Sunday, August 23, 2009

Why Bigger Fatter Blog?

We know. People don't like the fact that we are highly critical of the movement we call the old fat acceptance. What is the old fat acceptance? I our opinion the old fat acceptance is the movement that began when Bill Fabrey the creator of NAAFA was forced out and replaced by a bunch of angry jealous far left man hating elitists. NAAFA under Bill's guidance meant National Association Aiding Fat Americans. Bill's vision for NAAFA was an all encompassing and inclusive one. If you were fat or a fat sympathizer you belonged. Since Bill's departure from NAAFA the letters N A A F A today mean National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance and under the current leadership the once great NAAFA of Bill Fabrey has become a joke. It was relevant when Bill was in charge but today it is a mere shadow of what it once was. It has failed miserably in its poorly defined mission. Today's NAAFA continues to lose members and funding. Today's NAAFA does not speak for fat people or their needs. Let's make a comparison.

Let's take the NAACP. The NAACP speaks for the concerns of the vast majority of Blacks. The NAACP remains relevant, focused and effective. It's mission is well defined and it's leadership is intelligent and thoughtful. NAAFA has poor leadership and it does not speak for the vast majority of fat people. NAAFA has become the ole girls club. NAAFA is wishy washy. NAAFA is bigoted towards men, especially fa men. NAAFA is to the fat acceptance movement what the Black Panthers were to the equal rights movement except that the Black Panther Party had a point and were marginally effective and most people would agree that in spite of their provocative and militant ways they did more good than harm. The same cannot be said for NAAFA.
Bigger Fatter Blog and the New Fat Acceptance is a logical scientifically based organization that would like to see the fat acceptance movement return to the vision of its founder Bill Fabrey. We seek to undo the damage that NAAFA and the rest of the loons in the fatosphere have done to the movement and to fat people. Everything has its pros and cons. Let's take a guy thing like cars. You can drive a Honda Civic. You will have a decent car but you will sacrifice comfort for good fuel economy some people are willing to do that where others are not. We don't judge people for what cars they choose to drive. Let's take the Cadillac Escalade. It is like a fatling in that is consumes fuel but it sure gets you from point A to point B in style and comfort. With its advantages comes a price that people who own Cadillac Escalades are willing to pay and they pay it at the pump and in higher insurance rates. Just like there are advantages and disadvantages to being fat, there are advantages and disadvantages to be skinny. Those of us in the New Fat Acceptance will take the good with the bad. In my case I don't enjoy the pleasures of greedy gluttony. I tend to be a bit more epicurian about food whereas Fat Bastard is a greedy and hedonsitic glutton as are all fat people. Fat Bastard has made greedy gluttony and art form and Teddy Bear of the Biggest Fattest Blog has made it is science. These are major advancements. Anyone knows how to get and stay fit but who really knows the finer points of gluttony and how to mitigate its often devastating consequences? The answer is simple, Fat Bastard and Teddy Bear know the finer points of greedy gluttony and unbridled food lust. I also put myself into that category because I am one of the few feeders who feeds with mono saturated fat and as I always say..."Fat fattens best."

Now let's speak to denial. Denial is what led to Fat Bastard's heart attacks and other health problems. He like many fatlings bought into the HAES lunacy and he blamed everything and everyone for his declining health. I too had been imbibing on the NAAFA Kool Aid and as a result I pretended to believe what I knew was total bullshit. I knew that the fat acceptance propaganda being spread by these strident and angry fat girls was not helping fat people or the movement but instead in was and is harming the movement and fat folks. Fat Bastard and I could no longer be a part of this insanity. Deep down we both knew that Fat Bastard and all fat people are greedy gluttons. Being that we are men we knew that the human body could not defy the immutable laws of physics. We knew that gluttony and nothing else made people fat. We simply ended the charade.

Today with 73% of Americans fat or obese and only a tiny tiny fraction of a percentage of them being represented by the the current FA movement we knew something had to be done and that is why we launched this Bigger Fatter Blog. We were sick of the censorship in the fatsophere. We would read Paul McAleer's Big Fat Blog and howl with laughter and then be disgusted at the single mindedness and the toxic venom spewed by the jealous fat girls. Here's another example of what we mean. Let's take the Tea Bagger movement. Tea Baggers and fat feminists are really cut from the same clueless piece of cloth. They are ignorant and easily led. They are angry but the cannot really express what it is that is pissing them off so much so the create paper tigers and other symbols to justify their discontent and they more they run their mouths and close their ears the dumber and louder they get.

