Thursday, January 8, 2009


No stupid heart attack is going to take this grizzly bear Fat Bastard down. I am not convinced that I even had a heart attack. You know what alarmists doctors can be when they see a fat guy. I did have mostly fat friendly doctors but one came in talking diet and or weight loss surgery. Fuck that shit! No fucking way! I may consider losing some weight but I am not ready to do that right now. We here at Bigger Fatter Blog are not anti diet. Proud FA has said morbid obesity is not for everyone but gluttony surely is. America is based on gluttony and as we all know gluttony is good. Food is our god. Not wanting to be unpatriotic and un-American I will continue my glorious and gluttonous lifestyle. USA! USA! USA! Feed the belly god and give him thanks and praise!

Pig Out t-shirt and story. Yeah, that's right, I'm a pig, and I ate it all! So what?Don't Be Un-American Pig Out!

Yeah, that's right, I'm a pig. Marylyn Wann would say, "Fat? So what?" I'm a proud Fatso! Now to more positive things.

It was good, there was a lot of it, and I ATE IT ALL. Thanksgiving Dinner. Ahhh!!! I could eat turkey every day of the week. And I could eat a lot of it and ALL of the trimmings. And I don't feel an ounce of guilt or shame over it. But people have said some terrible things to me about my shape and size. What do they want..."I'm a pig" I tell them. It's as if they have no compassion or empathy at all. One even suggested stomach stapling. STOMACH STAPLING? "I'm a gluttonous pig! And I 'want' to eat a lot. Why would I want my stomach stapled?" I may not be the brightest pig in the stie, but wouldn't that make my stomach smaller? I want it enlarged, not shrunk.

I love to eat and I'm comfortable in my own body most of the time and when I am not I simple eat something really yummy. The sanctimonious crowd may not be comfortable with eating this much, but I say, "Good! More for me. Now get out of the way before I staple your mouth shut."

"Just pass the turkey."

"That stuffing doesn't have bacon in it, does it? Then again, don't tell me."

I Fat Bastard will not give up my gluttonous ways but unlike other fatlings, I will not even go through the motions of pretending to diet just to please the sanctimonious fat haters. They can play all the fat hate bingo they want. I prefer playing the knife, fork and spoon.

I am back and I am once again large and in charge. This is only my second heart attack. They have me on a new cholesterol drug called Trilipix along with my other meds. Right now my blood sugar is out of control. I think it was that box of Famous Amos cookies that made that happen. Someday there will come a day when we can gluttonize without the possible health risks but until that day we must accept the risk and the benefits of being gluttons. I along with the vast majority of Americans think the benefits of being a glutton outweigh the risks of being fat. Proud FA rightly stated that the gluttonous lifestyle is not for everyone. Unlike other blogs, we here are Bigger Fatter Blog do not pass judgment on people who want to live a Spartan and "responsible" lifestyle so we simply ask that you do not pass judgment on us.

On a side note: Big Fat Blog will be shutting down. Blog owner Paul McAleer announced that his Big Fat Blog If you wish to contact Paul you can write to him at this address

Proud FA and I will be writing more about this development that has shaken the fatosphere to its very foundations. BFB has been a staple of the Fat Liberation movement for the past eight years but sadly I think it has outlived its usefulness. The fat man hating women there really gave the movement a black eye. Gab Cafe my pick up the slack but it is a horribly laid out blog and it has the scent of NAAFA all over it. I heard through the grape vine that McAleer's wife is asking him to shut it down but I cannot substantiate that rumor. I suspect that maybe he was banging some of the members. Paul is quite the fat admirer. Film at eleven.


  1. Hey there Fat Bastard! Welcome back!

    I'm glad to see that you are recovering from your recent cardiac event.

    Yeah, I really love your attitude!

    I'm also a glutton, and I do not intend to give up my life of gluttony either, despite all the social pressures being heaped on me to lose weight and to conform.

    Fuck society! I eat as much as I like, and I love to enjoy food without any guilt trips.

    I'm so fat now that I have to use a pair of tongs as a toilet paper holder to wipe my own ass, and I love it.

    I'm so fat now that my lower belly below my waist hangs down over my shrunken penis, and I can't get it up, and I love it! I love the way it feels having my shrunken penis buried under my big soft round belly and not being able to have an erection. I love being unable to have sex.

    I love my obesity. I love stepping into a room full of people and being the largest person there. I hope that a year from now I will weigh more then 500 pounds instead of the pathetic 400 pounds I weigh right now.

    Eventually I would like to get up to 600 or even 700 pounds or more, maybe even 800 pound in another 5 years or so.

    The more territory I occupy as my soft and flabby body spreads out, the happier I am.

    I'm only 5 ft 6 in tall, and I would love to eventually become at least 7 feet wide across my ass!

    I hope someday my thighs become so big that I will have to walk bull-legged. I won't be satisfied until my thighs are at least 3 feet in diameter and my lower belly hangs down to my knees when standing up.

    Anyway, Fat Bastard, I'm so glad to see that your back again.

    I truly love your attitude.

  2. Teddy, I'm sure Proud FA could get you properly plumped. He is the dean of feederism.

    Yes Fat Bastard I too wish you a speedy recovery. I am so happy you and Proud FA started this blog and have brought some much needed sanity to the Fat Acceptance movement.

    As far as Big Fat Blog is concerned, Paul lost control of that a long time ago. BFB did more harm than good.

  3. Balltungo said...

    "Teddy, I'm sure Proud FA could get you properly plumped. He is the dean of feederism.

    Yes Fat Bastard I too wish you a speedy recovery. I am so happy you and Proud FA started this blog and have brought some much needed sanity to the Fat Acceptance movement.

    As far as Big Fat Blog is concerned, Paul lost control of that a long time ago. BFB did more harm than good."

    Yes, I use to be a member of Big Fat Blog and I used the name Fat Boy.

    But I got kicked off the blog because I admitted that I was into feederism and erotic fat art.

    I later on registered again as Fat Man under a different E-mail address, but then I was kicked off again.

    I went way beyond mere fat acceptance to loving my obesity. They don't like the word "obese" and I was told that it was a FAT Acceptance Blog and not an Obesity Acceptance Blog.

    But I can't merely accept being fat. I love being OBESE! I even love the word OBESE because it sounds much fatter than fat.

    The word OBESE is a sassy sounding word in defiance of the social norms, so I proudly say, I'm not just fat, I'm OBESE! I love the sound of the word OBESE, and I love being OBESE!

    That is why I love this blog created by Fat Bastard and Proud FA, because it's not just a Fat Acceptance Blog, but an Obesity Loving Blog!

    Now, I don't like the term "morbidly" obese. I'm a very cheerful and happy obese glutton, so there is nothing "morbid" about me!

    I prefer the word "massive" instead, so with a BMI of 64, I am Super, Super, Massively Obese!

    Now, I love the sound of that much better!

    What I love most about obesity is that I will be able to keep on growing, bigger and bigger for the rest of my life.

    We all stop growing taller when we reach maturity, like somewhere between the ages of 18 to 21, or so.

    Of course I stopped growing any taller at the age of 15 at 5 ft 7 in and I continued to gain weight. Horizontal growth had continued long after vertical growth had ceased.

    So, I had stunted my growth buy being such an obese little glutton.

    Now I'm 57 years old, and I had lost an inch from my height, so now, I'm 5 ft 6 in instead of 5 ft 7 in that I was when younger.

    As I get older, I'm looking forward to losing a couple more inches from my height. Becoming a little bit shorter will make me more obese.

    So, as I'm shrinking in height, I will continue to grow wider and heavier. I hope some day to become wider than I am tall.

    We fat people are actually giant babies, because we don't stop growing.

    We are big babies for the rest of our lives. Yes, we mature emotionally, mentally, and spiritually as adults, but physically, we will always be great big babies because we don't stop growing. We stop growing in height, and may even shrink a few inches in height as we get much older, be we continue to grow fatter and fatter.

    That's what I love about obesity. It really grows on you! It give us the opportunity to keep on growing bigger and bigger for the rest of our lives. I love being a great big obese baby boy!

    Anyway, I'm so glad that Fat Bastard is recovering from his recent cardiac event.

