NAAFA's two faced view on the subject if just one more example of how wrong they are. Go to Dimensions forum and you will find many refugees from NAAFA's now defunct online forum. NAAFA took criticism from inside the FA movement and from the FA movement's critics. NAAFA in it usual dishonesty and constant infighting has remained two faced on the issue to this day. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive applies especially to NAAFA. NAAFA's many spokesdroids with their fat by nature mantra put the entire movement on a very slippery slope. Fat by nature is bullshit and NAAFA's big chiefs know it. The reality is fat by choice proud by nature. We gluttons are a prideful bunch and it is the mission of BFB to increase our size and the size of our fat pride. We don't have to explain our obesity to anyone but if we do we should not take the NAAFA or Kate Harding approach by doing it with lies.
I am not a full fledged feeder but my blog partner Proud FA is. I consider him Feederism's philosopher king.His many feedees consider him their savior. I know for a fact that his feed sessions have rescued many BBW's from the abyss of deep dark depression and brought them forth into the sacred light of gluttony. His legendary feed sessions at the NAAFA conventions would make a Roman orgy look like a hunger strike. His piggies don't puke. Proud FA first plies them with booze and or weed and lot's of it. BBW's can hold their liquor unlike the fat feminists who hold the licker by the ears. After they let down their inhibitions the fun would begin. I would sit by while these once shrinking violets would cover Proud FA's skinny body in marshmallow, caramel syrup, M&Ms, fudge syrup and sprinkles and devour him like hogs at trough. I would post some stills form these sessions but it gets pretty graphic and Proud FA and I still need to remain anonymous as we are both still active NAAFA members and moles. We do not want to blow our covers at this time. We are working behind the scenes to reform NAAFA from within and restore it to what its founder Bill Fabrey had intended. I digress.
One feed session can be a life altering event for the feedee. In one fell swoop it often eliminates the guilt some people have about enjoying food. When feedees realize that gluttony is normal behavior it becomes a life changing experience for them. For many such as myself it is a religious experience. Food is our God. PRAISE GLORIOUS FOOD! Acceptance is a life changing experience. Accepting a fat body is easy. Fat bodied women women love to flaunt it. If you don't believe me look around you or GOOGLE a BBW or SSBBW image search. BOING! The tough part in fat acceptance is accepting and feeling good about the gluttony. Two thirds of Americans has all accepted their fat bodies. The next step is to make them super duper fat and eat like there is no tomorrow. Life is short EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT sleep and EAT some more.

Open your mouth sweet fat girl

You gotta Love this Belly

One of Proud FA's hotel hotties
Clearly feederism is a vital pillar in the FA movement.
A final thought and warning. Feeding has its risks. The greatest risk is diabetic coma. Most gainers are diabetics. Please check the comment section because Proud FA AKA the Feeder King will explain the finer points of feeding. For now let is suffice to say. FEED WITH FATS AND OILS. SWEETS CAN BE DEADLY IN LARGE QUANTITIES!

Don't try this at home. Inexperienced gainer dead from diabetic coma.
Proud FA recommends that all new gainers work with an experienced feeder. It is the hope of BFB that sometime in the future feeders will have to be certified by a government agency to avoid these needless deaths. We are hoping that foods that are not Feedee safe contain warning labels.
Proud FA's Feeding 101
Before starting any serious feed session think safety first. Tube feeding is a no no. Only the most advanced feeders and feedees should attempt tube feeding. While tube may be a great way to pump in the calories into a gainer, the artful feeder uses great tasting food, praise and guile to get the gainer to eat to her full capacity.
Feed with fat! Butter, cooking oil, bacon, peanut butter, lard, cracklins, heavy cream and soft cheeses are by far the best choices. Think of it as an extreme version the induction phase of the Atkins diet. Periodically introduce some carbs to stop ketosis. Peanut butter is wonder gainer food. Peanut butter and bacon sandwiches washed down with heavy cream is a great way to feed.
