MeMe Roth riding on her broom and sweeping out all the goodies as she terrorizes our young fatlings.
Everyone in the fat acceptance movement knows MeMe Roth MeMe who runs a group called National Action Against Obesity, and now she is crashing elementary school parties because they are serving kids delicious glutton fare. MeMe recently went to her daughter's school and had a conniption fit because of the yummy food being served. Roth exclaimed, “I thought I was sending my kid to P.S. 9, not Chuck E. Cheese,” Ms. Roth, a strident thinling and a hotling 40-year-old from Atlanta, said in an interview. “Is there or is there not an obesity and diabetes epidemic in this country?” Such a mother hen you are MeMe! Fat kids are cute as hell. Look at the Campbell Soup kids.

and look at these happy little chubblings....

MeMe Leave us kids alone!

MeMe Roth will not be satisfied until all children look like these two tykes.
Stop fretting about diabetes too MeMe because we have Liberty Medical who will deliver our diabetes supplies right to our door at no cost to us along with a free meter. We also have Wilford Brimley telling us to check our blood sugar and to check it often so that our diabetis won't get to out of control and if it does and we get a diabetic ulcer like one of these bad boys

Other blogs have reacted with moral outrage to this out of control food cop.

MeMe Roth cruelly taunting fat girls with her movie star looks and smokin body

Real men like real women with real curves. Only a dog wants a bone and just because I don't/can't pork fat girls and Proud FA is no longer porking fat girls that does not mean we don't find fat girls hot. Fat girls are very very hot and that is why they dress like sluts and show so much skin. They need the ventilation for Christ's sake or else they'd overheat when they overeat! Ms Roth has no need to dress like a harlot!
MeMe The Terrorist
MeMe Roth is a one woman Taliban. Ms carrots and peas Roth wants to ban most foods. Her deep seated hatred for us fatlings has driven her agenda along with fellow fat hater first lady Michelle Obama to terrorize our fatling pups aka fat kids with fruits and vegetables. If Ms Roth and Mrs Obama get there way all we will be allowed to eat is lettuce and seaweed. People like Emeril, Paula Deen the Butter Queen will be rounded up and sen to Gitmo and reprogrammed to cook like Graham Kerr and Nathan Lyon.

You need to be eating some KFC and soul food sista!
We have shootings, bombings and rapes in our elementary schools everyday and you Ms Roth are concerned about cupcakes and a few million cases of diabetes that can easily be treated by the greatest medical system in the world? How dare you storm into a school and take away the tasty num nums from kids? That Ms Roth is child abuse! You are probably one of those parents that forces your kids to eat spinach and carrots. Somebody should report you you killjoy!
I could not leave BFB's readers seeing such an ugly image that the First Lady is using to terrorize our kids and create a country of anorexics so I, Fat Bastard, leave you with this comforting image and I give you this sage advice. EAT!

Well, it looks like I'm going to be the first fat little piggy to post in this new topic.
Yeah, MeMe Roth is an absolute tyrant! She's the Bitch Queen Of The Galaxy!
OK, I have nothing against having healthier food choices in the school cafeterias, because kids do need to have some vegetables and fresh fruit. No problem with that.
My mother taught me to appreciate vegetables and we always had fruit.
But there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a treat once in a while, like a slice of cake, or a piece of pie.
I eat vegetables and fresh fruit every day with my meals which probably accounts for why I don't have high blood pressure or high cholesterol despite my obesity, so I eat healthy foods, because I want extra years to enjoy being fat.
But I also like to keep some ice cream up in my freezer, and I like Cool Whip on my strawberries, and I like snack foods.
MeMe Roth needs to lay off, and back down!
Cupcakes are not a crime!
Yeah, there are far more important issues to worry about.
Kids are getting bullied around in our schools. The quality of education has been on the decline. School place more emphases on sports than on academics. Kids who are serious about studying science and math (nerds and geeks) get bullied around by the jocks and nothing is done about that.
High school kids have even been sodomized in the locker rooms. Kids are getting beaten and raped.
When I was a kid in school, we had cupcakes and we didn't have to worry about guns.
Now kids are bringing guns to school but cupcakes are banned.
MeMe Roth should concern harself with more important issues.
Well, I have always said she's a shallow brainless bimbo!
But she doesn't give a flying fuck in Hell. She ignore the real crimes and wants to make cupcakes a crime.
Once again TB you got ALL your weight behind this one and hit it out of the park.
MeMe wants to feed everyone cabbage and make them run marathons while she chases us in her jack boots spanks our chubby bottoms... And while the spanking of our chubby bottoms by a thinling bitch goddess like MeMe might be fun the running and the cabbage part would suck.
I get my fruits and veggie without actually eating them. Wine is concentrated grapes and I drink a lo of wine and brandy is concentrated wine and I get plenty of that. I also eat strawberry short cake and lots of jams and jellies.
I eat pumpkin pie and I put ketchup and hot sauce on everything so I get my veggies. Also, vegetables are what food eats.
Because you are docile pear bear you are an omnivore but I, Fat Bastard am mostly a carnivore. GRRRRRRRRRR OINK!
Your point is well taken about he cupcake vs gun analogy. Keep kids really fat and they won't be bringing guns to school and if a fatling gets shot the extra fat will sop the bullet before it can hit a vital organ. They would need an elephant gun to drop this old ornery bear.
Hello again Fat Bastard.
Yes, I believe that the reason why more kids are becoming obese is because they are following their natural instincts, to fatten up because in the future food might not be so easily available as it is now if some people have their way.
Also, the increasing bullying in our schools. Shortly after Columbine, I had read how one student was thrown through a plate glass window and another student was thrown down a flight of stairs by some jock who went unpunished.
Despite the fact the fat kids in our schools are more likely to be subject to bullying than thinner kids, they still follow their natural instinct to fatten up.
When a kid gets fat enough to where he weighs more than twice as much as most kids his age, it makes it much harder for some bully to pick him up and throw him through a plate glass windows or down a flight of stairs.
Also fat kids are well padded and when bullies beat up on them, it doesn't hurt as much, and the extra padding protects them from injuries.
Also, being much bigger than the bullies give a fat kid a feeling of security.
Also, as a fat kid gets really huge, while he may still be subject of verbal bullying, the bullies might be intimidated by his size and back down and refrain from physical bullying.
Word cause less fewer than fists!
I know my stepfather use to get drunk and beat up on my mother and I, but when I was a teenager, I gained so much weight that eventually I became much bigger than my stepfather. Yes, he was a few inches taller, but since I was backing a lot more weight on a shorter frame, my stepfather would back down and then he didn't beat up on my mother anymore and he left me alone.
So, size equals more security.
Also, fat kids are harder to kidnap!
Fat kids are cool!
Fat kids rule!
If Ms Roth thinks she can stop the flabbalanche she's delusional. She has about as much chance of stopping it as an anorexic chick has of winning a pie eating contest.
Bullying is a bad thing. It's often the jocks who are mesomorphs that do most of the bullying and I think the skinny puny kids get bullied the most but they pick on us fatlings too until we crush one of them with our sheer mass and weight.
When I was in school a lot of the puny kids would give me their food so that I would protect them. I was like their flabby fortress.
Fat is like a protective layer and you are right fat kids are harder to kidnap plus the kidnappers would have to feed them more.
Good evening Fat Bastard.
Yes, MeMe Roth need to accept the fact that there are some people out there like us who prefer being fat, or even enjoy being obese.
We are NOT machines that are designed and built to certain size and weight specifications.
Whether you believe in evolution or in God does not matter.
Neither natural selection, nor even God use a micrometer to make sure that the human body was designed to a tolerance within a thousandth of a millimeter.
The human body comes in many different shapes and sizes.
It would be a very dull world if everybody were exactly alike.
MeMe Roth is a female Hitler!
The old fat acceptance has her barking up the wrong tree. What could she say to us if we said, "with all due respect Ms Roth we are fat and gluttonous and we like it. If you don't like it tough titty?"
Think about it Teddy, what come back would she have?
She might say, "What about your kids?" What about them Ms Roth? We like them fat and plumped up.
Those of us in the new fat acceptance movement can easily disarm Ms Roth. We are fat and we eat a lot and we love it. Gluttony beats starvation every time.
She has no comebacks and we can put her on a slippery slope every time.
I will defend Ms Roth because unlike the girls in the fat acceptance movement Ms Roth is not dishonest so that much I respect.
What I think MeMe needs is a good tongue lashing from yours truly... if you know what I mean. ;>) Yep, she needs this old Fat Bastard to give her a good chewing out. I'd spank her real good in a debate.
I can't stay mad at MeMe for long because she has dismantled the old FA movement and she's a hotling. Brains and beauty is damn sexy and unlike Ann Coulter when MeMe opens her mouth she sounds like a woman. I think she's just too much of a mother hen.
Hey Everybody, Belly Boy here,
I think it is a good idea to become super morbidly obese very early on in life, that way the life expectancy will drop, which will reduce overcrowding on the planet.
