Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Brits Hate Tits


Leave it to those big eared buck toothed bastard Brits to stigmatize boy boobs.

Once again those pencil necked Euro"peons" across the pond purposely purloin the perky male boobs (moobs) of pudgy pubescent boys. Instead of telling boys to accept their jiggly jugs of joy British butchers (surgeons) are lining their pockets by deboobing bulky boys....BOO! And shame on you Briton.

Sorry England but American men love their moobs. If you want to get rid of some male boobs I suggest you start with Parliament. American men are fine with their moobs. Even skinny guys are electing to get moob jobs. America leads the world when it comes to silicone beef-ups. If you don't believe me look at these ta tas. http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e160/Kala1974/moobs.jpg and these massive melons. http://www.kimbell-associates.com/Chiefs%20Site/moobs.jpg

If you Brit twits think moobs are unmanly I would suggest you step into the ring with these two American originals Big Vicera and The Butterbean. Either one of them would crush your Lennox Lewis.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg6Sgz3rfLTNIpt5bHeuw07Pn9H-72SNzpbD_I9n0cXrlj4HYnJAGayMvWnPTkXcyZtKXPhIIt7HND_FM24csOEv5lKU1sxG4NSh5Kt5DXZPVbSKWOmg8Xp5bi5nRElytp8IiMU3weAHe0/s400/big+daddy+v+viscera+despedido.jpg http://paxarcana.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/butterbean.jpg
Big Vicera WWE's other "Sexual Chocolate" and American original "The Butterbean" These men are role models for American boys everywhere. You Brits can can keep your bean pole models like tawdry twit Twiggy and your freakish Boy George, we have real beauties like the Queen of Soul Miss Aretha Franklin and Kirstie Alley. Any red blooded American man would take Aretha any day.

http://drx.typepad.com/psychotherapyblog/images/2007/08/22/twiggy.jpg http://www.bilerico.com/2008/05/aretha-franklin.jpg
Emaciated English tart! Classic American Beauty!

Kirstie Alley SMOKIN HOT!

The Brits need to learn a little R E S P E C T ! and maybe they will realize they are a Chain Chain Chain of Fools. Massive male mammary glands or mits as the Brits call them, are simply a natural occurrence that happens as a result of estrogen. Fat men simply have more estrogen and less testosterone due to their fat. That should be looked on as a good thing. I am sure Teddy Bear, a leading expert on the morphing effects of male obesity will offer his vast expertise in the comment section regarding the formation of moobs, estrogen and the emasculating effects of obesity on men.

I have posted the article from one of England's biased state run tabloids. The article was written by some British quack MD and proponent of their failed socialized medical care. Once again, SHAME ON YOU ENGLAND! Once again USA USA USA USA USA USA USA

Please comment.

Phases of the Moob


MAN-BOOBS are the latest cause of anxiety for body-conscious teens.

Doctors at Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool have reported a growing number of BOYS wanting breast surgery to reshape their “moobs”. Experts blame the increase in gynaecomastia – a condition in which males develop breasts – on soaring obesity rates.

Surgeon Christian Duncan, who has operated on 20 lads in the past year, says: “These are firm breasts – something a woman would be proud of.”

But Sun doctor Keith Hopcroft reckons top-heavy teen boys just need to exercise more.
Here – alongside our guide to see how you measure up – he explains why.

A BREAST epidemic is every adolescent boy’s dream. But not when it’s the boys who are affected – and especially if it’s starting to overwork our plastic surgeons. It’s not all bad news, though. For starters, the label “moobs” sounds pretty harmless, and rightly so, because they are rarely caused by anything serious. It’s also a cuter word than mockers or mits. And, although the docs are worried about those boy-boob jobs, it’s worth crunching some numbers. About 65 per cent of 14-year-olds suffer breast swelling. Yet Alder Hey plastic surgeons operated on only 20 last year.

Conclusion? Most boys avoid the knife. Perhaps moobs are just getting more publicity – and more ops may mean that rather than the problem getting worse, blokes are happier to seek help? So let’s get a grip. Starting with the moobs themselves. If they feel like lumps of fat, they probably are. Especially if you are, too – because being overweight is a common cause.

The other type of moob involves a firm disc of genuine breast tissue. The cause here is a hormone imbalance – hence the link with puberty.Excess lard plays a role, too, by boosting your “female” hormones.

In most cases, gynaecomastia goes on its own. There’s rarely any underlying problem, though use of cannabis or anabolic steroids or medication side-effects can be a cause.So what do you do if you’re joining the moob masses?

Konan the Boobarian!

