In the past Fat Bastard answered the tough question of how fat folks "reach back there". In that article Fat Bastard discussed the problems and solutions or and for proper toileting hygiene for fatlings. While is may be true that no job is finished until the paper work is done, in the case of a bigger fatter bowel movement the job is not finished until the super sized stools of a fatling are in the sewer line and moving happily along to the sewage treatment plant with all the other turds. While double triple and even quadruple flushers are common quite often fatlings are faced with a toilet that is simply incapable of handling the much larger fecal volumes produced by fatlings. When that happens a clog will is inevitable. It can be a minor clog to a severe to something in between but either way some sort of action will be required to resolve the problem and send the super sized Mr Hankies down the pipe and shouting a grateful HOWDY HO as they get swept along in the flow to join all their turd buddies in turd heaven.
The tools and techniques of the trade.
Let's start with the humble bucket and when and how to use it. Let's say you drop a couple of big bowl fillers, you've wiped and you pressed the flush handle but nothing has happened except of an anemic swirl and a rise in the water in the bowl. If you attempt to flush again nine times out of ten there will be a messy overflow.

Wear rubber gloves! Feces can be nasty!

The warm water and bucket method.
If the bowl is not filled to the brim pour a bucket of warm not hot water into the bowl this may break up, dissolve and dislodge the clog and it will move harmlessly down the pipe. Sadly this is not always the case and another turd busting method needs to be employed.

The Plumber's Helper
You will need the right tool for the job. As you escalate the war on the fecal clogs the next weapon of choice is the humble but venerable plunger. The red plunger is a drain plunger that is used for unclogging the kitchen of bathroom sinks. The black plunger is a more serious plunger. Think of it as the 44. caliber Smith and Wesson of plungers. A few strokes with this bad boy and that stubborn brown trout will soon be swimming down stream post haste to the place where all the turds go.

The Turdinator!
Sometimes even the best plunger won't budge a BBW BM bent on staying put. Sometimes these turds have a mind of their own and then you may have to call the Turdinator! Armed with a toilet auger aka a closet auger aka a toilet snake the Turdinator will make short work of that pipe plugging punk bastard.
When to call the plumber?
Sometimes a clog can be so stubborn or so deep that even a Turdinator armed with a toilet snake can't get the job done and the toilet needs to be removed by a professional in case the pipe has to be snaked.

Being that I have an ultra supersized wife I am well acquainted with this issue. 5 years ago when my then girlfriend and now wife moved in with me we ran into this problem on occasion. But as time passed and she grew in girth and weight it became a constant problem and using a toilet plunger and snake became all too routine. Now don’t get me wrong I don’t mind helping my gorgeously enormous woman with her bathroom needs but it became a problem when I needed to travel for business and my beautiful fatty was unable to dislodge her massive bombs by herself. This became a real issue when I was on trips that kept me away from home for a week or more. During these times the resulting clogs would be a source of extreme embarrassment for her as she would be reduced to calling one of her brothers for assistance. Luckily her two brothers tend to be corpulent in the extreme and fully understand this problem. Nonetheless she was still mortified when this would happen and she was almost on the verge of considering WLS to help alleviate the massive size of her turds.
Then about 2 years ago I remodeled our master bathroom to include a Great John Toilet. This floor mounted commode is designed to handle up to 2000lbs in weight and is higher and has a larger seating surface to accommodate the super obese. Unlike standard floor mounted toilets it has a four point carriage mounting system that prevents the common rocking that standard 2 bolt mountings develop. It also has a larger integral toilet trap than a standard floor mounted toilet. Standard toilets have a 3” trap while the great John has a 4” trap. It may not seem like a big difference but that 1” larger size has been like a Godsend in our house. Now my wife no longer clogs the plumbing like she once did, despite the fact that she is now well over 650lbs and has extremely healthy bowel movements on a regular basis.
Unfortunately judging from their current web presence, it appears that the Great John Company may be no more. I sincerely hope this isn’t the case because I would like to purchase two more of their toilets for a remodeling project I am planning next year for our remaining bathrooms. It would be a pity to go through the effort and expense of remodeling our remaining bathrooms only to have my massive honey of a wife unable to use the toilet facilities. Just the basic connivance of being able to use all the bathrooms in out home would be a huge improvement to the quality of her life.
Taking a dump is never easy, take it from me, Belly Boy.
That's why Uncle Doc is teaming up with my dad to invent the Paul Bunion Bowl, which is large enough to accommodate almost any sized dump.