The opposition is not our enemy. Let's take the case of NAAO and it's founder MeMe Roth. They hate MeMe. We don't. We see her as loyal opposition. We would like to have a spirited debate with Ms Roth but we would not resort to the vulgar name calling and sophomoric debating tactics that allow a woman MeMe to trounce the angry fat girls every time. When Fat Bastard and I watch MeMe debate on of the girls from the fatosphere we know its going to be a blood bath. MeMe sits there in a calm, dignified and ladylike manner. We want to see her get knocked out of the ballpark but it never happens. MeMe slaughters them every time. Fat Bastard and I could more than hold our own against MeMe Roth because the first thing we would do is show her some respect. Also, we are not intimidated by the fact that MeMe is a hottie. That's not entirely true. Fat Bastard stops shoveling in the chips and dip when MeMe is on the tube and keeps babbling, "She's hot She's hot. Don't you think she's hot" to which I say, "No Joy Nash is hot but she's an idiot. Now shut up so we can hear." As usual MeMe brings a gun to the knife fight and she wins hands down. Its like watching Mike Tyson get pounded. You used to like Iron Mike but after he became such an asshole you find yourself cheering for his opponent because you respect his opponent more than you do Iron Mike. Fat Bastard and I are lovers not fighters. We also know that hating MeMe Roth and attacking her personally only hurts fat people in the long run. It may feel good at first and the fat girls unleash their phony righteous indignation and blizzard of misinformation but in the minds of the people who matter (the smart and honest ones) MeMe wins by a mile.
This sort of insanity and venomous attacks against a member of the loyal opposition only serves to make fat girls look more and more like the jealous and pathetic creature they are.

As most of my readers know I, Proud FA, only pork fat girls and my blog partner Fat Bastard only bones skinny women as it is really tough for two fatlings to have intercourse. Fat Bastard and I both agree that MeMe Roth is not anorexic. In this photo she appears to have a BMI of around 21. So what she has no tits? We respect the fact that she accepts her body and did not opt for a silicone beef up. Maybe if the jealous fat girls would accept their bodies they way MeMe accepts hers they would understand what real fat acceptance is. MeMe looks damn good! When Fat Bastard saw this picture I had to feed him a waffle to sop up the drool. MeMe is like Ann Coulter in looks accept that MeMe is much more womanly looking and has normal hands and no Adams apple. That is because MeMe is a genetic female. From a Playboy Magazine standard MeMe has a smokin bod. She has an athletic build. She is not by any stretch of the imagination anorexic and knowing her workout schedule MeMe has to be eating like a horse. Sorry girls for alluding to the stubborn laws of physics. MeMe Roth simply does not eat to excess and she moves. So all you fat MeMe Roth haters either accept your sloth and greedy gluttony or get fit and lean like MeMe. Your jealous fat girl routine is old and ugly. It is just another reason so many gluttons think the fat acceptance movement is a joke.

Attacks on MeMe Roth will do nothing to advance fat acceptance and gluttony acceptance. We are trying to further normalization of sloth, gluttony and obesity. Making nasty tea bagger comments about Ms Roth only diminishes our righteous cause of sloth, gluttony and obesity. My father used to tell me that every knock is a boost. You fat girls in your misguided zeal and jealousy continue to raise MeMe Roth to greater heights and you sink fat acceptance to newer low. Admit it girls, you hate women like MeMe. She's bright, classy, ladylike, and attractive physically as well as intellectually. MeMe and women like her are the kind of women men want to see and fat girls want to be. The vary people crying for fat acceptance, you fat girls, are the ones who are least accepting of your own obesity, sloth and gluttony. You girls need to fish or cut bait. You either accept you gluttony and obesity or you don't so get off the fence and stop blaming MeMe Roth and other lean and pretty women for your inability to accept yourselves.

Just so your little pea brains will know the difference between anorexic, healthy, fat and obese bodies here are some pictures.,1020,977739,00.jpg
Normal/Healthy like MeMe Roth
Fat Slut but not all that unhealthy

BTW when you google image with search terms for fat girls all you find is sluts flaunting it. I'm not complaining after all I am a fat admirer.

Obese Woman Some Health Issues
BBW or Morbidly Obese
SSBBW or Super Morbidly Obese
Super Super Morbidly Obese

If the woman in the above picture had only listened to Kelly Bliss and followed the HAES protocol she would not be in a hospital bed but instead she would be running marathons and winning them and still be just as big.

Do any of you silly girls get the point now?


  1. Great article! Something like this was long time coming!

  2. Good morning Fat Bastard and Proud FA.

    I have been very busy editing a new article for my blog.


    I hope to be done soon some time late it the evening.

    Anyway . . .

    Yeah, I know what you guys mean when it comes to the so-called fat acceptance movement.

    It has strayed far off of it's original path. The NAAFA is not what it once was.

