NAAFA has been around for over forty years and still nobody takes them seriously. They have been the go to source for the mainstream media to contact when they are presenting a story about obesity or size discrimination but even that is changing because today Fat Bastard and Bigger Fatter Blog is rapidly becoming the go to source on all things fat and it has all happened as a result of the humble blog spot blog. There is a saying in advertising; "It's not the media, it's the message" In a few short years Fat Bastard, Bigger Fatter Blog and its contributors like Rev BLA, Teddy Bear, Belly Boy, The Chef, Rotunda Hindenberg and other too many to mention have sent that message worldwide but more about that later.
Why after over forty years has NAAFA failed to reach the growing legions of lard?
As the waistlines and gluttony of Americans continue to grow with no end is site the size of the fat acceptance movement continues to shrink. Remember when I said it's not the media but rather the message? Fatlings are not buying the NAAFA brand because they know it is bullshit and more than that it is an insult to the intelligence fatlings everywhere.
The biggest flaw in the NAAFA message is the denial of the laws of physics. More specifically it is their denial of the gluttony/obesity connection. I think if one of their heroes suck Paul Campos, Kelly Bliss or Linda Bacon told them that there earth was flat they'd believe. In fact there are more flat Earthers that there are people who take NAAFA seriously. Perhaps that is because the flat Earthers have more credibility.
NAAFA style Fat Acceptance is an all girls club.
That would be fine but there are more overweight men than women. Men are bigger gluttons and there are more of them but men are woefully under represented in today's out dated and silly FA movement. Maybe NAAFA should change its name to NAAFAG. or National Association of Angry Fat American Girls because that's what they are. The NAAFIAN lie a lot and one lie they have told is that Fat Bastard is a misogynist because he has been critical of the fat feminist invasion of the FA movement. Like all straight men Fat Bastard loves lesbians. In fact girl on girl action is his favorite form of porn albeit they are usually skinny chicks.
Fat Bastard loves women. His stance against WLS is very pro woman because most WLS victims are fat girls.
NAAFA's anti diet stance
Susan Power: Lesbian, Feminist, Nutritionist, Weight Loss Guru and no Fat Bastard you can't convert her even with your "educated" tongue.
To NAAFA dieting is a mortal sin and people like Richard Simmons, Jenny Craig, MeMe Roth and Susan Powter are evil incarnate. Susan Powter must really throw them for a loop because Susan Powter is a rug munching man hating feminist just like them with the only difference being is Susan Powter is not a glutton.
Fat people do go on weight loss diets and lose weight. Fat Bastard himself has lost weight and maintained that weight loss for over a year with no effort. NAAFA and site like Big Fat Blog will not allow any diet talk.... AND they call MeMe Roth a Nazi? Not allowing diet talk is like having a church that won't let in sinners. What do they fear? If their arguments were sound you'd think that they would relish the opportunity to exploit these teaching moments.
The exclusion of feederism and the hypocrisy
For a long time the leading feederism site Dimensions Magazine and NAAFA were joined at the hip as well as the genitals. This was probably the golden age of fat acceptance but NAAFA, bowing to the even angrier man hating rug munching fat feminists pressured NAAFA to condemn feederism and fat female heterosexuality. The feederism movement is growing in leaps and bound with very busy sites popping up all over the world. The same cannot be said about the fat acceptance movement which remains in a steep nosedive.
Feederism and fat acceptance belong together. Feederism is a pillar of real fat acceptance. The celebration of gluttony is another pillar. If you want to read rational and intelligent discussions of fat acceptance you can find them here on Bigger Fatter Blog or on Dimensions Magazine. If you go to sites like Big Fat Blog or Fierce
Real Women Have Curves?
Talk about misogyny! Sheeeesh! Not only is that statement chauvinistic and demeaning to all women it's not even true because if it were true Kelly Bliss would not be a real woman. She'd be a refrigerator with legs and a fat balding head.

Curves or a refrigerator with legs and a head showing male pattern baldness? You tell me?