Answer: Exercise more and eat less – weight loss will deflate most moobs. A visit to the doc is reasonable if you have other symptoms, but you can expect reassurance and a lifestyle makeover long before you get anywhere near a scalpel.

ATT BFB Readers: If you do just the opposite you can maintain and grow your moobs AKA massive male mammary glands!

Gallery of more man boobs.

 Manly Melons!

 Simon says MOOBS!
 Jugs for JEEEEEEsus!

The only falsies here is what comes out of his mouth. Newt is a real man boob!


Come on Governor Huckabee we know you bloated the Arkansas state budget with your greedy and Godly fat boy gluttony now let's see your massive minister moobs.

This man boob Ann/Mann Coulter needs a breast beef up. Show her some of that famous compassionate conservatism and donate some of your Godly Republican boob blubber to her before she shoots someone.


  1. You know, a man without a belly, is like a woman without breasts.

    But I also believe that we fat men should also have nice great big fat man-boobs, or moobs.

    I wish I had bigger moobs. Well, my testosterone levels have been going down, lower and lower, so maybe some day I'll start getting my moobs.

    I notice that here lately, most of my weight gain has been going to my butt and my thighs. I'm getting a bit of a shelf back there.

    As a mans testosterone levels go down, his fat distribution become more effeminate. So, that is a good sign that my moobs may start getting bigger.

    I can only hope.

    Yeah, when it comes to fat prejudice, the UK is the worst, especially Briton! It is the worst Nanny-State on the entire planet.

    I'm glad that we Americans beat them in the Revolutionary War and won our independence from them.

    Those slimy limies were really stupid! Yeah! Those bright red coats sure made excellent camouflage, didn't they!

    That's why Britons are so stupid, and back in the 1960s they exported their stupidity to the USA when Twiggy came to America.

    Right away, all the young teen age girls wanted to emulate Twiggy. So they stated purging themselves after every meal to lose weight to become thin like Twiggy, and many young girls became anorexic, and many died as a result, all because they wanted to be thin, like Twiggy.

    That Twiggy bitch actually murdered many young girls. That's right! She is a murderer!

    I believe that Twiggy should be deported from the USA, and sent back to Briton . . .

    . . .in a body bag!!!

    You know, there is a good reason why the sun never sets on the British Empire.

    God can't trust the British in the dark!

  2. If you want to see moobs come to Dixie. Men here have moobs that put many women to shame.

  3. Fat Bastard said...

    "Great troll control Teddy!"

    Thank you very much Fat Bastard!

    Yeah, I sure put him in his place! Most of the time I'm a very timid and docile obese little wimp.

    I'm too soft and weak to defend myself in a physical confrontation, of I depend on my generous amount of body fat to protect myself from serious injuries.

    Therefore, I'm not able to be physically aggressive.

    But there are time when I can be very out-spoken, and verbally aggressive when I have to be.

    So, sometimes I can be fat and sassy!

  4. Many BBWs and SSBBWs are fat and sassy. Proud FA loves that. I on the other hand like skinny chicks because they can service me better and have low self esteem. They are like Asian women in that regard especially if you tip them well.

    As to trolls, we don't get many the way the other FA site do. I think it is because we are honest and admit that we unashamedly promote obesity and gluttony.

    I also must say that your blog and comments have inspired me and proud FA. I see that you have a female fan in Jennifer Portnick. I am surprised she posted here as I have been pretty rough on her and the NAAFA crowd.

  5. You are quite naive mouse if you think this site is all that far off base. These people are doing something most fat people are not doing. They are being honest. They are disgusting greedy gluttons. All fat people are. The difference is they make no bones about the fact they they are obesity promoters and food sluts.

    The legions of lard with their swagged bellies would bristle at the idea of accepting the fact that they are land whales on a constant mission to satisfy their unbridled food lust.

    These people or no more disgusting than all the other eat beasts.


    OK Jimbo, lets get something straight here! OK?

    There are about 6 billion people living on this plant.

    True, that are about 900 million people, slightly less than a billion who are living in starvation, with 16 thousand children dying of starvation every day, 1 every 5 seconds, as you have said.

    This is true, we don't deny this, and I agree that it is tragic.

    But hare are some more facts.

    The USA produces more than enough food to feed the entire planet, we actually export more than we consume ourselves, so nobody on this planet should be starving.

    But the problem is, distribution, and corrupt governments in so many countries around the world.

    The food that these countries receive does not always get to the people who need it most. One reason is the lack of roads to remote villages. Another reason is due to the corruption in some of these governments. The food is hoarded by the wealthy, and prevented from getting to the people who need it.

    You can't blame us gluttons here in the USA for that.