    Yeah, I would love to have Proud FA come over and really plump me up until I can't walk anymore!

    We are all God's children, but we fat people are God's babies!

  4. That fat of the matter is true fat acceptance has to be obesity promotion. If it it were not it cannot possibly be true fat acceptance.

    Feederism was NAAFA's dirty little secret for a long time. I thought it was a major diss to Conrad Blickenstrofer the way NAAFA danced around the issue.

    BTW, I have buried penis syndrome. My penis is tiny like yours the way it is with most really fat guys. I have to sit when I pee. Do you pee like a girl Teddy?

  5. Balltungo said...

    "That fat of the matter is true fat acceptance has to be obesity promotion. If it it were not it cannot possibly be true fat acceptance.

    Feederism was NAAFA's dirty little secret for a long time. I thought it was a major diss to Conrad Blickenstrofer the way NAAFA danced around the issue.

    BTW, I have buried penis syndrome. My penis is tiny like yours the way it is with most really fat guys. I have to sit when I pee. Do you pee like a girl Teddy?"

    Yes, I'm very happy to say, that I have to sit down to pee like a big fat Mama!

    I'm so glad that my shrunken penis is buried under my big fat belly.

    The penis is the ugliest part of the male body. That is why having sex is sometime called "bumping uglies" and I'm so glad that my penis is well hidden under my fat.

    I haven't seen my pecker in years. I'm so glad I can't see it anymore.

    I hope that some day, my lower belly hangs down over my thighs when standing up. Eventually I hope to bid my knees a fond farewell!

    So, I hope someday to have Buried Knees Syndrome.

    Yes, TRUE Fat Acceptance had to be gluttony and obesity promotion.

    To accept being fat, one must also love gluttony and obesity, sexual impotence and immobility, complete and total helplessness, all the aspects of obesity.

    Perfect obesity is achieved when you have to sleep sitting up on two double mattresses on the floor, and your belly covers your legs all the way to your feet, and your hips are at least 10 feet wide, and your butt protrudes out about 7 feet behind you, and your arms lay straight out on the sides of your huge round body, and your arms are so fat that you can not bend your elbows, and the only movement you are capable of doing is to wiggle your fingers and toes, and blink your eyes, while other people are feeding and bathing you.

    Then you can live like Royalty!

    That is true Fat Acceptance! The Love Of Super Super Obesity.

  6. Balltungo said...

    "I'm with you all the way but I would add one word of caution. If every American gets as fat as us who will be left to serve us?"


    Good question, but no need to worry.

    Not all men (or women) desire to become as obese as we wish to become, and not all fat men are into becoming sissified or infantile as we wish to become.

    For example:

    Fat Bastard is the Macho type, but then, most apple-shaped fat guys tend to be more aggressive and Macho.

    Also, these really huge obese apple-shaped guys actually have a lot more fun!

    That is because, as I have said before, they can't find shirts big enough to completely cover their huge round bellies above the waist, and also, because their bellies hang down over the waistband of their pants, they can't even keep their pants from falling halfway down on their butts, so they get to go out in public, showing off their bellybuttons and butt-cracks, and mooning the world around them.

    That is why I almost envy the apple-shaped fat dudes.

    On the other hand, it is mostly us pear-shaped obese men who become the more effeminate and gentle, timid and docile, sissified and infantile, obese little wimps.

    Also, since not everybody desires to become obese, yet still admire those who are obese, then there will always be someone who's an FA that would take pleasure in taking care of us giant obese baby boys.


    OK, now this is going off topic, but . . .

    There is a rather interesting development taking place over at:

    "My Fat Spouse: The Most Hateful Site On The Net"

    I did a Google search and I typed in the name of my blog "THE BIGGEST FATTEST BLOG" into the search engine, and using the quotation marks, I came up with some very interesting results.

    Here it is!!!

    TOPIC: Re:The Newest FA Blog. This one is Outstanding!

    Married2ASweatHog (User)
    Resident Troll
    Posts: 529

    The Newest FA Blog. This one is Outstanding! 2 Months ago

    Karma: -100
    If you thought Bigger Fatter Blog was great, check out this one.

    Here is their mission statement.


    This blog is all about the more pleasurable and erotic aspects of super massive obesity as depicted in my artwork, and this blog is also dedicated to absolute freedom from the guilt-trip that society likes to lay on us for being fat or for how much we love to eat. Here we celebrate our obesity and our gluttony!


    TateyBonetto (User)
    Senior Boarder
    Posts: 33

    Re:The Newest FA Blog. This one is Outstanding! 2 Months ago Karma: 3

    If that guy finds out you've been using his picture on the internet, he's going to be really mad!


    A101 (User)
    Posts: 817

    Re:The Newest FA Blog. This one is Outstanding! 2 Months ago Karma: 324

    "Here we celebrate our obesity and our gluttony!"

    But obesity doesn't come from gluttony or overeating, it comes from fat genes whilst eating nothing but vegetables, does this group not know anything?


    loveloving (User)
    Gold Boarder
    Posts: 274

    Re:The Newest FA Blog. This one is Outstanding! 2 Months ago Karma: 28

    I read through almost the whole thing, all the while spitting coffee over my keyboard, thanks guys

    This is sooo funny! This guy should write a book, bet it would be a bestseller.

    He seems so serious in what he writes, I couldn't do it I don't think this is for real, and if it is than this guy must have a very serious mental illness and should go and check into a mental institution asap.


    Stephanie08349 (User)
    Posts: 188

    Re:The Newest FA Blog. This one is Outstanding! 2 Months ago Karma: 21

    Oh man, is that for real???!!!

    This guy wants to break the world's record for fattist man. Good grief, he's halfway there because he already needs a cane. Next he'll be in a wheelchair. How pleasurable and erotic?


    Married2ASweatHog (User)
    Resident Troll
    Posts: 529

    Re:The Newest FA Blog. This one is Outstanding! 2 Months ago

    Karma: -100
    A101 wrote:

    "Here we celebrate our obesity and our gluttony!"

    But obesity doesn't come from gluttony or overeating, it comes from fat genes whilst eating nothing but vegetables, does this group not know anything?

    Teddy Bear, Proud FA and Fat Bastard are the male side of fat acceptance. They are not physics challenged like the fat girls for fat acceptance. They know the human body cannot defy the laws of physics so they justify gluttony as normal and holy.


    Then I found some PDF Documents which talks about how we fat men admit that we are sissies.

    Again, I want to make clear that not all fat men are sissies as some of us admit to being.

    We know that Fat Bastard is not one of us sissy boys, that he's Macho, and the "Large And In Charge" type, and we obese sissified wimps need someone like Fat Bastard to look up to and admire, someone who is strong, someone we can respect.

    I feel safer knowing that there are some fat guys, like Fat Bastard, someone that we soft and weak obese little cream-puffs can look to for protection.

    Like most apple-shaped fat guys, Fat Bastard is the strong Macho type, while we pear-shaped obese guys are the sissified wimps.

    Anyway, here are the result I found in the PDF Documents.


    Fat Men Admit They Are Sissies

    Posted by Married2ASweatHog - 2008/11/03 03:58
    The following came from the comment section of BiggerFatterBlog

    Here is TeddyBear's blog


    Teddy Bear said...

    Balltungo said...

    "You said a lot. Obesity is so emasculating and defeminizing. It makes us all androgenous. We obese men turn into sissies and obese women sprout whiskers. The human body is an amazing thing."

    Yes, this is all so true!

    It's been often said that women are the weaker sex.

    NOT TRUE! Not true at all.

    We obese men are the weaker sex! Obese women are actually physically stronger than obese men, and that is the way I like it!

    I notice that obese women tend to become more outspoken and self assertive. I say, good for them!

    I'm a liberal, so I favor equality of the sexes when it comes to education and job opportunities. I believe that men and women should have equal pay for doing the same kind of work. So I love strong women who are outspoken and self

    In fact, I thinks it's time we men step down for awhile and let the women run this country. Except Sarah Palin, I don't like her because when she was Mayor of her home town in Alaska, she expressed a desire to have some books censored and banned form the public library, and have rape victims charged anywhere from $300 to $1200 dollars for the Rape Kits used to collect forensic evidence against their assailants.