    We fat guys and male FAs should start a Men's Auxiliary of the NAAFA and seek out women, both fat and thin women FAs who like being with us obese guys.

    I do have to acknowledge though, that in some ways, women are both superior and physically stronger (especially obese women) than us super obese guys.

    for centuries, it's been said that the female sex is the weaker sex.

    But the truth is, women are the stronger sex, and we super super obese man are the weaker sex.

    But I'm perfectly happy and contented with that.

    I love being obese, soft and weak, because it feels so comfortable and relaxing.

    Here are the reasons why I say that obese males are the weaker sex.

    First of all, most obese males tend to be apple-shaped while most obese women tend to be pear-shaped.

    Of course, there are some obese male who are pear-shaped, like myself for example: and a few women who are apple-shaped.

    But generally speaking, most obese women are pear-shaped and most obese men are apple-shaped.

    Now then, the super obese males who are more apple-shaped, having massive upper-bodies and smaller lower-bodies, their low hanging bellies cause their pants to slide down low on their butts and many of them can't even get shirts large enough to completely cover their huge round bellies, so they go around out in public, showing off their bellybuttons and butt-cracks.

    But I think that's really cool! So, I actually envy the obese apple-shaped males.

    On the other hand, super super obese pear-shaped women have smaller upper-bodies and much larger lower-bodies with big butts, broad hips, and great big thighs, therefor, pear-shaped obese women have stronger legs, while obese apple-shaped guys have thinner and weaker legs having to carry around their more massive upper-bodies.

    Also, obese women can tuck in their shirts, and wear their pants up much higher to completely cover their butts.

    So, when it comes to ruling the household, super super morbidly obese apple-shaped guys should simply step down and let the women rule the household and "wear the pants" in the family since super obese apple-shaped guys can't keep theirs from falling down!

    Also, we obese males who are more pear-shaped should do the same.

    We super morbidly obese pear-shaped males should be sitting around the house wearing pink ruffled panties and let the women take care of us.

    That is because we obese pear-shaped males are soft and weak due to our much lower testosterone levels and our more somewhat effeminate or infantile appearance.

    I have noticed over the years, the we obese males who are more pear-shape, we are more gentle, timid, and docile, and with increasing obesity, we pear-shaped males become even more soft and weak, and more timid and sissified obese little wimps and Nancy boys.

    I'm perfectly happy and contented with how nature has arranged things like this.

  3. I think in many ways men are the gentler sex and the more polite sex. Men like Proud FA have to control their aggressive behavior. Skinny guys have the most testosterone. When men get fat their estrogen levels increase as their testosterone levels decrease.

    In the case of women; when they get fat they get both more testosterone and estrogen. Given the hormonal fluctuations in women and given the fact that they are not socialized to be civilized the way men and boys are they tend to be more aggressive. Given the fact that feminists hate men, they have squeezed them out of the movement.

    Fat men get treated like a turd in a swimming pool at NAAFA events. Men would not treat women that way.

    Even if I were thin enough to pork fat girls I still wouldn't. I would pork chubby gals but even if I could get wood for fat girls I still would not pork them.

    Proud FA is dating a thinling. I hope he bones her. I met her and she is a real sweet gal. She wants him to bone her.

    Most fat guys, while not all that manly in a functional sense are not Nancy boys like you are Teddy but I must say that there are quite a few fat Nancy boys.

    The entire movement is dominated by fat girls who are feminazi man haters. Feminism does not belong in the fat acceptance movement.

  4. I also thing that because obesity causes PCOS that is another reason why fat girls are so aggressive. One factor that plays a role in developing PCOS. Insulin is linked to PCOS. Insulin is a hormone that controls the change of sugar, starches, and other food into energy for the body to use or store. Excess insulin appears to increase production of testosterone. This hormone is made in fat cells, the ovaries, and the adrenal gland. Levels of androgen that are higher than normal can lead to acne, excessive hair growth, aggressive mood, and problems with ovulation.

    Proud FA has often remarked on the amount of facial hair these fat girls have. He can always tell who will be the biggest slut in bed. Testosterone makes women horny and lack of it makes fat men sissies Teddy as you well know.

    I am still very masculine but I am sure you have noticed how fatlings become more androgynous the fatter they get. The fat girls are not properly socialized to handle all that extra testosterone. That is why they are so nuts!

  5. i adore your blog, i think about it all the time and never know when you are being sarcastic or funny or thruthfull, i just laugh and wonder.

  6. Formerly Fat Girl,

    I wonder the same thing. I suspect that Fat Bastard and Proud FA are pulling everyone's collective leg. It's hard to tell because the fat acceptance movement is even more absurd than what these guys are doing.