Unfortunately I am too big for it, so I need to turn on my side and just let 'er rip, while the butler (aka buttler) delivers my fecal fetus and hoses me off afterwards. It feels amazing.
Every fatling deserves a chef and buttler to help out with the feeding and waste management process, it's so much fun for the fatling that it makes up for any unpleasantness by the buttler.
I've decided that I am going to go for 3,000 lbs of weight. My current weight is 1,297 lbs which is my all time highest. Yes I know I previously stated it was 2,000 lbs, however each of my legs was severely swelled up, to the point of having 150 lbs of fluid in each, so it was more like 1,600 lbs, which I rounded up. I'm sorry for being dishonest.
So the fluid is now mostly drained, and no longer seeps out smelling everything up. Now it's just good old body odor. Nothing beats a fat guy's healthy musk. They should bottle it and sell it to thinling guys to wear to attract real women. And to female FAs so they can use it to pleasure themselves.
Anyway, my Belly Boy Burger has just arrived, and I'm about to dig in.
Boom shakka lakka, food food food
Boom shakka lakka, I got fattitude
Boom shakka lakka, I have no shame!
Boom shakka lakka, 'cause I love to gain!
Yeah I love the gainin', no I ain't complainin' cuz I give it to y'all straight and you know that it's amazin'
Remix cuz it's time for a shower
Remix, just kidding, I'll devour
This Belly Boy Burger maybe that one too,
If you ain't careful I just might eat a whole zoo!
I wasn't aware that fatlings were such prolific poopers until I started reading the articles at this fine site. The natural health community seems to believe that fatlings are continuously constipated due to eating piles of processed, lousy food, and not enough fiber, and end up plugging their colons with thick, black sludge. This might be the case with some people but if your articles on this subject are any indication, Fat Bastard, this is not the case for the majority of fatlings.
Hi there, Belly Boy! Always a pleasure to read one of your posts. BB, have you ever read any of the poetry of the late Shel Silverstein? He was well-known for his memorable children's poems. When I was very young, one of my favorite Silverstein poems was 'Hungry Mungry', about a guy who eats literally everything in sight until there is nothing left. He eats tons of food, then his parents, then the cops, then the military. He finishes his grand meal by eating the universe. Now of course, this is nothing more than grand fatling fiction fantasy, but you remind me of that timeless character. You're the real-life Hungry Mungry. Your poem at the end of your post definitely reminded me of Silverstein's poem. You should look up the poem on Google sometime and read it. It will make you smile!
Well it's just basic science. The more food you eat, the bigger your dumps will be. In the case of fatlings, who eat several times as much food as thinlings, the dumpage increases quite dramatically.
Although our nation's waistline has been expanding quite a lot, our toilet bowls have not. Actually, we've moved towards low-flow toilets that actually require multiple flushes even for a thinling's dump, so when someone like Belly Boy (if he could fit on a toilet) used it, it would have zero chance of working. I've seen Belly Boy's dumps unfortunately, after eating a Belly Boy Burger, and it was so horrible that it gave me nightmares.
That's why I advocate that us tall people pee in the sink, if you're a man that is. It saves water, because you only need a little to rinse the sink out, as opposed to several gallons in a toilet.
Some fatlings get constipated very easily, but Belly Boy eats a lot of vegetables, so he doesn't. His vegetables include brandy (concentrated red wine, which is concentrated grapes), meat (concentrated cow, which is concentrated grass), as well as French fries and potato chips. So, he definitely gets in all the servings of veggies and fruit every day.
Oh yeah, plus the pickles and lettuce, and tomato from the Belly Boy Burgers, that counts as veggies too.
Uncle Doc said he might take Belly Boy on a field trip to the Heart Attack Grill in 2011, which would be amazing. He would go into an eating frenzy. If he gains the ability to walk again, that is. Uncle Doc is making him do exercises every day, and Belly Boy hates it, but he wants to be able to waddle so he is going along with it for now.
Also Fat Bastard, did you get my e-mail?
“The natural health community seems to believe that fatlings are continuously constipated due to eating piles of processed, lousy food, and not enough fiber, and end up plugging their colons with thick, black sludge. This might be the case with some people but if your articles on this subject are any indication, Fat Bastard, this is not the case for the majority of fatlings”.