    Book censorship and rape are real hot-button issues for me, because I love to read books. I'm an obese sissy boy who hates sports (except Sumo Wrestling) and in school, I was a fat little nerd or geek who was only interested in science,
    especially Astronomy, art, and music.

    Now, I do believe in God, and all that, but I'm not a Fundamentalist that takes everything in the Bible so literally. I believe that the universe is billions of years old, and I believe in evolution.

    We fat people are actually the best product of biological evolution, because we are famine resistant due to that old "Thrifty Gene" that has been passed down to us from our ancestors who survived through drought and famine. We fat
    people can survive an ice age without having to eat our neighbors.

    Rape is another sensitive issue for me, because when I was 17 years old, I was molested and raped, and that was back in 1969 when nobody believed that guys could get raped.

    Otherwise, I would love to see a woman become president some day. A nice great big fat black lady as president, and I won't care if she's a Democrat or a Republican. But not Sarah Palin. Sorry about that! But then, she's too thin anyway!

    But I do think it's time for us men to kick back, and let women take charge. And fat women are better qualified, because they can be large and in charge!

    Anyway . . . Getting back on topic . . .

    As women become more obese, they become somewhat "de-feminized" and physically stronger because their
    estrogen levels go down as their testosterone levels go up.

    We men on the other hand, as you have said, we become more emasculated.

    With increasing obesity, our testosterone levels go down as our estrogen levels go up. I should know, because my . . .

    My Fat Spouse Forum - My Fat Spouse
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    Generated: 19 November, 2008, 11:58

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    . . .penis has shrunken down to less than 2 inches in length, and I can't get erections anymore, and my testicles are the size of 2 grapes. I have lost pubic hairs, and I'm losing what little chest hairs I ever had. My muscles are wasting away, as my percentage of body fat increases, so I'm turning into a soft and weak, happy and contented, obese little cream-puff, and a totally timid, docile and sissified, gluttonous little wimp! Ah! I love it!

    So, I guess you could say, that I have "chemically castrated" myself through increasing obesity.

    Now, I don't believe in actual physical castrations, because I'm in the process of converting to Judaism, which forbids castration. So, I do adhere to some fundamental Torah principles, but like all religions, I do believe that the Torah or the Bible also have their own mythologies and legends, which is why I'm not a fundamentalist.

    So, physical castration, the ol' snip-snip is out, as far as I'm concerned.

    But, chemical castration is OK if guys want to use female hormones to enhance further weight gain. In my case, I don't need to use female hormones. Through my own increasing obesity, my testosterone levels have fallen. It is through my own gluttony, that I have willingly relinquished my manhood, quite literally, eating away my own manhood.

    Although I'm a straight guy who prefers women, I'm a sissified straight guy. But I also believe that no super obese man is 100% percent straight, that we are at least 5% percent gay, or bi-curious. When I meet up with old friends, I don't greet them with a handshake, I prefer to hug my friends instead, both male or female. I'm a very passionate and emotional little fatty.

    When I'm happy, I laugh and giggle like a silly fat little school girl, and when I'm sad, I cry like a big fat baby boy. That's what low testosterone levels can do to a guy.

    Anyway, I'm such a sissy-boy that I would like to wear a pair of pink ruffled under-panties underneath my clothes but I can't find any for a 64 inch waist. I measure 56 inches around my chest, 64 inches around my waist, 70 inches around my hips, and 36 inches around each thigh.

    But when I sit down, my hips spread out to almost 80 inches around, so I'm slightly pear-shaped, almost like a fat
    woman, while most obese men are kind of apple-shaped.

    I hope that through my ever increasing obesity that I will eventually take on a more effeminate or infantile appearance
    and just lay around wearing nothing but pink ruffled under-panties that are nice and fluffy to make my butt look even bigger.

    Of course, sometime I wish that I was more apple-shaped, like some guys, having a huge massive upper-belly above the waist hanging down over the waistband of my pants, causing my pants to slide halfway down on my ass and not being able to find shirts big enough to completely cover my belly, and going around out in public, showing off my bellybutton and butt-crack.

    Fat women who are pear-shaped, and us pear-shaped fat guys, we are able to wear our pants up around the waist, and tuck in our shirts.

    But obese men who are apple-shaped can't keeps their pants up. Damn! You apple-shaped fat guys have more fun! This is another reason why I believe that obese pear-shaped women should rule the world, and the home, instead of
    obese apple-shaped men.

    An apple-shaped fat man should step down and let his wife run the household, and let her "wear the pants" in the family since he is unable to keeps his own pants from falling down!

    I believe that obese women are superior to us obese men.

    We obese men are just great big baby boys!

    November 1, 2008 12:56 PM


    Re:Fat Men Admit They Are Sissies
    Posted by Mary45 - 2008/11/03 04:35
    Rape is another sensitive issue for me, because when I was 17 years old, I was molested and raped, and that was back . . .

    My Fat Spouse Forum - My Fat Spouse
    FireBoard Forum Component version: 1.0.4
    Generated: 19 November, 2008, 11:58

    Page 3

    . . . in 1969 when nobody believed that guys could get raped.

    Oh, I see...

    Re:Fat Men Admit They Are Sissies
    Posted by Buster Cockerson - 2008/11/03 06:52
    Wow, that post brings up a lot of true points. Fat men have become full grown manlets, while fat women have essentially grown balls. And this guy basically says he likes fat women to have big giant balls

    Re:Fat Men Admit They Are Sissies
    Posted by wukong - 2008/11/03 12:21
    This reads as satire or this guy needs professional help.

    Re:Fat Men Admit They Are Sissies
    Posted by markerbull - 2008/11/03 12:35
    wukong wrote:
    This reads as satire or this guy needs professional help.

    :ohmy: I was thinking the same thing. Whoa!

    Re:Fat Men Admit They Are Sissies
    Posted by Mary45 - 2008/11/03 12:42
    Well, my take is that it's ment as satire and the author "Teddy Bear" is M2.


    Re:Fat Men Admit They Are Sissies
    Posted by markerbull - 2008/11/03 13:05
    Buster Cockerson wrote:
    Wow, that post brings up alot of true points. Fat men have become full grown manlets, while fat women have essentially grown balls. And this guy basically says he likes fat women to have big giant balls

    I have noticed that the bigger those women get the louder and angrier they seem to be. There might be some truth to this. Perhaps it’s due to biological clashes to how their body should be and it affects their mind. The same can be said for men. I have been around fit guys and they are usually the most easy going, confident people you will meet. The few fit females to be found are usually the same as their male counterparts. There might be something to that “harmony of mind and body” saying.

    Re:Fat Men Admit They Are Sissies
    Posted by Buster Cockerson - 2008/11/03 14:50
    I'm no scientist but does anyone else notice alot of big dudes with feminine voices. Maybe because of the estrogen running around in their booby tissue.

    My Fat Spouse Forum - My Fat Spouse
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    Generated: 19 November, 2008, 11:58

    Page 4

    And big women like markerbull said are mean and angry, like someone took the last piece of cake at a buffet.

    Markerbull, what does buffet stand for?

    Re:Fat Men Admit They Are Sissies
    Posted by markerbull - 2008/11/03 17:58
    Buster Cockerson wrote:

    I'm no scientist but does anyone else notice alot of big dudes with feminine voices. Maybe because of the estrogen running around in their booby tissue.

    And big women like markerbull said are mean and angry, like someone took the last piece of cake at a buffet. Markerbull, what does buffet stand for?

    I try not to curse here so I will censor it in a way.

    BUFFET = Big Ugly Fat F-ers Eating Together.

    I am evil and I approve this message.

    Re:Fat Men Admit They Are Sissies
    Posted by Married2ASweatHog - 2008/11/03 20:20
    If TeddyBear is satire he's a genius. I checked him out and he seems legit. He is no more nuts than the crazy fat feminists. He is just more honest.

    Fat Bastard has discussed the way fat people morph into androgynous blobs. Men turn into sissies and women sprout pig bristles.

    See what I mean?

    Re:Fat Men Admit They Are Sissies
    Posted by A101 - 2008/11/04 20:21
    Why don't we see the very bottom picture (or those similar) on married2's post, up on that site?

