The following is an article by CG Brady. This guy has a book coming out that really will threaten our growing gluttony movement in the US. I love diet books because all they do is make people fatter and that is what all of us in fat acceptance want and that is why Proud FA and I do not censor diet talk. Most diets only make you fatter so we love it when a new diet comes out because we know it will fail. 98% of diets fail and that is GOOD for our mission of obesity and gluttony promotion. CG Brady understands as much about gluttony as Teddy Bear AKA Gerald, Proud FA and me Fat Bastard. This insidious punk understands how to get people to stay on diets. His NAZI style methods of mind control are in a word or two ghastly and frightening. We have fought so hard to increase the overweight and obesity rate in the US to an impressive 73% and not this son of a bitch has come along to undo what Americans have worked so hard to achieve.
This guy makes MeMe Roth look like a friend to fat acceptance and we all know the devastating blows she has dealt to the movement.
This is not just about Fat Pride. Sure it will suck when we lose the status of the FATTEST NATION ON EARTH but the economic consequences of people eating less will devastate our entire economy. Health care will take a huge hit! The food industry will be laying off hundreds of thousands. Food prices will plummet and our farmers will starve. CG Brady needs to be stopped and stopped soon. I want everyone reading this blog to write to Amazon and Barnes and Noble and threaten to boycott them if they put his books on their shelves. CG Brady is a menace. He is a monkey wrench in a wonderful system that enables us fatling to survive. This toxic man and his hateful methods will not only hurt us fatlings, it will hurt everyone. It will even hurt the dieting and publishing industry.
We need a coalition. All of us, the diet industry, the old fat acceptance, the medical industry and big pharma need to unite against this threat. As you know I am usually against censorship but this knowledge is knowledge that should be forbidden. CG Brady has let the genie out of the bottle and before it does anymore damage we need to put the genie back into the bottle, cork it tightly, bury that bottle and then bury the shovel. Proud FA read this and he is livid. Neither one of us get into a twist when obesity gets medicalized. We see weight loss surgery for the barbarism that it is but this is much worse because it changes the beliefs, attitudes and behaviors that have served us so well for so long. CG Brady's stuff is blatantly unAmerican and we need to nip it in the bud.
Here is the dreadful article. I did illustrate it as a way of mocking this smudge of a man. I only hope that the rest of the fatosphere take this as seriously as those of us in the New Fat Acceptance have taken it. Please comment and don't hold back!
Diets Fail: Why The Brady Method® WorksMost diets and weight loss programs fail for one reason and one reason only. Dieters simply do not comply. If you can get people to consistently eat the correct amount of calories they simply cannot remain overweight. That is a scientific and mathematical certainty. Certainly proper nutrition is important, however; it is not always vital for weight loss even though it is for good health. I am able to do that and I have been doing it for nearly 2 years.
The first thing I do is ask the client their age, weight and gender Here is a sample of some typical responses followed by the rest of my questions.
(They will say so that I will feel better and I will look better and I will be able to do things like walk up stairs without wheezing and so I can get of my meds. I need to do this for ME. They are parroting the conventional wisdom that has not worked. The egoism that is there is no longer apparent to a society that lives by the motto "hooray for me a fuck you" is apparent to me. This obesity and gluttony thing is in many ways but not entirely a societal problem and yes I do have all the answers because I looked for them. When asked for altruistic and noble reasons for being healthy and lean they eventually say, "It is what parents should do for their kids. It is socially responsible." At this point I have spat in their soup so to speak. They knowingly eat unhealthy but tasty food without giving it a second thought now they are less comfortable doing it and more inclined to stop.What is your theory as to why you are over weight? Ex.300 pounds
What is an ideal weight range for a woman who stands 5'5"?What is your ideal weight?What is the lowest safe body fat percentage for a woman?What is your theory as to why most Americans are fat or obese? (This is an important question because contrary to popular belief fat people are often very self centered. There are several reasons for this but let it suffice to say the act and the result of gluttony, yes fat people really are gluttons and I will define gluttony more completely later. When fat people begin to consider others especially ones with whom they can identify they begin to think differently. I know how frustrating it can be hearing their excuses and flawed logic.) How many calories a day does it take for a moderately active 40 year old female to maintain 300 pounds? (Now they have to think in terms of physics and logic. They are taking the bait.)On a scale of 1 - 10 how badly do you want to be healthy and fit?On a scale of one to 10 how difficult to you think it will be for you to get healthy and fit?On a scale of 1 - 10 how motivated are you to get healthy and fit?At this point we get into the mechanics of weight loss. The most a 300 point person should lose in a week is 3 pounds. This person is taking in 4276 per day. She should be taking in 1800 to 2200 if she want to maintain a healthy weight. I would put her on about 2800 (that is her Basal Metabolic Rate) calories a day and her only exercise will be what she normally does. She will gradually cut back until she is at 1500 and then she will go back to 1800 - 2200 depending on her activity level. At this point she's hooked now I set the hook and I set it deep.
