Sunday, April 13, 2008


NAAFA's position on fat acceptance has been schizophrenic and disingenuous. What first comes to mind is their position on feederism. Nearly all NAAFAIANS are either feeders or gainers. The average NAAFA convention is pretty much "Have Feeding Tube Will Travel". Every feeder knows that a NAAFA convention is is a plethora of plumpness primed to be pumped with wonderfully sweet and savory concoctions compliments of the friendly feeder's feeding tube. This year's 2008 NAAFA Convention is being held July 9th - 13th in fat friendly city of Los Angeles California.

NAAFA has aligned itself with the feminist movement which seems to run counter to both movements. The feminist movement is in its last throes and it is dragging fat acceptance down with it. Fat feminism is indeed silly. Fat bodied women are the the most self-confident and strident women on the planet and the do not need some man hating dykes telling them that men are oppressing them when it is skinny women who are being oppressed and exploited like cattle as they are starved and paraded up and down cat walks and made to look weak and hideous. Fat women are not these meek little kittens who purge and starve. The fat bodied female is the alpha female. She is strong and she does not need to be told that she isn't. She does not need some emotional vampire telling here that she is oppressed or damaged when nothing could be further from the truth.

NAAFA has been asked by its critics if it is possible to be too fat. NAAFA has danced around that issue for years when all they should have done is answer with a resounding NO! One can not be a fat acceptor and claim that anyone is "too fat". As NAAFA skirts that issue they make outrageous claims that fat bodied people are as healthy or healthier than people of typical size. That is just too much hog wash for the rational mind to handle. We are far less healthy physically but we are much healthier mentally because we are pleasure seeking gluttons and there is nothing wrong with that.

NAAFA's greatest failure is the fact that they do not speak for the vast majority of fat bodied people. In fact most fat bodied people have never even heard of NAAFA. NAAFA has been on a rapid decline for many years. The once noble NAAFA started by Bill Fabrey is a mere shell of its former self. NAAFA has been hyjacked by a bunch of kooks that everybody laughs at. Back in 1969 when Bill started this once noble cause NAAFA stood for National Association to Aid Fat Americans. Bill's vision was to help fat bodied Americans.

NAAFA today stands for National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance. Therein lies the problem. NAAFA went from a human rights organization to an organization with a vague and confused mission and an overly zealous political and social agenda.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The New Fat Acceptance: Make Food Your God

Now that America is proudly the FATTEST NATION ON EARTH it is time that we celebrate this wonderful milestone. With BBWs unapologetically flaunting their super sized bodies all over the net we can enthusiastically say that the age of the fatty is here. We have arrived!

There is a lot of dishonest moralizing about the sin of gluttony but the time has come for some real honesty. We fat folks love food. We love food more than just about anything else and why shouldn't we? Food does not judge. Food does not ignore our pleas. Food makes us feel good. Food is our friend. Food is our God. What a friend he have in Cheeses.
Cheeses Christ

Embrace gluttony. Gluttony is our religion that brings us near to the belly god we call Food. Praise Food glorious glorious glorious FOOD!
Belly God
Pay homage to the Belly God and EAT!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Do Not Apologize For Your Appetite

We in the Fat Acceptance Movement lose credibility when our members make outrageous statement like "I weigh 400 pounds and I only eat 900 calories a day." That one does not even pass the giggle test. We need not apologize for our gluttony and gormandizing. We did not get fat because we hate food. We love food and we should love food. Life is short and it is doubtful that there is a god so what we do on earth won't matter when we are gone. I for one will not apologize for my gluttonous hedonism and neither should you.

Food is glorious. It is better than love by far. It never rejects you. Unlike "God" it never ignores your pleas. If love were better then parents would not be raising obese kids who will suffer ridicule from this fat hating society and allegedly a lifetime of health problems but let's not get on that slippery slope right now. No, this is about being unapologetic and guilt free about eating as much as we want, when ever we want and what ever we want.

I love feeder chat on Dimensions Magazine. I love calling these lovely BBWs pigs and the love it too. I love looking at extremely fat women. Most men do. If you do a Google image search and type in BBW you will find image after image of BBWs unashamedly showing off their lovely large bodies but if you Google terms like skinny woman (who'd want to?) and you will find mostly fully clothed stick girls. My point is fat women need not apologize for how much they eat. That is a sure way to develop an eating disorder. Do what I and other fat men do eat all you want and if someone has a problem with that just tell them to F off!

Our matra needs to be "You can't ever eat to much and you cannot ever weigh too much so don't judge us" I am hoping for a paradigm shift in the Fat Acceptance Movement. There is too much infighting and the cause of that infighting is because many of us in the movement will not say, "Yes that's right I eat 6000+ calories a day everyday. You got a problem with that?