    Any 'guesses'?

    Re:Fat Men Admit They Are Sissies
    Posted by markerbull - 2008/11/05 10:19
    A101 wrote:
    Why don't we see the very bottom picture (or those similar) on married2's post, up on that site?
    Any 'guesses'?

    My Fat Spouse Forum - My Fat Spouse
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    Generated: 19 November, 2008, 11:58

    Page 5

    That is a good point since it seems the only acceptable gender for becoming a huge floppy mess are women. This is why I keep telling them that if they are tired of all these terrible demands by men/society, they should hit on one of those fat dudes pictured at the bottom. I am pretty sure their standards are not too high.

    Well, that it. Apparently, my blog got quit a review over at "My Fat Spouse: The Most Hateful Site On The Net" and in reference to me, one of them said . . .

    "If that guy finds out you've been using his picture on the internet, he's going to be really mad!"

    No, I won't get mad. That is because I a gentle and timid obese sissy boy! I'm as gentle and docile as a fat little lamb.

    One of them also said . . .

    "This guy wants to break the world's record for fattist man. Good grief, he's halfway there because he already needs a cane. Next he'll be in a wheelchair. How pleasurable and erotic?"

    Well, I would actually find it to be most pleasurable to become so supper massively obese that I will need a wheelchair to get around.

    Anyway, both this web blog, and mine got quite a review over at "My Fat Spouse: The Most Hateful Site On The Net" and perhaps I should go over there to register so I can post in their forum.

    I would tell them how much I love being obese, and how I hope someday to become really super super obese, and that I proudly admit to being a sissy, and how my web blog is NOT a satire, but the real thing!

    Gee! I wonder what kind of reaction I would get!

  7. Sometimes Teddy when you do something that is cutting edge people just don't get it. Proud FA and I started this blog because today's fat acceptance movement has gotten way way way off course. Today's fat acceptance is schizophrenic at best. They need to admit to their own glorious gluttony before they can truly accept their fabulous fatness.

    Proud FA and I are not anti-weight loss. You can be pro obesity and gluttony without being anto weight loss. In my case, due to my apple shape and my type A personality I cannot be super super super obese they way you can and remain healthy. I want my dick to work and to be honest I am not always happy living vicariously through Proud FA and his wonderful sexual exploits. I wanna get laid too.

    I take my hat off to you Teddy and Balltungo. I don't have the genetics to be they gainer I want to be. I could never be as fat as you or Balltungo.

    As to My Fat Spouse, I don't think they are significant. BUT I do give them one thing, they are honest. I disagree with most of what is on their site but I am a promoter of free speech as well as gluttony so as much as they offend me I am glad their ugly voice is out there for all to here.

    The womyn run blogs are much worse than My Fat Spouse. You and I would be welcome on My Fat Spouse. They would kick the shit out of us but at least they would allow us there. Kate Harding and her ilk would not let your blog or my blog into her feed nor would she allow our views on her blog.

    As you know I do not censor like the late Big Fat Blog or the many other fat feminist blogs. Those people are bigoted. They don't like fat men. Fat men have been excluded from the movement since Bill Fabrey got out of it.

    This blog is for both fat men and women and their admirers. Hell, I will even be cool with anorexics and bulimic people here. Bigger Fatter Blog has a big tent philosophy. Everyone is welcome. Even the haters.

  8. Hey guys, Fat Bastard invited me to check out his blog and to feel free to leave a comment. First, I want to say that even though I'm no longer morbidly obese, this was a choice that I made. So, I don't judge what anyone else decides to do with his/her life. Actually, I respect the fact that you guys are comfortable with the decision(s) you've made about your life and health. Most folks are never open and honest with themselves and this usually causes them to be judgmental of others. Listen, live the life that makes you happy and screw what others think or have to say. Fat Bastard, thanks again for the invitation, and I'd like to also extend an invitation for you guys to check out my blog and feel free to leave a comment

    All the best,

  9. Fat Bastard said...

    "Sometimes Teddy when you do something that is cutting edge people just don't get it. Proud FA and I started this blog because today's fat acceptance movement has gotten way way way off course. Today's fat acceptance is schizophrenic at best. They need to admit to their own glorious gluttony before they can truly accept their fabulous fatness.

    Proud FA and I are not anti-weight loss. You can be pro obesity and gluttony without being anto weight loss. In my case, due to my apple shape and my type A personality I cannot be super super super obese they way you can and remain healthy. I want my dick to work and to be honest I am not always happy living vicariously through Proud FA and his wonderful sexual exploits. I wanna get laid too.

    I take my hat off to you Teddy and Balltungo. I don't have the genetics to be they gainer I want to be. I could never be as fat as you or Balltungo."


    Yeah, I see what you mean.

    As for me, I love being sexually impotent with my lower belly hanging down over my shrunken penis, because it servers as a constant reminder as to how much of an obese little glutton I have become.

    But even if I were apple-shaped which has a much higher risk of heart disease, that still would not stop me from gaining.

    I would want to become the PERFECT APPLE SHAPED SUPER OBESE MALE.

    The perfect apple shape means gaining mostly on the upper-body and very little on the lower-body, having fat arms, great big fat man boobs or moobs, a huge round belly hanging down over the belt, love-handles hanging down over the hips, a great big roll of fat on the lower back protruding out further than the butt, a smaller butt, narrow hips, and thinner legs.

    Now I have actually seen apple-shape guys who's arms were much fatter and bigger around than their thighs! I does happen

    To become THE PERFECT APPLE SHAPED OBESE MALE, chest must be at least twice as big around as the hips, the belly about five times as big around as the hips, and the upper arms, forearms, and neck bigger around than the hips!

    Also, once you become the Perfect Apple, you won't be able to sit on a chair or a couch or anything with a back-rest because of the great big roll of fat on your lower back, and because your belly hangs down over your belt, you won't be able to keep your pants from falling down, and because your belly is so huge, you won't be able to find shirts big enough to completely cover your belly, so you get to go around out in public showing off your bellybutton and butt-crack.

    And so, if I were apple-shaped, that is what I would hope to achieve. I know it's very dangerous, but it would be a lot of fun! I would love to go around in public showing off my bellybutton and butt-crack!

    That's why I envy obese guys who are apple-shaped.

    Like you, I also do not censor any thing on my blog. I delete SPAM, but I don't censor anybody.

    In fact, I would like it very much, if more people came over to my blog to insult me and tell me what a great big fat and ugly greedy disgusting pig I am!

    I would tell them that they are jealous because they are little pip-squeaks and not BIG like us fat people.

    I don't care how ridiculous I might look, I just want to be BIG, really HUGE!

  10. If you had read some of the other comments you would see that were are not anti-weight loss but we do have many concerns about the safety of WLS patients given the high risks associated with surgery and we have referred to it as butchery. I am happy that you came by here and I am even happier that you are healthy after having WLS. Many people are not so lucky.

    We are not like the Fat Acceptance site run by the man hating women. We try to keep an open mind about things. For instance, my blog partner Proud FA loves to pork SSBBWs but I have an affinity for size typical women but the problem is when you are a fat bastard like Fat Bastard it ain't easy getting laid. I am sure that your sex life has improved since the weight loss.

    Some people would call me a traitor to the cause of fat acceptance and obesity promotion because I can never get fat like Balltungo and Teddy Bear. You and I Mr LowBodyFat are birds of a feather. I suspect that you did the WLS for health reasons. My doctors suggested it to me after my hear attacks but when they said it I hit the ceiling. I do know however that I need to take off some weight because my giant under belly/pannus/apron is crushing by genitals and I fear that I may develop hypogonadism. Balltungo and Teddy like having hypogonadism but I am a grizzly bear of a man an I don't want to be a sissy boy like Balltungo and Teddy.

    Being that you are fit and trim now you could have a field day porking BBWs at the 2009 NAAFA. Proud FA aka the Dean of Feederism gets more sex at a NAAFA convention than most men have in a life time. Those fat NAAFA women love you skinny guys and because fat women have extra testosterone they are hyper-sexual. If you are a married man then simply disregard the invitation to a NAAFA convention/orgy.

    Welcome to the Bigger Fatter Blog. In spite of the fact that you had WLS we do not consider you a traitor to our cause of obesity promotion. We only hope you post surgical complications are minimal.

