Friday, January 28, 2011

NEW FLASH! Happy Fat Girl Forum Is The Only Fat Acceptance Forum On The Net

I, Fat Bastard recently found out about this new site. I have been there and I will be consulting with our inner sanctum before we issue a complete report and review. I would like to thank a reformed FA named Kyle who dropped me a email and gave us the heads up. I will be consulting with Proud FA, Dr Gerald "Teddy" Bear, The Rev BLA, Belly Boy, Thinnette, Carolina Maiden, Proud Plumpette, and Rontunda Hindenberg before issuing a full report.

Preliminary reports seem to indicate a forum with a lot of fiery SSBBWs and some FAs.
UPDATE! Happy Fat Girl Forums seems to be down.

We can only speculate as to what happened to them. My guess is that some of the angry NAAFA girls had them hacked. The forum was busy and growing and they did not squelch free speech. They had a former FA who had become a weight loss zealot who was really tearing the place up with his pure logic and the fat girls had no counter arguments because they refuse to admit the obesity-gluttony connection.

Here is my challenge to Kyle. Come here are try that weight loss shit. We are not a bunch of fat girls in denial. We are greedy gluttons and we speak for ALL fatlings.


Another fat acceptance forum has bitten the dust. Happy Fat Girl is gone and I suspect it was because they were happy fat girls and most of the girls in the fat acceptance movement are miserable bitches. The fact is most fat girls are happy because their motto is EAT drink and be merry and eat again.
Sexy sows hungrily happily hoggin down.


  1. I have joined the forum and made a thread in the 'Welcome' section. It looks like a lovely community for wobbly women like myself. =D

  2. Good for you Proud Plumpette! They need a good fat girl role (roll) model to show them fattitude. See what you can do to get them on the right track and headed for the all you can eat buffet.

  3. hi there everyone this is jamie i cant believe the forum shut dowon i have joined the forum i hope it comes back online thank you

  4. For a NAAFA style forum the little bit I read sounded almost sane.Maybe that is why it got shut down.

    I will keep checking to see if it is back up.

  5. I was sad to see that site go down. It went down like a fat girl on a wiener.

  6. there is still hope for you guys, to not to choose being fatty for life go change your lifestyle