I give her the guidelines for healthy eating which are essentially the USDA food pyramid but I ask her to shoot for .5 grams protein per pound of body weight and try to get 35 grams or more of fiber per day. The reasons diet fail is because they spoon feed nutritional information. My clients have to figure it out for themselves. It puts them in control. I have read Atkins' books and I visit the crazy low
carb forums and I want to piss on his grave and slap all his disciples. I digress but I hate that fat bastard even in death as I hate
Agatston in life that chubby sickly charlatan. I am 54 and my body still makes young women swoon.
Swooning female!Barry Sears, (Zone Diet)
Agatston (South Beach Diet) and the late Dr Robert
Fatkins all have/had man boobs. I guess I love to digress.
Grave of the late Robert Atkins MD.Atkins' 1972 diet was revolutionary, and in direct opposition to the conventional wisdom of dieticians: lower carbohydrates, and increase meat and fat. While one would lose weight on such a diet, most of the loss is from water and muscle mass. The former is pointless and the latter can be dangerous. These inconvenient facts did not stop the public from buying 30 million of his books.
He suffered a heart attack in 2002, but one that he claimed was unrelated to diet. Atkins died after he purportedly slipped on a sidewalk in New York City, sustaining a brain injury. At the time of his death, Dr. Atkins weighed 258 pounds, and at his height of six feet, the U.S. government considers him obese.
Now she needs to create 5 to 7 meals/feedings per day that add up to 2800 calories. That means 7 400 calorie feedings/meals or about 10
Stouffers LEAN CUISINE® meals. OINK!
At this point the client sees how much eating she has been doing. Now it is time get the net and a winch to land this one. She is thinking at this point, "
OMG what a pig I am" Reality is fillet knife and it is working its magic. This process takes about 6 weeks. Now she is past the point of no return and the rest is just being patient and gradually cutting calories and not worrying because her weight loss is slowing. She knows that is to be expected.
I may have an unconventional personal style and an out of the box approach to problem solving but what I do works. I have contacted many so called experts and none of them will give me the time of day. I suppose some people, especially ones with too much education for their
IQs develop very high
AQs AKA Asshole Quotients. They are also jealous because they hate it when someone with half their education has twice their intelligence.
It may seem that I have a certain amount of disdain for fat people. I do but there are many other groups of homo sapiens for which I have considerably more. We are a dreadful species with the potential of evolving socially, emotionally, and spiritually into something better. Our animal side is winning and sadly the human animal often lacks the nobility of his smaller brained cousins. I hope that can change because I have sons and two grand kids. I would like them to live in a humane world full of responsible and caring people.
How do we attack this jerk? If we make sport of him the way the jealous fat girls try to make sport of MeMe Roth we end up looking like jerks.
How do we shoot down his methods?
How do we discredit him?
We need to brain storm and come up with tactics and strategies that can defeat him and stop this threat to our gluttonous lifestyle cold. Let's get to work! The preservation of our gluttonous lifestyles may depend on what we do here.
Dear BFB readers,
I know that many of you are shocked and angered at the death of MJ and I understand your rage but I cannot allow comments calling for the death of the doctor or doctors who killed MJ.
Like all of you I want to see justice done. Proud FA and I are sick about this as we too were MJ fans.
There is a lot of blame to go around in the death of this fragile man. Dr Murray is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. He will probably weasel out of it just like the butchers and leaches who killed Ana Nicole Smith. The Jackson family has called for a second autopsy. In the meantime blog hard about reckless actions of Dr Conrad Murray.