I think it is kismet that the police spokesman's last name is Ham. OINK! One can only hope that the judge's last name is Bacon. Ah yes, Bacon and Ham on a fat roll.
The video speaks for itself. About all I can say is that these two women are an inspiration.

Bigger Fatter Blog readers: Let's give these divas a good OINK! OINK! OINK! OINK!
On a related story here are a few more example of diva fattitude.

Fat girls often have great looking nails!

Hair with fattitude!
Thanks Pig for that heartfelt OINK!
I'll do you one better. How about a 600+ lbs 25 year old man hiding a pistol and 2 ammo magazines?
How about doing it in a jail? Yeah, this guy.
He turned himself in, thankfully. Nothing would be more dangerous than an armed 600+ lbs man who just got denied second, third, and fourth helpings of prison chow.
And of course the story is out of Houston, the fattest city in the United States.
Belly Boy is very pissed off upon hearing this story, because he never took advantage of his blubber to steal. Also, he would be unhandcuffable since his arms cannot even get 1/4 of the way to touching each other. You'd need to daisy chain like 8 cuffs for it to work, but then he might get a burst of strength and snap them.
Also, good luck trying to fit Belly Boy into the back of a squad car. It took me 45 minutes to load him into a U-Haul, and that was with 5 guys helping me, so there's no way just 1 or 2 cops could fit him into a cop car. It's just not happening.
Even subduing him would be a big challenge. They would not be able to tase him that well because the electricity wouldn't transfer well through his blubber.
They would have to call in Animal Control and get some Rhino darts, I figure three or four would take him down - either that or lay out a few gallons of ice cream and hot fudge, and he'd nod off to sleep about 30 minutes after he polished it off. I'm not sure how cheap Rhino darts are though.
As for Fat Bastard, they would lure you out of hiding on your power scooter with pictures of an anorexic thinling and a large order of freedom fries. Proud FA would be lured out with an AbMaster or maybe a Bowflex, and a protein shake. Teddy would waddle out if you told him that they had a sulfuric acid dunking booth set up with a creationist jock in the chair.
Also, oink oink.
Belly Boy would be a nightmare for store security. He's a major aisle blocker. They would not be able to see what he's stealing. Also, when he went through the detectors at the front of the store they would never be able to penetrate his impressive blubber and if they could no mall cop gets paid enough to venture into the funk of his folds.
Try getting Belly Boy into a paddy wagon LOL! It would have to be a hamburger patty wagon and they would have to trick him. I really don't think a tranquilizer dart would have any effect on him.
I wrote an article on power chairs and if you took the arms off the 4 foot wide Bariatric Bounder it would make a wonderful mobile throne for Belly Boy. It has the muscle to handle Belly Boy! Send Belly Boy through a mall in the Bariatric Bounder and he'd roll out of there with a small fortune!
BLA said...
"Teddy would waddle out if you told him that they had a sulfuric acid dunking booth set up with a creationist jock in the chair."
Now, there's an idea!!!
But also include lots of food at the carnival.
I like Hebrew National Kosher hot-dogs with lots of hot mustard and plenty of sauerkraut and Kosher dill pickles, my favorite snack food when I go out.
About a dozen of those Kosher hot-dogs on whole-wheat buns would be nice.
Hey Teddy,
What do you like better Hebrew National or Nathans? I have been eating both for years and I still can't make up my minds.
I do lean a bit towards Nathans because of their famous contest but on flavor for me it's a draw.
I'd love to get some fundagelical in a dunking booth full of acid. That would be so cool!
Fat Bastard said...
"Hey Teddy,
What do you like better Hebrew National or Nathans? I have been eating both for years and I still can't make up my minds."
I never tried the Nathans brand.
I prefer the Hebrew National because they are all beef and do not use cereal or any other fillers.
They are ALL BEEF!
I don't think I quite understand. Are you making fun of fat people? or are you supporting them? Like what? I'm confused. Also, your telling woman to show their "fattitude" but then your showing pictures of skinny girls and comparing which one you'd rate bang!
OMG. These nails are so disgusting/hilarious they made me laugh out loud.
