Sunday, July 8, 2018

Fat Trump Oink

See the source image


  1. How is this blog fat acceptance exactly? It seems to be little more than a place to hate on fat ppl, especially fat women. You're not really advocating for anything, not even for yourself, or for other fat men. If you were fat accepting, you wouldn't post fat-shaming BS stuff like this.

    Your obsession with yeast infection is weird. This might come as a shock to you, but all fat women don't exist in a permanent state of yeast infections, nor do the infections make your brain "toxic". Is this some kind of fetish for you?

    Judging by your desperation to change the Wikipedia entry, you've been banned from editing bc you posted rude stuff about fat women, or whatever. Pretty pathetic.

    Since you apparently have a section of (possibly fictional) women asking you questions, here's a question for you: what do you think you're going to accomplish with this blog, and why are you so full of hate?

    1. Fat acceptance is a bunch of fucking bullshit and this blog is a parody that makes fun of you stupid, fucking assholes, eat eat eat you big fat, losers, and fucking die

  2. A bunch of feminist yeast infected cunts control fat feminist bs on Wikipedia. One of them is a fat studies professor it’s some rinky-dink college. I hope she chokes to death.