Well this is a yes and no kind of thing. Many super obese people produce very large bowel movements because they are constipated and they continue to consume massive quantities of food. Many severely obese individuals only defecate once or twice a week. This is due to the fact that the severely obese are as a rule a very sedentary bunch. Many cannot physically get to a toilet or are simply too lazy to make their way to one without help. In order for your bowels to work effectively on a regular basis one should be physically active. The natural movement of the body helps to stimulate the digestive tract into proper function. As most of you can guess the extremely obese individual generally just lies around stuffing his or her self greedily and will do almost anything to avoid physical activity. Without a diet very high in fiber this can lead to a massive build-up of waste material in the colon and large intestine. As the waste material builds up it moves slower through the large intestine causing the large intestine to absorb too much water which in turn dries out the waste material excessively. Eventually the fatlings excrement dries to the point where it simply lodges in the colon like a thick, massive, semi-dry log. This can cause the fatling some serious pain and misery if not dealt with properly by a loved one, friend or healthcare professional. But fortunately constipation for the super obese can be remedied somewhat easily. Generally all it takes is a couple of flushing’s with a commercially available enema solution and some physical movement on the fatlings part. Sometimes in the case of severe hyper obesity the simple act of standing erect which places substantial pressure on the fatling abdomen is all that is need to release or loosen the blockage. Just remember as a care giver for a gluttonous fatling you must be ready to catch the expelled blockage with some kind of receptacle or portable commode. This will help to mitigate the mess and embarrassment your fatling might be subjected to and facilitates clean up.
@ Wolf,
I think that Mansfield and American Standard are making the larger thunder jugs and they have so much clout from a marketing sense that even while Great John is/was a superior crapper their positions in the market have forced Great John out of business.
@ Belly Boy,
Boom Shakka Lakka on a brownie bowl.
Boom SHakka Lakka drop a tootsie roll.
Boom Shakka Lakka it's a Belly Boy turd
Boom SHakka Lakka....... WORD!
I wish Uncle Doc would just wheel Belly Boy into the Heart Attack Grill. Sure it would be majestic watching Belly Boy belly up to the counter and order 5 or 6 Quadruple Bypass burgers and a few pounds of Flatliner Fries but Belly Boy may not be able to do that so just bring him there anyway you can.
@ Anon,
Fecal impaction is a problem with fatlings more often than it is with thinlings. Elvis is an example of that. Thankfully we have greats like Teddy Bear who understands bariatric nutrition and can advise other fatlings.
@ Fat Bastard,
Thanks for the info, I’ll look into it. A plumber friend of mine told me that a company called Toto makes toilets that have a 3” pressure assist flush valve and a rather large waste passage. They claim that their flushing system is far superior to other manufacturers and while actually meeting national energy policy standards set forth for water regulation. But to my knowledge they only have standard size seating the carriage bolt arrangement. Unfortunate with my wife the standard double carriage bolt arrangement isn’t sufficient for her weight. Over time the extra pressure her weight places on a standard toilet causes a double bolt arrangement to loosen. This causes the toilet to rock and eventually break the wax seal causing leaks. I can’t even keep count how many toilet seals I’ve had to replace since she has blown up so beautifully. But all good things come at a price so you just have to deal with it as it comes. Unfortunately for our plumbing fixtures and furniture she isn’t going to get any smaller in the foreseeable future; in fact I would like to see her continue to increase in size to at min of least 750lbs. Of course this will depend on her cooperation but given her track record with eating and gaining and family history, I’m pretty confident that we won’t have trouble achieving the numbers I would like to see for her.
BTW, I just came across this blog and I am thoroughly enjoying the read. You certainly seem to have a handle on the current state of the FA movement and you are certainly not squeamish about exposing it’s holier than thou attitude and philosophy toward weight gain, health and feederism. I like your honesty and I respect that; keep up the good work.
I believe that what Rae said is worth noting. A lot of us heavier folk actually don't shit much at all- being as many are eating diets high in fat, protein and empty carbs. I think you should write an article, Fat Bastard, about how to gain, and keep things moving smoothly. Many of our hefty friends may not realise that they need to keep that food moving to make room for more, not hold on to every rancid bite!
I have a friend, whom is well over 300lbs and gaining, and she complains that she hardly ever craps. And when she does, the turds are like peanuts- mere nuggets! Apparently, these are strenuous to wipe as well.
I'm concerned that there may be more fatlings in need of an unclogging than there are toilets. Think about how much weight could be within their bowels! I'll bet many of us would be disappointed to find out we weighed 10lbs or more LESS than we thought, were we to take the All Bran challenge.