You see, us Apple Men have great big round bellies, while Pear BOYS have great big wide hips. I used to walk around stark naked and nobody cared at all, because my belly covered my butt and genitals. I would wave hello to police officers and they would give me a strange look and wave back, and nothing bad would happen. I never got arrested for indecent exposure because, technically, I was not really exposed!
So you see, fat acts as a shield that protects you from the problems of the world. It buffers me against the cold, protects me from physical injuries and bullies, and it also protects my income because I am disabled due to my obesity. So, us fat folk get a lot out of life.
My friend Big Lard Ass actually introduced me to this blog, so I decided to start posting here. He is a lot less fat than he used to be though, but I have resolved to eat even more to compensate.
I have no high blood pressure or diabetes, but I am mostly immobile and do not get much exercise at all. I do wiggle my legs a big, and my arms are very mobile, but still too short to reach my nether-regions. Way too short.
Welcome to fat world BellyBoy and our humble blog.
We would love it if you could share some of your butt wiping tips experiences with our readers.
Feel free to post anything you want here as long as it is no X-rated.
It must be very liberating to not have to wear clothing. If you want more info on super super super morbid obesity I urge you to check out Teddy Bear's authoritative blog. Teddy Bear is he LEADING authority on hyper obesity in the known universe. Teddy is an obese god to those of us in the obesity acceptance and promotion movement.
Good evening Bellyboy.
Wow! You sound, like, totally awesome!
So, you're a big apple! Cool!
Plese do check out my blog, THE BIGGEST FATTEST BLOG at:
And also, my newest web site, Truly Magnificent Monumental And Majestic Obesity at:
I like to do fat cartoons depicting both pear-shaped and apple-shaped obese males.
Although I'm slightly pear-shaped myself, I prefer to draw cartoons of apple-shaped obese males, because they are more fun to draw.
Also, I'm looking for a real-life example of the perfect apple-shaped obese male.
Please, could you tell us your measurements.
I measure only 56 inches around my chest, 64 inches around my waist, 70 inches around my hips and 36 inches around my thighs.
Now I have seen some apple-shaped obese males with really huge bellies, small butts, and thinner legs. I had actually seen an apple-shaped guy who had really fat arms and skinny legs. His arms were actually bigger around than his legs. I kid you not!
Now, I'm looking for the perfect apple-shaped obese male who arms are bigger around than the hips!
Please tell me . . .
Does your belly above the waist hang down over your thighs almost down to your knees?
Are your love-handles much wider than your hips and hang down over your hips?
And finally, do you have a great big roll of fat on your lower-back that protrudes out much further than your butt?
Are you more than twice as big around the belly, or perhaps even more than three times as big around the belly as you are around the hips?
Now, I have seen a few pear-shaped obese women who's thighs were bigger around than the chest so that they were almost the perfect, but not quite the perfect pear-shape. If their lower-legs had also been bigger around than the chest then they would have achieved the perfect pear-shape.
I'm seeking obese males who are the perfect apple-shape or would like to achieve the perfect apple-shape with upper-arms and forearms bigger around than the hips!
Of course, a guy probably would not live very long after achieving the perfect apple-shape so there is a price to pay for male perfection.
While I have seen a few obese women who were close to being the perfect pear-shape, I have not yet seen any obese males who had achieved the perfect apple-shape.
As I have said before, I have seen guys who's arms were bigger around than their legs but no bigger around than the hips.
I hope to someday see such obese male perfection.
Perhaps you might want to try for it yourself.
Anyway, please let us know your measurements.
Thank you.
Teddy is the greatest obesity cartoonist in the known universe.
Dear Teddy Bear,
What are my measurements? Well, I do not know what they are! I am so fat that measuring me would be very difficult. Just even getting out of bed for my manservant to change my sheets which I have soiled, is a big chore in itself. Then I have to get hosed down in the garage. My parents had the door to the garage widened- basically two doors size. My dad is a carpenter and he designed a special door for me to get to the garage.
You see, he was worried if I ever get sick or if there is a fire, how will I escape the house? So he did that to make it so I can get to the garage, and then from there we can open the garage for me to escape. Don't know what we would do if both cars were in the garage though. I would not be able to fit through.. Or even walk to the garage unassisted.
As or my body shape, I used to be an apple shape, but at my weight everything has really just started to break down. When you hit about 700 lbs, you are no longer apple or pear shaped, you just get giant everywhere.
My butt is totally flat because I am always sitting down, so it is very, very, very flat. So is my back. My gut hangs down very low, I can't stand really because my legs are too weak to support my massive upper body. My knees ache like they got hit by a crowbar just if I stand for 10 seconds. My belly sinks low, down below my knees. It is very, very, very, very soft and fluffy.
My doctors said I am not going to survive much longer. That news made me very depressed, so I ate 8 pounds of oreo and chips ahoy cookies and a gallon of skim milk after getting that news. Yeah, I drink skim milk, because my mom won't buy whole milk. It really pisses me off, so I drink and eat more to compensate.
I seem to be stuck at my current weight, and I can't gain more even though I keep eating more and more. I even drink lots of buttery milkshakes, and eat lots of high-fat, low fiber food. I get severely constipated sometimes, which adds to my weight.
Yeah, I eat ice cream every day, so what? That is my right! And yeah, I eat cake too. And loaves of french bread sometimes. I eat a steak, practically uncooked. Sometimes Big Lard Ass brings be food and he comes to preach to me. He has told me about Faedevin, and now I have hope that not all is lost. So since then I have been embracing my obesity, because it's my only option.
I eat entire pizzas as well. I could probably eat 20 pounds of food if I wanted, which I do. I desperately do. I am hungry right now! I am so hungry!! I must keep eating! I must keep eating and gaining!!! I NEED FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!! FEED ME!! FEEEED ME SEYMOUR!! FEEEEEED MEEEEEEEE!!!
Dear Belly Boy,
One thing that scares me about the immobility part of super duper hyper obesity is what if someone refuses to bring you food? As a greedy glutton the thought of being bed bound is appealing but the thought of people not feeding me is just too much to bear.
Teddy and I have both fantaSIZED about growing to Michael Hebrenko proportions and beyond but that would require a team of feeders like you have. My family is always up my ass about losing weight so I know I cannot depend on them for the sort of power eating you are doing. With that being said, can you offer us some advice on how BFB readers can groom their feeders and enablers to serve them in their obese majesty. Any advice would be appreciated.
I see that you are stuck at a plateau and perhaps Proud FA can offer you some advice. He is the Dean of Feederism. Proud has been advising the community for years by telling them this sage advice, FAT FATTENS BEST!
Dear Rotunda Hindenberg,
Glad that you have taken an interest in me and my fat techniques. Well as for how I groomed my feeders, it just sort of happened naturally over the years. I was very fat as a kid, because my mom would leave me home alone and my brother would tell me that mom won't return unless I ate X amount of food. So it just grew and grew from there.
At first I just would sneak food from the fridge at night, waking up with my alarm to have a 4 AM snack, then get up before my mom and have a breakfast, then she made me a breakfast, then I'd have a lunch at school, buy a lunch after school, then come home and have a dinner, then a pre-bed snack.
As I reached 300 lbs at age 15, I tried out for wrestling team but couldn't keep up with the physical aspects of it. Anyway, I told my parents that I was adopting a new lifestyle, and to accept me just like they accepted my brother coming out of the closet being gay. We are a very religious family so this was a big deal. After I said that, they could not reject it because, being fat is not as big a sin as being gay, which is an Abomination and unforgivable, supposedly, whereas gluttony is just a Deadly Sin.
So they would feed me and feed me, hoping that I would eventually outgrow it, but I did not. After high school I got a job at a local warehouse as a forklift operator, my brother also worked there as a manager because he went to college, and he helped me get the job. He only weighs 125 lbs and he is 5'8".
So, my parents forced me to get bariatric surgery when I was 17, just about to turn 18 when I would have had the legal right to say no. By then I was 400 lbs. My stomach shrunk, and by the time I was 21, I was 170 lbs, but then I hovered around 200 lbs until I was 23 years old.
Then I was living on my own, eating what I wanted, when I wanted, and I gained back up to 300, then to 400 over 15 months. At that point my parents were horrified, and made me move back in with them so they could control my eating.
My brother said I could move in with him and his lover, and my parents were upset and said they would rather me be fat at home than exposed to living with that. So, I don't know what to suggest in terms of getting a similar outcome for you.
If I had to do it all over again I would rather remain mobile, and eat more to compensate for the extra calories I'd burn walking to the fridge. Not being able to move is a big downer. I would not even fit into a Jazzy power chair, because I am too fat- and those things are designed for fat-asses. So I wish I could move around and go to restaurants and get like 3 or 4 portions instead my parents just take me back a couple entrees when they go to a restaurant. It's just not the same.