    Also, obesity is increasing all over the world. Almost 2 billion people on this planet are either overweight or obese, and those numbers are going up every year.

    And finally, in many countries, obesity is increasing among the poor much faster than among the middle class, and it's increasing faster among the middle class than it is among the rich. Actually, the in this day and age, the rich are getting thinner while the poor are getting fatter!


    For centuries, only the rich got fat while the poor were thin. but now, the rich are slimming down while the poor are getting fat, and I say, that is a good thing. It's time that we poor people enjoyed the privileges of growing fat, which was once reserved for the rich.

    So, we fat people are Royalty, even the poorest among us, we are Royalty! And the fat that is accumulating on our nice plump soft round bodies is actually Royal Flesh!

    Now then, as obesity increases around the world, it will eventually cause the numbers of starving people to go down, as they too will eventually not be starving anymore, and will began to gain weight.

    And guess what.....

    Those who have known only hunger for many generations, they will have a slower metabolism, and will have inherited what is known as the "Thrifty Gene" and when a more abundant source of food become available, they end up getting even fatter than people who have never known hunger during their past generations.

    The Pima Indians of Arizona are a prime example. They have the highest reported prevalence of obesity in the USA!

    For centuries, they were hunters and gatherers, and have often lived through time of prolonged hunger, and their bodies have adapted to surviving and maintain their weight on less food.

    And now, in these more modern times, when a much wider variety of food became available to them, their much slower metabolism can not handle the calories, and so, everything they eat turns to fat, and the majority of them are obese.

    Therefore, if you give starving people more food, they will grow much fatter, and gain weight much faster, than people who have never know hunger.

    And so, there will come a time that the 900 million who are now starving, more food will eventually be available to them, and when that finally happens, they may very well end up being the fattest people on the entire planet.

    Eventually, everybody on this planet will become either overweight or obese. And that will be a good thing.

    And so, Mickey Mouse, if you're trying to lay some kind of guilt-trip on us, well, you can just fucking forget it!

    So, you may just go crawl back into your dark little cave, you slimy little troll!!!

    In response to Harpoon:

    Hey Dude!

    Even though you like to insult us, I think you kind of cool, because you do acknowledge and respect our honesty here.

    Actually, I love being called a food-slut or an eat-beat, because that is exactly what I am.

    I'm a greedy obese little glutton and I'm damn proud of it.

    I use my obesity and gluttony to rebel against our society, and the Government Granny Nannies who would like very much to control every aspect of our lives.

    So, we gluttons are actually patriots and freedom fighters. We believe in Food For Freedom!

    OK, every body . . .

    Now, I have a friend, a Jewish friend who is a therapist. We have become very close friend, and we are almost like brothers.

    I won't mention his name here.

    Anyway I'm 57 years old, and he just recently turned 60, and he's a few inches taller than I am and weighs only 165 pounds. He's like an older brother to me. He calls me his "fat little baby brother" which I like very much.

    Anyway, he's a professional therapist, and has been counciling Army war veterans at the VA Hospital here in El Paso Texas.

    He also councils families, and yesterday he was counciling someone with an eating disorder.

    Yesterday, he called me on the phone, asking me if I knew how to calculate the BMI, Body Mass Index, and I said yes, but he didn't have time to talk very long, so he asked me to E-mail him the information and he would download it on his mobile phone.

    Later on I got an E-mail from him. After the counciling session, he calculated his own BMI and said it was at 24.2 and he asked me if it was too thin.
    I responded to his E-mail and I answered back.


    "Well actually, according to the government Granny Nannies, a BMI between 18.50 and 24.90 is acceptable, and not too thin, or too fat.

    At least not yet!

    At the present time, a BMI of 25.0 to 29.9 is considered overweight
    and anything over 30.0 is considered obese.

    So, at the present time, your BMI is still in the acceptable range, but some years down the road, in another decade or so, it will be categorize as overweight.

    About a decade ago, anything over 27.0 was considered overweight and anywhere between 19.90 and 26.9 was considered ideal.

    But then, the WHO, World Health Organization, decided to lower the
    standard so that anything over 25 is now considered overweight.

    And then recently, A Harvard University study recommended lowering the standard to between 17.9 to 22.9 so that anywhere above 23.0 will be considered overweight.

    They just keep pushing the standards down lower and lower about every 10 years or so.

    I'm the future, you will be considered obese if you have any flesh on your bones at all and we will only be allowed to eat tofu and lettuce leaves!

    No, what they will do, will be to strip all the skin and muscles off
    of our bones, remove all or our internal organs, then have our bones chrome plated and servo-mechanisms attached to our joints
    so that we can move about, and then a little motorized pump
    installed inside the rib cage which pumps oxygenated glucose to the brain to keep it alive, and for hearing, we will have little
    condenser mikes placed in our skulls, artificial eyeballs placed
    in the eye-sockets, and the lower jaw removed to make room for a speaker so we can talk.