Ah yes, Toto. They are a famous Japanese toilet bowl company, known for having the highest quality toilet bowls with advanced features such as heated seats and water spraying / ass cleaning technology.
As we've said before here on Bigger Fatter Blog, Japanese society is the only society that correctly treats the morbidly obese. They revere the obese as majestic beings, and give them full body massages, etc. Fat Bastard posted a link to a YouTube video I found that is an example of what it's like to be morbidly obese in Japan. (It's awesome.)
I'm glad to hear that you convinced your wife to become a gainer, 750 lbs is a very achievable goal, even if she says she does not want to gain more weight.
For an unwilling feedee, the key is to do it gradually, and just leave her favorite fattening desserts around the home, bring her fast food dinner or make her burgers, etc. Then also do all the housework yourself so she doesn't burn calories that way. The other thing is to encourage snacking; get her on a couch in front of the TV with a pile of bon bons or potato chips for 6 hours, 7 days a week, and she'll be cruising past 700 lbs in no time, even if she "eats healthy" for 1 or 2 meals a week, which is what most fatlings do when they "try" to lose weight.
It sounds like your toilet bowl needs some extra firepower. While Great John might be out of business, luckily Big John Products, Inc. is in business.
They sell a 19" by 19" toilet with a 1,200 lbs capacity that should be able to support your morbidly obese lover's weight with ease, even if she gains several hundred more pounds. They also sell a special weight redistribution device - basically an adjustable leg that connects your toilet to the ground - which can support up to 1,000 lbs.
If you're going to redo your bathrooms, I would look into ordering a Big John toilet bowl since it is wide enough to get the job done with maximum comfort. But the support rod thing is a good alternative since it works with your existing bowl and just reinforces it so that it doesn't pull apart from the wall due to the massive weight.
Anyway, let me know what you think about Big John Products.
Proud Plumpette
There is a good chance that your friend is producing these tiny pellet like turds is because she is indeed constipated. Not all constipated people are completely blocked up. Many produce the small peanut like excrement because they are only partially blocked and small pieces is all they can pass. In many cases constipated fatlings actually produce a very watery diarrhea like poop. It’s the body’s way of actually trying to expel waste and loosen the blockage at the same time. So don’t be fooled, if you are a big fatty and you aren’t producing enormo bowl bombs, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you aren’t at least partially full of shit.
@ BLA,
Proud FA called me after he read your advice. He was impressed to say the least. OUTSTANDING!
Wolf said...
@ Fat Bastard,
Thanks for the info, I’ll look into it. A plumber friend of mine told me that a company called Toto makes toilets that have a 3” pressure assist flush valve and a rather large waste passage. They claim that their flushing system is far superior to other manufacturers and while actually meeting national energy policy standards set forth for water regulation. But to my knowledge they only have standard size seating the carriage bolt arrangement. Unfortunate with my wife the standard double carriage bolt arrangement isn’t sufficient for her weight. Over time the extra pressure her weight places on a standard toilet causes a double bolt arrangement to loosen. This causes the toilet to rock and eventually break the wax seal causing leaks. I can’t even keep count how many toilet seals I’ve had to replace since she has blown up so beautifully. But all good things come at a price so you just have to deal with it as it comes. Unfortunately for our plumbing fixtures and furniture she isn’t going to get any smaller in the foreseeable future; in fact I would like to see her continue to increase in size to at min of least 750lbs. Of course this will depend on her cooperation but given her track record with eating and gaining and family history, I’m pretty confident that we won’t have trouble achieving the numbers I would like to see for her.
BTW, I just came across this blog and I am thoroughly enjoying the read. You certainly seem to have a handle on the current state of the FA movement and you are certainly not squeamish about exposing it’s holier than thou attitude and philosophy toward weight gain, health and feederism. I like your honesty and I respect that; keep up the good work.
Stainless steel Grade 6 bolts may be a good idea.
I assume that her toilet in on the ground floor. You don't want her climbing stairs. Get 4 jack posts and use them to reinforce the floor under her toilet. That will solve the problem. Just one of those posts is rated at 30 tons but you will still need 4 to balance the load and stop the flexing and malformation of the wax ring.
Wolf, I am so happy to be of service to fatlings and their admirers. I am of the Bill Fabrey school of fat acceptance when NAAFA meant National Association AIDING Fat Americans.
Bigger Fatter Blog gets more page views than all the other Fat Acceptance sites combined. We are the go to source for all things fat.