I had dad rig up a conveyor belt type situation (hand-crank operated) with a hole in the wall to get my meals in to me more easily from the kitchen on the other side of the wall. It's really great, and helps me out a lot. Then when I'm done I just turn the crank and my empty plates go back into the kitchen.
The other big source of my food is my cell phone. I order food by my cell phone when my parents are at work, and then since I'm by the window, when they show up I just holler and tell them to come by the window, and I do the transaction there, but this requires me to get up to walk over there, which is agonizing just to make it to the couch by the window.
My suggestion for you to gain more weight, Rotunda, is to emphaSIZE to your family that you are large and in charge, and basically you need to start upping your fATTITUDE and bring out the fat girl persona, act like a real diva. Like "oh you'd better be bringing me back some KFC on your way home from work! I need at least a double down and a bucket of extra crispy! You gotta buy it and support breast cancer awareness, dammit!"
Also you can try to develop a drinking problem like I probably have. Although given my body weight, 30 beers in a day is probably not that much. It's only 3,000 or so calories, but since I weigh like 7 or 8 times normal weight, this is more like drinking 2.5 to 3 drinks per day for someone of that weight, so for me, that is therefore a moderate amount of alcohol intake. At least, that's what I tell myself.
Michael Hebranko is pretty awesome. He gained up to like 800 lbs, then lost down to like 180 or something, then went to Nathan's Famous to celebrate... and... boom, right back up to 800 lbs before he knew it. He has a twitter account.
I also like Patrick Deuel, who weighed I think like over half a ton, so he weighed even more than I do. He was apparently very close to death when he was brought in, and he ended up losing a lot of weight, but I read late in 2009 that he had become near immobile again.
Also Manuel Uribe- he is a very fat man from Mexico, it will be interesting to see if he keeps off his weight.
Billy Robbins reminds me of myself quite a bit in many ways and WEIGHS. I don't know if he will be able to lose more weight or keep it off.
So many very fat people out there, yet the media focuses on them as a freakshow, rather than as an alternative lifestyle. Me personally, if I could weigh 150 pounds I would do that. But it ain't gonna happen, so I might as well just continue down this path and at least enjoy food. Otherwise it would take years and hard work to just become a 300 lbs man, and I'd still be fat and chicks still wouldn't want me. Better to be a 1,000 lbs man and get to be on TV one day, as being defiant against the mainstream anti-fat media.
Compared to me, even Teddy Bear is just a small guy. I weigh more than twice what you weigh!! Yeah!! That is a pretty BIG accomplishment, because Teddy is a heavyweight himself. So that makes me a super morbidly obese heavyweight, I guess. I want to ultimately weigh 2,000 lbs soon. Then I will be the Ton Man. Tons of Fun to weigh a ton! Maybe when you reach over 1,500 lbs you become more mobile or something. Like it resets or something.
You bring up an interesting point about what if your feeders refuse to do their part of the bargain- what if they don't feed you? What if they bring you SALADS? My mom occasionally threatens this, and sometimes she does bring me salads for dinner instead of what I want. I have a few ways to deal with these situations.
The first way is to regress, and act like a gigantic infant. I have very long hair so it doesn't work as well as it would if I was bald. But basically I fling the salad bowl across the room, and start whining and wailing, saying "Bring me mac and cheese with hot dogs cut up in it!" or whatever else I want.
The second way is to just eat it, and then go "okay, bring on the main course." Then you just say you're feeling light-headed, and that you're going to pass out and die if you don't get fed, and you threaten to call the police if she doesn't give you some real food, not just the food that my food eats. If vegetables are good to eat, then meat is basically concentrated vegetables because cows eat vegetables, so therefore cows are healthier to eat than just straight up veggies.
If that doesn't work, I just order myself about $30 worth of Chinese food and devour it hungrily. Or I order a couple of Meaty P'zones, which are about 700 calories each, plus a large soda, and some sides.
Other times, I just fake a heart attack, and that freaks out my mom and she starts crying, and then I tell her it's not a real heart attack, but next time it will be if she doesn't give me what I need, and then she cries a lot, and I feel kind of guilty, and she reluctantly gives me more food but says that she feels like she's killing me and if I love her I won't eat it, but I can't stop myself. It's very emotional, and when I get emotional, I get very hungry to deal with it.
So that's all for now.
Belly Boy, that is some great advice you gave Rotunda. You are one clever groomer for your enablers...talk about large and in charge.... DAMN!
Your fattitude is inspiring. Compared to you Teddy and I are a couple of pups. I am actually losing weight. It's a long sad tragic story that I wrote about here on the blog.
I am also impressed as to how you circumvented your weight loss surgery. Our readers would love to hear about that. Carney Wilson is a fat girl diva and she circumvented her gastric (ghastly) bypass but she is still a mere pup compared to you.
Hebranko is a sell out. He beefed up and then he checked himself in to Brokenhaven. We was whining because they had to use a whale sling to weigh him and he pissed and moaned when they were moving him out of his house. What a wimp! He also allowed Richard Simmons to slim him down the first time.
My name is Richard Simmons
I like to squawk and squeal
I like when guys undo their pants
And deal me a meal
I get so much exercise
By dropping to my knees
I'm just glad that semen
Is so low in calories
Nothing against sweet boys, I actually like Richard Simmons and of course I have a love hate relationship with MeMe.
Proud FA may not be reading this thread as it might trigger his need to feed but if he get the OK from CG Brady he may chime in with some advice.
Because I have a bad ticker, I could never reach your proportions and live. Rev Big Lard Ass is in the same boat so we must live vicariously through people like you and Teddy.
Thanks Bellyboy,
I do the diva routine. Around family I barely eat but and when they get on me about loosing weight I get all emotional and say, "You've seen how much I eat." and then I cry. I tell them this is the first I've eaten all day so when I go for seconds or thirds nobody judges me. I'm just worried what will happen if and when I reach mammoth proportions. I really think I am going to find me a feeder.
I am really snarky from reading Kate Harding's Shapely Prose so I suppose I can groom a feeder or two but I really don't think I have your skills for manipulating my family. You are a real genius and so is Fat Bastard and Teddy.
I like your boom shakka lakka tag. I feel like have some BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA cheese cake.
Dear Rotunda,
It sounds like you are off to a decent start, but there is only so far that crying will get you. It makes them feed you out of pity more than other things. I think you are making a mistake by saying that it's your first meal of the day so therefore it is okay to have thirds. What you gotta do is be like "yeah I ate a lot earlier, and now I'm hungry again, so I'mma stuff my face again."
Then they will go "but Rotunnnnnnnnnda, you are so fat and you need to lose weight!" To which you reply "what I need to do is have another serving of that pasta! I am fine with my weight, and if you don't like me for who I am then that is YOUR problem for YOU to deal with. You don't own me, and I'm not changing my whole life to revolve around what you think is best for me. Now pass the pasta, and the cheese grater."
That is the level of fattitude that you need to bust out. Not just making excuses and saying that this is indeed part of your weight loss plan- no, they know you don't really mean it. They know you aren't really trying to lose weight, or you would only want a half serving of two meals per day and you would be exercising like 2 hours per day. So it does no good to pretend to be doing that just to appease them.
I think that finding a feeder would be a good idea, as long as he is a true FA. Ideally he should be a nutritionist, doctor, bodybuilder, lawyer, OR the best would be if he works at a restaurant, so that he could bring you home meals after work!!
A nutritionist would be good because he would know how to be an excellent gainer, by telling you to do the opposite of what he tells his clients to do. A doctor would be good because he would be rich and could afford lots of great food, but he will also have many affairs, but will not divorce you for fear of losing half his stuff- in return, you get limitless food and luxury. A bodybuilder would be good because he would be able to lift you up and stuff for a workout, which would be romantic, and also it would be a good opposites situation. A lawyer would be good because he would work long hours and probably would get fat himself, so you can gain together. But a chef or something would be ideal because he could cook you DELICIOUS meals all the time.
Dear Fat Bastard,
I am sorry to hear that you had a heart attack and collapsed on an escalator. I read about that. I guess some people just can't take the fat like I can. I am what Teddy would consider a morbidly hyper hyper morbid endohypermorph. My legs and arms are tiny but my torso is enormous. I think this protects me somewhat, somehow.
But yeah, I feel like I am basically immune to heart disease and diabetes. It's never going to catch up with me because I know how to eat properly, I also use lots of salt on everything including my ice cream sometimes.
By the way, I really liked your poem about Richard Simmons. Yeah I don't have anything against gays either because my 125 pound brother is gay and he is very loyal and protective of me. He never exercises, but he also doesn't over-eat, so he stays thin. I always over-eat, and never exercise, so I weigh over 1,000 lbs.
I love feeling massive sometimes. Like I am a giant among tiny people. My tiny head is surrounded by a sea of me. It gets very uncomfortable sometimes though, and I have to watch out that I don't get bedsores, which could even go down to my bones eating away my flesh if I didn't move around my positions frequently. That is just one of the downsides of immobility, but there are also benefits, such as reduced calories needed to gain weight, and also I feel sexy, and one day I will be famous. And when I am, I will say:
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA GOES RIGHT THERE! And gesture towards some part of my anatomy that is buried under several rolls of fat that I can't reach or see.