    We will all become walking chrome plated skeletons that only weigh
    about 45 pounds and we will never have to eat anything again because the brain will be supplied with glucose and oxygen.

    That is how the Government hopes to conquer obesity in the future!

    Fucking, Fascist, Nazi, New World Order, sanctimonious scum-bag pieces of doggy doo!!!

    The Government Granny Nannies would like very much to control every aspect of our lives.

    I say, FUCK them!!!

    This is why I love being fat, and I refuse to lose weight! It is my
    way of rebelling against these right-wing ultra-conservative
    crumb-bums who wish to control our lives and take away our freedom of choice.

    I resent these Government Granny Nannies telling me what I can do with my life. I'm not going to give up my favorite foods or give up my pipe and cigars. If the Government wants to save money on health care costs then they should just lock up all these monkey-boys after they rape our sisters and daughters instead of paying them millions of dollars per year just to kick a hunk of pigskin over an iron post! The money could then be
    used to supplement health care instead of treating us fat people
    like criminals, especially since many of us gentle and docile little
    fatties have been the victims of violence, rape, and sexual molestation when we were just innocent children!

    Oh man! Now I'm feeling really depressed after the most gruesome
    scenario I just described!

    I don't want to be thin!

    I love my nice soft plump around Teddy Bear type of body!

    And so I say . . .

    Touch not, my abundant flesh!"

    Anyway, that is what I wrote to my friend, and I'm still waiting for a response later on in the evening.

    OK, I resent all of these self-appointed would-be Diet-Cops who presume to know what is best for us.

    All my life, I had to deal with people who wanted to control every aspect of my life.

    My mother taught me how to read before I even started going to school. I grew up in a poor family, but I thought we were rich because we had a house full of books, and I love to read.

    By the time I was only in the 3rd grade, I was already reading at the adult level, and when I was 13, I scored 150 points on a standard IQ test.

    Science was my favorite subject in school, especially Astronomy. In school, I was the typical nerd or geek. I hated sports, and I was often called a sissy because I didn't like sports, especially football. It sucks!

    Also, I was lousy at sports anyway, because when I was 4 years old, I was in a car accident and my left knee was injured, so as a kid I walked with a limp, and I couldn't run like the other kids.

    In the 4th grade I was once suspended from school because I failed to climb a rope in the gymnasium.

    In the 5th grade, I had a male teacher who was really Gung Ho when it came to physical fitness and sport, but as a teacher he sucked! Also, he really liked to humiliate me in front of the other students in the gym class.

    On day he was teaching us how to play basketball, and I made a mistake. I can't recall what it was, because I don't know jack-shit about the game. Anyway, he grabbed the ball from me, and punches me in the stomach as hard as he could. I wasn't fat yet, so my belly wasn't big enough and soft enough to protect me, and I was doubled over gasping for air. It seem like an eternity before I could breath again.

    Then there was another time, when my class went to the school library. He allowed all the other kids to check out any book they wanted. But I was not allowed to check this one Astronomy book that I wanted very much. I was not allowed to check out any book of my choice. He tried to force another book on me instead, one that really sucked!

    Anyway, we go into an argument, and he dragged me out into the hallway, grabbed me by the shoulders, pushed me backward, bashing my head up against the corner of a concrete block wall. I nearly blacked out.

    The following year, that teacher was fired, and after that, he could not get a teaching job anywhere else. But for me, I had dizzy spells and headaches during my teenage years which gradually went away as I got older.

    I was 13 years old, when my appetite got out of control, and I started gaining a lot of weight. But I discovered that I actually enjoyed my increased appetite, and I actually liked the weight gain, because I eventually became much bigger than all the other guys who use to bully me around!

    That was when I discovered that I love being fat, and I wanted to get even bigger, and fatter! Getting bigger and bigger made me feel more secure, and more comfortable, because I enjoy how my body was becoming so nice and soft.

    I was 29 when I finally weighed more than 300 pounds, and I love it. I was exactly 307 pounds. Then during my mid 30s I was up to 350 pounds, and I eventually broke that magic 350 pound barrier.

    Now, over the years between my mid 30s to mid 50s my weight had fluctuated up and down over and over again between 300 and 360 pounds, and then a year ago, I finally hit the big four-double-oh! Yeah, 400 pounds! I love it!

    Now, I hope that in another year or so, I will be up to 500 pounds, and eventually, I would love to get up to 700 or even 800 pounds. It will probably take another 5 years or so. I don't know if I can do it, but I'm sure as Hell aiming for it!