MeMe Roth on the other hand has some dangerous curves.
I often wonder is MeMe Roth were a man instead of a gorgeous woman if the angry fat girls would be so hateful, vile and catty when talking about her. Dr Oz also talks about the gluttony/obesity connection, childhood obesity and gluttony and the heath consequences to those who choose a gluttonous lifestyle. Fat girls probably get all hot over a skinny guy like Dr Oz. Fat girls see a woman like MeMe Roth and they see red. They never attack MeMe's message and if they gave it some thought they would have some valid arguments but instead they attack MeMe personally. That sort of demagoguery is bad to fat people and bad for the FA movement.
Deep down these fat girls know that MeMe Roth is woman men want to see and the woman that most fat girls including them want to be, so they hate her. She reminds them over everything they can never be such as educated, desirable and classy.
Fat Bastard,
Thank you! Others have exposed NAAFA for the farce that it is but this was one of the best debunking I have ever read.
Two very fat thumbs up. You have struck another blow for sanity and now I feel the need for feed.
OMG!!! Now I'm a lawyer. Last I know I was was either an engineer or a military officer. Before that I was a guy named Marty and some guy named Wayne W.
@ Rotunda,
Farce is a good word for describing NAAFA. Actually I don't have to debunk NAAFA because anyone who is not retarded or delusional knows that NAAFA is bunk.
@ Gainer Girl,
Lmao, you're hilarious M2.
I was just looking at the Fierce Freethinking faties site. They got the fierce and fatty part right but these people are about as free thinking as free thinking as the Kool Aide drinkers at Jonestown.
Thank you for kind words. Hoss Cartwright was the fat man's fat man as was Dan Blocker the actor who played him. Hoss was a jolly gentle fat man with a strong sense of justice. What a great role model!
Before Dan Blocker became an actor he was a math teacher. Adam Cartwright was played by an actor named Pernell Roberts and Adam was the Cartwright brother with the brains but in reality Dan Blocker was the smartest.
Hoss and Dan are the brains and the muscle the new fat acceptance is all about. One example of the brains is "Dr" Gerald "Teddy" Bear who has an IQ of well over 160. Our brains and muscle is supplied by not just me Fat Bastard but by Rev BLA and the Chef who is also the soul of the new FA. Proud FA is kinda like Little Joe Cartwright in that he is the guy that all the fat girls swoon over.
I see myself as the Ben Cartwright of the new FA and bigger fatter blog as the Ponderosa.
Come on Hop Sing and let's start this gluttony BONANZA!
I liken Coach Gaines as Sheriff Cawfey and the Chef as a cross between Hop Sing because of his culinary genius and Candy because of his ability to make sweet love to BBWs even though the Chef "ain't got no wood for them SSBBW's, God bless em."
Well you have no answers either just the same calories in calories out bull, that has failed as well. I consider the diet industry and NAAFA to be like the Republican and Democratic parties, both full of hot air, while the truth falls through the middle. The fat haters [like you] and the fat promoters [like NAAFA] in my book all work for the same team when it gets right down to it. All results of a sick narcissistic culture while fat people are denied real answers.
Anonymous said...
Well you have no answers either just the same calories in calories out bull, that has failed as well. I consider the diet industry and NAAFA to be like the Republican and Democratic parties, both full of hot air, while the truth falls through the middle. The fat haters [like you] and the fat promoters [like NAAFA] in my book all work for the same team when it gets right down to it. All results of a sick narcissistic culture while fat people are denied real answers.
Close but no cigar.
We fatlings are much more complex than the Dems and the GOP. Yes we are greedy and gluttonous like the GOP and the NAAFA fatiies lie like the GOP does and they employ the same cowardly dirty tricks.
The truth does not fall in the middle because the Dems are light on truth and the GOP has not truth. They are immune to it just like NAAFA.
Calories in vs calories out applies to all animals across the board. It really is that simple and deep down the NAAFIANS know it. They are simply too fucking dishonest to admit they are eat beasts.