    I too am a fan of this blog. One minute I think it is a clever ruse and the next minute I think these guys are for real. The certainly are more logical and factual than what I read in the rest of the fatosphere.

  7. CG Brady and Formerly Fat Girl,

    We have been accused of being to anorexic chicks. If that were the case this blog would be horribly depressing and as you both can plainly see it is not.

    The difference between us and the rest of the fat blogs is that we are intellectually honest and they aren't. That is why people take us seriously and why we have attracted so many fat greedy gluttonous readers. We simply state the obvious and we state it plainly. GLUTTONY IS GOOD!

    We are promoting a guilt free life hedonistic lifestyle. There are many "foodie" blogs run by gourmet gluttons and gormandizers. We are Fast food and junk gluttons. Well actually I eat a very healthy diet and I workout. It takes a whole lot of stamina to pork as many fat girls as I pork. We skinny guys have to do all the work but it is a labor of love/lust so it is worth it.

  8. Thank you guys for this article. It's about time somebody stands up for fat men!

    BTW, I love Teddy Bear;s site too.

  9. CG Brady said...

    "Formerly Fat Girl,

    I wonder the same thing. I suspect that Fat Bastard and Proud FA are pulling everyone's collective leg. It's hard to tell because the fat acceptance movement is even more absurd than what these guys are doing.

    I too am a fan of this blog. One minute I think it is a clever ruse and the next minute I think these guys are for real. The certainly are more logical and factual than what I read in the rest of the fatosphere."

    Good evening CG Brady.

    No, we are not pulling your leg! We are FOR REAL!!!

    You have seen photos of Fat Bastard on the blog, so you know he's real.

    You also see the small photo of myself in my avatar, and when you go to my blog, THE BIGGEST FATTEST BLOG, you'll see my photo on the top at the upper right-hand corner, so I'm for real.

    That photo was taken of me in the lobby of the El Paso down town Chase Bank back in April 2007 when I weighed 370 pounds. I now weigh about 400 pounds, so I need to have new photos taken of me soon.

    I measure 56 inches around my chest, 64 inches around my waist, 70 inches around my hips and 36 inches around my thighs.

    Now that I got my brand new JAZZY 614 HD Bariatric Power Chair, when I go out, I don't have to walk anymore, so I have been gaining more weight lately.

    I'm movin' on up!
    To the fat side!
    I've finally got a piece of the pie!

    OH YEAH!!!

    I hope that I can get up to 500 pounds a year from now.

    We are greedy lazy happy gluttons here, and Fat Bastard and I, we both love being obese, and we hope to become even more obese.

    So, we are for real, we are not pulling you leg.

  10. I know Fat Bastard personally and he's a Fat Bastard. That's why they call him Fat Bastard. In fact, Fat Bastard was the original Fat Bastard. Mike Meyers stole the whole Fat Bastard concept from Fat Bastard.

    Teddy is for real too. He's my inspiration.

  11. Balltungo said...

    "I know Fat Bastard personally and he's a Fat Bastard. That's why they call him Fat Bastard. In fact, Fat Bastard was the original Fat Bastard. Mike Meyers stole the whole Fat Bastard concept from Fat Bastard.

    Teddy is for real too. He's my inspiration."

    Thank you Balltungo.

    Yes, I love obesity, and everything that comes with it!

    I love being such a big fat-ass that I need to use a pair of tongs as a toilet paper holder in order to wipe myself!

    I love the way my lower belly below my waist is beginning to hang down over my shrunken penis making it physically impossible for me to engage is sexual intercourse or to even have an erection! I love being asexual and impotent! That means I'm a true glutton because to me, food is even better than sex!

    And because of my increasing obesity, my testosterone levels have been going down, hitting rock bottom, causing me to become more gentle, timid and docile, and soft and weak, and more sissified! I love it!

    With increasing obesity, I hope to take on a more infantile appearance.

    So, I love everything about my obesity, becoming heavier and more difficult to move around, become soft and weak and more sissified.

    My favorite part of obesity is feeling sleepy all the time. That makes me feel happy and contented, a peaceful and sleepy kind of contentment.

    And I love the feeling of helplessness that comes with being a soft and weak obese little cream-puff!

    And I got that way simply by being a greedy glutton for food!

    I have literally eaten away my manhood!

    I love it!

  12. Teddy, Now you see why you and Fat Bastard are such an inspiration to me and some many of fat people. If there were something better than food we would not have so many fat people today. Food keeps getting better and better and better and we keep getting fatter, fatter and fatter. This proves just how right YOU and Fat Bastard are.

    Fat people world wide owe you two guys a huge debt of gratitude. Gluttony is GOOD!