I can't take all the credit for it. Proud FA, Thinnette, Rev BLA, Belly Boy and the erudite Teddy Bear are all a huge part of Bigger Fatter Blog's success.
Please feel free to post the Bigger Fatter Blog link on forums and sites everywhere. Right now we have 1459 feeds. and over 50K page hits a day.
Proud Plumpette said...
I believe that what Rae said is worth noting. A lot of us heavier folk actually don't shit much at all- being as many are eating diets high in fat, protein and empty carbs. I think you should write an article, Fat Bastard, about how to gain, and keep things moving smoothly. Many of our hefty friends may not realise that they need to keep that food moving to make room for more, not hold on to every rancid bite!
I have a friend, whom is well over 300lbs and gaining, and she complains that she hardly ever craps. And when she does, the turds are like peanuts- mere nuggets! Apparently, these are strenuous to wipe as well.
I'm concerned that there may be more fatlings in need of an unclogging than there are toilets. Think about how much weight could be within their bowels! I'll bet many of us would be disappointed to find out we weighed 10lbs or more LESS than we thought, were we to take the All Bran challenge.
I am glad you brought that up PP. Balled up turds can be a problem and a very unsatisfying dump. It reminds me of the limerick found on mens room stalls.
He who writes upon these walls
Rolls his turds in little balls.
He who reads these words of wit
Eats those little balls of shit.
Elvis died from and impacted colon. It wasn't just the drugs the King had in his system that got him blocked up it was all those fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches. They are very constipating.
A good enema would have saved the King.
Cheese can ball you up really bad too.
Like it or not we need fiber. I take Metamucil and my shitter can launch massive turds that look like giant eels.
You Yanks have taken the lead in toilet technology. Here is the UK toilets are very small and log jams are common.
Thank you Fat Bastard for such a helpful and well written article.
@ Big Lard Ass
Thank you for the information and the link. The Big John Seat definitely has the potential to be of use for my wife. My wife is rather pear shaped but so the extra wide seating surface will be excellent for supporting her lovely saddle bags. Unfortunately the weight distribution device is designed for used with a wall mounted toilet. Most wall mounted water closets are used in commercial applications and look rather out of place in a home. But thanks just the same. Hopefully as the population reaches uncontrollably enormous physical proportions, manufacturers of plumbing fixtures will catch up with the needs of people like my wife.
Also thanks for the advice in feeding my wife. She is a reluctant feedee at times and stealth is required. I’ve always found that making her gluttony look like her idea gets the best results. I never force or coerced her in any way. I just cater to her natural tendency to be a big fat lazy pig by making it easy for her to adhere to her natural tendencies. As she has grown in size I’ve also made it convienent for her to remain huge by taking care of her every need or want. I make all her daily needs simple and easy for her. I happily take care of her daily hygiene, toileting and dressing when needed. I’ve even gone as far as to hire a personal aide and companion for her for when I’m away or at work. All in all it has worked out pretty well thus far and I hope it will continue to do so while achieving the desired effect.
@ Fat Bastard.
Thank you for the advice regarding the stainless steel bolts, they’re worth a shot. Unfortunately the use of jack posts under the toilet won’t be possible as the location of the toilets in our home are over finished basement space. Jack posts in the middle of my man cave just won’t do as they will block the view of my big screen. Imagine what a disaster that would be during football season. But I have used jack posts in other areas of our home to reinforce the flooring so that it remains stable under my big fat wife. You can’t believe the ribbing I get from family and friends because of this but I just laugh and pity those that poke fun because they will never be able to experience the pure heaven of being married to such a huge and beautiful prize hog. The pleasures of the flesh alone when being with such a woman are more than most men deserve and I consider myself the luckiest of men to be so blessed.
I will continue to read your blog as it is an extreme breath of fresh air and I wish you and the rest of your contributors a happy and healthy New Year.
Being that you can't install jack posts you may be able to double up on the floor joists or run manufactured beams along side the joists.
Douglas Fir are the best for floor joists as they have the least amount of sag but manufactured beams have nearly no sage.
A poor man's solution would be to run 3/4 inch ply wood along each side of the joists. Glue and screw the hell out of it.
@ Fatima Porker,
I am pleased to see that ISAA has endorsed Bigger Fatter Blog.
Use a composting toilet--It'll never clog, since it just sits there!
@ Anon,
If there is only one fatling using the composting toilet it may work but falings shit big and often. The poo may not have time to compost before it fills up.