Use a bib if your feedee is clothed. Ample Stuff makes a wonder prduct they call Big Bib. Feeding can get messy.

Rub and pat her belly and tell her how hot she looks. Praise her eating.
Screw you lowee!
FYI, those big bibs work great for tucking away a 15lb+ snack when you are on the way out the buffets. They are worth their weight in cheesecake my fellow food worshipers!
One of my favorite feedees brings a huge hand bag to Golden Corral and she always manages to leave with at least 5 pounds of cookies and brownies. Fat people are very clever when it comes to stealing food.
We are going to try the bib thing. I think we could sneak a small to medium ham under her under belly and hide it totally with a Big Bib form Ample Stuff.
I have to admit that I am a little disturbed by part of this post. Specifically this sentence "While tube may be a great way to pump in the calories into a gainer, the artful feeder uses great tasting food, praise and guile to get the gainer to eat to her full capacity."
I prefer free range BBW and SSBBW who have grown large on their own natural love of gluttony and immobility.
You have a point with free rangers but sometimes they need encouragement to push the food intake into overdrive. U.S women are the best when it comes to pounding down the food guilt free.
Feederism is a cure for self hatred and bulimia. It is guilt free eating. It is therapy for self hatred and body image issues. Remember food is love and you can never have too much love.
Hello everybody. I'm new here, and I'm so glad I found this web site.
I am a happy male Gainer looking for a female feeder to fatten me up some more. Right now I weigh about 400 pounds at 5 ft 6 in and would like to get up to at least 500 pounds within a year.
I have always been in the Size Acceptance movement, and have subscribed to the NAAFA Newsletters in the past. I'm still into size acceptance.
But I have discovered that it's not good enough for me, because I don't merely accept my size, I embrace it. I absolutely love it!
I have gone way beyond mere size acceptance, beyond merely accepting my fat body, to loving my fat body, and wanting to make my body grow even fatter, because I have discovered that the fatter I get, the happier I become.
I love everything about obesity, including the difficulties of getting around and maintain personal hygiene.
For example:
I measure about 70 inches around my hips and my butt, but when I sit down, my hips spread out to almost 80 inches around, and I'm becoming such a fat-ass that I have difficulty reaching around behind me to wipe my own butt, so now, I have to use a pair of tongs as a toilet paper holder, and it works very well. I actually love having to us a pair of tongs to assist me. It serves as a constant reminder of what I great big fat-ass I'm becoming!
Also, I can't walk very fast, and I've become soft and weak and it's becoming a struggle to get up out of my bed when I first get up in the morning, and I enjoy that feeling of heaviness as I slowly rise to my feet.
And finally, I have become sexually impotent due to my obesity. My testosterone levels have gone way down, and I have developed secondary hypogonadism as a result, meaning that my penis has shrunk to less than 2 inches, my testicles down to the size of two grapes, I have lost pubic hairs and I'm losing chest hairs, my muscles have been wasting away while my percentage of body-fat increases, turning me into a soft and weak, obese little cream-puff!
My lower belly below my waist is beginning to hang down over my shrunken penis, and now, it's physically impossible for me to get an erection. I can't get it up anymore, and I love the way it feels.
Because of my gluttony, I am literally eating away my manhood! It serves me right! For being such a greedy obese little glutton, I'm getting exactly what I deserve! Yeah! It really serves me right!
But I don't care, because I'm such a lazy fat-ass that having sex sounds too much like strenuous exercise to me. I prefer to eat and sleep instead.
I have gone through some rather profound personality changes due to my increasing obesity. Because of my falling testosterone levels, I have become more gentle and docile, more timid and sissified, but also, more peaceful and calm, more happy and contented, a peaceful and calm, sleepy kind of contentment.
I love being soft and weak because it feels so relaxing.