  13. Check out Teddy's blog. He has written what is probably the best article on obese body types. I was impressed!

  14. Some of the other FA blogs are talking about Bigger Fatter Blog and the Biggest Fattest Blog. You guys are making a HUGE impact of the fatosphere.

  15. In our short time on the net Bigger Fatter Blog has rocked the fatosphere. I am so glad that we have had such a positive impact.

    We sure have pissed off a whole lot of already pissed off man haters. I love it!!

    We also made friends with one of the greatest voices in the FA movement.

  16. I've got to leave a quote here for you to laugh at:

    "Anyway, because Kate Dailey is by all appearances a thoughtful and reasonable person, she didn’t yell and fight and stomp her foot when she encountered ideas she found unnerving. Instead, she investigated not only the ideas but her own resistance to them ...."

    That's from Kate Harding's blog. She was sooo impressed about a reporter's willingness to accept an opposing idea. The punch line is that Harding would never have the intellectual courage to do that herself--she censors every opinion that does not toe the FA line. Of course, yelling and fighting and stomping her feet. :)

  17. Good evening Fat Bastard, Proud FA, and everybody else here.

    Today I have completed a new article on my web blog . . .


    My newest article is titled . . .


    As it starts by saying . . .


    In Flint Michigan, they had enacted a city ordinance against wearing low-hanging pants on the city streets. The penalty was 93 days to up to a year in jail and a fine up to $500 dollars.

    But some have ruled the law unconstitutional, because it was mostly young blacks who were into the "Hip Hop" look who like to wear their pants down low.

    I agree. It is a form of discrimination.

    It also discriminates against super morbidly obese apple-shaped males who can't help it if their pants slide half-way down on their butts and exposing their butt-cracks.

    I also go on to say why even super obese apple-shaped males should also be allowed to wear a speedo on the beach, even if they have huge round bellies that hang down over the front of their speedos and down to their knees completely concealing their speedos and making them appear to be in the nude as seen from the front.

    As long as your genitals are not exposed, then you can't be arrested for indecent exposure, because if you have a huge round belly that hangs down over your genitals, then indecent exposure is physically impossible for you! Also, having sex or even erections would be impossible for you. All you would be able to do is eat and sleep since you can't have sex anymore.

    I also believe that if you happen to be a super super super morbidly obese apple-shaped male, then you should be allowed to walk the city streets in the nude!!!

    I mean, really!!! If your belly hangs down below your knees, and your love-handles hang down much lower than your hips, and you have a great big roll of fat on your lower back that protrudes out much further than your butt, and hangs down over your butt and way down below your butt, then your lower-body, your groin and genitals, your hips and your butt, your entire lower-body is completely hidden by your low-hanging huge massive upper-body. All that can be seen is your feet. It would be like merely going out into the public streets without a shirt.

    While public buildings, like restaurants and super markets may have a policy of going shirtless or barefooted in their establishments, there is no law against being shirtless and barefooted on the city streets.

    So, a super super super morbidly obese apple-shaped male who's huge massive upper-body hangs down over his lower-body, then since his lower-body is completely covered, then for him, going out completely naked would only be like going shirtless and barefooted.

    It would be physically impossible for him to put on some pants anyway, therefore, in such extreme cases, it should be perfectly legal to walk the city streets in the nude.

    Also, if you have such an extreme amount of apple-shaped upper-body fat, then you will be an insulin dependent Type 2 Diabetic with heart disease. There is no way you won't be! Then, in that case, you are disabled, and any laws against wearing low-hanging pants is discrimination against people with a disability, therefore, you come should under the protection of the ADA Americans with Disabilities Act.

    So, if you are an apple-shape super super obese male, then feel free to wear low-hanging pants on the public streets or a speedo on the beach or a public swimming pool!

    Anyway . . . . .

    I hope you all check out my new blog article and post a few comments.

    Thank you.

  18. TEDDY I like the way you think!

    Your are such a fucking genius! Your grasp of the gestalt in unsurpassed!

    Once again you got all your weight behind it and you hit it out of the park.

    Also having carpenter's crack effects some skinny guys too. This effect fat people most but it effects everyone.

    Teddy you should post the actual obscenity dress code statute and if it is ok to show your ass you should put on a speedo or a thong and flaunt it!

    I know on Jerry Springer they are now blurring moobs.

    I wish you would write more on moobs and man bras.

  19. Gee, this must be the "silence" on the oppresion of 3rd world women that you are talking about:

    And this:

    Or maybe this:
    Or maybe this:

    Face it, you don't know what you are talking about. You are right to denounce the fallacies of FA as it stands, but you are dishonest, too. And filled with ignorant hate.