To Emily:
Whether Fat Bastard's site is a satire, a parody, pro-obesity, anti-obesity, or the real deal, at the very least he understands the real, proven science behind losing weight and made an attempt to share that information with you on your silly blog. You melodramatic, childish "anorexic" girls would rather whine and write bad poetry to "Ana" (it cracks me up when you idiots refer to it that way) as a pathetic cry for attention than learn anything about calorie intake or how your metabolism actually functions. Aw, but it's so boring to learn how to lose weight the correct, healthy way, right? If you did, you'd run out of excuses to post such gems as "I want to see bone", "I want to be pale white when I die", and "Ana's my lover" (I was in stitches over that one).
I actually love reading blogs like yours. They're a laugh a minute. I hope tender little Easter bonnets like yourself never have to experience any genuine tragedy lest you crumble like the Oreos you try so desperately to avoid. And no, eating a piece of pie at a party doesn't count as a tragedy - sorry to disappoint you.
And hey, since you found this blog so inspirational, go ahead with your laughable "water diet" and hurry up and Darwinize yourself. But make sure you puke up your chili first!
Rae said...
To Emily:
Whether Fat Bastard's site is a satire, a parody, pro-obesity, anti-obesity, or the real deal, at the very least he understands the real, proven science behind losing weight and made an attempt to share that information with you on your silly blog. You melodramatic, childish "anorexic" girls would rather whine and write bad poetry to "Ana" (it cracks me up when you idiots refer to it that way) as a pathetic cry for attention than learn anything about calorie intake or how your metabolism actually functions. Aw, but it's so boring to learn how to lose weight the correct, healthy way, right? If you did, you'd run out of excuses to post such gems as "I want to see bone", "I want to be pale white when I die", and "Ana's my lover" (I was in stitches over that one).
I actually love reading blogs like yours. They're a laugh a minute. I hope tender little Easter bonnets like yourself never have to experience any genuine tragedy lest you crumble like the Oreos you try so desperately to avoid. And no, eating a piece of pie at a party doesn't count as a tragedy - sorry to disappoint you.
And hey, since you found this blog so inspirational, go ahead with your laughable "water diet" and hurry up and Darwinize yourself. But make sure you puke up your chili first!
I hear ya Rae. That Sylvia Plath shit is so tiresome but real anas, the ones who are disciplined and stay above an 18 BMI are really fucking hot. What sucks is there is no ana porn for guys like me to beat off to. All you see is fat porn. That's all there is anymore! So when these jealous angry fat girls say that guys are shallow because they only like skinny chicks they are full of shit. Most men will settle for a fat girls and besides fat girls are more likely to be sluts and all men like sluts.
Most ana chicks are really mias (bulimics). Must mias are fat girls. The only difference between most mias and other fat girls is that most fat girls don't puke.
I'm glad Emily deMoore showed up. I need to see her blog but I am glad she asked the questions she asked. I bet she's HOT! I hope she has low self esteem and low standards. Maybe I'll get lucky. LOL!
Fat Bastard,
Yes, I do believe your chances are good with Emily. One reading of her corny blog is enough to tell anyone her self-esteem is abysmally low. I hope you can write bad poetry. There's a small chance you might have to act appropriately emo to snag Emily. It's a very small chance, though. She'd take any attention she could get. Also, be prepared for her to sit in the corner and cry when you eat a piece of bacon. She finds tragedy in SERIOUS THINGS like a piece of fried pork.
Speaking of bad poetry, oh, I know what I'd love to see! Belly Boy, if you're reading from your combination bed-throne in the garage, would you please compose one of your 'Boom Shaka Laka' works for our pal Emily? That would make my day!
You're right about the Sylvia Plath nonsense, Fat Bastard. The only difference is Plath had some genuine talent, experienced some real problems in her life, and when she decided to end it, she did it. These whiny, pathetic "anorexic" dolts just sit around and compose laughable sonnets to a deadly disease the majority of them don't even have and think if they act like they embrace it like some kind of broken rag dolly they'll get some attention due to their "mental anguish". They'll whine all day about how they hate their lives and want to die (like Emily's pathetic: "I want to be pale white when I die...I want to die young") but it's all part of the act. It's clear Emily's brain is more wasted than her body. Pull your melodramatic wrist away from your forehead and get some fucking perspective, Emily. And you don't want to die. You're not fooling anyone. Your little water diet is going to last about five minutes - or only as long as it takes for you to sigh deeply and blog about it.
I tell you, Fat Bastard - even as a thinling, I'd rather surround myself with uppity fatties with some confidence and moxie than sit around and listen to these wilting "anorexic" violets spout off at the hungry mouth about their nebulous relationship with "Ana". Give me a break!