I have unclogged many a toilet. The Great John is a great thunder jug.
Another drawback to the composting toilet is that many fatlings use an Ample Sponge or some other butt wand. Most have synthetic heads that will not decompose. I recommend a bidet along with some sort of air dryer.
The Japanese make the best crappers.
The NAAFA girls use battery powered portable bidets and bottle brushes.
With battery technology getting better I see the day when portable battery powered bidets and air dryers will be common place for fatlings using public toilets.
Fat Bastard takes great pride in clogging public toilets with his massive turds.
Fat people lose weight. You're driving up heath care cost with your related health issue. And quit using those electric scooters at WalMart, they're for crippled people. You folks NEED to be walking.
Wait a minute anon. Obesity is an industry. Our gluttony creates jobs. Over 20% of health care costs are obesity related. We are a HUGE part of the economy. HUGE!
I'm a libertarian when it comes to personal decision making about our bodies, and I believe people have the right to make their own choices regarding drug use, smoking, eating, and even killing themselves. Though, Mr. Fat Bastard is right to point out that obesity and morbid obesity are HUGE industries, I think it's also fair to point out that when SOME people get to the point where they are practically immobile, they become dependent on people who do not want to care for them but who have no choice in the matter. I'm talking about children--adults and minors and loving partners and parents--who find themselves stuck caring for family members who have chosen to eat themselves to the point where they can't even walk to the toilet or even get out of bed. I'm all in favor of personal and private choices and decisions, but I'm not in favor of holding other people hostage because of those choices and decisons. Of course, many people make choices and decisions that impact others. ut, I am always criticial of ANYONE who does this, whether it's the smoker with cancer who knew better or the drug addict with no job who keeps on using despite having no money and needing public assistance. Also, many healthcare workers cannot safely move or lift the morbidly obese people who depend on them for care. For those who believe that healthcare workers should just get used to it, I say that that's like saying that mine workers should just get used to it when the air runs out and the mine collapses.
If you were a true libertarian you would know that our enablers who feed us, wipe our butts and otherwise take care of our needs do it because it is their choice just like obesity and gluttony is a choice. We give these thinlings a sense of purpose and pride.
As to the numerous injuries we cause to health care workers, again, it's their choice. I'm sure when a team of health care workers moves a guy the size of our 1200+ pound Belly Boy they have a sense of pride and accomplishment. I bet they find it rewarding.
I think Ron Paul would be on the side of gainers and greedy gluttons.
Mr. Libertarian needs to learn something and learn it right quick. Healthcare works do indeed need to get used to dealing with a supersized population as it is their job to deal with whatever situation comes their way. They do NOT get to pick and choose what size patient they get to treat no more than a fire fighter gets to pick and choose what kind of fire or situation he or she get to respond to. It boils down to a matter of procedure and tactics. Healthcare works need to be trained in dealing with bariatric patients and if additional staff needs to be applied to these situation then so be it. People who moan and groan about the obese like they are some kind self anointed guardians of the public dime need to get the fuck off of their high horses. There are countless situations that cause a tremendous amount of excess tax dollars to be spent needlessly that need to be addressed long before blaming a few fat people can take place.
Just let me say that like many people in this country, I pay huge taxes and I pay a larger than average portion of my healthcare to cover myself, my fat wife and my fat kids and I do not appreciate people who think that because they are thin they are somehow more worthwhile and worthy of tax dollars spent. You know when you drive recklessly or engage in risky sports activities it cost all of us money including me, to treat your injuries and cover insurance costs but unlike you, I never complain because in this world that’s just the way it is. Unfortunately some people think they are better than others because they aren’t fat but I got news for you clowns; you are flat out FUCKING wrong and no amount of moralization of self righteousness will change that fact.
BTW, my wife uses her own scooter when she goes to WalFart and the freaking thing cost me a small fortune. The cheap nasty ones they have at the store are never charged properly and they are not designed to handle an almost 675lb load a female flesh safely or reliably. I take pride in keeping my wife fat and safe and I take pride in the fact that I am able to provide her with the tools she needs to perform the activities she enjoys safely and conveniently. Once again to those who think they are morally superior to all obese people; you are wrong, so grow the fuck up and get a life.