If there were a genetic predisposition for obesity farmers would have figured it out years ago and we would have livestock that would require almost no feed.
During Proud FA's feeding days when he was feeding several BBW gainer at once he had a place called the feed lot. Proud would put on outdoor BBQs and gang feed his sows. It was costing him a small fortune. The bigger the sow the higher the feed bill.
Proud FA aka the Dean of Feederism was/is the first scientific feeder. Others like Teddy Bear and Coach Gaines have theories and methods for reducing metabolism but they have never slowed a sow's basal metabolic rate to under 30 calories per day. It can't be done. Blame the laws of physics.
@ Fat Bastard:
I respect you even though I don't agree with you. Your belief that gluttony is good is a debatable point. I hope that you are open-minded enough to see both sides of that.
What I like about you is that there are no logical fallacies in your position on obesity but the other fat acceptance camp is one logical fallacy after another.
I would like to interview you for an article about obesity.
" I thought you were a chick because you seem so immune to logic and facts. "
A quote from your posting on Fierce Fatties. Boy, that sounds so pro-woman to me. They must be all wrong about you being a misogynist.
Humans have different metabolisms, I see plenty of skinny people eating tons of crap but then as they sell us a load of pseudo food, full of every fattening chemical known to man, you won't figure that out. You sound like a brainwashed droid that believes everything you hear on network news or just a paid shill meant to pump out more of the "you fatties are all to blame" nonsense on behalf of the mega-billion diet industry-pharm-franken food complex. Ill go with the latter. Thanks for the info other anon.
So you're a Democrat? ...
thought so.
[this is not endorsement for the Republican party either]
I find it very odd, he seems to contradict himself having that website, medical holocaust. I mean why expose corruption in the medical world, and reject it's exsistence elsewhere such as the purposefully fattening of America for PROFIT?
One would think there would be some consistency there. But today I know that is too much to expect of people.
Odd how he admits the limits of pharma...but denies what is happening on the grand scale to the health of Americans.
I hate when people can't even keep it consistent.
Oh one nature of shills is they fill their blogs with fake IDs and fill their own comment boxes.
He needs to provide a bit more change in the "personalities".
HEY HEY HEY!! It's Fat Belly Boy!!!
An' I'm gonna sing a song for yooouu-ooooh! An' Bill's gonna teach you a thing or twooooo.
We'll have some good times, with all of the gang, livin' laughin' learnin', while we do our thang! NAH NAH NAH! GONNA HAVE A GOOD TIME! NAH NAH NAH GONNA HAVE A GOOD TIME!
Boom shakka lakka, fatties can't relate.
Boom shakka lakka, so they just gon' hate
Boom shakka lakka, me I'm so much fatter
Boom shakka lakka, when I'm eating pancake batter!
Cuz I weigh over thirteen hun'ed man you know that fly!
Cuz I weigh so much mo' than you, that you just can't deny!
Eatin lobster, crabs and fish till man my gut explodes
Cuz I just love to eat that seafood and take off all my clothes
Yeah I am so fat I can't get up
So fat I can't get it up
So fat I don't know if I'm about to explode
So fat but I wonder: how could I hit the road?
Wouldi use a flat bed truck nawmean and cruise all around?
Wouldiusea phat RV and make it sag to the ground?
Oh I got it!
Yeah! Yeah! I got it!
Oh, Oh! I got it.
I'mma ride on top of two busses
you know what I mean?
I'mma ride on top of two busses yeah I know that ain't green
I'mma ride on top of two busses like they water skiis
I'mma ride on top of two busses and eat lots of cheese.
Anonymous said...
" I thought you were a chick because you seem so immune to logic and facts. "
A quote from your posting on Fierce Fatties. Boy, that sounds so pro-woman to me. They must be all wrong about you being a misogynist.
February 15, 2011 4:56 AM
I make a distinction between men and girls and boy and men. I am pro woman. I speak very highly of MeMe Roth even though I don't agree with her. MeMe is a woman. Joy Nash on the other hand is a fat girl.