I really need to get a feeder. Like all fat girls I wan a sexy lean man feed me and fuck me.
I talk to one guy online about living in a a feeder/feedee relationship. He's a mechanic and he tells me that he can install a winch that can lift me so that he can feed me, bathe me, help with my toileting and fuck me in all sorts of positions that most far girls can't get into.
I need to convince my family like Fat Bastard is convincing the world that gluttony is good. They just don't seem capable of making that mental leap yet.
I am a diva. I am the Queen of Adipose and the Princess of Pork. I need to thank Fat Bastard and Teddy for helping me see the joys of obesity and gluttony. You guys are my heroes and Bellyboy, you are wise beyond your years!
Oops I forgot to put my name on my post. Sorry OINK!
BB, said
Dear Fat Bastard,
I am sorry to hear that you had a heart attack and collapsed on an escalator. I read about that. I guess some people just can't take the fat like I can. I am what Teddy would consider a morbidly hyper hyper morbid endohypermorph. My legs and arms are tiny but my torso is enormous. I think this protects me somewhat, somehow.
But yeah, I feel like I am basically immune to heart disease and diabetes. It's never going to catch up with me because I know how to eat properly, I also use lots of salt on everything including my ice cream sometimes.
By the way, I really liked your poem about Richard Simmons. Yeah I don't have anything against gays either because my 125 pound brother is gay and he is very loyal and protective of me. He never exercises, but he also doesn't over-eat, so he stays thin. I always over-eat, and never exercise, so I weigh over 1,000 lbs.
I love feeling massive sometimes. Like I am a giant among tiny people. My tiny head is surrounded by a sea of me. It gets very uncomfortable sometimes though, and I have to watch out that I don't get bedsores, which could even go down to my bones eating away my flesh if I didn't move around my positions frequently. That is just one of the downsides of immobility, but there are also benefits, such as reduced calories needed to gain weight, and also I feel sexy, and one day I will be famous. And when I am, I will say:
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA GOES RIGHT THERE! And gesture towards some part of my anatomy that is buried under several rolls of fat that I can't reach or see.
It sucked falling and getting a bruised and battered but I should have listened to to Wilford Brimley and checked my blood sugar but I was in a hurry and hungry so I figured WTF and wham before I knew it the world was spinning and I got tunnel vision and the next thing I remember is being surrounded by EMTs.
I have to compromise. While Teddy is the SUV of fatlings and you are the monster truck of falings I have to be sort of a mid sized fatling. While I have to modulate my food lust I still get to be a piggy OINK OINK OINK!
Oh to be a hedonistic food slut indulging my unbridled food lust. You and Teddy are better gluttons than be and Rev Big Lard Ass.
Dear Fat Bastard,
Yeah, I agree that Bellyboy is basically the ultimate food lusting and eating machine. Teddy is too, but it's harder to do that while living on Social Security Disability checks.
Teddy knows the correct foods to put on weight while doing minimal damage to your health. Some health damage is inevitable at very high weights, but you can minimize the damage, which Teddy does. For example, if Teddy did not control his diabetes, his health would be terrible.
So speaking of diabetes, I am glad that you now have your diabetes under control. Wilford Brimley is totally right about how important it is, plus unlike most of us fatlings, he is a United States Marine (veteran) who fought in the Korean War. So, he's also a hero to America in general, not just diabetics and fatties.
While it is unfortunate that both you and I are not on our respective feeds, we are still large and in charge. We want to be healthy in addition to being fat, and that's an acceptable choice. Even Teddy wants to be both healthy and fat, and therefore he doesn't just go binge on pasta all day like I used to.
As for Rotunda, maybe the mechanic guy would be good for you to date. He could rig up that system for him to be able to hose you down, and also increase his lovemaking options.
It is still disappointing though that you are only into skinny muscular men. I have noticed that that is a common theme amongst many former NAAFA members. It could be difficult for you to find a muscular and very attractive man though, even if he is a FA, just like Proud FA, he may be subject to conversion, or he might not want to be with a BBW/SSBBW long-term. Since those guys can just get fat chicks easily, they have less reason to stick with just one.
Being a muscular / traditionally attractive man who is a FA is somewhat like being an attractive female. An attractive or even average, or even below average woman could have sex easily if she is willing to just be slutty. But most women do not want to be slutty, so they don't.
But most men would be slutty if they had the opportunity. Well, sex-starved BBWs and SSBBWs, they're not gonna be able to resist him. So he can just go hog wild, porking tons of fat chicks without having to commit to one. And so, that makes life easier, you don't have to worry about commitment, you can just have lots of sex with women you are attracted to, and no matter how you treat them they will be so grateful for the attention that they will never stand up for themselves and demand a relationship. Or if they do, you just go "NEXT!"
That's why I think fat women should go for fat guys. They have more in common- a love of food and a hatred of exercise. And they are both not exactly the aesthetic prizes, so they have fewer realistic options for dating. A 250 pound man is still fat, enough to reduce his options greatly, but not enough that he can't clean up after a 400+ pound woman.
Anyway these are just things I think we should think about.
Big Lard Ass
I'm sure Rotunda can find some sap who will be her puppy dog Rev. I see it all he time. Fat girls are very manipulative and they can get what they want. A few dozen hissy fits and some PMDD histrionics and a fat girl can terrorize a skinny mate into waiting on her hand a foot.
Belly boy is a master manipulator. He really is large and in charge. He runs the show in his very toxic family dynamic.
Dear CG Brady,
Well I don't really consider my family dynamic to be toxic. Yeah I'm fat, but I'm otherwise in perfect health. In FATct, I think I am really awesome and have lots of great qualities.
For one, I am great at sports. Competitive eating is a sport, by the way, and I bet I would excel at Sumo Wrestling because it is very difficult to move a man who weighs over 1,000 lbs.
What would you suggest for me to do in order to gain more weight? I want to challenge the record, which is like 1,600 lbs or something like that, I think.
From what I have read, you gain one lbs every 3,500 calories above what your body needs. So my body should only need like 9,000 calories or something, yet I eat over 30,000 calories per day and I'm not gaining. I should be gaining like 6 pounds per day, but I'm not gaining anything. I feel like I've hit The Wall and I just can't gain more.
My dad built all sorts of contraptions to aid me, so I don't think that is manipulation on my part. I didn't ask him to rig up a bigger door to the garage, a conveyor belt for food, a wench thing that tilts my bed up so I can stand more easily, a movable tray so I can slide my TV to the other side of the room, and he had his friend rig up a bidet in the bathroom for me, which is a LIFE-SAVER, and he did other stuff too.
So, what do you think I need to change in order to gain more? Also, how did you even get mixed up with all of us, Dr. Brady? Did you go...
You are a young master Bellyboy!
I grovel at your largeness!
Thank you, Anonymous! All must grovel before my mighty belly!!
I am going to the doctor to get weighed on Tuesday, and I will also get my measurements taken, so I will know whether I have achieved the perfect apple shaped male body or not.
I've also been doing some VERY LIGHT exercises to enable me to hopefully be able to stand up for several minutes at a time, eventually. Mostly it is involving trying to lift myself up with my legs,which I can't do yet. I do like 4 or 5 reps of that and then I'm done exercising for the day.
Don't worry, I've been eating more to compensate for the extra calories that I burn. I have a plate full of cookies or some ice cream (with lots of salt added onto either) afterward. I've been reading some things put out by the salt industry spokepeople and it actually turns out that salt is a necessary nutrient, its not like nicotine or illegal drugs or anything like that.
I think I've actually been gaining weight when I thought I plateaued, because my mom takes pictures of me every month and I have looked at them and I have gotten significantly bigger this year. The last time I was weighed was almost 2 years ago and I weighed 997 pounds.
I was really pissed off that I didn't weigh the full half-ton. The doctor was just amazed though, and he said that he had never encountered anyone who weighed over 700 pounds in his career, and there I was weighing nearly 50% more than that. Then I also went to my regular doctor afterwards for a check-up. It was a new doctor though because my normal one retired and moved to Florida.
My new doc suggested that I consider stomach bypass surgery, which garnered a huge belly laugh from me. I told him that I had had a gastric bypass when I weighed 400 pounds, less than half my then-current weight. He suggested psychological counseling and wanted me to go to a shrink, but I declined, and then he gave me some weight loss tips and instructed me to follow them and wanted to see progress next visit. I cancelled the next annual check-up, and so now there's this one coming up.
He is going to be shocked when he sees that I have gained probably at least a hundred pounds over the last year. I have been eating a LOT of SALTY foods over the last few days to make me extra thirsty, so that I will drink and retain more water, and therefore I will increase my weight when he weighs me on his custom bariatric scale.
So yeah, I've got that going for me.
Belly boy those are words to live by.