    To me, my getting fatter and fatter, that is my way to rebel against the established order.

    You see, all of my life, people have tried to control every aspect of my life, telling me what, and what not to read, telling me what, and what not kind of music to listen to or what to watch on TV, and I am damn sick and tired of it.

    I'm and adult, and I now live alone in my own studio apartment, and I go out to socialize with people, and I have friend dropping by to visit me. And my friend all know, not to lecture me about my weight. I made it very clear to them, that I have no desire to lose weight, that I love being fat, and I have even tole them that I intend to get even fatter.

    Some of my friend accept that, and some don't, and the ones who will no accept me as I am, I just tell them to hit the road Jack, and don't come back!

    So, I have lost some friends that way, but some I still keep, and I have even made a few more new friends when they found out that I enjoy being fat, and want to get even fatter. Some of my friend think that it is really cool that I'm a happy glutton who love being fat and growing fatter.

    Yeah, sometimes they tease me about my size and weight, and I also crack jokes about my own weight, and we have a good time!

    So, I like to go out in public, riding the city bus, taking up two seats, being the largest passenger on the bus, going into a restaurant. or an All You Can Eat Buffet, and sometime I'll be the largest person there, and sometimes I'll notice somebody who is even larger. I love going to the buffets where all the El Paso Fatso hang out.

    I publicly and proudly flaunt my obesity, patting myself on my great big round belly, and smiling contently after eating a large meal at a buffet.

    Since I'm living on my own in my own little studio apartment, I do as I damn well please. I smoke my pipe, and sometimes a cigar, I listen to my favorite music, watch my favorite TV programs, I go out to the public library and check out any book I wish to read, and most of all, I eat whatever I like, and as much as I please.

    Despite the abuses that have been heaped on my in the past, I have found happiness, perfect peace and contentment through my ever increasing obesity.

    And so, I say to all of those self-righteous, Government Granny Nannies and would be self-appointed "Diet Cops" out there . . .


  7. Good evening Fat Bastard.

    I just upgraded my profile at BellyBuilders, by adding the links to both your blog, and mine.

    So, on the forum posts, wherever I had posted anything, you would see my usual avatar in the upper left-hand corner, and at the bottom of my posts, I have in magenta test . . .

    "We are all God's children, but we fat people are God's babies!"

    "We are actually giant babies because we never stop growing!"

    And under my signature appears the new links to both of our blogs.

    So, we shall eventually have some newcomers here who will check out our blogs out of curiosity.

    Also, I will make mention of our blogs.

    Of course, you would have to register with bellyBuilders to become a member in order to read any of the forum posts, and view any photos or artwork that has been posted there.

    Yeah, I agree with what you said, about that people who are too stupid to feed themselves aught to die!

    But it is still tragic that innocent children are starving to death, so stupid people shouldn't even be allowed to have kids if they are unable to feed them.

    As for me, I may be a glutton, but I'm not greedy, because I abide by the principle of Judaism, and I like to share my food with people who are hungry.

    Actually, I am a greedy glutton, because I love to stuff myself like a fat little piggy! Yeah! I really love to chow down, and pig out!

    I admit it! I'm a pig! A greedy gluttonous fat pig!

    Of course I haven't yet gotten to the point where I'm too fucking lazy to take a shower and put on some clean clothes.

    That's because I feel more comfortable when I keep my nice plump body clean and wearing clean clothes, especially during the long hot summer days here in El Paso, Texas. You actually feel a little bit cooler when you body is clean and your wearing clean clothes. So, because I'm so fat, I sweat like a pig, therefore, I have to shower every day.

    So, even though I'm a greedy obese little glutton, I'm not too greedy to share my gluttony with other people.

    I enjoy sharing my gluttony with the less fortunate. Also, when I see some guy panhandling on a street corner with a cardboard sign, if I have any spare change, I will pull a few bucks out of my pocket, and say "Here buddy, go get yourself a burger and some fries." and then I'll pull out some more change, and say "here, after you have eaten, go get yourself a bottle of beer!" that because I kind of feel sorry for some of them, standing out in the hot sun all day long.

    That's just the way I am! I can't stand seeing people going hungry, and I wish everybody in the world could get all nice and fat just like me!

    Well, with all the increasing obesity around the world these days, it's eventually going to happen anyway.

    I hope!

    You say that I'm an amazing voice when it comes to advocating and promoting obesity.

    Thank you very much.

    Yes, I do have an amazing voice, and an amazing singing voice as well. I use to have a room mate living with me, and he had a car, and during the evenings we would go out to sing at the Karaokes.

