In my last article I discussed the many reasons for why NAAFA and the old fat acceptance has failed to catch on with mainstream fatlings in its dismal 40+ years. NAAFA had a great start when Bill Fabrey first started NAAFA and back then NAAFA meant National Association AIDING Fat Americans. We at bigger fatter blog believe that Bill's original vision was the correct vision. Making life better for fatlings is really the only goal we should have.

Bigger Fatter Blog has expanding on Bill's vision and instead of being a political organization with a political message our message is one of fat. Aiding fat Americans means accommodating, promoting and enabling obesity and gluttony. We are modeling this movement after other successful movements such as the NAACP and the JDL. Just as Blacks are not apologists for being Blacks and Jews aer not apologists for being Jews we fatlings are not apologists for being fat and gluttonous. That is why Bigger Fatter Blog is getting more page hits than all other FA sites combined.

Big people deserve a big tent. Unlike the man hating angry narrow gate NAAFA style fat acceptance that philosophically excludes 90% of fatlings; we at Bigger Fattter Blog let in everyone. We are not anti diet, anti feederism or anti male. That alone lets in millions that NAAFA would exclude. We are anti weight loss surgery. Other than that, we are not anti anything.
Drawing by Teddy Bear of the Biggest Fattest Blog |
Gluttony is good. No one, not even MeMe Roth come up with an argument for why gluttony is not good. We want fat people to know that their gluttony is a good thing. Food kicks ass! Food is love.
One of the greatest pioneers in the new obesity/gluttony promotion movement is "Dr" Gerald "Teddy" Bear of The Biggest Fattest Blog. LINK Teddy better than anyone illustrates the joys of gluttony and obesity and is in many ways a goodwill ambassador for the new fat acceptance.
We stress the positive. Unlike the NAAFA girls there are men running this show. We aren't always on the rag bitching about something all the time. We are positive fat acceptance and people like it. It really is that simple.

NAAFA sucks
I wish I had found out about you guys before I had my intestines hacked up by doctors. If only they would have prescribed me some chicken parm, I would be so much happier right now (even though prescription strength chicken parm would probably cost like $400 a day because of the drug companies.)
I can hardly eat anymore, and it is killing me even though I lost 230 lbs, I don't feel happy because I can't go out and eat like I used to, so I just make up for it with drinks these days to dull the pain.
Our forces are starting to lose this battle, I fear that before long, we are going to be defeated.
Without the leadership of Rev. Lard Ass we are surely doomed. I can't take up the mantle that he once held, for I am too fat and too immobile. I lack the physical, mental, and emotional strength, even though I have the charisma, sex appeal, body size, body image, fattitude, attitude, latitude, gratitude, bad dudeitude, and stomach capacity TO LEAD US TO A NEW FUTURE.
I dunno what we are gonna do to win this fight, dudes. My feeding has reached frenzy purportions after I went on a 1 week fast drinking only water and vitamins. I began to crave pasta with an incredible lust, and I ate myself to maximum capacity, to the point where I thought I could not eat any more, and I still ate more after that, almost entirely carbs. I passed out shortly thereafter even though I had lots of insulin.
BELLY BOY................... OUT!!!
Blair was fat, not quite as fat as I am but he was still big at nearly 600 lbs despite his 6'8" size.
He was the spokesmodel for the Heart Attack Grill, my favorite restaurant in the world.
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, feed me fries
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, a great man dies
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, too much ground beef
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, chewed up by your teeth
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, he lived to 29
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, he was so kind!
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, I know it'll be my fate
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, as I just clean up my plate
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, nother Belly Boy Burger goes down
BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA, I'm the fattest guy in town!
I did weight watchers. it worked, but It took FOREVER. last year, a month before my best friend's wedding I wanted to lose 11 Pounds, and my mom found this diet that works fast. I lost 10 Pounds in about 20 days, and it wasn't one of them creazy low carb diets or anything. they give you this menu that you need to follow, and it menipulates your hormones, and forces your body to burn fat. here's a realy cool website I found about this diet- some girl tried this diet, and she created a blog and reported every single day untill she reached her goal weight. check it out- this diet is easy to follow and I lost the weight fast and haven't gained it back since :)
Here's a link to this girl's blog:
Sorry for the inactivity. Fat Bastard is having another health crisis. I am not at liberty to say anything else about about it at this time.
Belly Boy, as to making peace with NAAFA, I don't see it happening. NAAFA is bullshit. They are anti fat man and pretend to be anti feederism.
Before we can embrace NAAFA they have to claen up their act and stop lying. They need to endorse gluttony.
NAAFA makes fat people look stupid. They will only whine if fat camps become mandatory. We at Bigger Fatter Blog will fight like bear/pigs. All fatlings are unnited in their gluttony. We are the majority and majority rules.
NAAFA if retarded!
This page is disgusting.
Kay I hear ya. The failure of the old NAAFA style fat acceptance could turn this greedy glutton into a bulimic. Forty years of failure, fallacies and floundering make me want to vomit!
WLS Survivor said...
I wish I had found out about you guys before I had my intestines hacked up by doctors. If only they would have prescribed me some chicken parm, I would be so much happier right now (even though prescription strength chicken parm would probably cost like $400 a day because of the drug companies.)
I can hardly eat anymore, and it is killing me even though I lost 230 lbs, I don't feel happy because I can't go out and eat like I used to, so I just make up for it with drinks these days to dull the pain.
Some people were just born to be gluttons. I liken it to a person who was born to be a dancer and suddenly they lose a leg and can no longer dance. They can become hopelessly depressed.
Sadly you are no longer able to pay homage to your belly god.
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