Your doctor will be shocked and amazed. Wouldn't it be great if you could move fast. You would be the greatest sumo wrestler in the world which reminds me, BFB needs to do a tribute to sumo.
BB you would be a huge hit in Japan. They revere fat people.
Belly Boy,
We need more blogs like this one and Teddy's Biggest Fattest Blog. Teddy and I can't do it all. We need to groom young pups like you to advance the cause of hyper gluttony and super obesity.
Think about starting a blog.
You have read my massive body of work and Dr Bear's work is the most cutting edge and thorough work in the field of fat studies. I think there is a niche for you. Your style alone and your weight would make you a super heavyweight in the new fat acceptance.
I am loading up on food and water big-time in anticipation of my weigh-in tomorrow. I must have had hundreds of thousands of calories over the last 7 days, I've been eating over 50,000 calories a day, it has been non-stop eating, more or less.
Now KFC Double Downs are like nothing to me. I down them with milkshakes. I have also been drinking gallons of water at a time, even though it is making me pee a lot more. It is good to have water even though it is zero calories, because it STREEEEEEEETCHES out your stomach to let you eat more, and it also helps keep you from getting dehydrated, which can really throw you off your game during an extended Power Eating Session.
I still can't really stand up for long though, so it's going to be hard to get me to the doctor's office. My brother actually is borrowing one of the fork-lifts from work, and we rented a U-Haul, and we are going to use the forklift to pick up my bed and load it into the U-Haul. Then he will follow the U-Haul in the forklift, to the doctor's office, unload me, then he, his lover Marcelle, my dad, my mom, and Big Lard Ass will help me get up and into the office where I can get weighed. It's going to be hard.
I'm going to work up quite an appetite, so I will load up on carbs while in the U-Haul. I have also been following Big Lard Ass's advice that I should NOT make any bowel movements so that I can maximize my weight. So it's been about a week or more since I last made a BM, and I lost the urge. Every pound counts.
I have also been wearing tight pants for the last few months in the hopes that this will constrict my fat in my lower body and enable me to get a better belly to hip ratio when I get weighed. I have not worn a shirt in a LONG time since there are none that fit me really, and it's just not worth it to take them off and put them on.
Yeah, I would be a great sumo wrestler if I could stand up on my own, and move around quickly. I think Japan would revere my fat physique and consider me to be a great guy.
So anyway, hopefully I will weigh in at an impressive weight tomorrow. I want to make all of the doctors jealous of my superior weight. Then maybe I could potentially compete in the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest in July and you guys can watch me on TV scarfing down hot dogs, I could probably eat about 100 of them, blasting the current record of like 68 set by a THINLING. I need to score one for Team Fat.
Dear Everyone,
Bellyboy's big weigh-in is coming right up. Although he is normally fearless, he is a little worried about this trip because of the logistics involved in getting him weighed. Like most fatlings, he is afraid of doctors and their anti-fat biases.
They are going to be furious at him when they see him put his pants on his arm and his arm can't even fit through the waist band, that is how big his bicep area of his arms are.
I am also going to make sure he loads up on food and water and I will pack more for the car trip, I have also taken to Salt Loading him. I've been feeding him lots of salty snacks like pretzels and pickels for the last few days to stimulate his thirst, so he will drink more and weigh more for his weigh-in.
Hopefully everything will go well.
Big Lard Ass
Good afternoon Big Lard Ass!
Big Lard Ass said...
"Bellyboy's big weigh-in is coming right up. . . . etc. etc.
They are going to be furious at him when they see him put his pants on his arm and his arm can't even fit through the waist band, that is how big his bicep area of his arms are."
You mean to say that his upper-arms are now bigger around than his hips???
Fantastic! Does have have a nice great big roll of fat on his lower-back that protrudes out further than his butt and beginning to hang down over his butt?
Does his love-hands hang down over his hips?
Dos his great big round belly hang down over the waistband of his pants and down over the front of his pants and almost down to his knees?
Wow, his arms must be much bigger around than his legs!
Good for him! He's on the way to becoming the perfect apple-shaped obese male.
With more weight gain on his upper-body, then eventually, even his forearms will be bigger around than his hips and then, he won't even be able to get the waistband of his pants to go over his forearm!
Then he will have achieved THE PERFECT apple-shaped obese male body, like the drawings depicted on my blog.
That is so super cool!!!
Please let us know the results of his weigh in.
Of course, I imagine that he is well aware that there is a price to pay for achieving the PERFECT apple-shaped obese male body.
By the way, does he still have a full head of hair or has he started going bald yet.
If not, then he should shave just the top of his head and leave just a fringe of hair on the sides and back, because a balding head just naturally goes good on an apple-shaped obese male.
It all a part of having THE PERFECT male body, obese, apple-shaped, and bald on top of the head.
Anyway . . . . .
Please let us know.
Thank you.
Teddy Bear
Dear Teddy Bear,
Well, the weigh-in is complete. We had some logistical problems but we overcame them. Bellyboy started having some major problems breathing at several points, because of the positions we were putting him in to get him out of the bed which we unloaded from the U-Haul with the forklift. He is being hospitalized and monitored, and the doctors didn't think he would survive if we put him back on the truck the same day.
With regards to your questions about his physique, Bellyboy does not have a roll of fat that protrudes further than his butt, because his entire backside is very flat because of the weight pressing down on it because he spends almost all of his time lying down.
His belly does not usually hang lower than his pubic area because it just kind of spills out to the sides since he's laying down. He does not want to become impotent from his own obesity though. His love handles are enormous.
Is he going bald? No, he is not. He has hair that goes down to his waist, because he has not had a haircut in many years because it's just too hard for him to go get one- he can't fit in the chairs, etc, and eventually he gave up on it. He never lets any family member cut or shave his head either so it's just going to be very long hair, I guess.
He weighed in at 1,324 pounds, although then they made him pee and poo and that shaved 12 pounds off of his weight. The mess that he made of the bedpans was enough that one of the nurses vomited because of the smell and the quantity. They had given him some type of powerful laxative, which I think was a big mistake, because of the resulting mess.
They estimated that about 400 pounds of his weight is fluid, and that he will live about 1 to 4 months at this rate. I didn't tell him because I don't want him to worry, but his parents have been almost inconsolable. I have had to take of my firey preacher hat and instead wear the hat of the humble minister of the people, consoling them.
Bellyboy's brother's lover actually has a fat fetish, and I could tell he was having impure thoughts about Bellyboy, and I told him to knock it off and he said he would, but I wouldn't trust him to be alone with Bellyboy.
Bellyboy is moaning in pain from pulling muscles and stuff while we were moving him around, and he hates the 600 calorie per day diet the doctors are putting him on. He signed a bunch of papers without reading them, and I also saw some people with video cameras around outside the hospital who I think might be filming some kind of show about this. Bellyboy's mom has become almost Meme Roth-like as of late, and she may have signed permission for them to film in exchange for free medical care for her son.
I think the doctors may have gotten Bellyboy to sign permission for them to do a second stomach cutting surgery. He is almost blind in one eye from diabetes, which he insisted that he did not have, but he actually has very severe diabetes, but no heart disease or high blood pressure. Therefore, I think the surgery should not even be considered because he is not strong enough to survive it, plus he doesn't want it.
But in the end I guess the doctors and the reality show people and Bellyoy's parents are going to get what they want. Maybe they'll film like some sort of side romance story with Bellyboy stealing his brother's boyfriend. (Bellyboy is a homosexual.)
Anyway, I will keep you all posted on how things go. I am spending all day and all night at the hospital with Bellyboy to keep him company and to keep his spirits high. I also gave him some whiskey to settle his stomach and so that he doesn't get the shakes from alcohol withdrawal.
Big Lard Ass
Big Lard Ass said...
Dear Everyone,
Bellyboy's big weigh-in is coming right up. Although he is normally fearless, he is a little worried about this trip because of the logistics involved in getting him weighed. Like most fatlings, he is afraid of doctors and their anti-fat biases.
They are going to be furious at him when they see him put his pants on his arm and his arm can't even fit through the waist band, that is how big his bicep area of his arms are.
I am also going to make sure he loads up on food and water and I will pack more for the car trip, I have also taken to Salt Loading him. I've been feeding him lots of salty snacks like pretzels and pickels for the last few days to stimulate his thirst, so he will drink more and weigh more for his weigh-in.
Hopefully everything will go well.
Big Lard Ass
I hope he breaks the scales right after they get an accurate number on him.
I love how you are beefing him up like a prized hog for his weigh in. I hope you can snap some pictures for this monumental occasion. We need them for posterity.
What angers me is that they can bring the scale to him. When a friend of mine "Chunk" R.I.P. needed to be weighed they jacked up each corner of his bed up and placed a 20 dollar bathroom scale under each leg of the bed and they added up the four scales. He was 524 after they subtracted the weight of the bed.
There is no need to put him through this "weigh-in". Just get 4 bathroom scales and 4 hydraulic jacks and place the jacks in the scales and have 4 guys slowly jack up the bed.