Oh, by the way, Fat Bastard - I hope you check out the blog of "Zwazzle", the first commenter in Emily's post to you. She made a post to you as well on her own blog. Her writings are also hilarious. I just adore how Bigger Fatter Blog confuses the hell out of these moronic half-wits.
Zwazzle, you're a little slow. Go eat an avocado. Your brain could probably use the monounsaturated fat to bring it back up to the level of thinking people. Although, this level of stupidity shouldn't be a surprise to me coming from a melodramatic twit who writes such winning lines as "..horrible, murderous food" and "I had 3 profiteroles and a mini cheesecake, and so then I had to purge, at least I got to taste the gorgeous pudding twice. That doesn't sound mental or anything."
Hell, I've got a bit more respect for Zwazzle than Emily, though. At least Zwazzle recognizes the fact that she's a headcase. Good luck in your pursuit of "perfection", Zwazzle and Emily - nothing like the endless chase after a completely nebulous and subjective concept, eh? Ah well, your "struggles" make for good reading, anyway. Cheers!
Rae said...
Fat Bastard,
Yes, I do believe your chances are good with Emily. One reading of her corny blog is enough to tell anyone her self-esteem is abysmally low. I hope you can write bad poetry. There's a small chance you might have to act appropriately emo to snag Emily. It's a very small chance, though. She'd take any attention she could get. Also, be prepared for her to sit in the corner and cry when you eat a piece of bacon. She finds tragedy in SERIOUS THINGS like a piece of fried pork.
Speaking of bad poetry, oh, I know what I'd love to see! Belly Boy, if you're reading from your combination bed-throne in the garage, would you please compose one of your 'Boom Shaka Laka' works for our pal Emily? That would make my day!
You're right about the Sylvia Plath nonsense, Fat Bastard. The only difference is Plath had some genuine talent, experienced some real problems in her life, and when she decided to end it, she did it. These whiny, pathetic "anorexic" dolts just sit around and compose laughable sonnets to a deadly disease the majority of them don't even have and think if they act like they embrace it like some kind of broken rag dolly they'll get some attention due to their "mental anguish". They'll whine all day about how they hate their lives and want to die (like Emily's pathetic: "I want to be pale white when I die...I want to die young") but it's all part of the act. It's clear Emily's brain is more wasted than her body. Pull your melodramatic wrist away from your forehead and get some fucking perspective, Emily. And you don't want to die. You're not fooling anyone. Your little water diet is going to last about five minutes - or only as long as it takes for you to sigh deeply and blog about it.
I tell you, Fat Bastard - even as a thinling, I'd rather surround myself with uppity fatties with some confidence and moxie than sit around and listen to these wilting "anorexic" violets spout off at the hungry mouth about their nebulous relationship with "Ana". Give me a break!
I checked Emily's profile and she's just a kid so let's cut her some slack. She's a fucked up kid but hopefully she will out grow this nonsense and BTW she's well over 200 pounds. She's a fat girl who has not embraced her gluttony and blubber. I advised her to get help.
If she is like most fat girls she will eventually embrace her fat and publicly deny her gluttony. She and her fat girlfriends will venture out on food safaris and have a grand time.
You are right about Belly Boy. He's the true poet. I think he's make a great rapper. I would love to see him hoisted with powerful hydraulic rams on stage with a great light show along with his posse.
The true anas, the ones that actually have discipline and don't puke and really are skinny are hot. They look good and they exercise hard and they make me hard. Most of the ones on the pro ana sites are fat mias. They are an ignorant bunch of inane drones. Again, the real anas who have low self esteem and discipline are rare and prized by fat boys like me. Most of the twits on the pro ana sites are mias who are ana wannabes. They think that they can become anas. They can't. Mias have as much fattitude as any fat girl but ana's have no fattitude. As a fat boy with a lot of fattitude I cannot get along with a mate with a lot of fattitude. We'd clash. That's why I like naturally skinny chicks and of course as a fat boy porking a fat girl is usually impossible.
Rae said...
Oh, by the way, Fat Bastard - I hope you check out the blog of "Zwazzle", the first commenter in Emily's post to you. She made a post to you as well on her own blog. Her writings are also hilarious. I just adore how Bigger Fatter Blog confuses the hell out of these moronic half-wits.