  20. I realized that I am being a nuisance to your blog, and I hate it when other people do that. So carry on, and I'll just go away. Sorry about that.

  21. We at BFB will not shew anyone away and we don;t look at anyone as nuisance. We play rough here at BFB. We are the big dogs of fat acceptance.

    All opinions and ideas are welcome here. It will get quite heated here. We don't pull any punches here and we do not see any of our readers or contributors as a nuisance.

    Our goal is to have a fat acceptance movement that is 50% male and 50% female. You can say what ever you want but we would all be better off with less fact free declarative statements because they tend to be irrational and rarely true.

    We love opinions so long as they are presented as opinions. We values Teddy's opinions and theories. We value all opinions that theories. I mention Teddy Bear because we regard him as the premiere and most erudite obesity theoretician in the fatosphere.

    BFB is not the mindless drivel you would read on Shapely Prose or the F-Word. We don't whine. We promote and glorify obesity and gluttony. Now that obesity is normalized we are working at normalizing gluttony. This is serious stuff.

    Please stick around. Even if we think you are full of shit you are always welcome here.

  22. I have been reading this blog for sometime and it is hands down the greatest blog in the fatosphere.

    BFB is the only blog that speaks to the mistreatment of fat men by society and more so by the fat acceptance movement. If Fat Bastard is angry his anger is totally justified. Keep slugging away Fat Bastard!

  23. Mr Objective said...

    "I have been reading this blog for sometime and it is hands down the greatest blog in the fatosphere.

    BFB is the only blog that speaks to the mistreatment of fat men by society and more so by the fat acceptance movement. If Fat Bastard is angry his anger is totally justified. Keep slugging away Fat Bastard!"

    Originally NAAFA was simply a Size Acceptance movement, which means accepting people regardless of size or body shape, Whether one is short or tall, fat or thin.

    But now, most of the women in NAAFA are hostile toward men, especially us fat me, and they do express a hatred toward thin woman.

    This is a contradiction in what is suppose to be a Size Acceptance organization.

    So, Fat Bastard is absolutely right!

    As for me, because I'm a soft and weak, morbidly obese little sissy boy, and a cream-puff, I'm perfectly willing to acknowledge that women are the stronger sex.

    I'm perfectly happy with that!

  24. Teddy, once again thank you for your support and understanding.

    I accept you as a fat little sissy boy. It takes all kinds. And if you want to be emasculated by your fat and by fat girls I say bully for you. Go for it!

    I am a horny macho fat bastard and you are a teddy bear whereas I am a grizzly bear. GRRRRRRRRRRR!

  25. They would love me a BB but I would not like them as I only like pussy. They did not accept you because they were jealous. They wish they were you and they see all the sissines and Nancy boy stuff as going to waste on a fat straight guy. They are jealous. That is clear to me.

    I also think that because you have atrophied gonads they figure you have no sex drive and see you a neutered which you are and they judge you for it. They act like the jealous girls in the fat acceptance movement. I had seen their forum before you had to register and I saw that they were looking for grizzly bears. I like skinny chicks and I stay away form the Hershey Highway.

    I also think they are jealous of your intellectual prowess and your artistic skills. Remember Teddy, every knock is a boost.

    They are also jealous of your status in the fatosphere as a fat rights advocate and of your extensive and respected work on fat male body types. Some people are simply small minded and petty.

    I am a bit misty as I am watching the MJ funeral. Yes,Teddy I do have a sensitive side. I so wish that MJ could have know Proud FA because Proud FA could have coaxed him to eat and if he were not dangerously anorexic he would be alive today.

    I recently saw Weird Al Yankovic's video Eat It and I'm Fat and I thought fondly of all male fatlings like you and me.

    We fat guys are a force to be reckoned with!

  26. Hello again Fat Bastard.

    Yes, over at Bellybuilders they were jealous of me.

    We fat guys come in a wide verity of body types.

    There are the Muscle Chubs, guys who like to exercise and pump iron to build up their muscles for strength and endurance but they are not interested in getting "six-pack-abs" but prefer to cover their muscles with a generous layer of fat for a more rounded out appearance.

    That's cool, I accept muscle chubs.

    Then there are the Bears.

    This are fat guys who are hairy all over, having lots of chest hair and hairy arms and legs.

    That's also cool and I accept that.

    I'm in the category of what I recently learned is referred to as Seals.

    I'm what would be called a Seal having soft smooth skin with very little or no chest hairs or body hairs.

    We Seals have a more soft and smooth infantile appearance.

    I have pale white skin on my chest and belly and my back, and my face is nice and round, almost baby-faced, especially since I'm bald on top of my head with just a fringe of hair on the sides and back.