Try your dishonest Fox News debate style someplace else. I'm too smart for it.
Anonymous said...
Humans have different metabolisms, I see plenty of skinny people eating tons of crap but then as they sell us a load of pseudo food, full of every fattening chemical known to man, you won't figure that out. You sound like a brainwashed droid that believes everything you hear on network news or just a paid shill meant to pump out more of the "you fatties are all to blame" nonsense on behalf of the mega-billion diet industry-pharm-franken food complex. Ill go with the latter. Thanks for the info other anon.
February 15, 2011 7:04 AM
Sorry liar but here are the fact that you would try to distort.
DO metabolic rate vary? Yes but here is the caveat.
The most a metabolic rate can very in individuals of the same age, weight and gender is 35 calories per day. That is an immutable scientific certainty.
The bullshit that says there is some mysterious chemical in our food supply that is making us fat is our bunk. If such a chemical exists then farmers would be giving it to livestock so that they would barely have to feed them. That is not the case.
Try another lie.
Another nonymous said...
So you're a Democrat? ...
thought so.
[this is not endorsement for the Republican party either]
February 15, 2011 7:05 AM
I was a Reagan Dem but know I'm an Indie. I am a fiscal conservative and a social liberal.
I voted a split ticket. I wanted Hillary for pres so there goes all the false allegations about me not liking women. I ended up voting for president Obama because he is married to a real woman and he's very bright.
I could not vote for McCain because Sarah Palin is a girl with NAAFA mentality and McCain is a fucking liar.
I likes Hillary because she was married to Bubba and if she was good enough for Bubba she's good enough for me.
Obama sadly is still a corporatist and health care under Obama will not get much better. The US will still be ranked dead last in the industrialized world.
@ Belly Boy
Hey Belly Boy it's you're such a delight.
You gonna eat eat eat gonna fight fight fight.
You're the kinda fatty all the skinnys wanna see.
You're the kinda fatty other fatties wanna be.
Fat Bastard tosses the mic to the Chef and gets the fever for the flavor of a Pringles and some clam dip.
@ Fat Bastard,
Fat men and skinny women get it and fat girls don't. I don't want to take this off topic but I would like to settle the science on this once and for all.
We are all governed by the prevailing laws of physics that relate matter and energy. Calories are a measure of energy, and matter cannot be created without energy input. Arguments against the fundamental role of energy balance in weight regulation -- against calories in versus calories out -- are arguments with Isaac Newton. Folks, nobody wins an argument with Isaac Newton!
The argument fat girls have is with the wrong Newton. Their argument should not be with the Isaac Newtons but with the Fig Newtons.
The only argument in fat acceptance is whether gluttony is good or bad and we can debate that until the cow come home. That being said... don't expect the people who are delusional enough to deny the laws of physics or too stupid to understand them to debate the merits of a gluttonous lifestyle vs a Spartan lifestyle.
I hope this helps to shed some light on this topic.
Fat Bastard,
I just got your email about joining this debate with the NAAFA crowd. I am not really sure what the debate is all about. If it is about whether the current fat acceptance movement has been a failure then there really is no debate. NAAFA became a joke a long time ago. The fact that the largest population group in the US ie fat people have never even heard of NAAFA speaks volumes about their organizational ability, methods and message.
They may have gotten the message out but it would seem that nobody is buying it. The can not even muster enough funds to run any advertising while their foe PETA is known by everyone.
Frankly I don't see a debate happening. Nobody cares about NAAFA. Some things are just too stupid and NAAFA is one of those things.
Maybe you could discuss with them the fact that the gluttony epidemic is unsustainable and the real need the US has for normal non gluttonous citizens. I would debate you on that but we agree about that for the most part.
All that is left for debate is the merits of gluttony and hedonism vs a modest and responsible lifestyle.
Childhood obesity would be another topic for debate.