Zwazzle, you're a little slow. Go eat an avocado. Your brain could probably use the monounsaturated fat to bring it back up to the level of thinking people. Although, this level of stupidity shouldn't be a surprise to me coming from a melodramatic twit who writes such winning lines as "..horrible, murderous food" and "I had 3 profiteroles and a mini cheesecake, and so then I had to purge, at least I got to taste the gorgeous pudding twice. That doesn't sound mental or anything."
Hell, I've got a bit more respect for Zwazzle than Emily, though. At least Zwazzle recognizes the fact that she's a headcase. Good luck in your pursuit of "perfection", Zwazzle and Emily - nothing like the endless chase after a completely nebulous and subjective concept, eh? Ah well, your "struggles" make for good reading, anyway. Cheers!
Rae you bring a lot to the table. OINK! If there is one think I like almost as much as food for the belly that would be food for thought. OINK!
The mias are such drama queens! They really are fat girls who puke. All I can say to them is 2 4 6 8 please do not regurgitate and then add one of Belly Boy's boom shakka lakkas.
Boom shakka lakka please don't puke.
Boom shakka lakka drop a deuce.
Barfing up pudding tastes so sweet
Boom shakka lakka eat eat eat.
I think that too many mias do what dogs do. When they puke in their little bowl they eat it.
When I was a kid we has a shit eating dog. We named him SED which was short for shit eating dog. When I was a kid I thought having a shit eating dog was a great thing because I figured you'd only have to feed him once. BOOM SHAKKA FUCKING LAKKA!
Awe(: thanks guys! I love being discussed! Thank you for the inspiration!! (: lmao. I was simply asking a question. and this rant came on! OMG!!! JUST LIKE HIGH SCHOOL! I'd love it if you guys kept going! comment on my blog, subscribe! I'm happy my bad poetry makes you laugh! lmao! sometimes it makes me laugh too! KEEP GOING! I LOVE BEING TALKED ABOUT!!!
Did someone call my name? That's right, it's me, Belly Boy! I am enjoying my new pad immensely, and my bed sores are starting to disappear because of all the attention and being turned over frequently. I kind of resent the suggestion that my poetry is bad, but because you asked nicely I shall drop a few verses.
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, food is not your enemy!
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, don't binge or purge
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, even if you get the urge!
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, I think you get the jist
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, you might need a therapist!
I don't mean that as any type of insult, by the way. If you want to be a normal weight you still have the chance, unlike me who weighs about 2,000 pounds. But being bulimic or anorexic is bad, instead you need a zen / jedi like mentality where you can eat food but not too much. Your bones will get brittle and weak if you don't get enough calcium, and you may get esophagus cancer from puking too much. The stomach acid burns your insides if you force yourself to vomit.
Me, I've chosen to embrace my gluttony and achieve a massive body. I am a food addict. I am not strong enough to resist it, and have given up in the fight, and I am just going to let morbid obesity win.
You have to think about it this way: if being anorexic or bulimic was the way to get thin, then that's what doctors would tell you to do. Instead they say to eat less calories than you take in, by eating less food and going for walks and stuff like that. If you walk like 3 miles a day and eat just like 2,000 calories a day of healthy foods (not junk), you would lose a pound or two per week until you hit your optimal weight.
But mias have problems that prevent them from doing this. They want to be thin but they can't control their food lust, they feel guilty when they eat and they vomit, but this is not a sustainable path. Going the ana route is also bad because the human body needs nutrients to survive.
You may have emotional issues with food and the only way to resolve them is with professional help and therapy, otherwise you will not be able to get your life in order and you will not be happy. This is a challenge, and right now you are not taking the steps you need in order to overcome it. What is the end game for anas and mias? An early death, and a lifetime of being obsessed with food 24/7.
Anyway to answer your question the blog is real, it seeks to promote the idea of deliberately getting fatter by eating more calories than we burn. It is also about FAs, who are attracted to obese people. Basically it is counter-culture and goes against mainstream cultural opinions, and we say that it is better to live to 40 and be morbidly obese than to live to 80 and be at a healthy weight. It's messed up but so are most gainers, especially me.
So, I'm sorry to be not my usual jolly self, but I am trying to warn others about the dangers of living a life in the extremes, in terms of body weight. Being kinda fat or kinda skinny is fine, but you basically just gotta get to where you eat just the right amount every day and not junk, and then go for walks to burn down the calories to where you will reach your ideal weight and stay there. Only a few people out there are gainers, like me and Teddy, and we both have pretty big emotional problems with both of us being victims of abuse as children and sort of fattening up as a way of protecting ourselves against future abuse. Then I got addicted to the food, and now its too late. So when I see a 15 year old struggling I just want to give them advice so they don't end up anorexic or like me, bed-bound obese.
