Mark Twain said A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth is even getting it's shoes on. Liar don't deserve respect or consideration. Treat them with the same disain that you would treat any other Nazi liar.
They are immune to facts, truth, reason and logic so don't even try to educate them. They embrace ignorance and dishonesty.
Like Trump, his supporters are liars. They know that Trump is a liar but they don't care. If you debate them they will use dishonest tactics such as their favorite, whataboutism. Instead taking the time to argue with them, simply post one of these memes. It saves time and it discredits them. If you wish to respond further you always can. And like the song says, "Donald Trump is a Piece of Shit and So Are His Supporters.
When a Trump supporter, can’t think of a lie fast enough, he will use. What about ism, which is still a form of lying. Hey Trump supporters. Fuck you and die of cancer.