" If you have been watching the news lately, I am sure that you have heard of the "Obesity Epidemic". Marriages are not immune to the effects of this issue. This site will focus on the situation where one partner becomes, or remains obese and the other spouse maintains a thinner physique, or succeeds in becoming thinner." |
This is My Fat Spouse's ideal of feminine beauty.
Real men like women like these lusty busty beauties.
It's founder and site owner is a muscle bound roid monkey named Chris Dumbell.
Chris Dumbell AKA Fat Hater
His hateful site is growing in popularity. His site is for spouse who cannot appreciate their obese and super obese partners. They advocate infidelity, divorce, hunting fat people using harpoon and then rendering our blubber into motor fuel and our skin for lamp shades, starvation dieting, torturous exercise, the use of cattle prods on fat people, the fat tax, and many other forms of fat hate bingo. Here is a link to this site that has a forum. http://myfatspouse.com/ They also have a online forum where they bash fat people. The have some very toxic posters. Married2ASweathog is one of the worst. He looks like a Flava Flave wannabe.
This one is terrible!
I was surprised in a way to see that the women who post there are even more brutal to their fat spouses than men. Fat Bastard and I discussed this and we now are not surprised by the fact that skinny women are more brutal to their fat husbands than skinny husbands are to their fat wives. As a fat admirer I am almost embarrassed as to high easy it is for lean men to land fat women but now that I hear the horrible things discussed on that roid monkey's site I know why we fat admirers can so easily land BBWs.
I'd rather sit on the couch, play video games and feed this sizzling SSBBW than walk on the beach with this prude!