    Obese bald-headed guys like me, we look more wimpish and baby-like. I love the look!

    I like the appearance, but over at Bellybuilders they were prejudice against us Seals.

    We seals can also be classified as big babies.

    Also, they could not accept the fact that I enjoy having low testosterone levels, that I love having a shrunken penis only 2 inches long and shrunken testicles the size of 2 grapes. they're probably even smaller now, almost gone but not quite.

    They could not understand that I love being asexual and impotent, because it makes me feel more infantile and helpless, and I love that feeling.

    So, through deliberate increasing obesity, causing my testosterone levels to hit rock bottom, I have effectively neutered myself, without being physically castrated, but more like being chemically castrated, but again, without resorting to drugs to bring this about, but simply causing my testosterone levels to go down so low through my ever increasing obesity.

    I love the way it feels!

    For all practical purposes, I'm like a eunuch, even though I still have my testicles, though shrunken and useless.

    Now then, since I had mentioned before a few times that I'm in the process of converting to Judaism, we do not believe in physical or chemical castration, not even of animals, and certainly not of human males, so I shall keep my shrunken and now useless testicles.

    But if a male become unable to have sex and reproduce because of low testosterone levels, then there is no sin in that.

    Also, when the testosterone levels hit zero, it causes some rather profound personality changes. We become more gentle and docile, and we feel very peaceful and calm.

    This is know as the "Eunuch Calm" and it make us feel kind of sleepy most of the time.

    We become soft and weak, peaceful and calm, happy and contented, a sleepy kind of contentment.

    Then we no longer care that we can't have sex anymore. We become more like great big fat baby boys, wanting only to eat and sleep.

    We are revolted by competitive sports, preferring to watch documentaries on TV, reading books all the time, and listening to classical music.

    Low testosterone levels can cause all kind of personality changes.

    And then, we can gain weight more easily. Our muscle wasted away, becoming soft, flabby, and weak as our percentages of body-fat increases and we puff op like great big soft round jet-puffed marshmallows.

    Being soft, flabby, and weak is the most wonderful sensation. It feels so relaxing. We just go completely limp, and when we lay down, we fall asleep much sooner, go into a deeper sleep, and have more pleasant dreams.

    Every TRUE GLUTTON hopes to take on a more infantile appearance through ever increasing obesity, to achieve that infantile state of being.

    This is the mystery and the magic of super super obesity.

    I love it!!!

  27. Teddy Bear,

    I would love to see you do some work on muscle chubs, bears and seals. If it is anything like your work of apples and pears it will be a must read for everyone in the new fat acceptance movement, foodies and other gluttons.

  28. At least you guys admit that you are vulgar uncouth gluttons.

  29. O.K., here's another fat-positive feminist's opinions for you to chew upon:

  30. Here's a reality check.

    If a 40 yearold woman eats 2000 calories a day and and is sedentary the most weight she can maintain is 140 pounds.

    If she exercises moderately the most weight she can maintain is 128.

    You fat girls need to stop skirting the issue and this reality. Obesity is a result of chronic gluttony.

    Fat Bastard and Teddy Bear accept that reality and freely admit and promote gluttony. The fat feminists also promote a hedonistic and gluttonous lifestyle. The difference between Fat Bastard's "New Fat Acceptance that makes room for all fatlings is that it is honest regarding gluttony and obesity promotions. All the fat feminists do is make excuses for why the are fat and say that diets are some evil invention of men.

    Feminism is hypocrisy and fat feminism is absurd. Some ranting "manifesto" of some obscure blog is bullshit. You feminist whine about the bra as evil male plot to domesticate women but you feminists are silent when it come to banning the burka which is a garment used to oppress and turn women into chattel. Feminists are hypocrites and fat feminists are even bigger hypocrites. Pun intended.

    Fat Bastard and Teddy Bear full accept their obesity and have the honesty to admit to their gluttony.

    Proud FA uses fat women to satisfy his fat fetish. It sounds quite shallow but so what? The really shallow ones are the fat women you reject fat men and are groupies for fat admirers. They ones really being used are the fat admirers.

    He might as well use them for sex. They certainly are not marriage material. Who wants some fat big carrying their off-spring? Who wants some food slut caring for their children?


    Dear BFB readers please check out Teddy's article of the BIGGEST FATTEST BLOG. This article is OUTSTANDING!

    Give Teddy Bear a BIG FAT OINK OINK OINK!!!

  32. CG Brady--
    I disposed of your dumbass fake arguments in an earlier post. But it's nice to get evidence that you can't read.

  33. CG, thanks you again for shooting down the lies of the wacked out feminazis.

    While you do not agree with the gluttonous lifestyle of all the fatlings at least you appreciate the honesty of the new fat acceptance and its mission to promote obesity and gluttony.

