For quite some time Bigger Fatter Blog has been the leading Fat acceptance site on the web. A few months ago we found out that of all the sites covering the "obesity epidemic" Bigger Fatter Blog is ranked 41st and NUMBER 1 for obesity promotion.
Main's site description:
It has a pagerank 6 and 430,891 backlinks. It received approximately 765,082 daily pageviews and has a potential to earn over $2,695. A site like this, if grows to its maximum potential, might sell for $4,004,514 but that's of course is just an estimate and does not mean it would ever sell for that amount.
Bigger Fatter Blog is NOW the 8th ranked site in the world!
Bigger Fatter Blog is NOW the 8th ranked site in the world!
Bigger Fatter Blog is NOW the 8th ranked site in the world!
Bigger Fatter Blog is NOW the 8th ranked site in the world!
Bigger Fatter Blog is NOW the 8th ranked site in the world!
Bigger Fatter Blog is NOW the 8th ranked site in the world!
Bigger Fatter Blog is NOW the 8th ranked site in the world!
Bigger Fatter Blog is NOW the 8th ranked site in the world!
Bigger Fatter Blog is NOW the 8th ranked site in the world!
Bigger Fatter Blog is NOW the 8th ranked site in the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD!

Are you sure that it isn't talking about Blogspot being the #8 site? Try it again with a different Blogspot blog and see if the results are the same. Because I'm sure we'd be getting thousands of comments per day if over 750,000 people visited it every day.
Also I'm sure you'd cash out for the $4 million and move to Japan, where you'd get massages from 80 lbs Japanese Female Fat Admirers all the time. They'd bring you sushi, sashimi, shark fin soup (endangered), and whale tail quiche, and you'd get used to it and love it. You'd get wasted on sake as well.
If you go to that site scroll down and click the other sites on the same page and it will tell their rankings.
The reason BFB is not geting more comments is because only really smart people like you, Belly Boy, Pig, Rotunda Hindenberg, Proud Plumpette, Ghetto Kid and the erudite "Dr" Gerald "Teddy" Bear have the brain power to participate. I think that the 3/4 of a million readers who read this blog daily are simply in awe and unable to comment.
This really must piss off the angry man hating fat girls of the old fat acceptance.
I have been holding these numbers close to my vest as my Google analytics are showing the same thing.
Here is what it says about another site.
Main's site description:
Let's start with the basic details for this domain, which is located at with hostname. The site is described as: A useful resource to visit. There are plenty of terms associated with this site . Alexa ranks it among 5,613 top sites in the world. You can get an idea about the traffic by reading further.
It has a pagerank 4 and 3,493 backlinks. It received approximately 215,777 daily pageviews and has a potential to earn over $825. A site like this, if grows to its maximum potential, might sell for $1,244,423 but that's of course is just an estimate and does not mean it would ever sell for that amount.
I will be on a boat to Japan as soon as the deal is cut. I am accepting bid for BFB. I may grow it some more to up it's value. I want BFB to be a big fat titted juggernaut that swallows the entire web like Belly Boy at an all you can eat buffet.
I'll sell when it hit 10 million.
When I'm in Japan Proud and I are going to be eating coaches for Sumo wrestlers. I will be boning geisha girls everyday and even though I will be filthy rich I won't have to pay because they love fat guys there.
@Fat Bastard,
I used the website, putting in BiggestFattestBlog, as well as Memeroth, instead of BiggerFatterBlog, and it comes back with the exact same stats. I find it hard to believe that your blog, Teddy's blog, and Meme's blog all have EXACTLY the same number of readers. says that blogspot is the number 7 website on the internet. So, I hate to tell you this, but you are wrong.
Bigger Fatter Blog is not one of the world's top websites, but blogspot is.
I know you may like the idea of pretending that you're in the top ten, but if you will be honest with yourself, then you will realize that you are being no different than the NAAFA fat chicks who insist that obesity has no negative health effects - aka they just ignore the obvious evidence right in front of them and instead believe in something just because it's what they would prefer to be true.
The NAFAM movement is about being honest, and I believe that if you are an honest person that you will acknowledge the truth after you confirm my testing results.
Did you delete my latest comment?
Basically I tested out various blogspot / blogger websites, and all of them come in at #8, with exactly the same number of views. That leads me to believe that the #8 rank applies to Blogspot, not your specific blog. Please don't be like the NAAFA fat chicks who ignore reality and just choose to believe what they want and not what is real.
BLA, I did not remove your comment could you please leave it again?
Also, contact my email and I will give you the 411 on what another site ranking company put BFB. So I know that it's you tell me Teddy's Latin name. LOL!
Subjectively BFB has been ranked number 41 for covering global obesity and number one for obesity prevention and promotion. MeMe Roth's Wedding Gown Challenge is ranked 40th. It must be kismet.