My point wasn't to be sanctimonious. If you read my actual comment you would have actually understood my point. Perhaps I should have just come to the point: I write because I have a relative with two children who are now in the position of taking care of their 49-year-old mother who is practically immobile because of her weight. She does not have any problem depending on her two teenagers for toileting, feeding, bathing, and eating. In fact, she can only walk a little and spends much of her time on the sofa or in bed. Yes, she has a right to eat and be heavy, but I'm concerned that her two children--who do not want to care for her--do not have a choice in the matter. They are not wealthy and can't hire a nurse. In fact, their insurance refuses to pay for home healthcare. The boy is starting to stay away from home for days on end and the girl feels guilty so she does what she is told by her mother, but she refuses to do certain things. Do these people have any rights? This situation is not voluntary for the children. The mother says that they are her children and should help her because she is disabled. How is this fair? Any libertarian would ask this question. Of course, this woman has a right to eat and do what she wants, but don't her son and daughter have a right to do what they want? Please, I am not interested in being abused by Wolf or reminded of his rights. I understand that he and his family are making choices they have every right to make. I am only interested in discussing THIS particular issue.
This really goes to the power of fat. The fact that so many fatlings are living abundant lives and not lifting a finger to do it.
Fatlings are royalty and we always have been. Thinlings are the servant class and we fatling, and history bears this out are the ruling class. This is not political it's nature.
I am going to ask our resident super super super super duper heavyweight to chime in on this. He can bring his weight of knowledge to this discussion.
So, if I understand correctly, Fat Bastard, what you're saying is that the children should have no rights if they are not fat or obese or morbidly obese. Well, that certainly is your opinion, but it sounds like a form or slavery to me. But it sounds as though you are advocating the control over the thin by the fat. If the mother wants to "rule" her children, she can only do so if they accept that rule and from the looks of things, those two children are about to leave this woman to fend for herself. Then, she will be alone with absolutely no help. Then what? Should they be charged with depraved indifference?
Did the woman in question give birth and raise these children; does she provide a roof over their heads and food in their bellies? If so it might be time that they need to step up and reciprocate. It’s only fair and there are no free rides in this world. One of the problems with much of today’s youth is the lack of respect and responsibility they feel toward the generations that came before them. Many have a “what’s in it for me” or an indifferent attitude that is contrary to what is needed to produce a responsible and caring society. Those kids need to take care of their mom no matter how fat and immobile she becomes. I’m sure if the shoe were on the other foot, their mom would do that and much more for them.
Now of course they have rights; they have the right to back down from their responsibility and the right to abandon the woman who gave them life or they have the right to step up and do what needs to be done. It’s their choice but making the right choice requires character and strength that most young people today don’t have.
Did the woman in question give birth and raise these children; does she provide a roof over their heads and food in their bellies? If so it might be time that they need to step up and reciprocate. It’s only fair and there are no free rides in this world. One of the problems with much of today’s youth is the lack of respect and responsibility they feel toward the generations that came before them. Many have a “what’s in it for me” or an indifferent attitude that is contrary to what is needed to produce a responsible and caring society. Those kids need to take care of their mom no matter how fat and immobile she becomes. I’m sure if the shoe were on the other foot, their mom would do that and much more for them.
Now of course they have rights; they have the right to back down from their responsibility and the right to abandon the woman who gave them life or they have the right to step up and do what needs to be done. It’s their choice but making the right choice requires character and strength that most young people today don’t have.
They should just feed and let her eat herself to death. I mean if she is 49 and so morbidly obese that she can’t even move, and then she is already got one hoof in the grave and the other on a banana peel. It shouldn’t too hard to just give the old landwhale a big fat heart attack. Then they can be free of that selfish repulsive monster. Hopefully old fatso has a decent life insurance policy. A big cash payout would be a fitting reward for the people who had to wipe that fat pig’s butt.
Anonymous said...
So, if I understand correctly, Fat Bastard, what you're saying is that the children should have no rights if they are not fat or obese or morbidly obese. Well, that certainly is your opinion, but it sounds like a form or slavery to me. But it sounds as though you are advocating the control over the thin by the fat. If the mother wants to "rule" her children, she can only do so if they accept that rule and from the looks of things, those two children are about to leave this woman to fend for herself. Then, she will be alone with absolutely no help. Then what? Should they be charged with depraved indifference?
May 3, 2011 1:48 PM
I am advocating parental rights. If fat parents want to feed their kids into an early grave it is their right.
The fat have always ruled over the thin. We do to day. We command and control the powers and w wield that power with fattitude.
Anonymous 2 said...