I would not expect the NAAFA and HAES crowd to show up for either debate because they are liars and the ones who are not liars are delusional.
A reasonable daily diet for an adult female is 2,000 food calories. That's 8.36 megajoules per day, or about 100 joules per second -- in other words, 100 watts. Most of that ends up as heat, so you warm a room as much as a bright light bulb. Cut your consumption by 600 calories per day and you'll lose a pound of fat every week. Most diet experts consider that a reasonable goal. Don't drop below 1,000 calories per day, or you might get lethargic. But at 1,400 calories per day, you can easily maintain an active life.
Anybody can lose weight. Energy is conserved. Just stop scratching that itch. Of course, you'll have to sacrifice instant gratification. Is it worth it? You decide. Food is delicious and cheap. Like Fat Bastard and most other Americans you might reasonably choose to take advantage of this unique historical circumstance, and decide to be fat.
@Mr. Science
You are way out of line on your daily calorie recommendations. I think you left out a 0? Because 20,000 calories per day would seem about normal for most people.
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, need a chicken fried steak
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, and ten pounds of pound cake
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, bring me to a bar
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, as I gulp down a jar
Of pickled pig's feet that you keep behind the counter.
Cuz I'm not ashamed to eat whether its food out of the trash or if it's marinated flounder.
UNGH! Yeah. UNGH! Food. UNGH! Yeah! UNGH! I LIKE TO EAT!!!
Tosses the mike to himself.
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, don't eat red meat!
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, don't eat dairy!
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, don't eat white meat!
OINK OINK OINK! I am having PANCAKES FOR DINNER TONIGHT!! And a t-bone steak smothered in a black pepper and red wine sauce, with a snifter of brandy. Of course when I say steak, I mean 3 12 ounce steaks, cooked while I eat so that the next one is fresh and ready for me to eat when I get to it.
"The most a metabolic rate can very in individuals of the same age, weight and gender is 35 calories per day. That is an immutable scientific certainty."
Talk about MAKING up a statistic.
Provide a cite.
Even then there is the entire adrenal/pituitary axis, that affects hunger levels.
Try again.
"The bullshit that says there is some mysterious chemical in our food supply that is making us fat is our bunk."
You never heard of "growth hormones"?
Oddly allowed in America, OUTLAWED in EUROPE,
and guess where people are a LOT THINNER?
or how MSG is being poured into the food.
I would expect such ignorance from a teenager.
"If such a chemical exists then farmers would be giving it to livestock so that they would barely have to feed them."
They already do.
***Hormones in FoodArtificially induced hormones in animals can increase the dairy as well as meat production.***
They do have to feed them 'something' but get far higher yields.
But hey why argue with a guy that thinks he knows it all and fills up a blog with stupid innane things he thinks are "funny" like he never left junior high?
Your woeful lack of knowledge speaks for itself.
Anonymous said...
"The most a metabolic rate can very in individuals of the same age, weight and gender is 35 calories per day. That is an immutable scientific certainty."
Talk about MAKING up a statistic.
Provide a cite.
Even then there is the entire adrenal/pituitary axis, that affects hunger levels.
Try again.
"The bullshit that says there is some mysterious chemical in our food supply that is making us fat is our bunk."
You never heard of "growth hormones"?
Oddly allowed in America, OUTLAWED in EUROPE,
and guess where people are a LOT THINNER?
or how MSG is being poured into the food.
I would expect such ignorance from a teenager.
"If such a chemical exists then farmers would be giving it to livestock so that they would barely have to feed them."
They already do.
***Hormones in FoodArtificially induced hormones in animals can increase the dairy as well as meat production.***
They do have to feed them 'something' but get far higher yields.
But hey why argue with a guy that thinks he knows it all and fills up a blog with stupid innane things he thinks are "funny" like he never left junior high?
Your woeful lack of knowledge speaks for itself.
February 16, 2011 10:25 AM
How do you NAAFA pigs find enough tin fol to cover your fat ignorant heads?