And finally, I'm also diabetic. I have been diabetic for over 13 years now. When I was first diagnosed, I was really bummed out, but then, after I found out that using insulin causes weight gain, I discovered how to use my diabetes to my advantage.
Yes, I do avoid too many sweets and junk foods. I eat lots of fresh fruit when I get a craving for sweets, and then I take extra insulin to cover how much I eat, because I know it's absolutely essential to keep my blood sugars within the normal range.
So, the more I eat, the more insulin I must use. The more insulin I use that more weight I gain. The fatter I get, and the bigger my body becomes, the more insulin I need, and the more insulin I use the fatter I get.
So, I have discovered that I can use my diabetes to my advantage when it comes to gaining weight.
I knew a beautiful young lady who was diabetic, and she got up to over 650 pounds by increasing her insulin. She was only 5 feet tall, and she became immobile through her deliberate weight gain.
And so, I love everything about my obesity. My having to use a pair of tongs as a butt wiper. My becoming a sexless, timid and docile, obese sissified little wimp! And having diabetes so I can use insulin to induce run-away weight gain!
My goal is to eventually hit 800 pounds or more within the next 5 years or so.
Wish me luck!
Teddy Bear, because you are a fat pathetic wuss you might be the bridge between Fat Bastard's Fat acceptance and Kate Harding's fat acceptance. we all that most hard core fat acceptance members are strident fat women who feel threatened by very masculine men. As we know people come in all shapes, sizes, genders and sexual preferences. Fat Bastard and Proud FA are offering a big tent and so are you. You are a diplomatic and sensitive man. You are more like a gentle girly girl woman. Many fat men are like girly girl women although their male egos won't allow them to act the way they really feel.
Teddy Bear you are a wimpy wussy gurly non threatening man. Women can more easily relate to you than they can to the average man. Both Kate Harding and Bigger Fatter Blog have fired shot across each other's bow and the saber rattling most stop. You my fine fat femmy friend could be the Henry Kissinger of fat acceptance. I had the pleasure of seeing you blog and all I can say is OUTSTANDING!
Balltungo said...
"Teddy Bear, because you are a fat pathetic wuss you might be the bridge between Fat Bastard's Fat acceptance and Kate Harding's fat acceptance. we all that most hard core fat acceptance members are strident fat women who feel threatened by very masculine men. As we know people come in all shapes, sizes, genders and sexual preferences. Fat Bastard and Proud FA are offering a big tent and so are you. You are a diplomatic and sensitive man. You are more like a gentle girly girl woman. Many fat men are like girly girl women although their male egos won't allow them to act the way they really feel."
Thank you very much Balltungo.
As for me, I don't hesitate to act the way I really feel, because I have rejected my male ego.
Although I'm straight, I despise masculinity. I'm a sissified straight gay. Actually I'm about maybe 90% percent straight and 10% percent bi-curious.
I'm not a man anymore, but a sissified male, and obese sissy boy. I show my true feelings. When I'm happy, I laugh like a silly little fat school girl, and when I'm sad, or hurting, I cry like a great big fat baby boy.
I'm 57 years old, and believe it or not, I'm still a virgin. That's right! I never done it in my entire life.
My therapist, who is a dear friend of mine, almost like an older brother, he says that male virgins live much longer than sexually active males. Male virgins also tend to be more obese, but they still live much longer.
So, I love being a wimp! Yes, I am an absolute WIMP!
In the realm of Quantum Physics, there is a class of sub-atomic particle that is called the W.I.M.P.
It means, Weakly Interacting Massive Particle. It is the largest and the heaviest of all sub-atomic particles, but it has no charge. It is neutral, but it interacts gravitationally, which is a much weaker interaction then a magnetic interaction.
W.I.M.P.s are believed to make up the mysterious dark matter that contributes to 90% percent of the total mass of the galaxies, but dark matter is invisible, so the universe is made up mostly of what does not appear.
Another words, W.I.M.P.s are timid and shy since they don't show themselves. But they interact because of their mass and that's how we know that they are there. They are like sissified fat guys because they are so shy.
