 lbs she can climb mountains and dance for hours without exhaustion. Sadly this negates the experiences of heavier people who find even walking across a parking lot a exhausting challenge. Fat people can indeed be in better shape via exercise and decent food, but reality checks really are necessary. SA publications all show fat women frolicking in swimming pools and doing aerobics. While this is good for the smaller fat person who has exceptionally good health, physical realities come crashing through for most who suffer obesity in its most severe and moderate forms. Those who find their stamina crumbling usually are ironically told to exercise more but not to lose any weight. When the first health crises arise, many leave SA for the world of university hospital diet clinics and weight loss surgery. SA is just the flipside to the world of detested weight loss schemes. Denying the fact that obesity is a disease or even disabling, size acceptance puts its head in the sand and closes the door on people who are not fat,fit and healthy. Tracy, a super-sized woman with PCOS an endocrine disorder and Ex-NAAFA member points out: "I have in the past, held the concept of "size acceptance dear to my `heart, but at thisstage, and with my health in the crisis that it is, I cannot, with a clear conscious, advocate or agree with any movement that does not address the reality of the negative health consequences of massive obesity." No size acceptance organization supports a cure for obesity. After all, it's all about "acceptance" and not "aiding". The people speaking for the fat are as bad as those who wish to bilk them of their wallets for worthless liquid diets. Imagine a kidney disease foundation advocating for all kidney patients to accept their condition. Fat people are told essentially."This is your lot in life, accept it." This leaves the average fat person out in the cold in general between fad diet charlatans and size acceptance advocates who tell them there only other option is to make the best of it! Logic itself is played with to relay the message. A NAAFA leader writes to a response online: "It is my position and that of many in the movement that we need to focus on what we can do to make fat people healthy---not make fat people thin. Right now I believe that working toward making fat people healthy is a winnable battle-I do not believe making fat people thin is. This shows that acceptance and promotion of fat has become the prevailing goal of size acceptance. Obesity is to be seen as something like tallness, a normal part of a person's makeup. I wonder how a 600lb person who can barely walk is supposed to take this information. Out of fear and justified loathing of a diet industry that has caused more harm than good to fat people, SA has taken nothing more than a reactionary position, shoving its head into thesand. Repeating mantras of "Fat people are healthy!", even amid wheelchair and oxygen bound fat people, very few are buying into the lie. The problem is the cost of demanding equal rights for fat people should not have as its price out and out lies and denial. Most Americans know of at least one friend or relative that has suffered not only social ramifications which are bad enough on their own, but also dire physical costs. After all, the public is privy to the sufferings of housebound fat people via the talk show. Many fat people outside of this world see SA as a group of extremists who have given up! Science is discovering more facts on fat people's behalf, that many diseases "can cause" fat rather than the other way around, including PCOS, Cushings, Syndrome X and fat people have been correct about not eating like pigs. They have written research on the futility of dieting and the complex causes of obesity however, SA has walled themselves off from the scientific community! NAAFA does not support obesity research and says of it that the assumptions of obesity researchers is indeed wrongly based.and shows its own biases by writing within their official stances. "These assumptions run contrary to the experience of most fat people which is that permanent weight loss is impossible to achieve, that dieting makes them fatter, that many of them are healthy and that valuing thinness over fatness is a cultural biases" Just the fact that some obesity researchers are invested in weight loss matters has led to this child-like refusal to even be open to dialogue. NAAFA has nothing to offer those who become sick, or disabled from being overweight. Such negative PR is swept under the table. NAAFA would not want most Americans to know that thousands live disabled due to severe obesity. Endocrine sufferers (those who become fat due to health conditions such as those with PCOS, thyroid and glandular disorders) are often left to fend for themselves. NAAFA cannot threaten their position by ever admitting that fat can be related to a disease process. SA, has a dark side that is unknown to the public. Some leaders are indeed involved with the selling of plus size erotica. Go to any SA site and you will find many fat women sellingvideos and nude photos of themselves to the proverbial "FA", fat admirer, defined as a man who is attracted to fat women. Many of the policies of the so-called fat advocacy organizations center around pleasing the FA. In some regards, the integrity of SA has been circumvented by those with other interests. The FAs have taken over! FAs who are attracted to fat, do not want a person to lose it. In fact there is even far out segment of so called "feeders" involved in SA who seek to make their significant others fatter. This has led to an emphasis on the prevailing organizations as social clubs and single meat markets rather than leaders of true help. Size Acceptance as it now stands is a failure. A new Fat Rights organization that supports the integrity and well being of its members is needed. This could be a movement of millions rather than of a few thousand. A real difference then could be made in the lives of 54% of Americans the percentages that are considered overweight. |
I think it is clear that one cannot make fat people healthy by any current measurable medical standard but we can certainly make them less sickly. The New Fat Acceptance Movement sees the so called obesity crisis as a driving force for improving health for all people of all sizes. Fat studies professor Dr Gerald "Teddy" Bear and Fat visionary Reverend BIG Lard ass are helping to chart a new course for the gravitationally challenged. Health issues are a small part of the overall mission of the NEW Fat Acceptance. Our goal is true and total fat liberation. Old Fat Acceptance Hall of Shame Paul McAleer of Big Fat Blog Lawyer Paul Campos author of The Obesity Myth Here is Paul Campos again NAAFA and it's leadership. Marylin Wann author of Fatso Dog faced gremlin Kate Harding |