    We eventually got our own separate apartments, and me, being without my own transportation, I couldn't go out to the Karaokes anymore. The city bussed don't run the late at night, and I can't afford a taxi every time.

    But on Saturdays, on Shabbot a Reform Synagogue where I'm in the process of converting to Judaism, and I'm learning to sing songs in Hebrew. The music is really cool and some of the songs rock!!!

    Especially the Sh' ma Yisrael. We have a Western Pierre version of the song which kind of reminds me of cowboys singing around a campfire late at night under the stars, and we have a rock version of the song that really cool!!!

    I have been complemented on my singing voice, and have even been told that I should sing in their choir. But the Choir practice is in the evenings and when it's over, it's too late to get a bus home.

    I have noticed something else as well.

    Back when my ex-room mate and I sang at the Karaokes I only weight about 300 pounds and back then, although I had a good strong singing voice, it was not as strong as it is now.

    Since I have gained a lot of weight, and I'm not up to 400 pounds, my singing voice in even stronger now!

    I guess that's why, so many Opera singers use to be so big and fat! Some have actually deliberately fattened themselves up, because it made their singing voices more powerful.

    If I recall correctly, the heaviest Gospel singer was a big beautiful black lady who weight about 650 pounds!

    It was said that she had the most powerful voice that dominated the whole choir.

    Of course, now not all Opera singers are fat. We do have some slender ones these days.

    Also, there is some disagreement now, that being fat gives one a stronger singing voice, that it is probably a myth.

    Well, all I know, that from my own personal experience, my singing voice has become more powerful since I have gained about a hundred pounds over the past two years.

    When I sing in the Synagogue, I have been told that I do have the loudest voice in the entire congregation, that I really boom out, just like a fat Opera singer.

    Almost every Shabbot, someone complements me. Also, I am the fattest person there. There is another person there, a beautiful young lady who is over 300 pounds. She is the second largest person there and she also has a rather dominant singing voice.

    So, I believe that there is some truth to the saying that fat people have stronger singing voices.

    We fat people are truly awesome creatures!

    And as I have said earlier, we are all God's children, but we fat people are God's babies!

  8. Teddy, Thank you so much for the promotion. I send your blog to everyone on my email list. I don't know if any of my fat buddies has left and comments but they sure do love you blog and your outstanding art work

    As you know gaining is a small part but an important part of what we do at Bigger Fatter Blog. We tackle so many issues that effect the obese. We are more like a primary care blog and you are a specialist and we here at Bigger Fatter Blog always defer to your expertise in the area of gaining. However when it comes to the mechanics of feeding we have a resident expert here in Proud FA.

    Proud FA is working on feeding for heart patients. As you know, fat fattens best. Proud FA has been working hard in the kitchen to develop a cardiac friendly feeding program.

    I am happy to hear that you are showing off your fat and your singing voice. You are so right about fat people being the beast singers. Look at people like Pavarotti, Aretha Franklin, Patty Labelle, Nell Carter, Luther Vandross, Ruben Studdard and Mama Cass. Compare them to a couple of screeching bean polls like Cindy Lauper and Mick Jagger and you will quickly see that fat people sing best.

    On a side note Teddy: I have been in contact with some Southern Pride folks and we are forming and alliance. As you may already know the South leads the nation in obesity. I let them know that we had a Fat Texas Jew boy who is a contributor to this blog and driving force is the fat acceptance movement. As you know some folks is the South don't "cotton to Jews" As you know Bigger Fatter Blog is a big tent and we want people from all walks of life in the fat acceptance/obesity promotion movement. Bigger Fatter Blog, unlike NAAFA is a civil right organization and we will not "cotton" to any antisemitism.

    I hope that the Southern heritage Southern Pride folks form a coalition with us. Like them Teddy, we too are rebels. Like us Teddy, they too are fat. In fact your Texas is one of the fattest state in the whole USA. I think you should have a T-shirt made that says. "DON'T MESS WITH FAT TEXAS!"

  9. I love my moobs I love it when guys suck on them and cum on them my moobs make me feel like a big soft girl and I love it if I ever got sick and lost all my weight I would get a boob job or should I say moob job because I love having moobs so much I love my moobs even more than my huge belly which is also very sexy

  10. Fat Bastard said...

    "Teddy, Thank you so much for the promotion. I send your blog to everyone on my email list. I don't know if any of my fat buddies has left and comments but they sure do love you blog and your outstanding art work."

    Thank you very much Fat Bastard.

    Last night I added another article about how being bald sets you free from all social responsibilities.

    I was once told by some young lady that I would look so much better if I only I would lose some weight, that I would look really hot, and she would even go out with me on a date.

