The Failure of Size Acceptance
The following is an article written about a year ago as the author made the decision to exit totally out of size acceptance. He/She still supports the ideal of respect for fat people and fighting discrimination. Present size acceptance has lost its way totally and is not working in the best interests of those it claims to serve. Many fat people facing health problems make the decision to leave size acceptance. This includes several of his/her fat friends. Many good people still are in Size Acceptance and I admit that, we just part ways on some philosophies. The article is controversial, however after much time and thought it is the author's honest appraisal.
While some of size acceptance's ideals are sound, which include ending discrimination against fat people and advocating for their rights, the foundations of it are crumbling. Americans are getting fatter and corpulence is becoming more reviled. The love of and emphasis of the thin figure has only increased. The Size Acceptance movement as it stands now is failing.
Proud FA: I could not agree more. 99.99999999% of fatlings know that the old Fat Acceptance movement is bullshit. Because the jealous angry fat girls deny their gluttony instead of embracing it nobody can take them seriously especially fatlings who know that they're greedy gluttons.
Fat Bastard: Ditto Proud FA! The legions of lard and their beliefs have not been reflected in the NAAFA propaganda and sophistries.
Today's premier size acceptance groups are NAAFA (National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance) and ISAA (International Size Acceptance Association.) NAAFA has 4,000 members as repeatedly mentioned online. However, recent scandals and change has lowered this "official membership" substantially. Some estimate their actual membership to be around 1000 people. ISAA is much smaller and numbers in the hundreds. There is little difference in the philosophies of these groups. Many groups focus on the social angle of size and others have sprung up from the NAAFA fountainhead. When I speak of Size Acceptance from now on, these groups and their associates are the target.
Proud FA: NAAFA has been twisting in the wind for years. It's cozy relationship with Penn Computing, Dimensions Magazine and Conrad Blickenstorfer and their hypocritical condemnation of feederism and fat sexuality made everyone fat and skinny look at NAAFA and see them for the hypocrites that they are.
Fat Bastard: True Proud but it got compounded when all the angry man hating fat feminists took over and made obesity a feminist issue. Those angry fat dykes need to stick to rug munching and shut the fuck up.
The first reason that Size Acceptance has not grown is it promotes fat rather than dealing with it as simply a physical characteristic. Sometime around 1980, NAAFA changed its name from National Association to Aid Fat Americans to National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance. This was also a philosophical change not just a linguistical one.
Fat Bastard: They (the jealous angry fat girls) totally destroyed EVERYTHING Bill Fabrey started. (Bill Fabrey founded NAAFA in the 1970's)
Fat is great according to all the size acceptance minions and while the ideals of the equality of fat people deserving right and proper treatment are commendable, this belief flies in the face of scientific logic. Having fat people be happy is a positive thing, however having them smile their way through the pain of gasping for air climbing some stairs and in denial about a life limiting condition is not.
Proud FA: Immobility is not for everyone. Fat is great for fat admirers but it is not for everyone.
Fat Bastard: It's great for some people to be fat like Teddy and Belly Boy but for me and BLA it has its drawbacks ie the heart attacks and the diabetes. Nobody can argue with thte fact that gluttony is good. Gluttony rules! Food rules! Again, while it is good to embrace the fat it's better to embrace and celebrate the food and the gluttony

The big names in SA brush all health problems related to obesity right under the carpet. Anyone who surpasses the 400 lb. mark soon learns that the bikini parties with the "Padded Lilies" (an actual SA group consisting of fat, 300-400lb, synchronized swimmers), conventions and fat positive rhetoric soon rings hollow next to their scooter, sleep apnea machine and bottles of blood pressure pills. One is supposed to be healthy, happy, fat and fit. Marilyn Wann in her book Fatso points out how at 250 lbs she can climb mountains and dance for hours without exhaustion. Sadly this negates the experiences of heavier people who find even walking across a parking lot a exhausting challenge. Fat people can indeed be in better shape via exercise and decent food, but reality checks really are necessary.
Proud FA: It's about or it should be about aiding, enabling and accommodating fatlings. If medical science could create a yeast vaccine many a fat admirer would be turning cartwheels.
Fat Bastard: Not only that but we need some real science and technology. My dream is anti-gravity technology so that we fatlings could float. We would also look much fluffier.

SA publications all show fat women frolicking in swimming pools and doing aerobics. While this is good for the smaller fat person who has exceptionally good health, physical realities come crashing through for most who suffer obesity in its most severe and moderate forms. Those who find their stamina crumbling usually are ironically told to exercise more but not to lose any weight. When the first health crises arise, many leave SA for the world of university hospital diet clinics and weight loss surgery. SA is just the flipside to the world of detested weight loss schemes.
Fat Bastard: The current warped philosophy of NAAFA feeds into the crooked medical industrial party line. These deluded fatlings then end up having weight loss surgery/butchery. True fat acceptance accepts the downside of gluttony. We fatling, as "Dr" Gerald "Teddy" Bear so adroitly put it, are the Evil Kenevils of gluttony. You never heard Evil complain about the fact he broke every bone in his body twice. No way! Evil bragged about it.

