Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fat Accpetance Terms

Lexicon of Fat Acceptance Terms

According to an Sarcastic Antifat Acceptance Blogger

Anorexia: A very common condition that results in the deaths of MILLIONS of women each year. The primary cause is skinny models, and Hollywood waifs.

Bing Eating: A term that is used to describe a non existent condition.

Comment Section: A section of a blog where adherents post loud praise for the fat acceptance blog author’s post .
Dan Savage: The most evil man alive!

Diet: An extreme form of calorie restriction that occasionally results in temporary weight loss. This activity poses a high risk or causing anorexia.

Diet Industry: An evil Cabal of Jews, Trilaterialists, and late night infomercial advertisers who are attempting to dominate the world through manipulating health studies to encourage the sale of hoodia, and frozen meal entrees.
Douchehound: An intellectual term that Kate Harding uses to describe those who she particularly disagrees with.
Exercise: Strenuous physical activity, often engaged in by fat acceptance types, for example: playing with Cats. However, exercise has not been shown to result in weight loss. In fact many Fat Acceptance adherents exercised 2 hours a day with no results while eating nothing but lettuce, and found that no weight loss occurred.
Fashion Industry: A conspiratorial organization that is hell bent on forcing women of size to wear frumpy clothing, and to promote anorexia by utilizing uber-skinny models.
Fat and Fit: A scientific fact proven by the next to last place finishes by “fat girl on a bike” in many competitive triathlons.

Fat Hate Bingo: A method in which valid arguments are answered by shouting “Bingo” in a juvenile fashion.

Genetic Set point: If one eats intuitively (i.e. what ever the heck you want), your body will eventually reach its’ genetic weight set point. Note: sometimes a genetic set point will shift; typically upward do not be alarmed.
Intuitive Eating: Eat whatever the hell you want!
Kate Harding: A feminist prophet who offers obscenities of wisdom to those who willing to ignore science and accept her angry faith.

Lifestyle Change: See Diet. There is no known difference. The most evil web site in the entire universe. It is highly inadvisable to link to

Obesity Epidemic: An over exaggerated media catch phrase. Simply saying “booga, booga” makes it go away.
Real Women: Overweight women who are sexier than skinnier women. This should be an obvious fact when discussing this subject on a fat acceptance blog. Remember, that all women are real women when discussing the subject with non fat acceptance types.

Second (2nd) Law of Thermodynamics (calories out must equal calories in): Physics is sexist!
Straw Men: A valid argument against fat acceptance.
Troll: Someone who posts a comment on a fat acceptance blog who does not match the author’s ideology EXACTLY.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Angry Fat Feminist Wife Fights Back!

Rhonda Rotundi fights back for the whole world to see on the EVIL My Fat Spouse forum. She left the following message on their forum and it will be about as welcome and a turd in a swimming pool.
Rhonda Rotundi who is known in fat acceptance circles as Proud Plumpette

Hello there. My name is Rhonda. My hub calls me Raunchy Rhonnie because I gave the nastiest farts and jokes he's ever smelled or heard.

I am the fat spouse of a very bitter man. Instead of getting a divorce he cheats and he talks smack about me to the kids.

My aim is to get fatter and piss him off more!
This guy is a tool. Hell, he's a whole tool shed. I'm gonna get so fat, he'll have to have two divorces; one to me, one to the belly.

I am proud to gain the pounds, and this My Fat Spoues site is a load of horse shit.
Most fat people don't wanna lose weight because they like food. DUH. They love food. And yes, they love it more than their families. Trying to make your spouse lose weight is not only shallow and cruel, but it's also beating a dead horses shit, that came from a dead horse that was covered in shit.
You guys are assholes. I'm gonna gain weight, and I'm here to tell all the other fat spouses in the house to pack on the pounds and stick it to the man. Or woman. You know, whichever you're married to. If they can't act like a decent, civil human being to someone who measures up as more that one, than they don't deserve a normal sized spouse!

I would like my readers to know that Rhonda AKA Proud Plumpette has struck a blow for fat spouses and gluttons everywhere. I would love to see her give Jillian Michaels an MeMe Roth a good fat girl style chewing out as only a fat feminist can!
Fat Feminist brandishing her most effective weapon!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bigger Fatter Blog Launches Bigger Fatter Politics!
As a result of Google's Nazi decision to place a warning on Bigger Fatter Blog we have launched a political blog. Bigger Fatter Blog is a political blog but Google doesn't see it that way and placed a warning on it. I, Fat Bastard was advised by legal counsel to start Bigger Fatter Politics and if it gets censored the way Bigger Fatter Blog has been censored we will have an even stronger case against Google.
Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda now works for Google

After the fall of the Third Reich Adolf Hitler's propaganda minster languished in Argentina until he was employed by Google Blogger.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

If I saw this stick boy I would OINK hard at him.