They are the most mysterious things in the entire cosmos.
And so, I'm a W.I.M.P. a Weakly Interacting Massive Person!
I'm big and heavy, timid, shy, and docile, and I'm physically weak. I interact weakly.
But we WIMPs are more intelligent. When I was 13, I scored 150 points on a standard IQ test. In school, I was the typical nerd or geek, and also an obese sissy-boy.
I hated sports, especially football, and I preferred science, art, and music. I'm especially interested in Astronomy.
So, we soft and weak WIMPS, we are the ones who hold civilization together because we only like to do what a lot of Macho guys would call "sissy stuff" such as hanging out in the library, reading book, going to concerts to listen to classical music.
Just as the sub-atomic particles called W.I.M.P.s hold the galaxies together, we human WIMPs hold civilization together.
And so, I'm proud to be an obese sissy-boy and a soft and weak massive WIMP.
Now, does anybody know where I can get a pair of pink ruffled panties for a size 64 inch waist?
You may indeed be the bridge between Our version of FA and the Kate Harding version. I am a grizzly bear of a man so I am still masculine. You are more like a woman. You are a gurly man and the strident virile women of fat acceptance will feel comfortable around a sissy like you yet you are cool with our fat acceptance of guilt free gluttony.
As you know guilt free gluttony is the most enlightened type of fat acceptance. You understand that so well especially being a gainer yet you retain enough of your male intellect to know how ridiculous the metabolic apologetics is.
I have spoken with Wann, Harding and Campos until I am blue in the face and they still cling to this ridiculous fat by nature proud by choice whereas our motto is proud by nature fat by choice.
Good luck on finding a female feeder. Dimension Magazine has a forum but there are a lot of NAAFA types there and they are very anti fat man. You still my find one there. Many feedees are into feeding. Proud FA may have more insight regarding female feeders.
A dominatrix would probably be happy to force feed you and dress you up like a fat girl. If you think about it, you are probably a lesbian trapped in a male body. That may be the answer to your gender dysphoria issues. That being the case you would make a wonderful liaison between the fat feminists and others within the movement.
As it stands now you have emasculated yourself with your glorious obesity and gluttony. Keep knocking of their doors and keep spreading the message. I am sure a big fat dom lesbo with lots of facial hair with force feed you and put you in a pink diaper or something.
I have to admit it. I am jealous of all these skinny guys who get to feed and fuck all the BBWs and SSBBWs. There is a good reason why. Many of us fat guys can't get wood and the ones who can have problems because their bellies get in the way. Skinny chicks don't want us unless they have a crushing fetish.
I have been fed by a few women but the were not really into it.
fatterbastard said...
"I have to admit it. I am jealous of all these skinny guys who get to feed and fuck all the BBWs and SSBBWs. There is a good reason why. Many of us fat guys can't get wood and the ones who can have problems because their bellies get in the way. Skinny chicks don't want us unless they have a crushing fetish."
Well, I'm not jealous of skinny guys who can "get wood" or have sex.
I'm very happy that I can't get wood anymore, and I'm so glad my penis has shrunken to less then two inches in length and my testicles have shrunken down to the size of a couple of grapes.
To me, the male penis is ugly and repulsive, and I hope some day that I become so enormously obese that my lower groin hangs down over my penis and down over my thighs about halfway to my big round knees.
Then I'll be perfectly happy when nobody can see my penis anymore, because I don't want anyone to see how small it is. It will be completely hidden under my low hanging belly.
When the time comes, I will move into a nude colony because I won't mind going around naked when my penis is hidden under my belly.
I will then look like a great big sexless chubby cherub, having a kind of other-worldly appearance like a supernatural being of some kind that is immensely obese!
I will just lay around in the nude, eating and sleeping, and then, sometime going to a nude beach for a swim. But I won't actually swim, I'll just float, just like I don't actually walk, but rather waddle instead of walking.