Denying the fact that obesity is a disease or even disabling, size acceptance puts its head in the sand and closes the door on people who are not fat, fit and healthy. Tracy, a super-sized woman with PCOS an endocrine disorder and Ex-NAAFA member points out:
"I have in the past, held the concept of "size acceptance dear to my `heart, but at this stage, and with my health in the crisis that it is, I cannot, with a clear conscious, advocate or agree with any movement that does not address the reality of the negative health consequences of massive obesity."
Proud FA: I was guilty of judging you Fat Bastard for losing some weight and moderating your gluttony but I would rather have even a live skinny Fat Bastard than a dead super morbidly obese one. How fat one wants to be is a personal choice that we need to respect. After being with Thinnette I understand why you like those skinny ana chicks.
Fat Bastard: Proud, you bring tears to my eyes. Cut it out!
No size acceptance organization supports a cure for obesity. After all, it's all about "acceptance" and not "aiding". The people speaking for the fat are as bad as those who wish to bilk them of their wallets for worthless liquid diets. Imagine a kidney disease foundation advocating for all kidney patients to accept their condition. Fat people are told essentially."This is your lot in life, accept it." This leaves the average fat person out in the cold in general between fad diet charlatans and size acceptance advocates who tell them there only other option is to make the best of it!
Fat Bastard: We do support a cure but we do not think that cure should be mandatory. The only cure to date is CG Brady's fattitude reduction therapy and his incremental diet and lifestyle change protocol.
Logic itself is played with to relay the message. A NAAFA leader writes to a response online:
"It is my position and that of many in the movement that we need to focus on what we can do to make fat people healthy---not make fat people thin. Right now I believe that working toward making fat people healthy is a winnable battle-I do not believe making fat people thin is.
Proud FA: Those crazy NAAFA bitches are always talking shit!
This shows that acceptance and promotion of fat has become the prevailing goal of size acceptance. Obesity is to be seen as something like tallness, a normal part of a person's makeup. I wonder how a 600lb person who can barely walk is supposed to take this information.
Out of fear and justified loathing of a diet industry that has caused more harm than good to fat people, SA has taken nothing more than a reactionary position, shoving its head into the sand. Repeating mantras of "Fat people are healthy!", even amid wheelchair and oxygen bound fat people, very few are buying into the lie.
Fat Bastard: Some of us are not as sickly as others. Teddy for instance is a real stud at 5'6 and 400 pounds. Belly Boy cheerfully accepts his infirmity because the pleasure of food is worth it to him. You gotta admire that. While thinlings eat to live fatlings live to eat but why eat yourself to death in just a few years when you can live long like Teddy and enjoy your fat and gluttony? For many fatlings a power chair beats walking but there are others who want to show off that fat and throw their weight around.
The problem is the cost of demanding equal rights for fat people should not have as its price out and out lies and denial. Most Americans know of at least one friend or relative that has suffered not only social ramifications which are bad enough on their own, but also dire physical costs. After all, the public is privy to the sufferings of housebound fat people via the talk show. Many fat people outside of this world see SA as a group of extremists who have given up!
Science is discovering more facts on fat people's behalf, that many diseases "can cause" fat rather than the other way around, including PCOS, Cushings, Syndrome X and fat people have been correct about not eating like pigs. They have written research on the futility of dieting and the complex causes of obesity however, SA has walled themselves off from the scientific community!
Proud FA: Let's be honest here. Fat women are not the sharpest cheddar.
NAAFA does not support obesity research and says of it that the assumptions of obesity researchers is indeed wrongly based.and shows its own biases by writing within their official stances.
"These assumptions run contrary to the experience of most fat people which is that permanent weight loss is impossible to achieve, that dieting makes them fatter, that many of them are healthy and that valuing thinness over fatness is a cultural biases" Just the fact that some obesity researchers are invested in weight loss matters has led to this child-like refusal to even be open to dialogue.
Fat Bastard: Those jealous fat girls are really fucking stupid.