Bigger Fatter Blog by far is ahead of all the other fat acceptance blogs with Kate Harding's train wreck Shapely Prose coming in a distant second and Big Fat Blog, the grand daddy of FA blogsa distant 3rd.
I am a bit confused as it gives different data on's site description.
Hey everybody!
I got some news that is not fat related, because it's way off topic.
There is going to be a total lunar eclipse tonight.
Since I live in Texas, El Paso is in the Mountain Standard time zone which is 2 hours behind the Eastern Standard time.
Start penumbral (P1) -- 10:27 pm (*)
Start umbral (U1) ------ 11:32 pm (*)
Start total (U2) --------- 12:40 am
Greatest eclipse --------- 1:17 am
End total (U3) ------------ 1:53 am
End umbral (U4) --------- 3:02 am
End penumbral (P4) ----- 4:06 am
(*) before midnight on Monday night, December 20
So, I'll be sitting outside tonight watching it.
I'll probable come back in just after 1:53 am when the total phase is over. I'll be sure to have some coffee with me and my pipe.
Also, another interesting fact . . .
It will be the first total lunar eclipse in almost 3 years, the last being on February 20, 2008.
It is the second of two lunar eclipses in 2010. The first was a partial lunar eclipse on June 26, 2010.
And finally . . .
It will be the first total lunar eclipse to occur on the day of the Winter Solstice since 1638, and only the second in the Common Era.
So, tonight's lunar eclipse is going to be something special.
Yeah! I'm looking forward to seeing it tonight.
@Teddy Bear
I agree, tonight's eclipse will be a great thing to view. Enough to make you go OINK OINK OINK as you eat a Moon Pie in celebration. Moon pies are the best possible thing to eat in celebration of an eclipse.
Also I would like to let you know that the guy who wrote the evil book about hurting children has been arrested under an obscenity law.
You see, normally the first amendment protects free speech. However, an obscenity law can be constitutional when it is applied to something that doesn't have scientific or artistic value. The courts have always said that exploiting underage people in that kind of way never has scientific or artistic value. Therefore, it's not protected under free speech.
So, you should also celebrate that another child molester is probably going to be going to jail! Have a MOON PIE in celebration of both of those things!!
Also I think that the day that a morbidly obese apple shaped man whose pants cannot stay up due to his belly, the very first day that he realizes that he will now have to go around mooning the world, he must eat a moon pie to celebrate it. Also, on lunar eclipses and solar eclipses, moon pies need to be eaten.
I've been working hard in my laboratory working on a new product, the Sun Pie. It will be similar to the moon pie except that it will be orange based, because the sun is stereotypically portrayed as being orange, although I'm not sure whether the true color is orange, white, or red. I'm guessing it is probably orange, because only dying stars are red, and then the white dwarves are like stars that have undergone weight loss surgery. Orange stars are fat and healthy, just the right size for a planet like Earth to thrive.
Please let me know if you think my moon pie idea and/or sun pie idea are good.
In response to BLA:
I like the idea of a Sun Pie. Excellent idea!
Also, how about a red Mars Pie that is strawberry flavored!
And, a Jupiter Pie that can be any flavor, but much larger, say like over a foot in diameter, much larger than a Moon Pie.
Yeah, I also think that in celebration of tonight's lunar eclipse, all you super super morbidly obese apple-shaped guys should go about walking the streets with your pants halfway down on your butts mooning the world around you.
All excellent ideas!!!
Hello again BLA!!!
Yeah! Thanks for the good news about the pedophile who will be going to prison for writing a book on how to molest children.
For him, there will be a Bad Moon Rising!!!
Hello again, again, BLA!
I just thought of something.
You know what happens to pedophiles in prison.
He'll probably get a cell mate, some great big boomer named Bubbah who will launch his pocket-rocket up to his moon!!!
If you know what I mean!!!
I was just watching the a special about Einstien on the history channel and how his gravity theory was proven by a solar eclipse.
The other thing I notices is that Einstien had moobs. They were not really big. They were more like Jack Nicholson's.
I does my heart good to hear about some baby raper getting sent up the river.
I just polished off some X-mas cookies. Thinnette asked if she would put them in my chest freezer... BIG mistake! Not my fault though those cookies were too good.
I had another date will Skinny Linny. Boy does she smell nice. I love thinling chicks! That's another reason why the girls in the old FA movement hate me.
@Teddy Bear,
I like your ideas too.
The Jupiter Pie should also have a big red spot, which would be a different flavor than the rest of the pie. The other flavors would be layered with whipped cream, orange marmalade, cherry, strabery, and marshmallowy substances, and lemon, just like how Jupiter has many layers of clouds swirling all around it. It would also have to have numerous moon pies orbiting it, since Jupiter has I think about 13 moons or so. Io and Europa are my favorite Jovian moons.