    If you search the older posts here you will see that Proud FA wrote a very good article on WLS. Please feel free to comment on it. We do not censor so say what ever you want.

    We are glad you stopped by and you are most welcome here.

  11. FB (I hope you don't mind the abbreviation) thanks again for the warm welcome, but please call me Muata. Also, I didn't have WLS!! I agree with you guys that re-arranging someone's "innards" is far from the answer for those "who choose" to lose fat. To be honest with you, I think that the whole procedure is ludicrous, dangerous, and is not the "answer" or "solution" for obesity. So, thanks again for the invite, but please know that I lost over 100 pounds on my own and it took me close to five years to accomplish it. I'm 110% against WLS!

  12. Good evening Fat Bastard and Mr.LowBodyFat.

    That's what I love about this blog.

    We are all free to express our opinions and we all have our likes and dislikes and our preferences, and all preferences are welcome here.

    Fat Bastard is the Macho type who loves having sex, and wants to get laid, so he chooses not to gain any more weight, and is satisfied with that, and I respect him for his preference.

    Me and Balltungo, we are the obese little sissy boys and we love being sexually impotent because it makes us feel less like men, and more like helpless obese baby boys, and that is our preference, and I'm glad that Fat Bastard respects our preference as much as we respect his.

    I love it when Fat Bastard refers to me as a sissy, because I love being an obese sissy boy!

    As for me, I have one thing in common with Fat Bastard. We both do not believe in WLS and I don't even believe in weight loss.

    Now if someone says he/she wants to lose weight for health reasons then I respect that persons choice, as long as they respect my choice, and preference for eating and becoming more and more obese.

    As for me, I do not believe in WLS and I don't even believe in weight loss diets. I believe that once fat, always fat.

    One of the reasons why I love being fat, and growing fatter, is because now, I'm much bigger than anybody who has ever bullied me around.

    When I was in school, I was the typical nerd or geek. I hated sports, especially football, and I preferred science and art instead, so I was called a sissy, and the jock use to beat up on me.

    So, I deliberately gained weight to become much bigger, and the fatter I became, the more happy and contented I felt, and the more secure I felt living in my Fortress Of Fat.

    I went from being a little sissy to being a BIG sissy!

    Right now I weight 400 pounds, and I hope that perhaps five years from now I will weigh over 800 pounds.

    Then, my lower belly below my waist, my huge groin, will hang down over my short fat thighs and down to my big round knees.

    Then it some bully punches me in the belly as hard as he can, his fist will only bounce off, and if he kicks me in the groin as hard as he can, then his foot would merely bounce off, and my huge plump round body will only jiggle and quiver all over in response and I would just stand there and laugh at him.

    I would love to just stand there, wearing nothing but pink ruffled panties while some big strong football player approaches me and laughs at me, and calls me a big fat sissy.

    Then I would say to him "Yes, I'm a big sissy, but I am much bigger than your are, and compared to me, you are very small, so your just jealous because you aren't BIG like me!" and then I would laugh at him and call him a little pipsqueak.

    Of course he might try to beat the crap out of me, but my fat would protect me.

    The best protection for a sissy like me, is to eat and eat and grow fatter and fatter to become really HUGE, to be much bigger than ALL of the bullies that had ever beaten up on me.

    And so, the best thing that can ever happen to a sissy is to become super super obese, and become really HUGE!!!

  13. Mr LowBodyFat aka Muata, even though you dieted and exercised we here at Bigger Fatter Blog won't hold that against you. We are not anti-diet we are pro obesity. Teddy is the poster boy for supper super super morbid obesity. Sadly I do not have the genetics to reach the giant proportion that Teddy Bear will reach and still be alive.

    You are free to discuss your weight loss here. I may even drop a few pounds myself. If you were to go to any other fat acceptance blog and ask if it is possible to be too fat they would ban you in a heart beat. When I am asked that question I don't shy away from it. How fat we decide to get is a personal choice and we have to "weigh" the consequences and the risk reward ratio. I envy Teddy, he can eat eat eat eat eat. In may case I still want to remain a somewhat manly man whereas Teddy and Balltungo are morphing into androgynous tubs of goo. Teddy has traded his manhood for food. I could not do that even if I wanted to because super morbid obesity would kill me before I even reached that goal. AND.. then there is the fact that I still want to get laid. The problem with that is most women don't like a big fat lummox like me. They like men like you and my blog partner Proud FA. They know that you skinny guys can really throw the dick.

    They NAAFA woman would especially love you Muata. That sounds like the name of a Mandinka warrior. These NAAFA women would be all over a man like you. Fat women become slightly masculinized hormonally and that makes them the aggressive and strident women who adore being slayed by the great Muata the Mandinka warrior and the dean of feederism Proud FA. Then again you might have an affinity for skinny chicks. Those are the only ones who will bang me because it is really difficult for two really fat people to do the nasty.

  14. Good afternoon Fat Bastard.

    Yes, I say to those who wish to lose weight, I say, what-ever floats your boat.

    Personally, as for me, I don't believe in dieting or losing weight. To me, it's not natural.

    But, even if I were apple-shaped, which placed me at a much higher risk of getting heat disease, I still would not try to lose weight. I would just keep on gaining, even if it meant gaining most of my fat on my upper-body while gaining very little or almost no fat on my lower body, I would still want to keep on gaining.

    We all hear of the WHR, or Waist to Hip Ratio, where you take a tape measure, and measure yourself around the waist or belly, and then, measure yourself around the hips at their widest, then divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement.

    For example: if you measured 42 inches around your belly and 56 inches around you hips, that would be 42/56=0.75 then you would have a WHR of 0.75 which would make you pear-shaped.

    But if you measured 56 inches around your belly and only 42 inches around your hips, then that would be 56/42=1.33 and you would have a WHR of 1.33 which would make you apple-shaped.

    For women, a WHR of 0.85 or more would make her apple-shaped placing her at a greater risk of Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease. A woman should have a WHR of 0.75 or less.

    For men, a WHR of 0.95 or more would make you apple-shaped. Men are allowed a higher WHR than women because women naturally have broader hips than most men.

    A WHR of 1.0 would be considered apple-shaped even though the hips and waist are equal.

    So, what might be considered apple-shaped for a woman would not necessarily be apple-shaped for a man.

    I have seen some women who's waist and hips were about equal, having a WHR of 1.0 which is considered apple-shape for woman.

    A WHR of 0.95 would be apple-shaped on a woman, but not on a man.

    And of course, I have seen a lot of guys with a WHR greater than 1.0 which is most definitely apple-shaped.

    I once saw a guy with a WHR of 2.0 meaning that his belly was twice as big around as his hips! Also, his upper arms were bigger around than his thighs!

    Yes, I have seen obese apple-shaped guys with fat arms and skinny legs.

    And I once saw a woman who had a WHR greater than 1.0 with her belly being much bigger around than her hips, like some apple-shaped guys I have seen. She was really Butch! A real diesel-dyke! Her love-love handles hung down over her hips, and her pants was half-way down on her ass, showing off her butt-crack! Just like a lot of apple-shaped guys I have seen. She even had a deep voice and facial hairs.

    Now, as I said before, if I were apple-shaped, and despite having a much higher risk of hear disease, I would still want to keep on gaining. I would like to set a new record for having the highest WHR.

    So, if my arms were fatter than my legs, I would like to keep on gaining more fat on my upper-body until my upper arms, and my forearms, and even my neck were bigger around than my hips! I would keep on gaining until me chest was three times as big around as my hips and my belly about five times as big around as me hips, having a WHR or 5.0 or even more!

    Right now, I measure 70 inches around my hips and 36 inches around my thighs.

    If my chest were three times as big around as my hips, that would be about 210 inches around.

    If my belly were five times as big around as my hips, that would be about 350 inches around.

    I would like it, if my neck was 80 inches around, my upper arms about 100 inches around, and my forearms about 90 inches around, all bigger around than my 70 inch hips.

    Then I would truly be The Big Apple! I would probably weigh more than a ton!