NAAFA has nothing to offer those who become sick, or disabled from being overweight. Such negative PR is swept under the table. NAAFA would not want most Americans to know that thousands live disabled due to severe obesity. Endocrine sufferers (those who become fat due to health conditions such as those with PCOS, thyroid and glandular disorders) are often left to fend for themselves. NAAFA cannot threaten their position by ever admitting that fat can be related to a disease process.
Proud FA: When I was porking fat NAAFA women it used to bother me how they passed over guys like Fat Bastard who they thought were too fat to throw the dick. While that may be true in many cases they could at least offer them a blow job. Fat girls to give the best head.
Fat Bastard: It never bothered me all that much because like the Chef says, "I ain't got no wood for them SSBBW's God bless em." Two sweaty bodies doing the nasty gets too funky for this fat boy. While the motto No Muff Too Tough may hold true for you fat admirers fat boys like me with a more sophisticated smeller and palate prefer the delicate scent of a thinling chick.
SA, has a dark side that is unknown to the public. Some leaders are indeed involved with the selling of plus size erotica. Go to any SA site and you will find many fat women selling videos and nude photos of themselves to the proverbial "FA", fat admirer, defined as a man who is attracted to fat women.
Many of the policies of the so-called fat advocacy organizations center around pleasing the FA. In some regards, the integrity of SA has been circumvented by those with other interests. The FAs have taken over! FAs who are attracted to fat, do not want a person to lose it. In fact there is even far out segment of so called "feeders" involved in SA who seek to make their significant others fatter. This has led to an emphasis on the prevailing organizations as social clubs and single meat markets rather than leaders of true help.
Proud FA: I have to disagree. The final nail in the NAAFA coffin was it public condemnation of FA and feeders. We were the only thing keeping the movement afloat. We were competition for militant fat feminist dykes who were looking for bi curious fat girls. That is what cause NAAFA's knee jerk reaction. Fat porn was empowering fat girls. Fat porn is now huge. When NAAFA conventions were feederism fests and orgies NAAFA had a LOT more members.
Size Acceptance as it now stands is a failure. A new Fat Rights organization that supports the integrity and well being of its members is needed. This could be a movement of millions rather than of a few thousand. A real difference then could be made in the lives of 74% of Americans the percentages that are considered overweight.
Fat Bastard: Everyone should not only eat like a pig but like a herd of pigs. The author is full of shit when he says that people are fat because of diseases but he is spot on when he says the NAAFA style SA movement has a failure. Gluttony is the cause of obesity and a true glutton wears his fat like a badge of honor. It goes without saying that one should not apologize for one's size but more than that, one should not apologize for one's gluttony.

This is the kind of woman the jealous fat girls want to be and fat boys like me want to see...... and bone!

Can't you all just get along?
I am going to let this comment stand. More and more people share Anon's sentiments.
Gluttony is my way of saying fuck you God for all the suffering he creates and allows. Proud FA's porking and love for sex is his way of getting pleasure to off set the pain God heaps onto so many innocent people.
God was particularly cruel to Proud FA. Proud was given up for adoption and his when he was 6 his adoptive mother died while giving birth to his little sister. A year after his father remarried he was killed in an explosion. When Proud was 16 his second adoptive mother died. Proud and his sister were put into separate foster homes.
Proud's little sister was molested by her foster father when she was 10. The only mercy Proud got is when he and his sister moved in with our family.
Proud was also molested but in his case it was by a fat woman. He doesn't see it as molestation. The woman was a social worker. After being with Thinnette he is beginning to see that it was. He now understands why he went on a 10+ year porking spree. A lot of people who are molested become promiscuous and Proud was no exception.
Proud associated comfort and protection with fat. He then gravitated to fat girls. Because he had been so cruelly treated by God and he knew that so many others get the same awful treatment he set out to give and get pleasure.
Me? I'm just a big fat greedy hedonistic glutton who likes food a little bit more than pussy.
I will be elaborating on this in my next article titled The Odyssey of Proud FA: The Making of a Fat Admirer.
Proud FA porked well over 500 fat girls. Many of them did not deserve the pleasure Proud FA gave them. Hell.. they had food! I guess I envy fat girls because they get porked a lot and they get to eat a lot whereas us fat boys don't get laid nearly enough. At least we have porn!
Good evening Fat Bastard.
As you know, I had mentioned a couple of times that when I was 17 years old, I was beaten and raped by an older man in his 40.
No, I don't believe he was homo-sexual per-say. He was most likely a straight guy who was hard up and sometimes even a straight guy will attack another guy if hard up enough.
One of the many reasons why I liked gaining weight during my teenage years and growing fatter and fatter was that eventually I became larger than all the bullies who use to push me around, and at 400 pounds, I'm about twice the weight of the largest person who ever beat up on me.
Also, after having been raped, I lost all interest in sex, and turned even more toward food for comfort.
I'm actually happy that my lower belly below the waist is starting to hang down over my shrunken penis.
I actually like being impotent and asexual. I like being unable to have erections.
That's why I hope that someday that eventually my lower belly will hang down over my thighs and down to my knees and protrude out about 3 to 4 feet in front of me.
I would love to be about 6 or 7 feet wide across my butt, wider than I am tall.
To me, food is much better than sex.
And so, i happily relinquish my manhood for a full belly.
I'd like to send Proud FA after the punk that raped you.
For me food and sex are close. If I could get laid as much as I wanted to I probably would eat less but it is much easier to get food than sex and food is nearly as good as sex for me. There are some foods like chocolate eggnog that beat sex. BUT there are some thinling chicks that can really haul my ashes. The more I think about it the more I think it's a tie.
"Not only that but we need some real science and technology. My dream is anti-gravity technology so that we fatlings could float. We would also look much fluffier." - Fat Bastard
My sister told me at our trip to Disneyworld, that she really liked The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, because when the elevator drops she can float.
If you don't have an issue with drop rides, or thrill rides, I suggest you try it or another drop ride. They really do give you a lot of air time, but also can make your stomach feel a bit funny. I really didn't consider, that those rides may be more fun for fat people because you get more air time.
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