    Well, I said "Really! So you think I would look hot if I were much thinner? And you would then go out with me?" and then, I took off my cap, showing my bald head.

    You see,I'm bald on top of my head with a fringe of thick hair on the sides and back of my head, the typical male-pattern baldness.

    Anyway, after she took one look at my bald head, she said "NO WAY! I think bald men are ugly!" and then she walked away.

    Well, that set me free!

    I knew right there and then, that it would make no difference if I lost weight or not, either way, I would be considered ugly because of my bald head.

    So, if given a choice between being thin, bald, and ugly, I would much rather be, fat, bald, and ugly!

    That way, I'm free to be a glutton and to become as fat as I please. Being bald is just one more thing that gives a man the perfect right to be a glutton, to eat as much as you please, and get as plump as you please!

    And so, I was inspired to add an article on the subject last night on my blog.


  11. Fat Bastard said...

    "I am happy to hear that you are showing off your fat and your singing voice. You are so right about fat people being the best singers. Look at people like Pavarotti, Aretha Franklin, Patty Labelle, Nell Carter, Luther Vandross, Ruben Studdard and Mama Cass. Compare them to a couple of screeching bean polls like Cindy Lauper and Mick Jagger and you will quickly see that fat people sing best."

    Yes, we fat people are the best singers. You forgot to mention the rock singer, Meat Loaf. He is one of my favorite rock singers.

    Along with classical music, I also like rock music. I remember when I saw a Meat Loaf rock concert on TV back in the mid 1970s as Meat Loaf stood up on the stage singing, his beautiful long hair, wearing a Tuxedo, a white shirt with ruffles, looking like a typical big fat Opera singer. He looked really cool. He must have weighed well over 300 pounds, and he has an awesome singing voice.

    I love Meat Loaf, both the food, and the rock singer by the same name! He is one beautiful fat man.

    I guess you remember sometime back in 2007 when a young lady named Jordin Sparks won a singing contest on American Idol.

    Well, after she won the contest, that skinny evil bitch, Me Me Roth of the NAAO, the National Action Against Obesity, said the Jordin Sparks was overweight, and she also said "When I look at Jordin I see diabetes, I see heart disease, I see high cholesterol" and then she goes on to say "That's what's so sad about this — she is not the vision of health — she is the vision of 'unhealth.'" and Me Me Roth Roth says she stands by her words.

    Well, I have seen photos of Jordin Sparks, and she is a nice looking young lady. She does not look fat to me, not even slightly "overweight" but having an average sized appearance.

    But today, the so-called obesity experts, and the Government Granny Nannies would say you're too fat if you have any flesh on your bones at all.

    Me Me Roth even said that she should not have won the singing contest because of her weight.


    Jordin Sparks won, not because of her looks, but because of her singing talent.

    Like, HELLO!!! You win a singing contest because you can sing! Not for your looks! But because you can sing! HELLO!

    But I think she is also a nice looking young lady, as well.

    Me Me Roth is an evil bitch! She is the most hateful woman I have ever seen on the NEWS Media.

    If some scientist were to win the Nobel Peace Prize for finding a cure for diabetes, aids, and cancer, well, he better not be fat, because Me Me Roth would say that he did not deserve to win that Nobel Peace prize, because he was too fat!

    But I don't care if somebody weighs 700 pounds, if he or she can sing very well, having the best singing voice, then he or she should be a singing contest.

    I would much rather listen to a huge fat person with a powerful singing voice than to listen to some screaming anorexic little bimbo who chirps like a canary!

    Anyway, I don't think Jordin Sparks is "overweight" at all. In fact, I think she still a little bit too thin and needs to gain some more weight. But than, I like fat women anyway.

    Now here is something that I have noticed about some super super obese people, something really odd. Some fat people, when the speak, their voices are very soft and gentle. They are very timid and docile creatures. But oh! When they sing, their voices boom out really loud and they can rattle the rafters!

    If some guy weighing 700 to 800 pounds decided to take voice lessens and train to be an Opera singer, and when he's finally ready to be wheeled up onto the stage, you had better not hand him the mic, because he will blow out the speakers and they would burst into flames.

    Some great big fat Opera singers have such powerful singing voices that they don't even need a microphone.

    And, some fat people have a powerful singing voice that can drown out a whole choir of singers.

    Now imagine a large choir of 700 to 800 pound singers. Better not hold the concert in an auditorium, or any enclosed structure, because the window would rattle and shatter, the walls would crack, and the roof would collapse. A concert with a choir of 700 to 800 pound singers had better be held outdoors instead. And it had better be on a clear day with no clouds overhead, because the strong vibrations of their combined voices might cause it to rain, even causing a flash flood.