    I would then have a great big roll of fat on my lower back that protruded out much further than my butt, My love-handles would be much wider than my hips, and hang down over my hips. My belly above the waist would hang way down over my belt, and down over my thighs almost to my knees. My shirt won't be able to cover my belly, and my pants would slide half-way down on my ass, and I would be proud to go out walking in public, showing off my bellybutton and butt-crack.

    I would wear bright red shorts, and a great big whit T-shirt with blue horizontal striped to make my upper-body look even bigger and fatter, and I would take off my cap showing off my bald head.

    As I go out walking, I will be huffing and puffing, breathing heavily, beads of perspiration breaking out on my plump round baby face, and my heart pounding in my chest like a sledge-hammer!

    And people would stare at me, and make rude comments behind my broad back, and they would look upon me with disgust, and I would just smile back at them and pat myself on my huge round belly.

    I would walk the streets with an ice cream cone in one hand and cotton candy in my other hand, and go into an All You Can Eat Buffet and sit down on three chairs and make a total pig of myself.

    Yes, I know that I probably will not live very long having such and extreme apple-shape. Being apple-shape poses a much great health risk than being pear-shaped. But being apple-shaped is also a lot more fun.

    It's the shape of a true glutton! The perfect glutton.

    So, I don't believe in losing weight, even if I were an extreme apple-shaped gluttonous slob! Even if my heart were pounding in my chest, and I got short-winded just walking from my living room to the kitchen and it took me a half hour to catch my breath, I still would not try to lose weight. Eben if the doctor told me that I only had six months to live, and even after a heart attack, I would just eat all the more and continue growing more and more obese!

    I would be very happy knowing that I was going to die soon from super super super super super morbid obesity due to being such a greedy glutton.

    I would like to go down in the record books as the biggest and the greediest glutton in history, and on my Death Certificate, it would say "Death due to morbid obesity brought on by extreme gluttony." and I would want the inscription on my tombstone to to say HERE LIES THE GREEDIEST GLUTTON IN ALL HISTORY. HE LOVED HIS FOOD MORE THAN HIS LIFE.

    I would want people to remember me for being the greediest glutton and the laziest slob!

    If I were apple-shaped, then I would like to go out in a really big way!

  15. A couple of thoughts; fat acceptance is size acceptance. We have a dieter here now who works out and we unlike other fat acceptance and obesity promotion blogs accepts Muata with open arms. Hell, my best friend, Proud FA is a stick boy. I don't think the women in fat acceptance/obesity promotion have skinny women are their best friends or would welcome a former fatty and health and fitness fan they way we accept Proud FA and Muata.

    You Teddy respect that fact that I want to stay under 350 pounds. You don't see me as a traitor but NAAFA certainly would. I need to drop some weight if I want to fuck and I want to fuck. Food is a strong motivator but so is banging hot women even if I have to pay for it. It is about tolerance. We want people to show us tolerance but the mainstream FA movement does not afford tolerance to anorexics, health nuts, body builders, or super models. I am offended when they trash people like Mary Kate Olsen. I call it Jealous Fat Girl Syndrome. It gives the entire FA movement a black eye.

    I am also offended by the FA movement's love hate relationship with feeders and gainers. IMO gainers are our most revered members. Your resolve to die the world's greediest glutton is truly inspiring. What a way to go!

    We have a big tent here we have folks like Freight Harding, Feeders like the dean of feederism Proud FA, muscle men like Muata, and morbidly obese heart patients. like me

  16. What do you think about the fact that obesity is bankrupting our health care system?

  17. Fat Bastard said...

    "Your resolve to die the world's greediest glutton is truly inspiring. What a way to go!"

    Thank you!

    Yes, I truly wish very much that I were apple-shaped instead of being pear-shaped.

    I would love to have my upper belly being at least five times as big around as my hips, and my love-handles hanging down over my hips, and and a great big roll of fat on my lower back protruding out mush further than my butt, and my belly hanging down over the waistband of my pants, and my pants halfway down on my ass, and no shirt would be larger enough to cover my belly, and I would go out in public, proudly showing of my bellybutton and butt-crack!

    I would love to be the worlds biggest, greediest, ugliest glutton! I would become a total slob, never taking showers, and just eating and guzzling beer all day long.

    To die of super super super super morbid obesity brought on my gluttony and sloth, is the best way to go out, the best way to die. I would rather die from gluttony than to die of anything else in the entire world.

    On the day when I finally go out, I want to be sitting on the edge of my king-size bed. I would be sitting on the edge of my bed because I would be unable to sit on a chair or a couch or anything with a back-rest, because of the big roll of fat on my lower back which protrudes about three feet beyond my butt! As I sit there on the edge of my bed, my belly would completely cover my thighs and hang down below my knees and all the way down on the floor!

    I would not be able to sleep laying down. I would not be able to sleep on my back because of the great big roll or fat on my lower back. Even if I tried to lay down on my back, I would suffocate under the crushing weight of my huge man boob and my enormous belly.

    I would not be able to sleep on either side because my love handles would be much wider than my butt!

    I would not be able to sleep on my belly, so I would have to sleep sitting up on the edge of my bed.

    I would be snoring loudly from Sleep Apnea because of my fat neck that was bigger around than my hips, and my arms also bigger around than my hips!

    Then one day, while sitting on the edge of my bed, pigging out on gallons of ice cream, and guzzling beer, then all of a sudden, a crushing sensation in my chest, my hart pound like a sledge hammer, struggling to breath and gasping for air, and sharp stabbing pains in my chest with every heart beat, then suddenly, my heart just stops, and I stop breathing, and I roll over, fall from me bed and onto the floor, on my back, being crushed to death under the massive weight of my enormous belly and man boobs.

    As I lay there on my back, my belly rises almost up to the ceiling and completely covers my legs way out beyond my feet!

    And then it's over, peace at last. Cause of death, super morbid obesity brought on by extreme gluttony and greed!

    That is how I want to go out!

    I want people to remember me for being the biggest, the fattest, the ugliest, and the greediest glutton, and the laziest slob ever!

    I want people to say, he was one disgusting, greedy and ugly fat pig! He was too lazy to take a shower, to bathe himself, and all he did was to eat and sleep.

    Now is there anybody else here who is bald on top of his head?

    I'm bald, with just a fringe of hair on the sides and back of my head and no hair on top.

    OK, there are some women who are attracted to bald man, but they are few and far between today, most women thing that bald men are ugly!

    Lots of people today, both male and female think bald men are ugly.

    And in today's society, a lot of people think fat men are ugly.

    We fat people are often told over and over again, the we would look so much better if we lost weight, so I know a lot of people think I'm ugly because I'm too fat.

    OK! But they also say that I'm ugly because I'm bald! But there is nothing I can do to change that, so I will always be considered ugly because I'm bald!

    So, even if I were to lose a lot of weight, it still would not improve my outward appearance. I would still be ugly because I'm bald!

    Therefore, I have no incentive to lose weight. I would still be ugly because of my bald head, so it does not matter whether I lose weight or not, I will always be ugly because I'm bald.

    Actually, I'm really glad that most people think that we bald men are ugly!

    Since I'm bald and ugly, then I really have no incentive to go on a diet to lose weight.

    Losing weight is not going to improve my appearance. After losing weight, I'll still be ugly, because I'll still be bald.

    I would much rather be fat, bald and ugly which is a Hell of a lot better than being skinny, bald, and ugly!

    Fat or thin, I will always be ugly because of my bald head. So, why should I go on some stupid diet, only to be hungry all the time?

    I'm glad that I'm ugly so I can stay fat and eat as much as I please, and get as fat as I please!

    So, I have a damn good excuse for being fat! I'm already ugly because I'm bald, so I may as well eat and eat, and grow bigger and fatter and uglier!

    And so, I have very happy the I'm bald and ugly, because now, it no longer matters how much uglier I get from become more and more obese!

    I'm already ugly because I'm bald
    so I'm free to eat as much as I please and grow as fat as I please, and become as ugly as I please!

    Going bald and ugly is the very best thing that can happen to a glutton!

    I truly love being bald and ugly, and it's even better when one is FAT, bald and ugly!

    Being bald and ugly sets me free!

  18. Anonymous said...

    "Teddy Bear and Fat Bastard can't you see how people might resent you for the burden people like you place on society?"