Do you even know what growth hormone is and how it works? Obviously you don't. First off it cannot make people fat for can it make a human body defy the laws of physics.
There is something called human growth hormone that athletes take and they don't get fat.
Show me any credible evidence that proves human growth hormone is in the American food supply you fucking liar. You have the burden of proof you fucking retard. Sir Isaac Newton and the immutable laws of physic is all the proof it need so STFU.
You are wrong about Europe asshole. England is nearly as fat as we are as is Mexico so now go lick some yeasty cunt and while you're at it learn to spell and buy some Monostat.
Here is the fucking data you fact free lying wast of protoplasm.
Here is more data you worthless moron.
Stop lying liar. Let's see if you can redeem yourself and prove that Human Growth Hormone make people fat and secondly prove that it is in our food supply.
I additi9on to your unbridled food lust you should take up smoking if you haven't yet.
Sheesh Mr Science! Calm down. I don't like liars either but these people are not your run of the mill liars. The NAAFAIANS are delusional and pathological. They have lies so much that they don't know fact form fiction.
When I come up against a delusional liar will fattitude I ask them a series of questions with built in trip wires designed to snare liars.
The NAAFIANS can settle the calories in calories out debate one and for all. They can volunteer to be locked in a cell for 6 months and fed 2000 calories a day of the the food of their choice. If any of them don't lose weight or gain weight then they will have defied the laws of physics. We all know that that would be totally impossible and so do they and that is why they won't do it.
You might want to go on the Myth Busters site and ask them to test the "I barely eat and still gain weight myth"
NAAFA hates facts, science and proof. One of their biggest heroes is this lawyer named Paul Campos who wrote a quack book called the Obesity Myth. It's like an SNL Sarah Palin skit.
We know what would happen if a fatling were put on a feed of 2000 calories. We know who much weight they would be able to maintain and so do they. Well the ones at the top know the NAAFA lemmings are not the sharpest cheddar.
I understand your anger but it will not help. These people are sick and I don't mean that as a pejorative. They are really a sick and amoral group of sociopaths and dimwits.
I have heard that Kevin Trudeau bullshit that blames obesity on some mysterious chemical and hormones. If that were the case why aren't plants and animals suffering form obesity.
Here is what else is fucked up about NAAFA. Let's say they are right. If they could prove it with their resources they could get everyone on their side. The biggest vote is the fat vote. Why isn't anyone campaigning on this? The reason is because it is all bullshit.
I am not saying that our food supply is as pristine as it should be but they have NO proof that there are chemical additives that are making people fat. Gluttony is the cause of obesity and gluttony is merely a symptom of American society.
The other day I as at a convenience store and I wanted something to drink. The smallest fountain drink was 24 ounces. That a lot of calories. Add a couple of donuts and we are talking close to 1000. That is 1/2 of what a woman needs for the day.
Portion sizes are enormous today and somebody is eating all the food and it is not skinny people.
Fat people's obscene tastes are dictating to the food companies what is sold. If McDonalds sold only healthy food they'd be out of business because their biggest customers would go to Burger King
As to why NAAFA is a colossal fail; it's because they are a bunch of assholes. They make fat people look foolish.
Hey nice weasle changing it to HUMAN growth hormone, they give the cows *****BOVINE******** GROWTH HORMONE.
but the weasle use of the word "HUMAN"
growth hormone did not escape my attention.
Of course you had to change it [whose the liar now?] because it is EASY to prove growth hormone is used in American food
Obviously you are not interested in honest debate. This whole blog is a joke and a set-up anyhow.
The cursing also, it gets annoying. What are you trying to do prove? That psychopathy is better then being fat?
I see this website as a disinformation website, meant to discourage honest conversation about obesity, it's controlled opposition to the max, with the overwrought psychotic posts from some guy playing devil's advocate to fat hatred.
Thanks for showing me what an absolute shill you are.
You are far more nasty then NAAFA could ever dream of being.