I am going to contact my friend Bill Fabrey of Ample Stuff and see if they make a bariatric bed with a built in scale.
I would just leave the scales in place of Belly Boy's Bed and you can know his weight in real time.
I just received and urgent text from Fat Bastard regarding the Belly Boy situation. I am not going to sugar coat things. Belly Boy is in serious trouble. Not only was he eating himself to death but now he has gone from the frying pan into the fire.
Total calories burned: 19,942 per day is what Belly Boy is/was eating to maintain his weight. The least he can be on right now is 14,000 per day. The 600 hey have him on now will kill him! At 14,000 BB will lose over 10 pounds a week.
At 600 he will lose 35 pounds per week. That will kill him! We will die a horrible death. Rev sneak him food!
Proud FA left the following message on he Fat Activist Network
Copy and paste and leave a comment.
Dear Fat Bastard,
Belly Boy is happy that all of you are supporting him. The docs backed off on the surgery issue when he threatened to sue them if they cut him open, and I wrote up a statement revoking permission to do the surgery and he signed it and I showed it to the doctors.
Mostly this is his parents' fault for sneaking the surgery plans in. It didn't work the first time and it won't work now.
I have been sneaking Belly Boy food on the slide. Since I have a giant coat I used to fill up with my body, I can store food there easily. Brought him some fast food, and also some home cooked meals from Belly Boy's brother. I think he was exaggering the calories they had him on- it's probably more like 1,000 calories a day, but it's still not enough for him to survive on just that.
Thankfully, the security is very lax, so I can sneak in food easily. They let me in past normal hours because I am his pastor.
I believe that Belly Boy will need to lose some weight just for the docs to let him go, but like Dr. Brady said, he's gonna die if he loses like 30 or 40 pounds a week. For now the focus is on "survival of the fattest", it's my mission to get him out of this place alive. Before I was feeding for fun, now it's feeding for survival.
You would not believe the portions they give him. One slice of toast for breakfast, and like 50 calories of milk. It's absurd.
Anyway, Belly Boy's spirits are relatively high all things considered, and he is feeling a lot better after taking his insulin. His heart and vitals are all normal, thankfully.
I'm going to sneak Belly Boy about 9,000 calories of food per day.
Big Lard Ass
Oh wait, I mean 13,000 calories a day.
Pastor LA,
I would like to see BB slim and trim but the doctors were killing him. Fat Bastard is much healthier now that he has lost the weight. He may put i back on because he has a LOT of fattitude but we are at least buying him some time.
Dear CG Brady,
The doctors are pretty unsympathetic to Belly Boy's plight in my opinion. They want him to do 2 hours of physical therapy per day and for me to stop feeding him extra food, but he seems very weak after the traumatic experience of bringing him to the hospital in the back of a U-Haul. His dad was driving kind of fast because he was nervous, and he made a few sharp turns at about 30 mph which really caused Belly Boy a lot of distress back there, with no seat belt or anything to protect him.
He has been crying a lot, and he says that he feels like a monster and he just wants to be normal and go home. He thinks if he goes on WLS he can lose 1,000 lbs and then just re-gain his way back over ~10 years, and I had to explain to him that it's not gonna work like that and he'll probably die if they cut him open because he's so weak.
They're doing an operation to drain some of the fluid from his limbs, and to remove a few chunks of fat to make him more comfortable. We've agreed to let a shrink talk to him, but not to do WLS.
I feel really bad about this situation. I feel like maybe I got too carried away feeding him like a prized hog, just focusing on the gains and not on his health. But he seemed very healthy before we went to the weigh-in! Now he looks like he is on the verge of death and I don't know what to do.
Because of the swelling, his forearms are also larger than his waist, by the way, Teddy Bear. So he has I guess achieved the "perfect male body".
But anyway, I know for me, I feel so much healthier and better now that I am down to 280 lbs. I am in the same boat as Fat Bastard, and it isn't easy being fat. I loved and still love the pig-out aspect of it, and it is almost impossible to resist the foods I love. Sometimes I find myself suddenly aware that I'm dialing the number to order a pizza and I have to stop myself...
What is the long-term prognosis for people like Belly Boy? I don't think it's possible to lose over a thousand pounds, or to live a normal 70 to 85 years weighing what he does, or even if he loses the weight. I'm also wondering what my life expectancy is going to be.
I have plenty of fattitude, as does Belly Boy- he has even more than me- but I also have a lust for life. Belly Boy seems to have lost most of his will to live. It's like all of the fight just left him, and he just wants to give up on life. Even the idea of setting a new world weight record doesn't make him perk up. He's barely even finishing the pizza I brought in for his lunch! (A whole pie with extra cheese, sausage, and onions- gotta get the veggies in.)
I'm also finding that I am also falling off the wagon a bit with my eating, as I have been feeding Belly Boy it is hard not to partake a bit myself. I just hope that Belly Boy can get his strength back up and hopefully get out of this place soon. The docs are talking about keeping him here for months, and I'm afraid he will catch a hospital illness and be too weak to fight it off.
If any of you have advice on what I should do, let me know because I am doing everything I can think of, including bringing him lots of food to keep his strength up (total of about 15,000 calories per day, including a case of beer per day to keep him from going into alcohol withdrawal).
Since I am his pastor, and I am good at talking my way through situations, they are letting me come in outside of normal visiting hours. I bribed one of the fat nurses (she probably weighs about 400 lbs herself) with some Chinese food and chocolate and it has smoothed the process a lot. She's also kinda cute.
Big Lard Ass
Give him what he loves above all else. FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD!
I'm sorry anon but indulging Belly Boy's unbridled food lust is nearly as dangerous as having WLS. He's already had WLS before and it failed. It would be insane to go that route.
Belly Boy, can gradually cut down on his food like Fat Bastard has done but he has more fattitude than your average fatling.
People may accuse BB's folks of being enablers but BB is a clever fatling who groomed them into enabling him to reach his mammoth proportions. Fatlings are very clever and manipulative.
CG Brady said...
"I'm sorry anon but indulging Belly Boy's unbridled food lust is nearly as dangerous as having WLS. He's already had WLS before and it failed. It would be insane to go that route.
Belly Boy, can gradually cut down on his food like Fat Bastard has done but he has more fattitude than your average fatling.
People may accuse BB's folks of being enablers but BB is a clever fatling who groomed them into enabling him to reach his mammoth proportions. Fatlings are very clever and manipulative."
Yes, we fatlings are pretty damn smart.
My mother taught me how to read and write before I started going to school.
We were a poor family, but our home was a treasure house full of books.
When I was only in the second or third grade, I was already reading at the adult level and science was my favorite subject, especially Astronomy.
When I was 13 years old, I scored 150 points on a standard IQ test.
So, we fatties can be really smart.
Now on to other important matters.
I'm very concerned about Belly Boy.
Big Lard Ass says that Belly Boy weighed in at over 1000 pounds but that they had estimated that about 400 pounds of his weight is fluid, and that he will live about 1 to 4 months at this rate.
Yeah, that much fluid retention is more dangerous that 400 pounds of fat.
Now, I'm not one to suggest anybody ever lose weight, but if your weight is due to fluid retention, then you do need to lose that.
There are medications that he Belly Boy can take to reduce fluid retention. You just have to find the right medications for that.
With the right medications, and healthier food choices, he might be able to reduce the the 400 pounds of fluid retention while replace it is fat instead.
Then he would be better off.
In the meantime, my prayers go out to Belly Boy.
Dr Bear,
Nobody can retain 400 pounds of fluid. Rev must be mistaken.
I did not say BB was smart. I said he was clever. He's on death's doorstep and he ate himself there.
Belly Boy is at a cross roads. He can cut down and take a slightly less hedonistic approach to eating or he can go out in a blaze of glory and enjoy every second of every morsel.
I cannot advise Belly Boy what to do. I can only respect his choices. It would seem that it is his desire to EAT and I mean EAT so if that is what he wants to do then I say leave him alone and let him do what he wants. We all have to die from something so it it might as well be from something we love and Belly Boy's true love is food and as a gluttony promoter I cannot help but respect and admire his hyper gluttony.
If Belly Boy decides to moderate his eating I can also respect his decision because as the leader of the NEW fat acceptance movement we do not ostracize anyone for their size and food choices.
Belly Boy, what ever you decide we at Bigger Fatter Blog support you.
Boom Shakka Lakka hear what I say.
Boom Shakka Lakka gotta have it your way.
Boom Shakka Lakka don't make me repeat.
Boom Shakka Lakka EAT EAT EAT!!!
Dear CG Brady,
Well the doctors estimated that he was retaining fluids of 400 lbs, but since they never encountered anyone like him, and this was just their visual estimate, maybe it was way, way off. It wasn't a formal diagnosis, just what one of the docs told me after examining BB. The doc didn't even think it was possible to weigh more than about 1,000 lbs, so maybe he figured that most of the excess over that must be fluid? I don't know. He was young and fat, he looked to be about 300 lbs himself. He's fatter than me!