Did the woman in question give birth and raise these children; does she provide a roof over their heads and food in their bellies? If so it might be time that they need to step up and reciprocate. It’s only fair and there are no free rides in this world. One of the problems with much of today’s youth is the lack of respect and responsibility they feel toward the generations that came before them. Many have a “what’s in it for me” or an indifferent attitude that is contrary to what is needed to produce a responsible and caring society. Those kids need to take care of their mom no matter how fat and immobile she becomes. I’m sure if the shoe were on the other foot, their mom would do that and much more for them.
Now of course they have rights; they have the right to back down from their responsibility and the right to abandon the woman who gave them life or they have the right to step up and do what needs to be done. It’s their choice but making the right choice requires character and strength that most young people today don’t have.
May 4, 2011 2:17 PM
There is a free ride for fat people because we are your majestic rulers.
A compassionate society is really unAmerican Here it is the survival of the fittest and from a social Darwinistic point of view we fatling are the fittest and that is why we rule. It is called being large and in charge.
Anonymous said...
They should just feed and let her eat herself to death. I mean if she is 49 and so morbidly obese that she can’t even move, and then she is already got one hoof in the grave and the other on a banana peel. It shouldn’t too hard to just give the old landwhale a big fat heart attack. Then they can be free of that selfish repulsive monster. Hopefully old fatso has a decent life insurance policy. A big cash payout would be a fitting reward for the people who had to wipe that fat pig’s butt.
Death by gluttony is glorious.
Selfish and irresponsible it really self love and fattitude.
Those thinlings who server the super obese are honored to do it. They are in awe of us and they grovel at our largeness.
We do not grovel at your largeness nor are we honored to serve you fat disgusting slobs. The facts of the matter are we are repulsed by you and we laugh at you we your hearts explode. We also laugh at the way you waddle and can barely move without breaking a sweat. Society dictates that fat women are only good for hogging and the guys who seriously date and marry fat chicks are losers. Also fat guys are useless pathetic parasitic pigs.
The funniest thing I’ve ever seen was when I was 14 and hanging at the mall with my friends. We were on an escalator and this guy and his hugely fat girlfriend who were probably in their mid 20s were also on it several stairs below us. She was so fat and disgusting she could barely squeeze her hips, thighs and gut between the side rails of the escalator. She was a total sloppy monster complete with food stains on her size too small tee shirt, dirty un-kept hair and worst of all no fucking bra. Her half deflated pendulous breast swayed back and forth with each waddling movement like sacks of putrid jello. I almost puked at the sight of her. As my friends and I watched in horrified wonder we saw that she was sweating like a pig and drinking a monster soda as she heaved her bulk onto the moving stairs. Her loser boyfriend was attempting to help squeeze her fat ass between the side rails while the whole escalator shook with their efforts. As my friends and I gained the top my one friends said “watch this” and proceeded to hit the emergency stop button located at the top of the escalator. The escalator came to an abrupt and jerking halt which pitched miss piggy forward so violently that she was practically swallowed the straw from which she was gulping her enormous sugary drink. She was also thrown fat face down on to the stairs of the suddenly stationary escalator and was wedged tight between the side rails. She began to scream like a stuck pig and her loser boyfriend started curing us out. At first we were shocked at the sight because it all happened so fast. We all looked at each other not knowing how to react but as the shock started to wear off one by one we all started laughing uncontrollably as a crowed of somewhat equally amused people began to gather. In fact I laughed so hard that for the first and only time in my life I nearly wet my pants. As the crowd grew some people actually started calling the wedged porker a names and started telling her that she deserved the treatment she we getting because she was such a disgusting excuse for a person. She began screaming at her boyfriend to do something and then started begging for help from anyone who would give it saying that she was in pain and that she was being pinched by the metal stairs. She began to panic and started blubbering and gibbering nonsensically and I swear I heard several loud farts come from her as she probably lost control of her overstuffed bowels. This made us laugh even harder and I have to admit that I had to suppress a desire to hit the reset button and start the escalator moving again just to see what would happen. Unfortunately we never saw how they extracted the bloated thing from her predicament because mall security showed up and we took off before her idiot blubber fucking boyfriend could finger us. If it were up to me I would have chain-awed her fat ass into smaller more manageable pieces and put them in garbage bags so her fatty fucking lover could take them home and try and piece her back together.
I’m 27 now and I must say that was one of the most unforgettable, horrifying, disgusting and uproariously funny sights I’ve ever witnessed. All you fat fucks deserve a similar experience just to teach you that your fat is unacceptable and repulsive to the normal people of this world.
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