The dieting has failed MR. Genius. Odd how you play puritanical advocate for food restriction with the anti-God, pro-promiscuity posts on this blog too, more contradictions there too by the way. 2000 calories a day sounds fine to me but why are you a better person if you are thin on it, and someone else is NOT?
Actually your moral shortcomings are here for us all to see in shining narcisstic junior high schooler glory.
@ Belly Boy,
Normally my fine uber fatling I respond with a boom shakka lakka rap but instead I will response with a haiku. He let flee a fart and dropped a deuce the final pleasure in a meal well eaten.
On a serious note BB; I will be doing an article on Toyota's I-Wheelchair. Check one out on You Tube and give me your thoughts.
I really like it BUT I can think of many improvements.
Anonymous said...
Hey nice weasle changing it to HUMAN growth hormone, they give the cows *****BOVINE******** GROWTH HORMONE.
but the weasle use of the word "HUMAN"
growth hormone did not escape my attention.
Of course you had to change it [whose the liar now?] because it is EASY to prove growth hormone is used in American food
Obviously you are not interested in honest debate. This whole blog is a joke and a set-up anyhow.
The cursing also, it gets annoying. What are you trying to do prove? That psychopathy is better then being fat?
I see this website as a disinformation website, meant to discourage honest conversation about obesity, it's controlled opposition to the max, with the overwrought psychotic posts from some guy playing devil's advocate to fat hatred.
Thanks for showing me what an absolute shill you are.
You are far more nasty then NAAFA could ever dream of being.
The dieting has failed MR. Genius. Odd how you play puritanical advocate for food restriction with the anti-God, pro-promiscuity posts on this blog too, more contradictions there too by the way. 2000 calories a day sounds fine to me but why are you a better person if you are thin on it, and someone else is NOT?
Actually your moral shortcomings are here for us all to see in shining narcisstic junior high schooler glory.
I will take this point by point. Growth hormones are specific to species. The hormones that make cows grow won't make humans grow. Mr Sceince asked you to show proof that any sort of growth hormone is used in agricultural production and you did not answer with proof. He also asked for proof that growth hormone cause obesity and you did no answer. You lied on both counts. Your NAAFA shit may work on the media but it will not work here. We at Bigger Fatter Blog investigate.
If you have any fact then you are free to present them but so far your posts have been FACT FREE. You should work for Sarah Palin as a speech writer.
Your characterization of Bigger Fatter Blog is simply your fact free and biased opinion. I will not fall for your strawman arguments and your red herring unless you have some tartar sauce and some big steak fries.
You are now crying foul because you got your ass kicked by my people.
This debate was supposed to be about the failures of the old obsolete FA movement. You tossed out some red herrings in the form of misinformation and my readers kicked the shit out of you factually so now you are crying no fair. You got PWNED!
The reason you did not stay on point about the failure of NAAFA and the NAAFA dogma is because you know that NAAFA = FAIL. You simply lack the honesty to admit.
Pull all the irrelevant off topic shit out of your ass that you want and my peeps with pounce all over it and kick your ass AND my really heavy hitters ie Dr Gerald "Teddy" Bear and Rev BLA are sitting on the sidelines eating buttery popcorn and laughing their fat asses off. You are just a snack for them. They have pieces of liars like you in their stools.
Greetins and salutations form the Chef,
For those fine folks on this fine Bigger Fatter Blog who are not familiar with The Chef this introduction is in order.
The Chef is a big man with a a big appetite who ain't makin no apologies for it. The Chef loves the ladies and the ladies love the Chef. The Chef like his ladies like he like his steaks... a little on the thick side but he ain't got no wood for them SSBBW's God Bless em.
The Chef feels qualified to be discussin this here topic seein as how the Chef has been cheffin for many years and has a degree in culinary nutrition.
The Chef is familiar with USDA standard and meat and poultry sold in the US of A is relatively free of hormones and chemical additives. All meat has some hormones in because all livin things got hormones. The Chef like to make sweet love fine ladies and the hor,ones you will find at the Chefs are them whore moans of the fine ladies he Chef makes sweet love to.