Also, they are used to dealing with maybe 350 to 450 lbs patients, but Belly Boy came in over 1,300 lbs. Their gut reaction to anyone over 400 lbs is just to do weight loss surgery, so BB was a no-brainer for them to recommend it. The actual surgeon was skeptical and said it is too dangerous to do it if the person weighs more than like 600 lbs. The risks increase exponentially after about 500 lbs. I asked if he was afraid of getting sued and he made a face and said that he doesn't BB to be the first patient of his to die on the operating table.
Anyway they did drain a lot of fluid from him, unclogging his nymph nodes or something and they got about 30 pounds of fluid and some tissues from his left leg and 35 from his right leg, and his legs look much slimmer now.
They wanted to do an MRI on him to see if he broke his knee, because he is complaining about it a lot, but there is no MRI or CT scan that can fit him inside, at least not at this hospital. He is too big. There is a veteranarian hospital nearby that has an MRI machine they use for horses and cows that might be able to fit Belly Boy but I don't know if they are approved to let a human use it, and also it is dangerous to get him from point a to point b. I vetoed the idea. (BB gave me power of attorney to make his medical decisions.)
The doctors also removed a large portion from his lower belly, which was getting a severe fungal infection. The slab weighed 35 lbs. So basically Belly Boy is down about 100 lbs from surgery, and about probably I would guesstimate maybe 15 lbs from lower calories and more exercise, but that's just me going off of CG Brady's numbers, assuming that the exercise would make him lose another 1 pound per day 5 days per week.
to be continued...
part 2...
Belly Boy's stomach has of course re-expanded, but it's not the same as if there had never been WLS. It's the same size as pre-op, but it's like, thinner and weaker because it's stretched more. This is part of why he never feels full, ever. Just to reach this size his stomach is permanently extended to the max almost.
He can eat until his stomach is so distended that eating more triggers immediate vomiting. The nausea would be his only clue that he was about to max out, so that's when he would stop eating.
The docs said Belly Boy's sedentary lifestyle was causing fluid retention in his lower limbs, making them swell and more likely for an infection, along with his untreated diabetes. Some of his post-eating naps may have possibly been diabetic comas actually. I'm surprised that he is still alive after our power feeding sessions of frosted flakes for breakfast, brownies and milk for lunch, and then ice cream sundaes for dinner. I am glad that he is still alive, but I must have wreaked havoc on him, but I just couldn't say no.
Belly Boy is very good at talking his way into getting you to bring him food. You'll be chatting, and the next thing you know he'll want to have some black coffee with you, so okay you bring out some coffee. "Oh, I always eat a donuts with my coffee," so before you know it he convinced you to get him white powder donuts to dunk, which is what he was really after. Half an hour later and you're running out to Krispe Kreme getting him a fresh dozen glazed donuts, which he then inhales.
Belly Boy has a crush on his shrink, a bald thinling of about 50 years of age. The shrink refused to bring him extra food so it has been slow going to build up trust. Belly Boy insists that I be in the room to monitor the situation as his spiritual adviser. We're working towards uncovering some issues Belly Boy had that made him decide to get into Power Gaining, and anyway there have been some surprising revelations but I will respect Belly Boy's confidences and not reveal them to you at this time, unless he asks me to.
Belly Boy wants me to take him to the Heart Attack Grill so he can just eat there for the rest of his days for free since he weighs over 350 lbs. But it's too far away, he would not survive the journey, and I don't want to be a part of his food-induced suicide anymore. This is taking a heavy toll on me.
I am at a loss for what to do, it's getting hard to take care of Belly Boy. His parents are offering to pay me to keep it up, but I worry that this will get rid of my independence. They may just be trying to buy me off, and get BB into shape for WLS. I still don't understand how a simple weigh-in could turn into this mess! I should have been suspicious when the weigh-in was at a hospital that does a lot of WLS.
Big Lard Ass
BB, may set a record for fluid retention.
Rev, IMO it looks like we are at a comfort care situation. It sounds like the medical intervention is par of the problem. I simple weigh-in turned into this mess for Belly Boy. They should have left well enough alone!
If he wants food from the Heart Attack Grill a this point I say let him have what he wants. It would be like denying a terminal lung cancer patient a cigarette. Maybe you can contact the Heart Attack Grill and they can freeze and ship 50 pounds or so of frozen food to Belly Boy. Pop it into a microwave and it should be OK.
Also I think you could duplicate the great food at the heart attack grill. Fry every thing in lard and have them send you some official Heart Attack Grill Bags and boxes and paper cups. Maybe they can send you one of those waitress/nurse uniforms and you can find some hooker or stripper to wear it and serve Belly Boy in style. If Thinnette was closer by she would volunteer to serve Belly Boy the wonderful glutton fare of the Heart Attack Grill.
Contact them and maybe they will have some suggestions. They may even create an octuple bypass burger in honor of Belly Boy. Maybe they will make a special cheese burger that is a big as a giant skillet and stack em 5 high on a giant bun and call it the Belly Boy Belly Buster.
I was unable to locater a number for the Heart Attack Grill but I did find their address
6185 W Chandler Blvd
Chandler, AZ 85226
I will look for an email addy.
I will see if I can find an Belly Boy an XXXXXXXXL T-shirt with their logo in it.
I was going to comment on MeMe Roth until I read this. The Heart Attack Grill is glutton's paradise.
If I were on death row it is where I would want my last meal from. It really is worth dying for.
Dear Fat Bastard,
It seems like Belly Boy might not be very long for this world. At this point, like you said, the surgeries are just making him suffer, except for the fluid draining surgeries which have helped him a lot, and they make the room smell a lot better. The stuff was seeping out or something and it was nasty before.
The Heart Attack Grill has no phone number, it seems. However, I have decided to make MY OWN BURGER! I am calling it the Boom Shakka Lakka Burger!
We start with two deep fried Krispy Kreme original glazed donuts as the buns. Then I take an 8 ounce piece of 70/30 beef (70% protein, 30% fat) and soak it in buttermilk, melted lard, and clarified butter, put some salt and pepper on it, and grill it under a thick slice of sharp cheddar cheese. Then I top it with four strips of country fresh bacon, onions, lettuce, a tomato slice, extra sour pickle slices, mayo, ketchup, and mustard with a small amount of cilantro mixed together in the sauce. But we're not done yet. I put two fried eggs (fried in clarified butter) on top. Optionally, I will deep fry the whole thing, or just the beef. Or I can chicken fry the beef. That's the Boom Burger.
For the Boom Shakka Burger, then I add a dividing layer of bakery fresh bread half an inch thick, and then another burger like I just mentioned.
The Boom Shakka Lakka Burger has two dividing layers of bread, and a third burger with all the trimmings.
The Belly Boy Burger will have a fourth layer.
Optionally, I will put two patties together except put the cheese IN BETWEEN the two meat patties so it melts in there, then deep fry it, and add the other stuff. Again, up to 4 layers, each would have 16 ounces of beef.
I'll make my classic vanilla milkshake, and I'm also working on the world's first Beer Shake, but until I make it decently I'll also give him some of his favorite beer.
What about side dishes? Well I've got hand-made french fries which I will fry in clarified butter, lard, and pig fat. I'll top it with melted cheese (my four cheese blend, or just cheddar, or cheese wiz) and gravy. He can also have me use those cheeses for the burgers.
Then the other side dish is rice with gravy and beans, and melted cheese on top.
I'm gonna make this for Belly Boy soon, and he is going to be very excited about it. Heck, even I'm excited about eating it!
Big Lard Ass
This is disturbing.
Not MEME Roth and Michele teaming up together to help kids make healthier choices, but the fact that you took the time to make an entire post devoted towards your hatred of this woman. If you're okay with yourself the way you are, leave it at that. Why bother mentioning something that you don't have to be effected/affected by if you choose to ignore it?
MEME Roth and yourself are passionate about two COMPLETELY different issues that can relate on two entirely different levels. Can we say, "Juxtaposition?" Of course you're going to butt heads. You're never going to agree with one another so there really isn't a point in arguing.
I think what MEME is doing is a good thing. It's extreme, I will admit, but people pay attention to extremities. (Whether it good or bad, therefore, her cause is out there for many to view). Sort of like Peta, they're extreme on the Veganism/Vegetarianism and because of those extremities I choose not to be a positive advocate for them. For you, you can choose not to be an advocate for MeMe, but what's the point in bashing her? She doesn't bash you as an individual, she bashes obesity. She wants to promote healthy eating, (not starving), and healthy lifestyles.
On a side note, I don't think you should be making the anorexia references, they're out of context and entirely inappropriate. Healthy eating is not anorexia. Anorexia is an illness that takes lives. Healthy eating does not.
That Boom Shakka Lakka burger you describe is making my mouth water.