  34. Dear Really Dumb Anonymous:

    No, this ain't Kate Harding, or her bunch of doctrinaire Kool Aid drinkers. The link I sent rips that to shreds. Try reading it sometimes and find out. If you can read. It may take time since you obviously need to move your lips, but don't let that stop you.

  35. Anonymous said...

    "Dear Really Dumb Anonymous:

    No, this ain't Kate Harding, or her bunch of doctrinaire Kool Aid drinkers. The link I sent rips that to shreds. Try reading it sometimes and find out. If you can read. It may take time since you obviously need to move your lips, but don't let that stop you."

    This sort of crap is not productive and besides that article is drivel and apologetics.

    Maybe you don' get it anon. Fat Bastard and it I believe hat gluttony is good and Dr CG Brady sees it as a moral failing. This article is about he dishonesty of the fat girl run fat acceptance and how if has ruined the movement and made fat people feel guilty about being the gluttons that they are. Women, not being the sharpest cheddar by that genetics crap and then go in denial regarding how much the eat. Both Dr Brady and this blog are in agreement that the old fat acceptance that won't acknowledge that the behavior called gluttony is the cause of all obesity and that the old ole girl's club that dominates the FA movement is harming all fat people with misinformation.

    Dr Brady is a weight loss guru who uses "spit in the soup" techniques aka negative reinforcement to discourage fatlings from making what he calls "bad lifestyle choices". Being that we think gluttony is good but acknowledge that gluttony has health risks for some people is where Dr Brady and this blog part company.

    We are in partial agreement with Dr Brady and we have written an article that state that gluttony is not for everyone. We have consulted with the Teddy Bear aka Dr Gerald, foremost expert on obese body types and we do acknowledge that many fatlings the apple types and extreme apple types risk death by being gluttons but we do not discourage any form of gluttony because we believe that food and the pleasure derived from it outweigh the risks of death, stroke, diabetes, heart dissease and all the other co-morbidities that go along with obesity and gluttony.

    Where we part company with Dr Brady is in his method of asking fatlings what they love more than food such as family and other loved ones. We think that Dr Brady knows damn well that fat people love food more than anything else. Dr Brady thinks that the behaviors and the belief system of fatling can be reformed. We see what he does as mind control and a form of deprogramming or reprogramming.

    Dr Brady plays the obese kids card and makes the case that fat parents are bad parents. We think that teaching children to be greedy gluttons is good and let the doctors worry about their health.

    Factually we do not disagree with Dr Brady as he is an honesty guy. We don;t disagree factually with his colleague MeMe Roth factually. We have both factual and philosophical differences with the feminazi rug munchers who have hyjacked fat acceptance because their cause is so full of shit and laughable. Our only difference with Roth and Brady is philosophical. Roth is a mother hen who wants to save fat kids form bad parents and fat people from their sloth and gluttony whereas Dr Brady is a bit of a moral crusader against sloth and gluttony but he's an honest guy just as MeMe Roth is an honest gal. Roth makes no moral judgments we think Dr Brady does although he denies it.

    As to Kate Harding, maybe is she saw a plastic surgeon and got that face of hers fixed and got some dick, she'd be out of fat acceptance faster that Fat Bastard leave the all you can eat buffet when all the food is gone.

  36. I meant to say that we do agree with MeMe Roth factually because she's honest - plus the fact that Fat Bastard has a school boy crush on her. She and Brady are our adversaries NOT our enemies.

    Perhaps anon you should take a look at Teddy Bear's latest article regarding the discrimination fat men face. Maybe then you will then have the sensitivity required to grasp this discussion. Walk a mile in Teddy's or Fat Bastard shoes or more accurately, roll a mile in their power chairs.

    Fat men get treated like crap by the FA movement. That is one reason we did not go to this years NAAFA convention.

  37. Word has it the NAAFA convention had very low turn out. HA HA HA HA

  38. The DC convention was a bust. Very low turn our. I really missed you guys and the pig pen!

  39. Hey Coach,

    Thanks for checking out our blog. We heard it was a major bust this years. I would have liked to have seen you though. PFA and I have really pissed them off. He was afraid someone was going to poison him now that he has a skinny girlfriend and besides I can be treated like shit here. LOL!

  40. FB and I appreciate your comments. We heard the turnout was going to be low but that was not what kept us form going. I am dating a really nice thinling and she knows all about my fat fetish so out of respect for her I am no longer porking fat girls.

  41. i dont appreciate ur comment. IF i cared about health do u think id be doing what i am doing. once i reach my goal weight and i am beautiful i will start eating healthily.