    Of course not all fat people are good singers. They my still have powerful voices when they attempt to sing, but if a fat person is tone-death and sings off key, then he can do a lot of damage with his voice.

    But a skinny person who is tone-death and sings off key merely chirps like a canary, so we don't have to worry about his voice doing any damage. It would merely be an annoyance.

    So we fat people need to be careful how we use our voices. The fatter we become, the stronger our singing voices become. That's is why, in the past, many Opera singers would deliberately fatten up some more. Just like Sumo Wrestlers deliberately fatten up so they can perform better.

    I guess you could say, the Opera is the "Sumo" of singing!

  12. I don't like calling myself gay I am just a super fat sissy girly-man I used to prefer girls but they don't like guys like me because I am so super fat gay men will have sex with me tho so because I couldn't get it from girls I just take what I can get which is from gay men I think all fat guys are girly and if we get lonely enough we just become bisexual like I did

  13. Teddy do you think we are fat because we were less manly to begin with or do you think we are less manly because we got fat to begin with?

  14. FatJoJo said...

    "Teddy do you think we are fat because we were less manly to begin with or do you think we are less manly because we got fat to begin with?"

    Well, I believe that in my case, I started out as a sissy boy, and became fat as a result.

    As a kid, I never cared for sports. I hated football, and basketball. In school, I was the typical nerd or geek. I preferred science and art, so as a result I was bullied around by the jocks.

    The bullies were much bigger than I was, much taller, and much stronger, and after getting bullied around, I started eating more, getting fatter and fatter.

    I discovered that I loved gaining weight, and growing fatter, getting bigger and bigger. Of course, at the age of 15, I stopped growing in height. my rapid weight gain had stunted my growth, but I kept on grow fatter and fatter.

    Eventually, I was much bigger than any of the bullies who use to beat up on me, and my fat acted as a protection against injuries.

    So, in my case, first I was a sissy, and it was probably because of my gentle and timid nature, that I expended less energy in everything I did, which helped to set me up for a lot of weight gain.

    But I also noticed, that the fatter I became, the more gentle and docile I became. With increasing obesity, I became even more sissified.

    So, it works both ways.

    On re-enforces the other. Being a sissy sets you up for weight gain, and gaining more weight makes you become more sissified.

    That is because, with increasing obesity, your testosterone levels go down, your penis and testicles will shrink, you will lose the ability to have sex, and then you will lose the desire for sex.

    All you will want to do is just eat and sleep, and grow bigger and fatter, and become a great big helpless giant obese baby boy.

    And that is what I like best about obesity. The "Gender Bender" effects of increasing obesity.

    It feels good. I love being the soft and weak obese little cream putt that I have become.

    Being soft and weak feels so relaxing, I just go completely limp when sitting down or sleeping.

    I have also discovered that the more obese I have become, the better I sleep, the more peaceful my sleep, the more comfortable I feel.

    So, obesity can also be addictive. The more body fat you accumulate, the more you'll want to have, even if you eventually become immobile.

    Yeah, I have noticed these super obese men weighing 700 and 800 pounds who have become immobile and bed-fast.

    Their voices are soft and gentle when they speak. They are very peaceful and calm and have absolutely no male aggression left in them.

    They are great big babies.

    That is what I love about increasing obesity. It causes one to become more effeminate or even infantile.

    Ah! The magic of obesity!

  15. I have to agree with you Teddy. Most fat guys are sissies. I think that is why we have not made headway in the fat acceptance movement they way the women have. There are macho large and in charge guys like me but compared to a real man and what a real man can do I like almost other fat men am a real cream puff.

    I have the heart to fuck around but I don;t have the hear to fuck due to my latest heart attack. That is a bit frustrating but I still have a man's personality. I live vicariously through other men like Proud Fa and male athletes. Like the average American male I an a big fat tum of goo just like you.

  16. Good evening Proud FA

    Yes, we super super obese guys love being sissified little wimps, and girly Nancy boys!

    We are too soft and weak, and we lack the strength and endurance to have sexual intercourse. We tire out very easily, so we prefer to eat and sleep instead.

    We lose interest in sex, because sex sounds too much like strenuous exercise. I'm glad I'm unable to have erections anymore.

    We obese little sissies just want to lay in bed, wearing pink ruffled panties, and have some fat Mama rubbing our big fat round bellies while feeding us until we fall asleep, to wake up hungry again, crying like big fat bebies until we are fed again.

    I willingly gave up my manhood to go to bed every night with a full belly.

    We are greedy gluttons and great big fat cry babies.

    And we love being that way!