Fat kids are cute!

Now the fat haters are picking on fat moms! Give these fat haters an angry OINK!


This last video is very gluttony positive.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

William Howard Taft

When it comes to presidents the best ones are always fat. This is not to say that all fatlings would make great leaders. What I am saying is that the greatest presidents have been fat. William Howard Taft aka Big Bill was no exception and like the other fat Bill he accomplished a lot while in office.
Taft the innovator
Taft was the inventor of the 7th inning stretch in baseball. It turns out that he was at a ball game and the seats were uncomfortable so he stood up to stretch and so did everyone in the ball park just to get a look at him.
Taft knew the importance of a comfortable bath so he created the first super sized bath tub. Was this guy a visionary or what?
Taft the statesman and humanitarian
Taft sought to further the economic development of underdeveloped nations in Latin America and Asia through "Donut Diplomacy" but in return he had them sign the save the Land Whale Act that abolished the harpooning of American land whales and encouraged their feeding and expansion of natural habitats like Walmart and all you can eat buffets. Bill Bubba Clinton, chicks dug William Howard Taft.

President Taft was also a freak like Clinton and like Clinton and other fat boys he was known to be a great and cunning linguist and it is rumored that his wife slept in a meat locker so she would have the meat scent he liked on her.
I think what is most remarkable about William Howard Taft is that he was not only the fattest president but he was also the fattest supreme court justice. That fat boy Anton Scalia is going to have to eat a hell of a lot more pasta if he ever hopes to catch up to Big Bill Taft.
There you have it folks. The greatest man in US politics was a fat man.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Kirstie Alley Looks Like Shit Now

Kirstie Alley HOT! .................. NOT!
Kirstie Alley HOT! .......................... NOT!
Kirstie in her flabulous days with fellow gluttoness Oprah. Look at that luscious ham arm!
Skinny Kirstie Alley.............. Fat Kirstie Alley
Kirstie beefing up! YOU GO GIRL!

View this post on Wordpress. Click Here!

Bigger Fatter Blog IS Now on WORDPRESS!

View Bigger Fatter Blog on Wordpress. Click Here

Fat Bastard and I Proud FA support free speech and Google Blogger does not. Google has deindexed Bigger Fatter Blog so we decided to publish Bigger Fatter Blog on another platform and we first tried Posterous but Bigger Fatter Blog would not tansfer due to a blocking software employed by Google but Word Press got around that dirty trick.

Google placed a warning on Bigger Fatter Blog making people think it is a fat porn site which it is not. Bigger Fatter Blog is among other things a fat acceptance site and the leading web authority on all things fat.

What happened?

A few angry NAAFA types complained to Google and based only on that and making no investigation of these false charges Google fucked us and our millions of readers worldwide.

One of our regular commentators "Dr" Gerald "Teddy" Bear accurately described Google as a net nanny. Thinnette adroitly said, Political correctness IS censorship. We are considering taking legal action against Google.

If you are a reader or a blogger and you wish to sue Google here is a good video to get you started. Click Here

Friday, June 10, 2011

George Carlin On Fat People: I'm Glad This Fat Hater is DEAD!

I Fat Bastard jumped for joy when Jack LaLanne bought the farm and I jumped to joy when this gluttony phobic George Carlin croaked. Now this skinny runt is worm food. ROT IN HELL STICK BOY!


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hey Google, George W Bush says fuck you you unAmerican commies!
GOOGLE has placed this warning on Bigger Fatter Blog:
Fat Bastard's Granny Baker says, FUCK YOU GOOGLE!

Content Warning

Some readers of this blog have contacted Google because they believe this blog's content is objectionable. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. For more information about our content policies, please visit the Blogger Terms of Service

Those fuckers are effectively censoring this blog based on the fact that some people ie man hating NAAFA cunts with yeast infection don't like the Bigger Fatter Blog and the NEW and inclusive fat acceptance movement.

Google has decided to put a warning on this blog based on a few complaints of some jealous mouthy cunts who hate fat men and skinny women. Shame on you Google for your lack of backbone.

I ask my readers to complain to Google about this fucking retarded policy and I apologize to those of you who came here looking for BBW porn and not finding any.

Political correctness IS censorship. Those pussified lap dogs at Google have bowed to political correctness.

Even Jesus says, FUCK YOU GOOGLE!
Johnny Cash always thought Google should go fuck itself!
Even with a broken hand Hillary flips off the Google thugs!
So outraged Bush flips the bird to Google again.

Why This is Censorship Bad

Many pro ana girls read Bigger Fatter Blog and as a result they find a cure for their starvation. We don't judge these girls and we are nice to them so they find Bigger Fatter Blog a safe place to fall.