There could be an Earth pie that would be 70% blueberry based, with about 30% lime because the earth's surface is about 70% water, and 30% land.
I am not super morbidly obese, I'm just down to being overweight now, and a lot of it is from muscles. I'm working up my muscles so that I can be an in-shape glutton, and burn off as many calories as I can so that I can eat a lot and live a long time. Each of us has to choose their right path, for me slothful gluttony was not the right choice, because I don't get feelings of calm serenity because of my former obesity, it just made me feel weak, not strong like a big bear. I think you can go the distance and live long as a fat man, but not me - so I had to make the choice to work out a lot and eat a lot. It was more about the food than the fat, for me.
I like your idea of a Mars Pie that is strawberry flavored! YUM! For snacking on the go, they should also have Pluto Pies, which would be bite-sized. But for my ideal snacking purposes, a big hot dog with lots of sauerkraut, and plenty of spicy brown mustard, on a lightly toasted bun, really hits the snack spot. A moon, Mars, Earth, or Pluto pie would act as an excellent dessert follow-up, though.
Hello again BLA and Fat Bastard.
If I had known about the lunar eclipse much sooner, I would have prepared for the coming event.
I would be celebrating tonight's lunar eclipse by eating Swiss cheese sandwiches because the moon looks like Swiss cheese with all those craters, and for dessert, I would have some Moon Pies!
Of course, washing it down with moonshine isn't legal! Damn!
Oh well.
I could drink a beer with a shot of Bourbon and pretend it's moonshine.
If I had some.
Well, the lunar eclipse is just about starting now, so I'll catch you gators later!
Oh! By the way!
Jupiter is now known to have about 60 moons. Not just 13 anymore.
I post a list of their names later on.
A Mars pie sounds great. Make it with Mars bars!
I think a big assed chocolate pie called the Belly Boy Black hole would be great. The event horizon could be chocolate graham cracker crust with a whipped cream ring and the very center you be so dark that not even light can escape. The chocolate will lose its sweetness the closer you get to the center. That separate the true gluttons from the gormandizers.
I have been reading this blog with great interest and I suspect this is a joke. I was shocked to find out that this site is ranked as the top FA site in the world.
I agree with Fat Bastard about how women have ruined the FA movement. Whether or not this blog is s spoof is not even the point. My gut is that it isn't - the fat acceptance movement and what it has become is a farce.
Sorry for going off topic but I see the other posters have. I see that you guys are a whole bunch smarter than the females who have run the FA movement into a ditch.
Maybe you guys should pay the Happy Fat Girl forums a visit. Those bitches are anything but happy. I think you guys would have to drop your IQ a 40 points so that you can communicate with them. There are some nice gals there but there are some real Kate Hardings.
You say that the moon looks like swiss cheese because it has so many craters? This is very interesting. My ass is also full of craters and there are lumps and crags all over it's surface- much like our orbiting friend. I wonder, if perhaps they call it 'mooning' because the first person to do it was a fatling? I hope that he or she was able to embrace their gluttony and feel pround. To be compared to a celestial body with the ability to turn the tides is not only accurate but glorious.
Imaging the pull on the healthcare system when the worlds population reaches 75% obese? Our effect on the world would be like a force of nature. I think it's time people started treating their neighbourhood gluttons with more respect. The tide is turning, Billy. The tide is turning, and the Fat Acceptance movement is winning.
Now now, you stop that Moon pie talk, you wild and crazy fatlings. :)
You're making me all hungry over here. I've got to say, the Jupiter Pie sounds like the best of the bunch.
Actually, the Belly Boy Black Hole sounds pretty damn good, too. Fat Bastard, that was yet another great tribute you've invented in honor of the great big man himself.
The New Fat Acceptance is a flabbalanche in overdrive. It's unstoppable!
Proud Plumpette, The flesh moon has the power to turn tides FAT POWER! Shout FAT POWER! Proud FA and I have discussed the power of the BBW butt many times. We postulate about all the stored energy in the fat but we had never considered the gravitational forces that could be exerted on the earth if all BBWs were to say do the hula or Chubby Checker's Twist all at the same time in the same place. I think that the fat studies programs should stress fat physics and astro physics.
Fat butts do resemble the lunar surface.
@ Rae,
We fatlings need to be thinking in inter planetary term and galactic terms. I Fat Bastard have been a long time advocate for anti-gravity devices as a way to enable fatlings and as you probably know anti-gravity and gravity amplification will be the key to warping space and traveling through time and distance. When humanity achieves this they will have me Fat Bastard and the NEW fat acceptance to thank.
As a former NAAFA member I am so happy to see that Bigger Fatter Blog is now the leading and most read fat acceptance blog.
The site is described as: A useful resource to visit.
@ Tracy
NAAFA is becoming increasingly retarded.
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