Yeah! We fat people don't swim and we fat people don't walk, we just float and we waddle!
Anyway, when my tiny little shrunken penis is hidden away under my huge round belly, I will look absolutely sexless! The only thing that will give away that I'm a male is that I'm bald on top of my head with just a fringe of hair on the sides and the back. So, I will shave my head and look hairless and sexless!
Right now, even f I could "get wood" I don't have the strength or the endurance to have sex. It sound too much like strenuous exercise. I'm too soft and weak! A Girl Scout can beat the crap out of me!
I'm a soft and weak, obese little cream puff, and perfectly happy and contented.
Although I'm straight, I'm still a limp-wrist soft and weak obese little sissy boy.
Not only am I an obese limp-wrist little sissy with a limp penis, but all my muscles and joints are limp. My joints are very flexible and my muscles are soft, flabby, and weak, almost like someone with Downs Syndrome or Prader-Willi Syndrome, I'm weak and floppy like a 400 pound rag-doll!
But I love it! I love being soft and weak because it feels so comfortable and relaxing. When I sit down or lay down in my bed, I just go completely limp and wallow in my own fat. It feels good to have soft flabby muscles surrounded by thick layers of nice soft baby-fat!
I'm just a happy obese little limp-wrist sissy boy with a limp little weenie.
I can't get it up because my belly keeps it down!
I am terrified!I'm running back to
I love feederism. Of is the hotest thing ever. Me and my boyfriend (my feeder) are so turned on by this. We started about eight months ago. I use to be 127 lbs and now I'm a sexy 260. Not that much but getting there. I have some tips for feeders. Cooking for us girls is great when you use lots of butter and get as much greese on the food as u can. Warm brownies or fudge is deliciouse and steaks chicken and bacon are great too. Also rub your feedes belly when feeding. Pick high cal stuff and lots of it.
That is some great advice! Proud FA aka the dean of feederism says that fat fattens best so cooking with a lot of grease is the way to weight more.
When you guys publish your book about NAAFA (and I know you will), I'm going to be first in line to get it signed. I know a little bit about the dirty laundry they don't want made public, I would love to get the full scoop.
you guys do understand that is matters to everyone how fat you get, right? it's the medical community that will have to deal with your disregard for what is actually healthy. when you can no longer get out of a bed, when your diabetes is practically unmanageable, and when you need that quadruple bypass, it will be everyone ELSE who will have to be forced to help you in an situation that could have easily been avoided. eating food as a way of recovery from self-hatred is just a replacement, not a solution. seek talk therapy and exercise. you can't imagine how much working out can help your outlook on life. you are what you eat so eat food that is healthy. please don't let people believe reaching 500 pounds in weight is somehow sexy.
Veronica said...
you guys do understand that is matters to everyone how fat you get, right? it's the medical community that will have to deal with your disregard for what is actually healthy. when you can no longer get out of a bed, when your diabetes is practically unmanageable, and when you need that quadruple bypass, it will be everyone ELSE who will have to be forced to help you in an situation that could have easily been avoided. eating food as a way of recovery from self-hatred is just a replacement, not a solution. seek talk therapy and exercise. you can't imagine how much working out can help your outlook on life. you are what you eat so eat food that is healthy. please don't let people believe reaching 500 pounds in weight is somehow sexy.
Working out makes you sweat and as a fat guy I already sweat a lot. It makes you stink and I'm a thinker not a stinker.
Gluttony is taking over the world and when gluttony does people will be to happy and content to start war or be motivated enough to fight in them.
Let's say 80% of the human race is obese, the skinny people who start wars will have to tend to their needs.
Gluttony is GOOD!
insulin did me in. I found out I could get fatter the more I ate and the more insulin i used now I am a 500 lb waddling pig with a huge gut hanging heavily over my once large pe pe i sweat like a pig and my thin feedee wife keeps me fat, drunk and happy
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