    Pardon me sir, but I do believe that you must have me confused with somebody who gives a fuck!

    Now, what about the financial burden being placed on the USA by the Bush Administration with all the billions of dollars being spent on this stupid war in Iraq!

    It had become our second Viet Nam, and I understand that they're talking about a possible hundred year engagement.

    Not to mention the we are losing our basic freedoms because of the so-called Home Security Act, and Bush has advocated torture of prisoners over at Guantanamo Bay Prison.

    OK, these terrorists are low-life scum-bags for what they did on 9/11 when they flew those panes into the WTC buildings.

    But I thought that America was above using torture, but under the Bush Administration, we as a nation has sunk to a new low level, and now, we are no better than the scum-bags we have in custody.

    It is wrong and immoral to use torture on war prisoners, even if the are scum-bags, it is still wrong. So now, we are no better than the Nazis!

    Everything that has been going on under the Bush Administration has place a far great burden on us.

    There are a lot of things going on that cost us a Hell of a lot more, and the cost of obesity is minuscule compared to the total cost of everything else.

    We fat people are often discriminated against when it comes to jobs, education and housing, and when we protest, it us usually through writing or calling to make our feelings known.

    We fat people do not riot in the streets, or set fire, or go around looting shops and breaking windows, or over-turning cars.

    We protest quietly and peacefully through letter writing campaigns or speaking out in the media.

    That is because we fat people are more gentle and docile, and not as aggressive, and that is probably why we are more easily stepped on by the establishment.

    So, I do have to admit, that we fat people seriously need to grow a pair.

    We are much too gentle, and not aggressive enough. Carrying a few hundred extra pounds of body-fat tends to calm us down and it takes away the aggression

    It's very hard for us to become more aggressive because we are so soft and gentle.

    We fat people are truly gentle and harmless creatures.

  19. Proud FA said...

    "Harpoon, I recall you from the NAAFA forum. I actually liked some of the stuff you said especially to Bodolay and Portnick. If you call these people fat pigs they will like it.

    "Teddy is a food slut and prod of it. If he were a chick I'd feed him. I think it is going to be really tough to insult us. The fatlings here freely admit they are food sluts. We not only promote fat acceptance we shamelessly and proudly promote gluttony and obesity and we thank people like you for enabling us to do this."


    Thank you Pround FA

    Yeah, Harpoon can come here and insult us all he likes. I freely admit that I'm a lazy glutton, and and absolute food slut.

    I eat whatever I like, and as much as I like, and I don't feel the least bit guilty over it.

    I love being fat, super super obese! I love it because it feels so nice and soft, and very comfortable. Having all of this extra body-fat makes me feel so peaceful and calm, and kind of sleepy, happy and contented.

    Yes, carrying all this extra weight around slows me down physically. I can't walk as fast as most people, I move slow, I waddle when I walk, so yes, physically it does slow me down.

    It also slows me down emotionally as well. Having a great abundance of body-fat takes away the aggression and really calms me down. Nothing like carrying around and extra 240 pounds of fat to make one more gentle and docile.

    It gives me a sense of security. During the winter months, my fat acts like a good insulation against the cold when I'm outside, and the extra fat padding my butt makes benches feel soft as I sit waiting for a bus.

    And finally, my ever increasing size, as my body spreads out to take up a greater volume of space.

    Even though I'm a big sissy, people are still intimidated by me because of my size, and that gives me a great feeling of security.

    I love being a large person. The bigger I get, the more happy and contented I feel.

    Of course, I'm not very tall, only 5 ft 6 in, but weighing close to 400 pounds makes me feel like a giant.

    I once saw a program on The Discovery Channel about a giant who was about 7 ft 10 in tall who played basketball. He weighed about 360 pounds, but he still looked slender because he was so tall.

    So, even though I'm only 5 ft 6 in I consider myself a giant because I outweigh that 7 ft 10 in giant by
    about 40 pounds.

    Many years ago, her in El Paso Texas, back in the 1970s, I saw this commercial on TV about some furniture store, and they would always say "Be sure to see Tiny Big, the 300 pound dwarf! Over-fed and under-loved!" but I never had a chance to see him.

    If I had been living in El Paso at the time, I would like to have befriended him. Yes, he would still be over-fed, but no longer under-loved.

    So, even if you are a dwarf less than 4 feet tall, if you weigh at least 300 pounds, or at least twice as much as the average sized full grown adult, then you have every right to call yourself a giant! Even if you're a dwarf!

    Harpoon is just jealous because he is not BIG like me!

  20. As usual Teddy your logic is inescapable. Your fattitude is inspiring. More fatlings need to think they way you think.

  21. Proud FA said...

    "As usual Teddy your logic is inescapable. Your fattitude is inspiring. More fatlings need to think they way you think."

    Thank you very much!

    Yes, being obese is suppose to make a person feel happy and contented. Being really super obese means being able to survive through a famine or a drought because of the extra fat stored away on one's body. That's why being fat makes a person feel more secure, and thus, more happy and contented.

    Of course, in our so-called modern and "enlightened" society, we fat people are being taught and even brainwashed by the media to hate ourselves just for being fat.

    But in ages past,fat people were naturally more happy and contented, and we were admired and respected.

    So, I have reclaimed the ancient right for all of us fat people to be happy and contented again.

    Also, having a greatly enlarged body is suppose to make us feel more safe and secure because of the "intimidation factor" when people stand in our presence.

    As I have said before, I'm a timid sissy-boy, as gentle and docile as a fat little lamb, and yet, when I step into a room full of people, and if I happen to be the largest person there, people are still intimidated in my presence because of my size and weight, even though I'm a timid, sissified Nancy Boy.

    Therefore, we sissy-boys need to gain a lot of weight, and get really huge for our own protection.

    That's why being fat makes me feel so very happy and contented. The extra body-fat makes me feel secure, because I know that I can survive during an ice-age without eating my neighbors, and my size and weight, being larger than anybody else around me makes me feel more safe and secure.

    And so, I have discovered the ancient mystery and the magic of super obesity.

    I call it, THAT OL' FAT MAGIC!

  22. Hi Bigger Fatter Blog!

    Fat Bastard don't blame your heart attack on your size. Thin people have heat attacks too. AND PULEASE do not go on a diet. Listen to your hunger cues. It is called intuitive eating.

    Teddy you are a hottie. I would love to take your virginity. Too bad I am married and too bad your wiener is buried under your cute soft belly. You would looks sooooooooooooooo cute in one of my aerobics classes in a teddy Teddy. We hard core fat acceptance gals love to emasculate you cute little fat boys.

    See you guys at the 09 convention. Invite me to the "Pig Pen" I will be their with bells on. You guys put on a great feed for us piglets.

  23. Love this blog! Joy and I were talking about it the other day and you guys have convinced us that we need to drop the charade and call Fat Acceptance what it really is, obesity promotion.

    Thank you for helping to normalize obesity and gluttony.


  24. Jen and Kelly sorry for the trolls but we have a no censorship policy at Bigger Fatter Blog. I hope we can continue to increase the size of our tent and include more men and more people of different political stripes.

    I know a lot of you FA gals like sissies like Paul and Conrad but you seem to exclude fat sissies like Teddy and Grizzlys like me. We need to get past all that and you two posting on my blog is a good first step. I would like it if the convention is held this year in Atlanta, Charlotte, New Orleans of some other Southern city. The South woefully is under represented in the movement. We could use their rebellious nature and pride.

  25. Good afternoon Jenny P and Kelly Bliss.

    Yeah, I would love to be publicly emasculated. I'm still looking for a pair of pink ruffled panties, but I can't find any sissy pants for my 64 inch waist.

    Right now I wear shorts in a size 6XL, but here lately they've been getting a bit snug. I may need to move up into a pair of 7XL, and hopefully before this year is over, I'll be in a size 8XL.

    My butt is getting bigger, I'm staring to get a bit of a shelf back there.

    And yes, you're absolutely right, fat acceptance is actually obesity promotion.

    Instead of merely accepting my fat, I love my obesity! So instead of fat acceptance, it should be called Obesity Loving!

    Also, gluttony is natural. Wild animals deliberately fatten up so they can hibernate through a long cold winter, and we humans also love to eat, and human gluttony is also perfectly natural.