We also teach people who can not reach mammoth proportions ways to moderate their gluttony and we let Fatlings know that it is OK to to lose weight.

We warn fatlings about the dangers of weight loss surgery.

We have an international following with a large percentage of readers coming from the Middle East. Our policy has always been peace through food and gluttony. With this warning our Arab friends are now unable to access Bigger Fatter Blog. Now Bigger Fatter Blog cannot do its roll to help President Obama bring peace ti the Middle East.
Watch your fucking step Google. I'm the commander in Chief, a close personal friend of Fat Bastard and a follower of Bigger Fatter Blog!
Yes it's true. Like the Chef, another man of color, President Obama likes hitting a big booty and lucky for him he has the first lady... butt he still appreciates Bigger Fatter Blog and as leader of the free world he want Arab men to see the beauty of BBW booty.

The Upside 

Traffic to Bigger Fatter Blog is up WAY UP because of this warning but this is not the point. We welcome out new readers but they are not our audience. Our audience are fatlings who need a voice for their gluttony and obese lifestyle. While we have nothing against BBW porn and the people who like BBW  porn they are not our target audience but they are more than welcome.

For are new readers:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Belly Boy Opines: Airlines and Fat Rights

A message from me Fat Bastard

Of all the fat acceptance news groups Bigger Fatter Blog not only has the best content but with out a doubt we have the best commentators. I can't really say who the best of the  best is because I can't decide but for me personally Belly Boy's adroit commentary and punchy delivery get to the meat of the issue every time. This latest missive by our own Belly Boy is so good and so important that I decided to feature it as a full article.

With the erudition of a Harvard trained Constitutional lawyer Belly Boy effectively draw discusses how the plight of fatlings on airplanes is closely related to gun rights and smoker's rights. Belly Boy has bumper stickers on his power thrown that say, "National Rifle Association" "I smoke and I vote", I EAT and I EAT and I Vote and I'm FAT and I EAT and I Vote".

Belly Boy on Airlines, Smokers Rights and Gun Rights

I think that extra seats need to be provided to the bigger passengers for free.
Tough shit stick boy; don't blame us gluttons, blame the airlines!

Even if the plane is full, then they should boot a thin passenger from the flight and give his seat to the fat man who deserves it more, since he has had to go through lots of discrimination and hardship and adversity that thin people don't even understand.

Also us fat people tend to earn less than wealthy thin people, so we need the extra money more - we can't afford double seats because we have higher medical bills, and face discrimination in the job market and in the workplace. People think fat folks are lazy and it just isn't true. If you want something done ask a fat man, he has loads of energy stored up and can outwork any thin person, who just endlessly talks about how thin he is and how everything has carbs.

If it weren't for fat discrimination, I would be running a Fortune 500 company by now. I have applied for several CEO openings, and I never once got an interview even, and it is solely because of fat discrimination. I put my photograph on my resume because my mom says I'm very handsome, but all they see is the fat.

In short, I think that second and third seats need to be provided to passengers gratis, if they need them. It's not my fault I'm this size, it's SOCIETY'S FAULT. If obesity is a problem then it is a national problem, like war or tornadoes, and therefore it is the GOVERNMENT'S RESPONSIBILITY to solve this problem. For private companies to take it out on individual citizens is beyond the pale, it is ridiculous and absurd, and makes a mockery of everything we have worked for generations to build. Therefore, the government must kick in and purchase a second or third seat for any passenger who needs one, this way neither the passenger nor the airline lose out.

This was Belly Boy's Salvo and He is Just Getting Warmed Up!

Fat Bastard is right when he says that technology needs to catch up to the American glutton.

We are still flying the same 747s that were made about a half century ago in the 1960s! It still takes 6 hours to go from NYC to LA, except it actually takes longer now because we have more security BS to go through before we can board the plane. Also, the stewardesses were much hotter back in the day, and the airlines provided excellent chow to all of the passengers.
Japan Airlines still has hot stewardesses but Japan is a VERY fat friendly country

We need the airlines to step up to the plate and instead of cramming more and more seats on each plane to maximize their profits in the short term, they need to think long term and instead realize that their seats no longer reflect the average American's size. They probably have been making smaller and smaller seats over the years to fit more in, but in reality they need to institute bench seating like the backseats of cars, and the front seats of good cars.
The sky pig, coming to an airport near you.

Belly Boy, they are accommodating us gluttons with a new design. This plane has been nicknamed the sky pig. I heard it rev up its hungry turbo props and it makes a distinct oinking sound.

There’s no denying it. The Aeorscraft ML866 is one morbidly obese airplane. It’s time we had an intervention with the poor thing to help it deal with its problem. Obesity is a here people! The ML866 is scheduled to make its first official launch next month at the NBAA convention.