Belly Boy, out
Aw, you're too cute, Emily. Sure, sure - you weren't bothered a bit that we were talking about you, right? In fact, you were so unfazed, so completely unmoved, you went and made a lengthy post on your blog explaining in detail why you're such a monumental failure. I can really tell that our words don't bother you one little bit! You sure showed us, you cheeky thing! Wow, I'll think twice from now on before insulting an overweight teenager with a fake self-destructive personality and a corny pink blog that should be featured in a museum as irrefutable proof of America's rapidly failing literacy rate. I feel such shame, oh really, I do! Promise me that after reading this you'll make another long post dedicated to convincing everyone that words don't bother you, ok? 'Atta girl, I knew I could count on you.
By the way, next time you post here at BFB, could you use more smiley faces, a bit more pointless net-speak filler, and add even more exclamation points? I think that might hammer in the 'stupid teen girl' angle you were going for a bit more and possibly give your posts here a more 'real' feel. Thanks.
Wait a sec, Emily - I feel that your words are only directed at me. Why is that? Fat Bastard's kind of sweet on you, I think. He might even want to bone you at some point. No love for your fellow fatlings? For shame, Emily. For shame. No wonder rejection's become such a part of your daily life.
Hooray! It's Belly Boy! And he graced us with a new "Boom Shakka Lakka" verse! Aw, BB, you misunderstand me - I don't think your poetry is bad. If I did, I wouldn't have asked for it, big guy. The proof is in the pudding, as they say! That was a good solid post too, BB. Solid. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying your new place.
@ Belly Boy
Boom Shakka Lakka glad your're back
Boom Shakka Lakka starvin is wack.
Boom Shakka Lakka no nasty bed sore.
@ Rae
I like my babes about 30 and skinny. Emily is too young and too fat and at the rate she's gaining by the time she's 30 she'll be too fat for even Proud FA. We'll have to call her Belly Girl but I doubt if she will have the boom or the shakka lakka of our own Belly Boy.
I gave her the advice I got to drop weight when I needed to drop 150 so I, Fat Bastard would not die and she dissed it. She's a fat girl know it all. She needs to shit or get off the pot. Either embrace her gluttony and blubber or eat 2000 calories a day and move a little.
Like so many ana wannabes Emily is a spoiled brat self absorbed is a drama queen. She has as much fattitude as Carnie Wilson. Soon she will be much fatter than Carnie.
To Rea-
Correct. My words were aimed at you, because yours among all of the other posted seemed the most hateful. I am a teenage girl. I use lmao, rofl, omg, exclamation point; exclamation point! I don't know how old you are, but I'm usually texting people twenty four seven, meaning, I find it easier to get my point across that way. As for "stupid teenage girl angle", I don't try to seem stupid. Actually I admit I'm very intelligent and doing very well in my classes this semester. I have all A's, and I'm in honors. So stupid, is not what I try to come across as. Listen. I apologize for how hateful my comment was. Because I admit, I know I just pulled for more hateful words from others.
When I say that I know what I'm getting into... I really do. I know the scientific way of understanding that food gives you atp, your cells need that atp to do things, and if you eat more than needed, that atp is stored as fat into the body. You eat the wrong kinds of foods; it gives you, as my teacher explained it "false atp". It only gives you quick bursts of energy.
As for my mental stability, yes, I know it’s bad. I struggle with my self-confidence, and clinical depression, ever since my father died when I was ten. It's been six years, but he died of cancer.
I also learned about mitosis and meiosis this year. Meiosis is the splitting of the egg and sperm cells. But mitosis is the dividing of normal cells. Certain cells are designed to only divide when needed. When they have a defect and start to divide like crazy; that's usually when cancer forms..
My father’s fat cells began to mutate, and divide. He died before they could even stop it. I hate that his own body killed itself because of his fat cells. I don't want to end up like him. Fat cells dividing. I want to get every inch of fat off my body.
So, it's that combined with self-esteem issues. I know. I’m probably just calling out for help and attention. So what if I am? Doesn’t every sixteen year old? Maybe I just found that the internet was one way to do it safely; without any strings attached. I don't know. But I know that I'm just a stupid teenage girl; whining in peoples digital ear. I'm thinking of ending that.