Anonymous complained that there was some anti God talk by some of the commentators on this fine blog. That is called freedom of speech. The Chef is good Christian man but he respect the beliefs and non beliefs of others. As Fat Bastard has pointed out his NEW fat acceptance movement accepts folk of all sizes, race, creeds and colors. Atheists and even Satanists are all welcome in the NEW fat acceptance.
Anonymous whined like a furtrated lesbian about the sexual nature of some of the postins of commentators on Bigger Fatter Blog. Fat folks are very sexual. The biggest sluts goin are fat girls. Fat girls, especially the White ones, are very horny and that is why a man like the Chef, a man of color and a colorful man has so many fat white girls wantin him to pork them. Ghetto Kid, a younger man of color also enjoys porkin BBW's and SSBBWW's. Ain't nothin wrong with that.
When you see a mixed couple more often than not it's a skinny with a White BBW and very often that skinny brotha ain't no BMW (Black Man Workin) but that don't make no never mind to a White BBW so long as that Nigga can really throw the dick and as we all know and as Tupac Shakur so aptly put it skinny Niggas can really throw the dick. A skinny Nigga at a NAAFA convention nearly as popular as the all you can eat buffet and far more popular than our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. He would not approve of the goins on at NAAFA orgies.
This brings the Chef to a point about the failure that is and has been NAAFA. The Chef is jolly fat man and like our Lord he is slow to anger but when them NAAFA sows compare their struggles with the struggles of Black folk or the Jews, The Chef does get a bit riled cause any comparison of the those groups is beyond ridiculous to the pint it would be offensive if them NAAFA girls weren't so dumb.
They ain't gonna lynch no fat folks and they got ropes strong enough.
They ain't gonna tell fat folks what toilet the can be usin but they are making bigger toilet for us fat folks that accommodate our greater fecal volume.
Us Fat folks is gettin super size everything. We gettin plenty of accommodations and why wouldn't we... after all we ARE the MAJORITY!
Crazy women are the best in bed. When I am at a NAAFA convention the plan is this; Find em, Feed em, Fuck em and forget em.
Whether we called the suite we rented the Pig Pen or the Feed Lot it was always the same thing. None of us ever took these bitches seriously because they were just to nuts. It was the old college frat game of hoggin only a whole lot easier.
Ive been eatin 1200 cals and exorcizing for months now an cant loose the weight. I watch everything I put in my belly. Im obsessed with gettin thin but nothings working. Im glad I found this site cause your right it really is my fault that I cant get skinny. Im so tired of being made fun of. My sister eats anything she wants & never gets fat! I think I will try 1000 cals or may be 800 cause I want so so so so bad to be pretty. IDK but thanx for the tough luv.
Anonymous said...
Ive been eatin 1200 cals and exorcizing for months now an cant loose the weight. I watch everything I put in my belly. Im obsessed with gettin thin but nothings working. Im glad I found this site cause your right it really is my fault that I cant get skinny. Im so tired of being made fun of. My sister eats anything she wants & never gets fat! I think I will try 1000 cals or may be 800 cause I want so so so so bad to be pretty. IDK but thanx for the tough luv.
February 17, 2011 7:06 AM
HEY EVERYBODY! It' is me, Belly Boy!!
So I have reviewed the Toyota wheelchair device, and I must comment that it is far too small for someone of my size. They need to be built to sumo size. Seriously, I could and would use two of those wheelchairs as mere roller skates!
Belly Boy,
I was thinking the same thing.
I do like the design but I would add a toilet and a microwave oven.
Belly Boy and FB fan,
I agree that the I-Wheel is too small but it is a cross between a Roll Royce and a Ferrari. They just gotta make a bigger version and Japan being a fat friendly country I am sure they will.
The medical malpractice lawyer is pretty cute. But his tie is awful. Seriously. That tie is AWFUL.
I wonder who he bills blogging time to? Maybe they could buy him a new tie?
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