    Our natural instincts drives us to eat, and this two-century long diet fad that has been going on is un-natural.

    To me, starving oneself to get down to a more "socially acceptable" size and weight, is a perversion.

    Growth is natural, size reduction is not.

    And of course, we fat people are actually giant babies because we don't stop growing.

  26. Teddy this so called obesity epidemic is really social and biological evolution. I think you made the point before that we fat people are humanity's royalty. We are making great strides in normalizing obesity and gluttony. That in turn gets us the accommodation from the 1/3 of people who are size typical and subsequently it assures our survival. American obesity is truly an example of survival of the fittest. We fat people are the pioneers that are driving medical advances that keep us obese and alive.

    I would like to hear your thoughts on this Teddy. I am sure Proud FA will chime in on this.

  27. Fat Bastard said...

    "Teddy this so called obesity epidemic is really social and biological evolution. I think you made the point before that we fat people are humanity's royalty. We are making great strides in normalizing obesity and gluttony. That in turn gets us the accommodation from the 1/3 of people who are size typical and subsequently it assures our survival. American obesity is truly an example of survival of the fittest. We fat people are the pioneers that are driving medical advances that keep us obese and alive.

    I would like to hear your thoughts on this Teddy. I am sure Proud FA will chime in on this."

    Yes, everybody is living much long now, including the obese. Of course, on average, thinner people still live longer than fat people, but our life spans are also increasing as well, although still behind thinner people.

    But is has been recently discovered by the medical "experts" that people who are moderately "overweight" actually live longer than thin people or even people who are considered to be at the "ideal" weight.

    People with a BMI between 25 and 35 live the longest, and any thing over 30 is classified as obese.

    The lower life expectancies only begins to happen with the BMI exceeds 35. But I have seen some really obese people in their 70s and 80s.

    Of course, most obese men that I have seen in their 70s and 80s tend to be more pear-shaped, almost like obese women. They have big butts, broad hips, and short fat legs. Also, obese women in their 70s and 80s are pear-shaped.

    I haven't seen very many apple-shaped obese men living beyond their 60s, sorry to say.

    It's because lower-body fat on the hips, thighs, and the butt stores up Omega 3 fatty acids which protect you from heart disease and even diabetes. But that does not mean the pear-shape obese women and men are completely immune to obesity related diseases, but only that they are at a much lower risk.

    The upper-body fat of apple-shape obese males is a problem because upper-body fat stores up mostly Omega 6 fatty acids.

    So, you apple-shaped fat guys, you need to eat lots of fish, especially oily fish, like salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines to get all those Omega 3 fatty acids that are good for your heart and your brain. That should help you to compensate for the risks of being apple-shaped.

    So, Big Guy! You need to eat lots of fish. Not fried, but baked or broiled in the oven. Frying breaks down the Omega 3 fatty acids and you lose the benefits, so bake or broil your fish instead. You may be able to prevent another heart attack, and still fatten up some more if you wish.

    Eventually medical science will find a cure for Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease. The rates of heart disease has actually been going down over the past few years.

    Also, it has been discovered that fat people who go on one weight loss diet after another, losing and re-gaining the weight again, the ol' "Yo Yo Syndrome" actually do a lot more damage to their hearts than if they just stayed fat and never went on weight loss diets.

    I notice that those obese people in their 70s and 80s almost NEVER went on weight loss diets. They had the old fashion attitude toward food, and they did not believe in diets. That's probably why they lived much longer than most obese people.

    I believe that once fat, always fat.

    We just need to avoid too many junk foods, and eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. But it's OK to still have an occasional junky treat.

    Why feel guilty over what you eat? Food should be enjoyed without any feelings of guilt, because feeling guilty only puts more emotional stress on you, and to much stress, physical and emotional will shorten your life even more than being obese.

    People who are happy and contented live much longer than people who are always angry, sad and misserable.

    Even if you are obese, and have diabetes, you will still live longer if you have a more positive and optimistic attitude toward life, and you will have better control over your diabetes, even if you never lose any weight.

    Yes, the obese people I have known who managed to live into their 70s and 80s, many of them were even diabetic and had to take insulin, and they never made any attempt to lose weight. They were just careful what they ate and took their insulin.

    With all this panic by some of the medical "experts" saying, the because of the obesity epidemic, the kids today are not going to live as long as their parent did, I think they are just being alarmist.

    We will adapt to being obese, and in the future, we will live longer along with everybody else.

    Also, it's been said that we fat people have a higher resistance to exposure form radiation, so if we do have a nuclear war, we fat people will have a better chance of surviving it.

    I have seen some information about this on the Internet a few years ago, but I can't find anything mow.

    The fat haters are suppressing this information, because they hate us fat people so much, they want us to get thin, even if it kills us!

    They think that it's better to die thin than to live fat.

    They're just jealous of us happy fatties.

  28. P.S.

    I have another article on my BIGGEST FATTEST BLOG.

    It is titled:


    I know that personally I would much rather die from a massive heart attack ans a result of gluttony and massive obesity, That is a Hell of a lot better than dying of anorexia and starvation.

    It's also a more fun way to go out. That's because you get to be buried in an over-sized coffin built by Goliath Caskets, while anorexics get buried in a shoe box.

    Also, if you starve yourself, the most you can expect to live is about 6 weeks with out food. We fat people might be able to go much longer, but it's not a pleasant way to die!

    But glutton and super obesity can go one for many years before it finally catches up to us.

    Then I have another new article titled:


    And I have been adding a video to each one of my previous articles. So I'm up-dating all of my articles, both new and old.

    Everybody pleas check out my blog:

    Thank you.

  29. I think we are the generation of pioneers you will drive the latest medical advancement. Soon the artificial heart will be standard equipment on fat people and heart attacks will be a thing of the past. That technology is here today but if it were released it would put too many cardiologists out of business.

    Soon power chairs will defy gravity and we will have unlimited mobility. I don't know about you Teddy but I am excited being one of the pioneers who is helping to usher in this brave new world.

    Dominoes Pizza has just introduced their American Legend series that has 40% more yummy artery clogging cheese that other pizza. You may want to salute them on your blog.

    I hope I go out with in a blaze of glory with a massive coronary. I would love to keel over in a mall in a power chair of die behind the wheel of my handicapped equipped van and take out a row of gas pumps. It will be like a Viking funeral. That would be so cool!

  30. Good evening Fat Bastard.

    Yeah, what you describe is the future as depicted in the movie Wall-E where everybody is obese.

    I don't know if I want to go out in a blaze of glory list a Viking Warrior. I guess I'm just not as Macho as you are.

    When I die, I want to go out like and obese sissified glutton, to publicly die of a massive heart attack while pigging out at an All You Can Eat Buffet!

    I don't want my body to have any third degree burns on it. When I go out, I want my skin uninjured, to be soft and smooth, looking like a great big obese baby boy.

    That is why I prefer to go out while pigging out! To die a true glutton's death!

  31. I was just thinking, true fat acceptance means accepting and embracing the entire gluttonous lifestyle. We all have to die from something so it might as well be by something we love like decadent and delicious food.

    I'm with Teddy. I want to die peacefully. I just want to gently fade out with a full belly.

  32. Balltungo said...

    "I was just thinking, true fat acceptance means accepting and embracing the entire gluttonous lifestyle. We all have to die from something so it might as well be by something we love like decadent and delicious food.

    I'm with Teddy. I want to die peacefully. I just want to gently fade out with a full belly."

    Well, I don't want to just fade out. I want to die a true gluttons death.

    I'm pigging out at an All You Can Eat Buffet, weighing about 700 pounds or more. I'm carrying a try loaded with food toward my table, my 20th tray of food and I'm sitting down with three chairs under my big fat ass.

    And as I'm eating, all of a sudden, I'm gasping for air, clutching at my chest, and I fall over backwards, the three chairs breaking under me and I lay there, on my back, my huge belly rising 7 feet high as I breath my last breath and slip away.

    To die a true gluttons death, publicly at an All You Can Eat Buffet!

  33. Wow i love you blog its awesome nice colors you must have did hard work on your blog. Keep up the good work. Thanks