Each day is a struggle for me to not eat. So yeah, true, I'm probably not true Ana. But I try. And that's what I don't understand, is I try. Why do I try not to eat at all? Why can't I just try to eat a salad and be happy with myself?
I'm sorry for being a bitch, and all I really wanted to do is understand the blog. Your words; I admit, did hurt me. And that's why I went on a fucking rampage.
I think I'm going to try to get better. Not back to eating starch and sugar; but actually eating salad and filling my belly. Hell I want some fucking chocolate milk!
I want some cake! lmao. . . I think I’m gonna eat some.
I'm sorry for this really long ass comment. But I felt it needed to be said. Also. Thank you.
I don't know how your hate helped me. But it did. Maybe I'll take my blog into a new direction, self discovery and acceptance! I think I'll also subscribe to this one. And I'm going to talk to my school counselor. Try to get help.
But once again; thank you. For opening my eyes. Even if it was in a bitchy way. I'm grateful for it.
@ Fat Bastard
Forgive me; If I dissed your comment about getting advice to lose 150 lbs so you won’t die. I don’t even think I realized it! :/ Maybe I will be a lot larger when I get older. I don’t know at this point. I hope not. I hope I’ll find my healthy weight. The healthy way. I also want to thank you. Because if you hadn’t given me those sites, and the advice in the first place. I don’t think I would have realized I’m basically trying to kill myself.
I do have one favor to ask of you guys. Next time you try to judge an Ana or Mia. Or wanna be or whatever. Try and do it nicer. (: please. Cause it may push someone over the edge.
Once again thank you!!! I hope to hear back from you!
What Fat Bastard was doing was tough love. All you ana and mia friends indulge your and other neurosis. They are not helping.
Tips tricks and thinspo is is BS. You girls look at pictures that have been photo shopped and you think these women are real. I have seen photo shopped images of Susan Boyle where she looks hot and we all know in real life she's no beauty queen.
Let me clue you in on what men want and don't want. They don't want grief that crazy vain women give them. Some men like chunky women while others like them lean but the ideal looks get old real fast if the woman is a vain nut case and high maintenance.
You need to level with your folks about your crazy blog and some of the dangerous dieting you are looking into.
If you get smart about food and health you will get to a healthy weight. Like Fat Bastard said, if you eat at your BMR you will lose weight at a safe pace. If you eat 6 nutrient dense low cal balanced meals you will not be hungry. This will take some work designing meals but the more you do it the easier it gets.
There is no valid reason for why you or anyone else can't get to and maintain a health weight. A healthy weight is between 18.5 and a 24 BMI. Exercise and tone a little and your figure will be fine. In less than a year you can be at a healthy weight but if you try to rush it you will probably fail and damage your health.
To Rea-
Correct. My words were aimed at you, because yours among all of the other posted seemed the most hateful. I am a teenage girl. I use lmao, rofl, omg, exclamation point; exclamation point! I don't know how old you are, but I'm usually texting people twenty four seven, meaning, I find it easier to get my point across that way. As for "stupid teenage girl angle", I don't try to seem stupid. Actually I admit I'm very intelligent and doing very well in my classes this semester. I have all A's, and I'm in honors. So stupid, is not what I try to come across as. Listen. I apologize for how hateful my comment was. Because I admit, I know I just pulled for more hateful words from others.
When I say that I know what I'm getting into... I really do. I know the scientific way of understanding that food gives you atp, your cells need that atp to do things, and if you eat more than needed, that atp is stored as fat into the body. You eat the wrong kinds of foods; it gives you, as my teacher explained it "false atp". It only gives you quick bursts of energy.
As for my mental stability, yes, I know it’s bad. I struggle with my self-confidence, and clinical depression, ever since my father died when I was ten. It's been six years, but he died of cancer.
I also learned about mitosis and meiosis this year. Meiosis is the splitting of the egg and sperm cells. But mitosis is the dividing of normal cells. Certain cells are designed to only divide when needed. When they have a defect and start to divide like crazy; that's usually when cancer forms..
My father’s fat cells began to mutate, and divide. He died before they could even stop it. I hate that his own body killed itself because of his fat cells. I don't want to end up like him. Fat cells dividing. I want to get every inch of fat off my body.