Rev Big Lard Ass, you are truly a big fat angel of mercy to do so much for Belly Boy. I am still looking for contact info for the Heart Attack Grill in hopes that I can let them know about Belly Boy and maybe get them to cater his after funeral party. I know that when the end comes I am going to power eat for a week to mourn his loss and to celebrate his short but heavy duty life.
Lindsey said...
This is disturbing.
Not MEME Roth and Michele teaming up together to help kids make healthier choices, but the fact that you took the time to make an entire post devoted towards your hatred of this woman. If you're okay with yourself the way you are, leave it at that. Why bother mentioning something that you don't have to be effected/affected by if you choose to ignore it?
MEME Roth and yourself are passionate about two COMPLETELY different issues that can relate on two entirely different levels. Can we say, "Juxtaposition?" Of course you're going to butt heads. You're never going to agree with one another so there really isn't a point in arguing.
I think what MEME is doing is a good thing. It's extreme, I will admit, but people pay attention to extremities. (Whether it good or bad, therefore, her cause is out there for many to view). Sort of like Peta, they're extreme on the Veganism/Vegetarianism and because of those extremities I choose not to be a positive advocate for them. For you, you can choose not to be an advocate for MeMe, but what's the point in bashing her? She doesn't bash you as an individual, she bashes obesity. She wants to promote healthy eating, (not starving), and healthy lifestyles.
On a side note, I don't think you should be making the anorexia references, they're out of context and entirely inappropriate. Healthy eating is not anorexia. Anorexia is an illness that takes lives. Healthy eating does not.
If you search this blog you will find an article title MeMe Roth NOT a Fat Hater.
MeMe is our adversary but not our enemy. We at BFB report on the happenings in the fatosphere. We don't agree with Ms Roth but we respect her honesty and that has gotten us in a lot of hot water with the rest of the fatosphere who take unfair cheap shots at her.
I am a big fat nasty slothful greedy glutton and MeMe is a fit foxy thinling who eats like a Spartan. I see Ms Roth and I as the James Carville and Mary Matlin of the fat acceptance politics.
Because I am a fat slob I can only bone skinny women and am unable to pork fat girls I cannot help but find Ms Roth attractive and intriguing.
I think it is good that MS Roth and I butt heads. She presents one side and I present the other. If people want to follow Ms Roth's philosophies more power to them. My best friend and blog partner Proud FA is a "healthy eater" and adheres to a diet and lifestyle of which MeMe would approve and I respect his choice. However; most people choose the gluttonous and slothful lifestyle and that is the lifestyle we at Bigger Fatter Blog support, promote, defend and endorse and I think Ms Roth respects our honesty.
What fascinates me about Ms Roth is that she is a strident thinling yet she seems to remain composed and genuine whereas strident fat girls tend to be histrionic and disingenuous and I cannot help but find it hot the way the diminutive Ms Roth make mince meat of jealous angry fat girls. Fat guys like me find that very sexxy because women like Ms Roth are so unattainable.
With all due respect to Ms Roth she needed a good spanking and a good chewing out for her latest antics and I was just the guy to do it.
Hey listen everybody, I have GREAT NEWS! Belly Boy is BACK ON HIS FEED!! I just fed him TWO Belly Boy Burgers today, one for lunch and one for dinner, and they must probably be like 16,000 calories each because I made the kind with double meat per layer with the cheese in the middle.
He is full of energy and life again, and this seems to have reinvigorated him quite a bit. I've been firing him up with insulin to handle the calories, but we're going through his insulin at quite a clip here, but we just re-stocked so it should be alright. They were having trouble measuring his blood pressure because the cuffs are way too small for Belly Boy, but I think he's doing alright now.
The fat nurses also liked the Boom Shakka Burgers I made them, and I myself had a Boom Burger, which was delicious at only ~2,750 calories. I could go for another one right now.
Bonus Info: I banged one of the fat nurses, the one who weighs over 400 lbs. For some reason the fat chicks really dig me. I've converted her from the traditional fat chick who wants a thinling into someone who will settle for a sub-300 lbs guy like me.
BB is alert and happy again; I think the lack of fatty foods was what was killing him. A low cal diet for BB is not the way to go. Anyway, he decided that he is going to go for the world record for weight! He is taking on more fluid and we're just going to leave it to add more weight and bulk. Re-gaining the 100 lbs should be doable, because we are doing about 75,000 calories per day. I am making sure that most of it is fat, because "fat fattens fatties fastest." (That's my version of Proud FA's motto.)
BB loves the idea of having the Heart Attack Grill cater his funeral. He said that he wants me, Fat Bastard, and Teddy to eat Quadruple Bypass burgers in his honor. He also wants Proud FA to try a Double Bypass Burger, or at least a Single, and some Flatliner Fries for Thinnette (and for everyone else to share.)
Everyone will also be given some full-sugar Coca-Cola to drink as well, plus beer and tequila. He says that he thinks my burgers are the best food he ever ate, which means quite a lot to me, coming from a man who weighs over 1,200 lbs now (we're going to try to get him up another 500 lbs before all is said and done, it is just a race against time now.)
Luckily, BB's parents have 3 burial plots next to each other so BB will take the bottom layer of those 3 plots together in a custom casket his dad is making now. It is going to be wider than it is long. Yes, BB is wider than he is tall.
He truly does have the perfect male body, Teddy. Hopefully all of us will get to experience the luxury and comfort of THREE burial plots at once.
Anyway, with this kind of power eating, hopefully we can get BB to gain ~15 lbs or more per day, and in less than 2 months reach our goal weight.
Big Lard Ass
To FB -
It's good to know you enjoy butting heads with Ms Roth. Coming together as one dysfunctional team would be a wonderful thing! Honesty is important when this happens, and since both of you are honest in what you do, there shouldn't be any problems there.
I'm not sure I know many women who are genuine and honest and straightforward with what they preach. Good strategy MeMe!
Next time, don't chew so loudly. It's still ringing in my ears!
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA! That is great news. It seems that hospital food to Belly Boy is like giving Superman Kryptonite. You giving him those Boom Shakka Lakka burgers is like giving Popeye spinach but spinach would be like Kryptonite to Belly Boy.
Keep those Boom Shakka Lakka burgers coming!
One thing Rev, Teddy can only have kosher food so he can't have meat and dairy in the same meal nor can he have bacon. It's tougher for Jews to get fat. Bacon and sausage are standard glutton fare. For Teddy to gain like he's been gaining show how committed he is to his gluttony. Very admirable!
Maybe the undertaker can suck out Belly Boy's blubber and his folks can use it to heat the house. He must have 800 pounds of fat that can be rendered into a furnace fuel. With this spill in the Gulf of Mexico home grown fuel like human fat can be a green solution to dependence on foreign oil.
I also think that for gluttons like me who prefer super morbid obesity to super super hyper obesity I would love it if I could get syphoned ever month or so. Donating fat for fuel would be a great renewable source of energy. Not having to worry about my weight would allow me to eat more and more.
Give BB our best and give him a BOOM OINKA LAKKA from me.
Lindsey said...
To FB -
It's good to know you enjoy butting heads with Ms Roth. Coming together as one dysfunctional team would be a wonderful thing! Honesty is important when this happens, and since both of you are honest in what you do, there shouldn't be any problems there.
I'm not sure I know many women who are genuine and honest and straightforward with what they preach. Good strategy MeMe!
Next time, don't chew so loudly. It's still ringing in my ears!
MeMe is honest and her cause is legit but we think her methods are too militant. That is why I had to spank her and give her a good chewing out and believe me fat guys like me are good at chewing out women like MeMe.
MeMe has never said gluttony is bad. Soon I, Fat Bastard, as leader of the NEW fat acceptance movement will be weighing in on the debates that Ms Roth is having now with the angry jealous girls in the old NAAFA style FA movement. I will be the voice of reason when women like MeMe and girls Linda Bacon, oink oink, debate of cable news shows.
Dear Fat Bastard,
You should get in touch with Neil Cavuto. He opposes Meme Roth, and he also had Dr. John Basso on his show. Dr. Basso is the founder of the Heart Attack Grill. He was supportive of Dr. Basso's health clinic.
I think that he would put you on the show opposite Meme next time she's on the show. That would be your chance to chew out Meme on TV, and give our movement massive public exposure. Just remember, don't try to pork her, she's married, and you will be on TV so it will embarrass you if you try it on TV.
Big Lard Ass
That MeMe makes me soooooooo mad! She needs to shut up and eat!
Although, I think Meme Roth is going too far in her rants against obesity, but I also think the poster of this article is nuts to compare two fat kids to two underfed kids. Children and parents in the third world can't help it living in a war zone with famine, they have NO choice.
The parents of those two fat kids do bear a responsibility becaus they live in a country where there's plenty of food and they can chose to make the kids eat healthy food.
Those two fat kids won't make the age of 30 going the current path and that's the fault of the parents, so claming those two kids look happy is insane because what do kids no about anything regarding health ?
Both Meme roth and the Fat Acceptance groups are going too far to wat's reasonable.
Eko, I have one word for you. EAT!
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