The fatty plane is actually pretty technologically advanced when it comes to the physics of aviation, utilizing dynamic lift with a very evident and robust buoyancy. It’s only a matter of time before the plane has a propeller attack, or a hemorrhage of the fuselage.
Bench seating would be a great short term solution and we all know how much fatlings love sitting on benches.

We gluttons are suffering a death by a thousand cuts, just like the smokers. In the 60s and 70s you could just smoke wherever you wanted to, even on airplanes and in restaurants, and if it bothered someone that was their tough luck. Then they banned smoking on all airplanes and put smoking sections in the restaurants, and the smokers said "okay."
Haggard glutton forced to eat and smoke at home.

Then they took away the smoking sections in restaurants, and said "no you have to smoke outside" and the smokers said "okay." And then they said "no you have to go outside and walk 20 feet" and they said "okay." Now they're banning smoking in all public places. Now ONE pack of cigarettes costs like $12 in New York City, because they just keep adding a dollar of tax whenever they feel like it and the smokers never stand up for themselves.

Belly Boy Continues...
Sexy Southern Sow with Shotgun!
Compare this to the gun people. When politicians suggest banning military-grade machine guns for personal defense, with bullet-proof vest penetrating bullets in them, night-vision scopes, and a heat-seeking rocket launcher that can take out helicopters or air planes, the gun people go "No way you can't ban that! It's our right!" They don't really care about those ridiculous things, they care about regular rifles, shotguns, and handguns - however, they understand that if they give in an inch, then it will get the ball rolling against them and soon the government will try to take away their guns or institute a national gun registry (which most southerners see as the first step to taking away their guns.)

Southerners are willing to literally die to protect their right to have guns. Whereas smokers just give in as long as it's incremental, we will eventually make it so that parents with kids will have their kids taken away if they smoke in the house. No more smoking outside on public property either. Next they will institute a smokers' tax for the "environmental damage" of the smoke. Then another tax for the cancer risks of second hand smoke, which they claim kills 50,000 people a year but that is complete BS because nobody dies of second-hand smoke.

Us fat people have been acting like the smokers. "Sure, you can make me pay for 2 or 3 seats, and then if your flight attendant deems me to need only 1 seat I get refunded for the 1 or 2 other seats in 4 to 8 weeks." "Sure, you can boot me off of a flight that I PAID FOR IN FULL just because your flight attendant subjectively says I am too big even if have flown on the plane before at this weight without problems."

Belly Boy Concludes,

Next thing you know, they will be charging triple or quadruple for us fat people to fly. Then they will add an extra fuel surcharge because we weigh more. They've already done away with free meals. And then before long, they will simply ban all fat people from flying on airplanes and tell us to take trains and our cars instead. That's the end game scenario for them, they only want thin people flying because they are cleaner, more obedient, and they take less fuel per passenger to transport.
Airline food is a hate crime against gluttons.

If we don't start fighting back, you will see the airlines institute a policy where no passenger with a BMI of over 35 will be allowed to fly in America, and by then it will be too late to do anything about it. We need to fight back now, and turn back the tide, and exact retribution, meaning free extra seats for us fat folks until the airlines start using seats that can actually fit us fat folks, who are the majority.


Belly Boy gets ejected from the airplane by a stewardess who bludgeons him with a serving cart tray screaming at him to die, while he begins to cry and moan in agony. Other fatlings look on, but choose not to help Belly Boy as he is being slowly murdered, and instead accuse Belly Boy of being a whining NAAFA member, even though he is dying for what he believes in - basic human rights for men and women of size.

After she has murdered Belly Boy in cold blood, she then drags another fatling out of the airplane and does the same thing to her. The other fatlings still refuse to come to her defense, reasoning that she must also have been a whiney NAAFA member. This keeps happening one by one until there are none left.

First they came for the gluttons,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a glutton.

Then they came for the gormandizers,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a gormandizers.

Then they came for the eat beasts,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't an eat beast.

Then they came for the pork beasts,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a pork beasts

Then they came for the landwhales,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a landwhale.

Then they came for me Fat Bastard
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

This is only one of many possibilities. You can help me, Belly Boy, and thereby protect yourself. I am the tip of the iceberg, so I'm who they are targeting first. Me and Kevin Smith, but it will trickle down and begin to affect more and more Americans until everyone is under the oppressive yoke of the airlines, who will make their seats designed only for anorexic 4 foot tall girls, and make everyone else pay for a half dozen or more seats, while keeping the prices the same, instead of being just and increasing the seat sizes in line with the average American's size.
The least they could do, as a stop-gap measure, would be to add some bench seats to every airplane, enough to fit at least 2 to 4 500+ lbs passengers.
Deanne Dillard displays her pendulous grade 5 pannus on a park bench!

Belly Boy is an engineering genius! Fatlings love bench seats and they are already available. Planes could be easily retrofitted with bench seating.