So, it's that combined with self-esteem issues. I know. I’m probably just calling out for help and attention. So what if I am? Doesn’t every sixteen year old? Maybe I just found that the internet was one way to do it safely; without any strings attached. I don't know. But I know that I'm just a stupid teenage girl; whining in peoples digital ear. I'm thinking of ending that.
Each day is a struggle for me to not eat. So yeah, true, I'm probably not true Ana. But I try. And that's what I don't understand, is I try. Why do I try not to eat at all? Why can't I just try to eat a salad and be happy with myself?
I'm sorry for being a bitch, and all I really wanted to do is understand the blog. Your words; I admit, did hurt me. And that's why I went on a fucking rampage.
I think I'm going to try to get better. Not back to eating starch and sugar; but actually eating salad and filling my belly. Hell I want some fucking chocolate milk!
I want some cake! lmao. . . I think I’m gonna eat some.
I'm sorry for this really long ass comment. But I felt it needed to be said. Also. Thank you.
I don't know how your hate helped me. But it did. Maybe I'll take my blog into a new direction, self discovery and acceptance! I think I'll also subscribe to this one. And I'm going to talk to my school counselor. Try to get help.
But once again; thank you. For opening my eyes. Even if it was in a bitchy way. I'm grateful for it.
Anon, you've got a good head on your shoulders. I liked your post.
@ Emily:
If you're reading, your advice to me to react with more empathy to wannabe "anas/mias" will indeed be considered as long as you can consider the good advice being given to you by Fat Bastard and other posters here. I can at least realize I came across as strong and opinionated on this subject. I'm a very no-nonsense type of gal, and yes, it does anger me on a deep level to see a young girl (someone who should be embracing and enjoying life) fall prey to trendy, self-destructive, navel-gazing nonsense like the 'ana/mia' internet phenomenon. Emily, you should dump your fake 'ana/mia' internet buddies like a hot potato (then go eat an actual potato) and realize that continuing to ensconce yourself in that garbage is only making you miserable, more damaged, and hungry to boot.
After reading your newest blog post, I'm glad that you took Fat Bastard's advice to heart. Fat Bastard is usually quickly dismissed by fake anas/mias because he's a self-proclaimed fat bastard and because he has a blog like BFB, but the fact is, he does have a lot of knowledge on the subject of weight/weight maintenance/BMR and what you need is real knowledge, not nonsense.
Anon is correct - these "tips" and "thinspo" posted on your site and others is absolute bunk. There is no reason you can't reach your goal weight in a healthy, rational way, by understanding the science behind calorie intake and the way your metabolism functions, eating real food, and moving your body. The human body is a machine, and it needs to eat and to move - work with your body, not against it, and you'll quickly see you can achieve your goals. I myself am a thin woman who has never been overweight or had an unhealthy relationship with food, and I would never deny myself a meal. It's not as difficult as you think. Your struggle not to eat is not because you're a failure - it's because your body wants real food and nutrition and you keep denying it what it needs to function. Your body is only trying to maintain its integrity and yet you treat it as the enemy when you don't even have to. That's why fake ana/mia sites like yours come across as laughably absurd to any person with an I.Q. above double-digits, and why the corny broken doll "I'm-just-so-empty-and-damaged" act on the majority of those sites is pathetic and a complete waste of time.
It really is just as cut-and-dried as Fat Bastard says - if you're truly a glutton and you secretly want to embrace it, well, do it. If you're not really a glutton and you want to be thinner, well, learn how to reach your goal weight with an appropriate diet and exercise.
Also, I'm glad that Anon brought up the point about photo-manipulation - funny enough, I work in the advertising/design biz, and part of my daily job responsibilities involves changing photos of both women AND men to airbrushed facsimiles of human beings that don't exist in nature and never will. I hate it when I do it, to tell you the truth.
Just remember, Emily - you're the real architect of your life. Hopefully you'll start building things instead of breaking them.
I wish you well.
Hey Fat Bastard,
So, Belly Boy has announced to me that he is deciding whether he should go for 3,000 lbs, or if he should try to lose 1,000 lbs and get down to a mere half-ton. Uncle Doc is trying to talk him into losing some weight so he'll live longer, but Belly Boy is skeptical about the whole concept, and says that no weight loss plan could possibly work for him.
Realistically, I don't know how much longer he has to live, given his severe sleep apnea, heart disease, insulin resistant type 2 diabetes, morbid obesity, nicotine addiction, bed sores, high blood pressure, gout, halitosis, periphriary artery disease, and alcoholism.
I feel guilty about feeding him so many Belly Boy Burgers and causing his weight to increase so dramatically. I should not have soaked the meat and buns in 100% pure lard.
Also, Fat Bastard, what do you think about the Fatkins Diet? If it lets you eat several plates of bacon and eggs with cheese for breakfast, 16 burgers with no buns for lunch, and a turkey with gravy for dinner, maybe he could stick with the plan. He loves variety though so it could be a problem.
Also, I want to announce that I am no longer obese. I am now overweight at 245 lbs. When I lose down to 210 lbs I will have the excess skin flaps removed, and then I will be down to like 195 lbs or so. It's important for me, emotionally, to be under 200 lbs. I'm very worried about Weight Regain Syndrome (WRS) so I might leave the flaps for awhile.
BLA said...
Hey Fat Bastard,
So, Belly Boy has announced to me that he is deciding whether he should go for 3,000 lbs, or if he should try to lose 1,000 lbs and get down to a mere half-ton. Uncle Doc is trying to talk him into losing some weight so he'll live longer, but Belly Boy is skeptical about the whole concept, and says that no weight loss plan could possibly work for him.
Realistically, I don't know how much longer he has to live, given his severe sleep apnea, heart disease, insulin resistant type 2 diabetes, morbid obesity, nicotine addiction, bed sores, high blood pressure, gout, halitosis, periphriary artery disease, and alcoholism.
I feel guilty about feeding him so many Belly Boy Burgers and causing his weight to increase so dramatically. I should not have soaked the meat and buns in 100% pure lard.
Also, Fat Bastard, what do you think about the Fatkins Diet? If it lets you eat several plates of bacon and eggs with cheese for breakfast, 16 burgers with no buns for lunch, and a turkey with gravy for dinner, maybe he could stick with the plan. He loves variety though so it could be a problem.
Also, I want to announce that I am no longer obese. I am now overweight at 245 lbs. When I lose down to 210 lbs I will have the excess skin flaps removed, and then I will be down to like 195 lbs or so. It's important for me, emotionally, to be under 200 lbs. I'm very worried about Weight Regain Syndrome (WRS) so I might leave the flaps for awhile.
Belly Boy is an adult and he should make his own decisions. I would not presume to advise Belly Boy and I think if I were in his presence his majesty would leave me tongue tied. I think that what ever Belly Boy decides people should respect his decision.
Look at it like this. Life is a mix of pleasure and pain. The real winners in life are the ones who leave it having a lot more pleasure than pain. What is more pleasurable than food except for maybe a good blow job? How often will that happen? Belly Boy loves food. Sure it has it's risk but it's his love. Teddy Bear put it best when he described fatlings as the Evel Kenevel of eating. I'm sure all those crashes that Evel had shortened his life but I doubt he would have ever changed a thing. Food trumps all. To deny Belly Boy his food would be like denying Mike Tyson the boxing ring, Evel Kenevel his Harley, a ballerina her toe shoes, or an FA a big fat sweaty pussy. It would just be wrong and cruel.
Belly Boy is drugged up and cocked on booze. He's feeling no pain but he is enjoying his food. Belly Boy will probably die in his sleep after a big meal and his death will be a testament to a life will lived. I think Teddy would agree.
Don't feel guilty about the Belly Boy Burgers you fed him. He loved them. I would rather have a delicious lard dripping Belly Boy Burger be the instrument of my death than a bullet or a weight loss surgeon's scalpel.
FATKINS? Fatkins is GREAT for weight gain. FAT FATTENS BEST. I think Belly Boy needs a modified version of Fatkins.
Let people know that Belly Boy is on the "Atkins" Diet but feed him a lot of beer and sneak him some donuts and Little Debbie snack cakes.
You could put him on the induction phase and he will develop intense carb craving in about a week. Then shoot him up with insulin and bring him a few chocolate cakes. The ensuing feeding frenzy will be one for the record books. It will be glorious. Hunger is the best itch to scratch.
These women are modern heroes. Stores charge too much for food, and there are many unfortunate ghetto gluttons who can't afford all the great junk deals they got going on out there. I think we should start a movement. Finding another use for our folds is just one more reason for us fat folk to stay fat, and one more reason for the world to join us!
If people find out they can get a whole body discount as opposed to a five-finger handful, people will flock to being fat.
Proud Plumpette,
I think that fat folds can be used to grow yeast for brewing beer or mold for making antibiotics.
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